11 \ ? Highlands Highlights * MRS. H. O. STORY MRS. THOMPSON HOSTESS TO WOMAN'S AUXILIARY Mrs. H. P. P Thompson was hostess to the Woman's auxili ary of the Presbyterian church at the April meeting last week. The president, Miss Dorothea Harbison, presided. Following the business session, Mrs C. J. Anderson had charge of a pro gram on Christian education, entitled "Think!" A social hour was enjoyed and refreshments served. The May meeting will be held at the home of Mrs. W. H. Cobb and will feature the Auxiliary's birthday. Personal Mention Mr. and Mrs. Floyd L. Wide man of Palm Beach, Fla., have again leased the J. Harvey Trice home on East Main street for the season. Mr. and Mrs. Allan R Brown, of Bradenton Beach, Fla., have leased Woodbine, the small Trice cottage on East Main street. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hunt, Jr , have announced the birth of a son, Robert Homer, April 12, at the Clayton, Oa, Ma ternity home. Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Kirby, of Riverside, 111., and Mr?. A. G. Russell, of Hinsdale, 111., are ex pected to arrive Monday for a visit with Mrs. H. H. Bailey at her home on Satulah road. Miss Esther - Elliott returned home last week from a month's visit in Scarsdale, N. Y., with her sister, Mrs. Warren Cun ningham, and family, and in Philadelphia with her brother, Huger Elliott, and family Mrs Roy Baumgarner has ac cepted a position with Highlands Electric company for the sum mer. Mrs Baumgarner is the former Miss Margaret Wiley. J. B. Watkins has returned from a four months' visit with his brother in California. Dur ing his absence, Mrs. Watkins visited her daughter, Mrs. Allan Whitworth, and family in Toc coa, Ga. Gordon Otto, of Miami, Fla., arrived last week and is making some improvements at High lands manor, preparatory to opening the manor for the sea son. Don Watson, who recently un derwent an operation at the Angel hospital in Franklin for the removal of his appendix, re turned to his home here last Thursday. * Tricemont terrace is very at tractive in a new coat of white paint, atop its knoll overlooking the village. Mrs. M. H. Goode and young son will leave Friday to return to their home in New York City, following a visit with Mrs. AUCTION SALE All Household Furnishings, including Living Room Suite, Cook Stove, Heater, other items. All Farming Equipment, including Hay Rake, Mowing Machine, and other tools. Saturday Afternoon, May 3 At 1:00 O'CLOCK AT THE C. A. BRYSON HOME Eight Miles Out on the Rryscn City Road ? You can depend on your radio by following a simple rule ? HAVE IT INSPECTED EVERY SIX MONTHS. Corrections and simple adjust ments may then be made before radio enjoyment is spoiled ? and at smaller costs, too. Call us today so we may demonstrate the value of this service. Being equipped with the newest types of test equipment and plenty of radio parts, we are able to take care of all radio repairs. We give quick and efficient service. ALL WORK GUARANTEED Dean's Radio Shop IN Stewart's Electrical Appliance Store CHECK THESE VALUES! 5-Pc. Porcelain Top Metal Dinettes $69.50 5-Pc. Oak Dinettes with Leatherette Chair Seats .... $49.50 5-Pc. Native Poplar Unfinished Dinettes $49.50 5-Pc. White Enamel Breakfast Room Sets $37.50 ? ? ? ? Platform Rockers in Durable Tapestry $37.50 to $54.95 Oak Lawn Rockerless Rockers $5 50 Oak Straight Chairs $2.75 ? ? ? ? 