Watch This Figure Grow! THIS 2,239 N(t Paid Circulation 1,974 YEAR AGO THIS WEEK Ijigblanbs Haconian PROGRESSIVE LIBERAL INDEPENDENT VOL. LXII? NO. 21 FRANKLIN, N. C.. THURSDAY, MAY 22, 1947 SCOUT LEADERS FROM 4 STATES TO MEET HERE Expedition Headquarters To Be 'Hangover' On Wayah Bald Senior Boy Scout leaders from four states ? North Carolina, South Carolina, Oeorgia, and Florida ? will converge on Frank lin June 21 for a week's Senior Scout Leaders Expedition, head quarters for which will be "Camp Hangover" on Wayah Bald. Ollmer A. Jones, Franklin at torney, who is the owner of the camp, and the Nantahala Na tional forest, will be hosts to the gathering. Some 40 or 50 adults and senior Scouts are ex pected. The expedition is for the four state Regfon 6, Bgy Scouts of America, and the staff and the advisors and instructors include men high in the ranks of the Scout movement. Herbert Stuckey will be ex pedition physician. On the staff of advisors and instructors are George E. Chronic, national di rector of senior scouting; Wes H. Klusman, national director ol camping; W. A. Dobson, reg ional executive; Capt. R. L. Mc Cauley, national field commis sioner; Claude Humphreys, At lanta council director of train ing; E. W. Renshaw, supervisor of the Nantahala National for est, and J. D. Alsup, Nantahala forest administrative assistant. Hiking and training in camp ing methods will be features of ? the expedition, with emphasis on a back-to-nature program. Four From Macon To Be Graduated From Mars Hill Jeanette Harrison, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Harrison, of Franklin, Route 1, will gra duate from the Mars Hill Junior college, tomorrow (Friday) in a class of 267. Others from Macon County in the graduating class include Clyde Drake, son of Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Drake, of Franklin, Route 3, Cecil Tallent, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Tallent, of Franklin, Route 3, and Barbara Zoellner, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Zoellner of High lands. SO YEARS AGO THIS WEEK Henry Hamilton Mashburn and C. A. Ridley have our re gards for an Invitation to at tend the commencement of Wake Forest college May 24-27, 1897. The programme is a very neat one and we note that Mr. Mashburn will take the degree of Master of Arts at this com mencement. Mat Davis, Bob Davis, El Mc Connel and Sandy Monday went to Nantahala fishing Monday. 25, YEARS AGO Sealed proposals for the con struction of a brick school build ing at Franklin, North Caro lina, will be received by the school board until 12 o'clock, noon, Thursday, June 8, 1922. Each proposal shall be accom panied by a certified check In the sum of $500. . . . Plans may be obtained from the architect, Frank B. Shnpson, Raleigh, North Carolina, or from the chairman of the school board. Frank T. Smith, Chairman. 10 YEARS AGO Construction of the Dugout, heralded by its owners, L. O. Appley and Dlnty Dennis, as the super roadside tavern, was started with a large crew of laborers last week. The Dugout Is located on the Highlands Franklin federal highway, two miles from the center of High lands. The crash of a biplane, said to belong to the Joe Musleh, air circus, of Jacksonville, Florida, here Monday afternoon about 6 o'clock resulted In the almost Instant death of Harve Shiddles, 30, of Franklin, a passenger, and fatal injuries to Robert Williams, 19, of Jacksonville, ria, the pilot, who died about 0:10 o'clock Tuesday morning. Macon County Jury Trying Messer And O'Dear In Sylva v A jury of Macon County men was selected last Wed nesday to try Robert Messer, 21, of Dillsbora, and Earl O'Dear, 24, of Sylva, enlarg ed with the murder of Jack Hall, Sylva taxi driver, and his wife, Mrs. Margie Hall, April 21. Members of the jury, chosen from a special venire of 133 that reported from this county in Jackson su perior court Wednesday aft ernoon, are Harley Stanfietd, E. B Beck, W. K. Pressley, T. A. Keener, Carter Hen son, J. B. Amnions, Wiley G. Smith, Tom Gladwell, Kirk Chastain, Lee Poindexter, Youel Bradley, and Grover Angel. J. H. Cabe, Sr., was picked as a thirteenth juror. Sixty-seven names were drawn from the venire be fore the jury was chosen. The Macon veniremen, drawn from the box by the county commissioners on order of Judge William H. Bobbltt, presiding in Jack son superior court, was tak en to Sylva in three scjhool buses sent here for the pur pose. The jury was complet ed about 7:30 o'clock Wed nesday evening. Eight veniremen summon ed failed to appear and were fined $20 each. Jack Hall, stain in his taxi and robbed, was a brother of W. L. Hall, of Franklin. PLAN HIGHLANDS BRANCH OF BANK Sylva Institution Will Expand Service In