Watch Thit Fxgvrt Grow/ 2,236 Net hid Circulation 2,238 LAST WEEK 1,929 YEAR AGO THIS WEEK ttWiii Iff, ^ighlanbg Baconian PROGRESSIVE LIBERA^ INDEPENDENT VOL. LXII? NO. 19 $2-00 PER YEAR wm * ? Courtesy Atlanta Constitution MEXICO CLUB IN ATLANTA ? Members of the Mexico Club of the Franklin High school, pictured above, were photographed atop The Atlanta Counstiution building by The Constitution photographer. Made up of members of Mrs. Clinton Johnson's Sapn t ish class, the club attempted to raise enough money for a visit to Mexico, but had to substitute a sight-seeing trip to Atlanta for the hard-worked-for Mexico tour ? which they hope to make another time. The 40 students making the trip were Fredrick Corbin, Doris Dalrymple, Mary Frances Dalrymple, Mac Duncan, Sam Fulton, Howard Horsley, Betty Meadows, DoroUhy Moore, Howard Penland, Hazel Robinson, Jane Setser, Margaret Setser, Ruth West, Juanita Allen, Betty Sue Angel, Ruth Angel, Lelia Ann Cabe, Frankie Crisp, Jeanette Oochran, Mildred Dalton, Dorothy Dean, Bonnie Guy, Lucille HannaJi, Earleen Henson, Mary Ellen Higdon, Betty Jo McCoy, Maxine Roten, Audrey Stewman, Frances Thomas, Fred West, Jimmy Whittington, Joan Potts, Lyman Gregory, John Flanagan, Nancy Grant, Barbara Childers, Katherine Furr, Furman Corbin, Anne Cabe, and Anne Lyle, who was not present when the picture was made. The party made the trip in a chartered bus Wednesday of last week. Cowee Wins As Field Day Is Held Here As a climax to Boys and Girls Week, sponsored here last week by the local Rotary and Lions clubs, a field day was held Saturday at the Franklin High school athletic field. Contestants from Cowee piled up the highest number of points, with a total of 79, ac cording to John D. Alsup, who had charge of the events. Competing in approximately 34 events were entrants from four Macon County schools, Franklin, Cowee, Holly Springs, and Higdonville. In scoring the winning total, Cowee contestants captured 12 first places, three second places, and six third places. Franklin school entrants were second, with a total of 75 points gained by winning seven first places, eight second places, and 11 third places. Contestants from Higdonville scored a total of 70 points to capture third place. In amassing this total, they won ? Continued On Page Eight Do You Remember . . . ? (Looking backward through the files of The Press) 50 YEARS AGO THIS WEEK Advertisement carried in The Franklin Press for the week of April 27, 1897: "beading Paper of Western North Carolina "THE ASHVILLE CITIZEN "The weekly Citizen is the largest and best paper in the State. "Always Democratic and full of news. "$1 per year." 25 YEARS AGO Workmen have been busy for the past few days painting and decorating the interior of Dr. Smith's Drug store. The store now presents a very attractive appearance with its new coat of white paint on the ceiling and light tinted walls. Atty. Grover C. Davis, of Waynesville, was here the first of this week in the interests of his candidacy for solicitor of the twentieth district. 10 YEARS AGO The Macon County students who are attending Western Car olina Teachers college at Cullo whee met April 20 and elected officers for the remainder of this school term. The following officers were elected for the Macon county club: President, Miss Ina Henry; vice-president, Mrs. Ned Teague; secretary treasurer, Miss Blanche Vinson; reporter, Miss Mattle Brendle; social chairman, Miss Mattle Wilkes; program chairman, Mr. E. G. Crawford; program com mittee, Carl Moses, Sanford Smith, and Mrs. Herbert Angel. The following students who attended the winter quarter were members of the honor rolls: Alpha honor roll ? Norman West, Mattle Brendle; Beta hon or roll? Van Buren Carter, I. o. Crawford. LIMIT PRODUCE PEDDLING HERE Ordinance Provide# Stiff Fines; Exception Made For Local Growers An ordinance limiting ped dling in the business section of Franklin was passed by the board of aldermen at its month ly meeting Monday night. The ordinance forbids ped dling on Iotla street from Church street to Main, on Phillips street from Main to Palmer, and on Main street from Kelly's Tea room to the post office. An exception is made in the case of local farmers who wish to sell produce locally grown, but they may not park their produce trucks on the streets specified for more than an hour at a time. A penalty of $10 for the first day, and $25 for