4-Pc. Mahogany Veneer Bed Room Suites $139.75 3-Pc. Maple Finish Bed Room Suites $129.75 We also have the .above suites with Twin Beds ? ? ? ? (1) Only, George Washington Full Enamel Range $132.75 (1) Only, Six Tube. Motorola Electric Radio $51.30 ? ? ? ? Large Cedar Chests with Tray $39.50 Large Clothes Hampers $7.95 Table Lamps $6.90 to $9.50 Smoking Stands $4.95 and $5.95 Lamp Tables, End Tables, Coffee Tables $5.95 to $12.95 Wall Covering for Kitchen and Bathroom Floor Coverings for Every Room A-B Radio Batteries $7.50 Electric Hot Plates (Double) $14.75 and $16.75 Electric Irons Guaranteed 1 year $7.50 Cory Electric Coffee Makers complete ...? $12 95 Window Shades, finest grade, each $2.25 Medicine Cabinets , $5.95 AND MANY OTHER ITEMS TOO NUMEROUS TO MENTION COME IN AND SEE US HOLT FURNITURE COMPANY Phone 56 Highlands, N. C. Brothers Given Masonic Degree By Their Father _ A C. C. Palts, pa?i master of Blue Kidge Masonic Lodge No. 435, conferred the third degree upon his two sans. Clinics I. lulls and Robert L. Polls, at a regular coiii - muniiatiiiin last Friday night. To Charles E. and Rob ert L. goes the honor of be ing Uie first brothers in the history of the Highlands lodge to take the third de gree together and have it conferred by their father. This was the first time those attending had wit nessed such an event, and doubt was expressed that a similar instance could be found in the annals -of any Masonic lodge. Kernan Chosen Delegate To Catholic Gathering Col. F. W. Kernan . has been elected as a delegate from tne parish of Waynesville to attend the North Carolina Cauionc Layman's convention in Raleign on May 3 and 4. Goode's father, Cox. Ralph H. Mowbray. Mr. and Mrs. We-tervelt Tci> hune, of New Orleans, arrived last week to spend the season at "Western Farms;' on the Dii lard road. Marvin McDonald and his niece, Mrs. Charles Perry, and son, of Atlanta, spent several days last week at the McDonald summer home at the Country club. Mrs, Jack , W. Brockway is spending this week in Charles ton, S. C., going down with ivir. Brockway on his travels for the Borden Cheese company. Mr. and Mrs. J. Harvey Trice and their daughter, Mrs. Frank de Lamar, of Thomasville, Ga., arrived last Week and are spend ing some time at their cottage on East Main street before opening Tricemont for the sea son. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Veazey Rainwater, Jr., have announced the birth of a son, Charles Veazey Rainwater, III, April 19 In PEilm Beach, Fla. Mr. and Mrs. John B. West- ' brook and daughter, Virginia, who have been occupying the Brundage cottage on Martha s : Lane, have moved into their new home on the Franklin road. Mrs. O. E. Young, Miss Mary Elizabeth Young, Mrs. C. C. Potts, and Miss Sara Gilder spent Monday in Asheville on business. Miss Rose B. Johnson and Miss Sarah Ordway of Birm ingham, Ala., , have leased an apartment from Mrs. S. T. Mar ett for the season beginning June 1. Miss Johnson, who sold her summer home in Linden- l wood Park, plans to build an other here in the near future, j Mrs. E. H. Wahl returned to her home in Thomasville, Ga., Sunday, after spending several days here as the guest of Mr. and Mrs. J. Harvey Trice. Mrs. J. H. Smith, of Avon Park, Fla., and Nashville, Tenn., has been a guest at Hotel Ed wards for several days while su pervising landscape work being done at her home on Satulah mountain. In World War II the Third United States Army slashed its way in combat farther in less time than any other army in history. Accuracy means Everything Accuracy in following your doc tor^ orders is the watchword of the Rexall Pharmacist. Give him your next prescription ? for accuracy's sake I tHE Iffi'W 'Ui DRUG STORE Angel's Drug Store Roy Spee^ In Atlanta Hospital After Auto Mishap I! >y Speed, who 1 ufK red a eriouo injury in'an automobile ' -.iceidciit tit . G unV . i i (la,. Mond. y of i ..u *vc. X. '?????? I thou,;. I -t j be J iy lu., i.i.ed ! early this v. eel.. ? ? . ; I head 1^1 . ratio, i lute C.U t afternoon s.t the Ci a>.d' \.. j I ing h ispii-al : 1. A ? Sir. Speed was taken t? ' -? :.u. ; hospital. htr- -t ? an ui? on; i s r on- ::.i .. | .'iondny uir.il ;?? the- ('.cra Mon Saturday . Mrs Speed and oil' r mem7 i oers of the family, wl > h ive ' been constantly a' his bed ide, | reported int.