Near Future Detailed plans for the open ing of a full power branch bank are now being worked out by officials of the Jackson County bank, of Sylva, it was announc ed this week by R. L. Ariail, executive vice-president of the institution. For the past 12 years the Jackson County bank has main tained only a "teller's window" at Highlands. While the exact date for the opening of the Highlands branch has not been fixed, of fice supplies for the branch bank have been ordered, and it is hoped to officially open the branch in the near future, Mr. Ariail said. Application for the change fiom "teller's window" service to a branch bank already has been approved by the State Banking department. For the time being, the new branch will occupy the old Bank of Highlands building, which is owned by the Jackson County bank, but it is hoped that a modern new bank build ing can be erected at Highlands before a great while, Mr. Ariail said. The Sylva banker also an nounced that the capital stock of the Jackson County bank ts to be increased from $50,000 to $100,000, and that $25,000 is to be spent in modernizing the bank building in Sylva. SUer Slagle Hurt In Tractor Mishap, Is Improving C. Slier Slagle, 26, son of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Slagle of Frank lin, Route 1, was seriously in jured last Friday when he fell from a tractor which he was operating on his father's farm. He received multiple fractures of the pelvis when the left rear wheel of the rubber-tired trac tor ran across the middle of his body. Mr. Biagie's rail from the trac tor was said to have been due to a jolt from the tractor, caus ed by the vehicle's crossing a small ditch. Then the speed was due to the fact that governors on the motor automatically came open when the tractor be gan to climb a slight Incline. The Jerk threw Mr. Slagle across the left rear wheel, which pull ed him down to the ground. Just prior to the accident he had unhooked a disc harrow from the tractor with which he had been working in a nearby field. He wa? taken to Angel hos pital immediately and his con dition vm wportH Thfriday as food. 65 Students Get Diplomas In High Finals Thirty boys and 35 girls, mak ing up the first 12-year gradu ation class of the Franklin High school, were presented their diplomas by County Supt. G. L. Houk in graduation exercises at the school last Friday evening. Present for the program was an audience of parents, broth ers and sisters and relatives, fellow students, and- well-wish ers that packed the auditorium to the doors. Scores stood in the side aisles and at the rear of the auditorium. . Prior to conferring the di plomas, Mr. Houk presented a cash award of $100 to Mary Frances Dalrymple, daughter of I Mr. and Mrs. Willam Dalrymple, of the Cartoogechaye commun ity. The award was offered by Dr. Furman Angel for general excellence, and the winner had not been announced until the presentation of the check. I Other awards were presented ( by Principal George H. Hill as ' follows: Valedictory, Hazel Rob inson; salutatory, Fredrick Cor bin; president of senior class, Hoyt Bryson; mathematics, Fur man Corbin ; agriculture, Hayes Gregory; home economics, Vir ginia Brookshire; citizenship, Mary Frances Dalrymple; social science, Howard Horsley; Eng lish, Marjorie Constance; ath letics, Howard Penland; science, Mac Duncan; commercial, Imo gene Moses; and a certificate for perfect attendance during the four years of high school, Elizabeth DeHart. The program opened with the seniors filing onto the stage to the March from "Aida", with Mrs. H. W. Cabe at the piano. Following the singing of "Amer ica" by the audience, the invo cation was pronounced by the Rev. B. Hoyt Evans, and Fred rick Corbin delivered the salr utatory address. A girls' chorus of about 50 voices, directed by Mrs. Helen Manning, with Mrs. Cabe at the piano, then presented "Neapoli-" tan Nights", and Mr. Hill pre sented the awards. After Mr. Houk had delivered the diplomas to the 65 gradu- i ates, Hazel Robinson gave the valedictory, and the seniors sang their class song. * Following the benediction by Mr. Evans, the seniors marched 'from the auditorium to the March from "Tannhauser", the audience remaining seated. Marshals for the commence- , ment activities were Anne Cabe, Katherine Furr, Barbara Chil ders, Ruth Angel, Maxine Roten, Ann Lyle, Juanita Allen, and Grace Tallent. , The list of those who receiv ed diplomas follows: Sallie Sue Bingham, Virginia Brookshtre, Dorothy Conley, Marjorie Constance, Blanche Crisp, Mary Frances Dalrymple, Elizabeth DeHart, Wilma Ed wards, Betty Jeanne Foster, Dessie Mae Fouts, Leah Franks, Alene Gregory, Willie Henson, Ilahka Henson, Mary Sue Jones, Dorothy Keener, Betty