each succeed ing day is fixed by the new law. No other business of impor tance was transacted at the meeting, the last for the out going board. Col. Kernan Heads N. C. Catholic Laymen's Group Col. W. F. Kernan, of High lands, a member of St. John's parish, Waynesville, was elected state president of the North Carolina Catholic Laymen's as sociation at the first annual convention of the association in Raleigh last Sunday. Col. W. F Kernan, who re cently retired from the army and bought a farm at High lands, is regarded as a leading writer on military strategy. He is the author of "His tory of the 103rd Field Artil lery" (1933), "Defense Will Not Win the War" (1942), and "We Can Win This War" (1943). He translated "The Conduct of War" by Marshall Ferdinand Foch (1934). His latest book "A Primer for Peace Makers" will come off the press in the near future. Mrs. Kernan accompanied him to Raleigh. Huneycutt Called Away By Brother's Fatal Auto Mishap The Rev. W. Jackson Huney cutt was called to Lexington Sunday morning on account of the fatal Injury of his brother, the Rev. Willis Huneycutt, in an automobile accident near Lexington. The accident occur red about 1:30 o'clock 8unday morning, and Mr, Huneycutt died about S o'clock Monday afternoon. The Franklin minister and Mrs. Huneycutt, who accom panied him, are expected to re turn to Franklin the latter part of this week. Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Kinney and young son, Oeorge, moved here from Atlanta Tuesday, and ars occupying the new Clyde Wsst house on Bidwell street. Mr. Kinney recently was trans-, f'rrad here as forest tnglneer with the Nantahala national Itow t. Junior-Senior Banquet To Open School Finals Van Raalte Firm Delighted With Quality Of Help The Van Raalte company is delighted with the high quality of the employes it has obtained hej-e so far, T. J. Griffis, Southern person nel manager, said Wednes day. The 42 now at work adaptable and quick to have proven exceptionally learn, Mr. Griffis said. Thirty are now employed in glove making, and 12 in the 'hose mending operation which originally was begun in the Leach building. Mrs. Jeannette Elliott, having completed her train ing under Mts. Edith Wish on, has been placed in charge of mending, and Mrs. Wishon * has returned to Blue Ridge, Mr. Griffis said. Miss Catherine Leise, of Dunkirk, N. ?., is in charge of the glove making, and A1 Mirek is head machine adjuster. Mr. Mirek and his family have moved into the recently completed company house on the Van Raalte property. Plan Lockers By Fall For School Here Construction of lockers at the Franklin school, a project of the Parent-Teacher association, will be completed during the summer vacation and ready for the opening of school next fall, Principal George H. Hill report ed at Monday night's meeting of the association. The Zickgraf Hardwood Lum ber company has agreed to do nate part of the lumber, and W. T. Tlppett has offered to build the lockers, Mr. Hill said. Cost of the remainder of the lumber and Installation will be borne by the P. T. A. Other features of the meet ing, the last for this school year, Included installation of next year's officers, a ceremony conducted by Mr. Hill; reports by Mrs. Weimar Jones, presi dent, and Mrs. Allen Sller^rlce presldent, on the recent worth Carolina Congress of Parents and Teachers, in Ashevllle; and adoption of a resolution com mending Mr. Hill for his loyalty and cooperation in the work of the association this year. Officers Installed, in addition to Mrs. Jones and Mrs. Slier, are Mrs. John Bulgln, secretary, and W Emory Hunnlcutt, treasurer. Mrs. Jones reported that the Franklin association has been Issued a certificate as a stand ard parent-teacher association, and that at the Ashevllle con vention the local association was one of those listed aa having had Its reports in 100 per cent and on time. MUSIC CLUB TO MEET The Junior Music club will meet Saturday afternoon at 3 o'clock with Edith Plemmons. Parents and Interested friends are Invited. I Baccalaureate Sermon Set For Sunday Night At Theatre The Junior-Senior banquet, to be held at 7:30 Saturday evening at the Slagle memorial, will be the opening event in the 1947 commencement program of the Franklin High school, which will close with the graduation exercises May 16, when 66 will receive diplomas. The baccalaureate service, at which the Rev. C. E. Parker will