Watch This Figure Grow! THIS WEXE 2,234 Net, Paid -In -Advance Subscribers , 2,234 LAST WEEK ?[!)? e held on the Public square Saturday morning, sponsored by the Woman's Society for Christian Service of the Franklin Metho dist church. MARTIN GIVEN 18 - 25 YEARS IN FLATS ROBBERY Officers Leave At Once With ^iim For Raleigh; Many Cases Handled Carl T. Martin, 24, Tuesday was sentenced to from 18 to 25 years in State prison lor the assault robbery of Weaver Cochran at the latter's store at Flats the night of last Decem ber 12. Officers left with Martin for Raleigh soon after sentence had been passed by Judge William Bobbitt, presiding over Macon superior court. The defendant has been held in jail in Bryson City since his capture in Geor gia, a short time after the rob bery. Martin, said to be part In dian, pleaded guilty to the charge. The bill of indictment charged him with robbing Mr. Cochran by force of arms and taking about $2,000. The Flats merchant struck in the head was left unconscious on the floor of his store. Witnesses testifying in the case included Mr. and Mrs. Cochran, J. H. Grant, Bruce Smith, Patrolman Pritchard Scores Of Cases Handled But Not One Reaches Jury This week's criminal court probably was the first in many years in which not a single case went to a jury. During the two days scores of cases were disposed of, but in every instance, ex cept the few cases nol pros sed, the defendant plead guilty. Smith, Jr., T. A. Sandlitt, and Wymer Cochran. Big Sum Collected In handling the criminal docket, completed Tuesday af ternoon, the court collected in fines and costs a total estimat ed by J. Clinton Brookshire, clerk of the court, at approxi mately $4,000. Most of the cases were for driving intoxicated, violations of the prohibition law, and aban donment. Judge Robbit ordered sus pended sentences of 18 months and 90 days, given Frank Raby at a previous court term for robbery, placed in effect. Banister Middleton plead guilty to involuntary manslaughter in the automobile accident death of Mack Allen Adams, and judgment was continued until the next court. For violation of the prohibi tion law, William J. Berry and Edison Hedden were fined $300 each and the costs, and were given suspended sentences of eight months. Other Fines Earl Munday was fined $100 and costs, and given a six months' suspended sentence. Fines of $50 and the costs were imposed on Monroe Wat kins, Nelson Jones, Lee Long, Clifford Hammond, and Mary Lee York, Charlie C. York *nd Mrs. Charlie C. York, indicted ? Continued on Page Seven Jones Named President Of Rotary Club R. S. (Dick i Jones, Franklin attorney, was named president of the Franklin Rotary club at the club's annual election of of ficers Wednesday night. He will succeed Harmon H. Qnuse when the new officers are Installed in July. W. W. Sloan was reelected secretary-treasurer, and Mr. Onuse, as immediate past presi dent, automatically becomes vice-president and a member of the board of directors. Elected to serve on the board of directors, in addition to the three officers, are John Alsup, H. W. Cftbe, J. C. Jacobs, and Carl S. Slagle. John B. Ray was chosen pres ident on the first ballot, but Mr. Ray, explaining that his work with the Nantahala Power and Light company will keep him out of town much of the time, Insisted that he was un able to serve. Mr. Alsup reported briefly on plans for the observance of boys' and flrta' week here April 27 to May S.