Leather man, Betty Ann Mashburn, Betty Meadows, Dorothy Moore, Ruth Moore, Imogene Moses, 'Betty Myers, Mary Sue Norton, | Betty Peek, Joyce Ramey, Hazel 'Rpbinson, Marie Roper, Thelma Sanders, Jane Setser, Sarah Smart, Evalee Vanhook, Irene Vinson, Geraldine Womak, Ruth West. T. W. Angel, III, George | Blaine, Lawrence Brendle, Hoyt Bryson, R. W. Burnett, Wiley ' Cabe, John G. Cloer, Bob Coch ran, Furman Corbin, Jr., Ken eth Corbin, George Crawford, 1 Lee Downs, Mac Duncan, Sam Fulton, Billy Gibson, Hayes Gregory, Wllburn Hoglen, How ard Horsley, W. J. Mason, Dav id Lee McDowell, Tommy McKay, David Moses, Byron Nichelson, James Patterson. Howard Penl&nd, J. L. Smith, Roy Smith, Harold Welch, Ken neth Welch, and Fred West. Memorial Poppy Day To Be Observed On Saturday Annual memorial poppy day will be observed here Saturday, sponsored by the local Auxili ary of the American Legion. Members of the Girls Scouts will sell popples on the streets. All the money contributed by those who wear popples Saturday, in memory of the war dead, will go to aid the wars' living vic tims, it was explained, these in clude dlMbled veterans, their families, and the families of the dead. Will Figure In Dedication BISHOP CLARE PURCELL DR. WALTER B. WEST | REV. D. P. GRANT Dr. Burnside, Veterinarian Locates Here Dr. O. H. Burnside, of Birm ingham, Ala., has located in Franklin for the practice of vet erinary medicine. Dr. Burnside, who was dis jharged from service in the armed forces earlier this month, arrived here May 15. For the present, he has opened an of fice in the Agricultural build ing, but announced that he plans to build a veterinary hos pital here, and will have his office In the veterinary hospital when it is completed. He was brought to Franklin through the efforts of the local and state farm extension offices. Graduated from Alabama Polytechnic institute at Auburn, Ala., with the degree of doctor of veterinary medicine in 1942, he engaged in practice In Butler county, In South Alabama, until 1944, when he entered the army. As an officer in the veterinary corps, he attended an army school for veterinary officers on meat and dairy hygiene, and during his subsequent service was engaged in inspection of food products of animal origin, general veterinary work, and surgery on army war dogs and horses. At present, he is a cap tain in the army veterinary oorps, reserve. Dr. Burnside said he plans to make Franklin his permanent home. $2,181 Is Allocated For Highway Work Here The State Highway and Pub lic Works commission has allo cated $2,181 for the maintenance of highways through Franklin during the fiscal year starting next July 1, Mayor T. W. Angel, Jr., has been notified. A portion of the highway fund is set aside each year for maintenance of state highways through muni cipalities, and this amount is Franklin's share. Hill Presented Gift By Franklin Teachers ?George H. Hill, who is re tiring as principal of the Franklin school, was pre sented with a handsome pen and pencil set by the teach ers of the school at a cere mony Tuesday, the dosing day of the school year. The presentation was made by William Crawford, of the faculty. It was the second gift Mr. Hill had received in connection with tftie close of sobool, students having presented him a. watch chain with knife attached at the Junior-Senior banquet. PLAN $50,000 CIVIC CENTER Highlands Legion Tells Community Meeting About Program Plans for a $50,000 combina tion Legion home and commun ity building at Highlands were outlined by members of High lands Memorial Post No. 370, American Legion, at a commun ity meeting Thursday night of last week. The meeting, held at the school theatre, was called by the post, and was the second Highlands ?community meeting held in recent months. Edward Potts, who discussed the post's program, explained tfiat the Legionnaires have sub scribed $2,500, and that It Is hoped the remainder of the money 'can be raised by the community. Subscriptions are now being sought. The building, he said, is pro posed as a living memorial to the men of Highlands township v.'bo gave their lives in the two world wars. It is designed to serve as a meeting place for the Legion and Legion auxiliary, for the Boy Scouts, and for other organizations; as a gymnasium and recreation headquarters for the youth of the area; and as a community center for business, civic, and social groups. A sketch of the proposed structure was then shown the audience. The proposal provoked lively discussion, with many members of the audience asking questions and a number indicating they plan to contribute to the fund. The group voted to hold pe riodic community meetings, under the direction of a com munity meeting boartj, and