deliver the sermon, will be held Sunday night at the Macon Theatre. The hour, originally announced as 8 o'clock, has been changed to 7:30. The graduation exercises are set for the same hour Friday night of next week in the high school auditorium. The banquet, at which the junior class will be host to the seniors, will open with the in vocation by the Rev. B. Hoyt Evans. Neil Mooney, junior president, will welcome the guests, and Howard Horsley will respond for the seniors. Edith Plemmons will play "Schubert's "Serenade" and George Hill, Jr., will play "Viennese Refrain, and Marjorie Moody and Freda Siler will give readings. Other Features Tommy Angel will give the senior prophecy, and Mary Frances Dalrymple will read the seniors' last will and testament. The program will close with the singing of "Auld Lang Syne". Sunday night's baccalaureate exercises will open with the processional, Verdi's March from "Aida", to be followed by the hymn, "Holy, Holy, Holy." The invocation will be by the Rev. W. Jackson Huneycutt, the Scripture reading will be by the Rev. B. Hoyt Evans, and the Rev. A. Rufus Morgan will lead in prayer. "The Lost Chord", by a girls' chorus, directed by Mrs. Helen Manning, will follow, after which Mr. Parker will deliver the baccalaureate sermon. The singing of the class song by the seniors, and the bene diction, by Mr. Huneycutt, will close the program. List Of Graduates The 66 to be graduated at the exercises Friday of next week follow: Tommy Angel, Sallie Sue Bing ham, George Blaine, Lawerence Brendle, Virginia Brookshire, Hoyt Bryson, R. W. Burnette, Wiley Cabe, John G. Cloer, Bob ? Continued On Page Eight Sheriff's Office, Minus Phone Since 20's, To Have One A telephone Is to be installed lii the sheriff's office, the first time that office has had a tel ephone since the days of the late Sheriff C. L. Ingram. At their monthly meeting Monday, the three members of the board of county commis sioners voted to have a phone put In the sheriff's office. Beer licenses were Issued to Wiley Bryson for an establish ment at Main and Palmer streets and to Ford Duvall for ? establishment at the Nanta* halt dun. Angel, Beale Win In Mayor Races Potts, Burnette, Hays, Reece, McCarty Named On Highlands Board James O. (Bucki Beale, youth ful G. I., was elected mayor of Highlands In Tuesday's four way race. Mr. Beale, who has been employed by the High lands Hardware company since his return from service in the armed forces, will succeed Wil ton H. Cobb, who was not a candidate for reelection. The six successful candidates among the 14 seeking places on the board of aldermen are: J. E. Potts, J. D. Burnette, W. A. Hays, Joseph W. Reese, Jr., and Sidney McCarty. In the race for mayor, Mr. Beale was an easy winner, hav ing polled 44 more votes than his closest competitor. The mayor's race brought out a total vote of 274. The vote stood: ' Beale, 109. J. Steve Potts, 65. L. W. Rice, Sr., 57. Louis A. Edwards, 43. In the aldermanic race, J. D. Burnette and J. E. Potts tied for high place, each having re ceived a total of 181 votes. Mr. Hays' vote was 139; that for Mr. Reese, 137; and that for Mr. McCarty, 135. Mr. Potts is the only member of the old board reelected. Harry A. Holt, the only other | member seeking reelection, stood in sixth place in the vot ing, with a count of 106. The vote received by the oth er candidates follows: E. Carlton Cleaveland, 85; E. M. Rogers, 84; W. H. Rogers, 69; T. C. Harbison, 66; George Cleaveland, 42; John Weldon Paul, 40; Claud Calloway, 30; and Paul C. Walden, 28. It is the custom in Highlands for the new mayor and board of aldermen to take office at the next regular meeting (the first Monday in the month) after the election, when the new and old officials meet together, and it was understood that that pro cedure will be followed again. Topples From Window, Dies Of Injuries John M. Morgan, 47, well known farmer and trucker of the Watauga section, died last Thursday in the Wayne County hospital, Detroit, Mich., as the result of a fall from a second story window of an apartment building there on Sunday, April 27. Mr. Morgan, accompanied by his son, Dewey, had gone to Detroit to haul the furniture and belongings of Warren Guest and family, former Macon County residents, to Franklin. Following his arrival at the apartment of the Guests, Mr. Morgan had. laid down on a couch by an open window and gone to