Watch Thit Figure Growl THIS WEES 2,233 Net, Paid-in -Advance Subscriber! 2,229 LAST WEEK ftklltt *?& {Slje Maconiatt PROGRESSIVE LIBERAL INDEPENDENT VOL. LXII? NO. 14 SCHOOL BOARD EXPECTED TO MEET MONDAY Measure Appointing Five N ominated Passed By Assembly The bill appointing C. Gor don Moore, Frank Browning, Ed L.yrd, Walter Gibson, and Bob t>. Sloan as members of the Macon County board of educa tion was passed by the state senate Tuesday, and will be come law upon its formal rati fication. The measure had been passed by the house last Thursday. While no formal call for a meeting of the new board has been issued, it Is expected that i he five men named in the bill will meet Monday morning tc organize and consider the elec tion of a county superintendent of schools for the next twc years. It Is anticipated that the om nibus boards of education bill, naming the boards of educa tion in this and the other 99 counties of the state, will be ratified within a day or two ?after its passage by the senate. There is always the possibility, however, of delay, due to con gestion in the enrolling office ? where all bills passed are for mally enrolled as law. Appointments of members of the new board will not become official until the omnibus bill is enrolled for ratification. The five men appointed are those nominated in last May's Democratic primary. Mr. Moore, the present chair man, Mr. Browning, and Mr. Byrd are members of the pres ent board. Mr. Gibson and Mr. Sloan are new members. The five are appointed for two year terms, beginning Monday. Meanwhile, Representative Herbert A. McGlamery's bill re quiring the board to meet the first Monday in each month, having passed both house and senate, became law last Friday. Two other measures affecting this county have been ratified in the past few days. One is Rep. McOlamery's bill providing that money received by Macon County from the Na tional Forest Service shall be allocated pro rata to the several I county funds, beginning next I January 1. I The other is the omnibus justices of the peace measure, which appointed 13 new justices of the peace in this county for two-year terms beginning April 1. Pending in the assembly is a McGlamery bill authorizing the State Board of Education, in its discretion, to pay a damage claim filed by W. C. Ledbetter of this county. Mr. Ledbetter seeks $500 for school bus acci dent injuries. "SIDE-KICK" FOR SAUSAGE Add novelty and glamour to pork sausage links by serving this tasty accompaniment. Peel small bananas, or use medium size bananas and cut in halves crosswise. Dip in lemon juice; brown in hot sausage drippings. Serve at once, while very hot. Do You Remember . . . ? (Looking backward through the files of The Press) SO YEARS AGO THIS WEEK Wanted ? A few good bacon sides will be received on sub scriptions. W A. Jacobs has opened up a saddle and harness shop near the Hlgglns building. 25 YEARS AGO The summer school for this county begins early this year, so as to give a few weeks be tween the time school closes and the time for the county schools to open. Tom Porter, of Franklin, the ooffee man and Buick rep resentative, was in town several days this week.? Bryson City * Times. 10 YEARS AGO" Under the leadership of T. J. 0"Neil, Macon County recrea tion supervisor, and Harold N. Powell, recreation supervisor for fifth district WPA, a field meet WM held at lotto school. ?, muum OMMH.OTY*. M 9. JOHH9QH a. nmn'Mm ? Tfgjiirit tr ' $?#. OOUWMW m&BBM ' *:-yM NORTH CAROLINA State Board of Education WkV*. A. ??D, CWffl MOklM SO# XtHJGATtOM MMUIM n*unwH tcptwfetr 3, m* -V / v IMfi ' 'X MM. It. ?. FfMUMN UVVMtVtUt, H. c. A. *<*.. aHAHAW ?ANTTOTO^ jomn A-^FerroHsrr O MIMM ftAMMY MMBVUXH. ?.?. MONAOI K. VTACY Mr. W?lo?r Jonoo, Editor-Publisher TtM Franklin Pr?ss JT?oklin, Horth Qurollak ? oar Vr. J?Mii Tour liUtr of August 24, addressed to tho S tote Deport ?wat of PnWio Iastraotioa, has b?9o r?f#rm) to this offioo far reply. rer?hlp within eeafe iiWri s trativo m*. Tho *v?r*g# dolly aaabersbip for MOoon county eatltles the presoat suporlatendent to reooiro #4100. tho only faotor ohieh would ehaage this solary soh?dul? ottior than a ohaage In tho average dolly Bomber ship lo tho experience of tho superintendent. A perso? beginning ?s superintendent receives only 90 por ooat of the calory for tho first yosir, tho Seoond year, ho reoelves 92.6 por oontj tho third year, ho roeolvos 96 por ooat] tho fourth yoor, 97.6 ppr ooat i and tho fifth yoor, 100 por ooat. r Sineoroly yours, ' x '/?? CORRECTION ? On several occasions it has been said in the columns of The Press that the present salary of the Mac an County superintendent of schools is $4,209 per year. Recent ly someone questioned the correctness of that figure, and the editor referred to a letter on the subject from the State Board of Education. The re-check of the letter ? the source on which the original statement had been based ? showed that an error bad been made. The present salary is $4,100, not $4,200. The inaccuracy is regretted, and the management of The Press is glad to make this correction. Above is a photo-engraving of the letter from Mr. Reid, of the State Board of Education, which explains the set-up as regards salaries of superintendents in this and other counties. Burns Fatal .To Man, 88, Living Alone An 80-year old man who lived alone was fatally burned at his home in the Cullasaja commun ity Thursday night of last week. He was John Potts, whose clothing caught fire, it was be lieved when he attempted to start a fire. A can of oil was found burning when his screams brought help to his house. Charles Davidson, passing Mr. Potts' home about 8 o'clock Thursday night, heard the lat ter's cries, and hurried into the house. He found Mr. Potts in the kitchen, his clothing in flames. Mr. Davidson tore the blazing clothing from the old man and carried him outside, but he died within a few minutes. Mr. Potts, who had lived alone since the death of his wife about a year ago, had returned that day from a visit to Norton, and was believed had just en tered his home and set out to make a fire. Survivors include one sister, Mrs. James Houston, of Buck Creek. Although he had lived in Ma con county 49 years, Mr Polts was a native of Jackson, and funeral services were held at the Stewart cemetery in that county Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock, with the Rev. Fred Sor rells officiating. Pallbearers, all nephews, were John, Leonard, and Nichols Potts, Robert and Will Houston, and Harley Stewart. Bryant funeral home had charge of the arrangements. More Than 100 Attend Supper Of Methodists More than 100 persons, rang ing In age from eight months to 80 years, attended last Fri day evening's church supper, held In the basement of the Franklin Methodist church. Games and brief talks followed the supper, which was sponsor ed by the Men's class of the Sunday school. Highlands Bill On Sidewalk Levy Tabled In House Representative Herbert A. McGlamery's Highlands side walk-street bill has been tabled. The measure, w