>rv: fs pi n t> . i;> ?. ! conscioi..<:nes.; over the weei:-Uld [? ; . ? Sf Clarkson Named Delegate To Episcopal Convention At the April sapper rvv of the Episcopal Church (,i the I Incarnation; he-id at the me 1 of Mr. and jilrs.'C. D. S Clark son last Thursday night, Mr. Ciark.on .was appointed a'i a delegate to attend thr* Epis-.pal diccesan convention at All {^ntls church in Biltmorc May 13 and 14. LEGAL ADVERTISING NOTICE OF Sl'.M.VIONS IN THE SUPERIOR COURT NORTH CAROLINA MACON COUNTY I Grace Owenby Queen. Plaintiff VS Raiph Wayne Queen Defendant The defendant above named, Ralph Wayne Queen, will, iuke Master's Mo. 15 ! Automatic ! Plant Setter Price - - - - $4.25 Why Break Yrur Back when you can have one ' of these fine PLANT SETTERS? Save Time and Strength FRANKL'N j HARDWARE CO, Phone 117 Dahlia roots should be plant ed In a horizontal position from tjur to seven inches deep, with eye or sprout facing upward. Is your radio acting up? Call 21!) Adv ; <? ill i an :Vtl n cn ilieii ;-.b ) e has been commenced 111 the Superior Cjurt of Macon (' m i'y North Carolina by the pl.iintjff l ) obtain a divorce ' ! fin bed and bi nd on the! ?nuiid of wrongful abandon - !ii ii. for custody of their chil di 11. and support for herself . ii. I >: id children, and other relief; and the said defendant will further take notice that he Is required to appear before the Clerk of Superior Court In Ma con County at his office in the Courthouse in Franklin, North C arolina, on or before the 16th ('u.vj of .June, 1947 and answer ur demur to the complaint in said action, or the plaintiff will apply to the Court for the re lief demanded in the complaint. This the ?2nd day of April, 1947. J CLINTON BROOKSHIRE, Clerk Superior Court. A24 ? 4tc ? May 15 SPECIALS THIS WEEK Garden Sprayer ? 4 gals. $8.35 ea. Thermic Jug ? 1 gal. $4.45 ea. Sterne Cook Kits, complete 37c ?a. Canned Heat ? 10c ea. Western Auto Associate Store A NEW AUTOMATIC WASHER COMING SOON! \ ? . Already tried and proven by thousands of users. Deliveries expected scon. WATCH FOR DETAILS. ? ' Martin Electric Co. Macon Theatre Bldg. Phone 107 FOR MOTHER'S DAY The most wonder ful gift of all for your Mom on .Moth er's Day is a beau tiful h o u (| ti e t of flowers or a hand some, sturdy plant. Flowers have a way of expressing your deepest sentiments, si) pick up your phone now, call 234, and order from lis. WEST'S FLORIST Phc'na 234 Flowers for Every Occasion Own the one car that gives you { BIG-CAR QUALITY AT LOWEST COST ? I i in all these features... in all these ways Yes, this even bigger-looking, bolter-looking Chevrolet for 1947 is the only car that gives you BIO-CAR QUALITY AT LOWEST COST, at witness the following facts: ? It alone gives you the Big-Car performance and dependability of a Valve-in-Head Thrift-Master Engine ? in a car that has such surprisingly low cost of upkeep! ? It alone gives you the combined Big Car comfort and safety of the Knee Action Ride and Positive -Action Hydraulic Brakes ? in a car that has such remark ably low operating costsl # It alone gives you the Big-Car beauty and luxury of Body by Fisher ? in a car that stands oof as the lowest-priced in the Chev rolet field I Be wise! Place and keep your order with ut for a now 1947 Chevrolet. Own the one rar that gives you BIG-CAR QUALITY AT LOWEST COST ... in all these features, in all these waysl NEW 1947 CHEVROLET BURRELL MOTOR COMPANY Your Chevrolet Dealer Phone 123 Franklin, N. C

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