John Westbrook was elected chairman of the board. Other members are Edward Potts, Mrs. H. P. P. Thompson, W. A. Hays, and Mrs. Valentine. W. W. "Alexander, city attorn ey of Thomasville, ? Ga., and Highlands, visitor, was the guest speaker. He explained that Thomasville also is a tourist town, and gave the audience the benefit of some of Thomasville's experiences. H^ offered Highlands a single suggestion: "Plan and zone the town, now. It would be a simple matter to day. "But Highlands is going to grow. It is a national tendency for communities to grow, and for business to spread out in a town. "And someone is going to come in and disturb your pat tern of life unless you have al leady set the pattern to which he must conform." He explained that Thomas ville, a town of 12,000, Is now going through the throes of community planning and city zoning, and we are exactly 20 years too late." Geographic Editor, Seeking TVA Data, Visit* This County Frederick Slmplch, assistant editor ot the National Geo graphic magazine, who is in this region preparing an article on the TVA, spent Monday in Macon County. The Washington writer was taken by the County Agent S. W. Mendenhall to the Rabbit Creek and Cat Creek communi ties, and was shown a number ot unit test demonstration (arms In this county. Mr. Slmplch, who has travel ed all over the world, was highly complimentary of the farm methods and results he saw in this county. WILL DEDICATE IOTLA CHURCH SUNDAY AT 11 Methodist Bishop To Conduct Impressive Service The Iotla Methodist church will be dedicated by Bishop Clare Purcell in an impressive service Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. The building, the third since the organization of the church, prior to 1900, will be presented by Lawrence Ramsey, represent ing the trustees, "to be dedi cated to the glory of G9d and the service of men". Also on the program, as an nounced this week by1 the pas tor, the Rev. D. P. Grant, is Dr. Walter B. West, district super intendent, who will present Bis hop Purcell. Special musical liumbers have been prepared for the service. The church was built, Mr. Grant explained, with the help of friends of other denomina tions, and the general public is invited to be present for the service, and to bring basket lunches and participate in pic nic dinner to be spread on the p-ounds. A program also is planned for the afternoon. A crowd that will tax the church's seating capacity of about 200 is expected. Just prior to the act of dedi cation, Bishop Purcell will preach the sermon. Short talks by those who care to speak and singing are plan ned for the afternoon. Visiting singing groups will be welcom ed, Mr. Grant said. The Iotla Methodist church was organized In the latter part of the nineteenth century, and the congregation first worship ed in a frame structure, which was used until 1923. At that time a brick church was com pleted and dedicated, but In 1943 it burned. The present building, which cost approximately $8,000, was completed in 1945, and now is free of debt. It is built of tile and stucco. New pews recently were built and installed, and the' floors have just been sand ed in preparation for the dedi catory service. Mr. Grant, pastor of this and the other churches on the Franklin Methodist circuit, is now serving his third year. Trustees of the church, in addition to Mr. Ramsey, are R. L. Poindexter and J. E. Myers. Members of the board of stewards are Arbie Daves, J. C. Myers, J E. Myers, Verlin Poin dexter, J. C. Cansler, W. L. Ramsey, Miss Vera Rogers, and Miss Irene Sloan. Mrs. W. L. Ramsey Is super intendent of the Sunday school, and Miss Virginia Cansler is president of the Youth Fellow ship. Annual Meeting Of W. M. U. To Be Held Wednesday The annual assoclational meeting of the Woman's Mis sionary union will be held next Wednesday at the Ridgecrest Baptist church, starting at 10 a. m , it has been announced by Mrs. Fannie Gibson, association superintendent. Morning and afternoon ses sions will be held, with a picnic lunch to be served at noon. Prominent speakers are on both morning and afternoon pro grams. The latter will be de voted to young people's work. Miss Ruth Edwards, who Is employed by the Western Caro lina Telephone Company here, left Wednesday for East Lan sing Mich., where she will spend a week or ten days with her sister and brother-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Bryant. F ranklin SOFTBALL LEAGUE 1 Results Monday, May 19: ? Rotary, 18; Zlckgraf, 0. Nantahala Power, 33; Oilers, S. Coming Games Friday, May 23: ? Nantahala Power vs Legion. Zlckgraf vs Burrell Motor. Monday, May 26: ? Legion vs Oilers. Burrell Motor vi Rotary. Prize for thla week's game* given by Norton'* cafe.