sleep. There was no one in the apartment at the time, as his son, Dewey, had gone to visit friends in the city and Mr. and Mrs. Guest were at the home of Mrs. Guest's mother. Roger Guest, brother of War ren, after having entered the apartment, turned on the hall light and saw Mr. Morgan sleep ing on the couch. He entered another room and after about five minutes was called by the ; landlady of the apartment house, who told him that some one had Just jumped out the window. Mr. Guest immediately ran down the hall, and in pass ing the room where Mr. Morgan had been sleeping he saw that ? Continued on" Fate Elftat Burr ell To U?e Store Building Just Completed The new one-story building adjoining the Burrell Motor company will be operated by that firm, in conjunction with its automobile business, as a store specializing in boats, motors, trailers, home freezer lockers, and tires, W. C. Bar ren announced this week. The structure, built of tile and stucco, fronts 40 feet on East Main street and is 85 feet deep. Just completed, It already U in um. Burrell, Patton, Whitmire, Cabe, Fagg, And Phillips Named In Record '.ote T. W. (Tommy) Angel, Jr., nosed out two opponents to win a second term as mayor of Franklin in Tuesday's lively biennial election The contest, in which 18 sought the six seats on the board, brought out a total vote of 551 ? believed to be a re cord here. Those elected as aldermen are W. C. Burrell, Erwin Patton, Russell Cabe, E. J. Whitmire, T H. Fagg, and L. B. Phillips. Mr. Phillips was the only mem ber of the old board to seek re election. Mr. Angel, owner of Angel's drug store and a resident of west Franklin, polled 239 of the 551 votes cast. His opponents, John M. Moore and C. J. Moon ey, received 193 and 119 res pectively. In the race for aldermen, Mr. Burrell led with a vote of 337, Mr. Patton was second,, with 355; Mr. Cabe third, with 294; Mr. Whitmire fourth, with 283; while Mr. Phillips and Mr. Fagg, with 210. each, were tied for fifth place. Mr. Burrell, automobile deal er, lives on the Georgia road. Mr. Patton, service station own er and operator, makes his home on West Main street. Mr Cabe with Nantahala power and Light company, resides on Hill crest avenue, in southwest Franklin. Mr. Whitmire, voca tional agriculture teacher, lives in East Franklin. Mr. Phillips, coal dealer and service station owner, makes his home on West Main street. And Mr. Fagg, manager of the Nantahala crea mery, resides on Bidwell street. The vote given the other 12 candidates for aldermen follows: A C. Pannel, 184; R. D. Carson, 175; John Bulgin, 171; Oscar Ledford, 162; George W. Reece, 152; J. C. Crisp, 146; Ed gar J. Whitaker, 136; Hunter Calloway, 123; Prelo Dryman, 114; John Bingham, 70; Mack Franks, 62; and Wade Cunning ham, 57. The present board met Wed nesday morning, canvassed the returns, and announced the fig ures above. The new board, under the law, takes office when its members have qualified, and Mayor An gel announced Wednesday that an organization meeting prob ably will be held within the next few days. The board holds e. regular meeting every first Monday night. The law provides that the mayor shall qualify by taking the oath of office before the clerk of superior court, and the mayor then administers the oath to the aldermen. The election, though warmly contested, was carried on in a spirit of good humor, and was without incident. Otter Creek High To Present Play On Thursday Night The Otter Creek High school, which will close May 16, will present a play, "Meet My Wives", at the school next Thursday evening at 8 o'clock. The Otter Creek school has no graduating class this year. Members of the cast of the play, a farce, include Alba Yonce, Arlessa Waters, Lillian Jacobs, Nell Yonce, Roberta Roper, Edith Willis, Herbert Bateman, Wayne Deweese, How ard Douthit, Dillard Passmore, and Principal Weaver Shope. Macon Cow Leads All Guernseys In N. C. Butterfat "Gay Fairfax Patsy", eight year-old cow on the Nantahala Dairy farm here, led all North Carolina Ouernseys in the pro duction of butterfat In March, according to an announcement Just received here from the State Department of Agriculture. The announcement was based on the department's compilation of records of tests made by Its representatives. The Macon County cow pro duced 89.0 pounds of butterfat during March. Dover R. Fouts, of Burnsvllle, was here over the week-end on iNiflMM,