franklin ft t, ftttO ?[!)? Ifiighlan^ Maconian I PROGRESSIVE LIBER.iL INDEPENDENT VOL. LXI1? NO. 22 FRANKLIN, N. C., THURSDAY, MAY 29, 1947 $2.00 PER YEAR TOURNG FARM AGENTS visrr MACONSECTION Rabbit Creek-Cat Creek Demonstration Area Praised By Group Headed by Dean I. O. Schaub, director of the North Carolina extension service, 70 county farm agents, on a tour, spent Monday night In Franklin, and Tuesday vLslted the Rabbit Creek-Cat Creek farm demon stration area. Dean Schaub had visited the farms in that section of the county previously, and express ed a special desire for the tour ing agents to see the area. The group told S. W. Mendenhall and D. O. Allison, Macon coun ty agent and assistant agent, respectively, who accompanied them, that the Rabbit Creek Cat Creek section was the most interesting demonstration they had seen on their trip. The TV A phosphate plant at Muscle Shoals, Ala., was the tour destination. The group was made up of agents from the southwestern and northwestern extension dis tricts of this state, and the party included L. D. Altman and O. F. McCrary, district agents for those districts. 14 Persons From Franklin Attend Lions Convention Seven members of the Frank lin Lions club, accompanied by their wives, attended the three day "Silver Jubilee' celebration of North Carolina Lions in Asheville this week. Attending from Franklin were Robert R. Gaines, president elect, and Mrs. Gaines, Mr. and Mrs. E. L. Hyde, Mr. and Mrs. B. L. McGlamery, Mr. afldMrs. Frank L. Henry, Jr., Mr. and Mrs. Claude Bolton, Mr. and Mrs. Frank B. Duncan, and Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Angel, Jr. MUSIC MEET POSTPONED Saturday's scheduled meeting of the Franklin Junior Music club has been postponed indefi nitely. 50 YEARS AGO THIS WEEK Building Notes: Dr. S. H. Lyle has about 16, 000 feet of fine lumber now in the kiln drying and will soon be ready to resume work on his new residence. J. L. Barnard has his new brick residence at the intersec tion of West Main street and Georgia street pretty well ad vanced and the workmen $re putting up the Inside work. Mr. Barnard is having a brick dairy house built near his new house that will be a neat and con venient affair. Dr. J. H. Fouts had to sus pend work on his dwelling on Iotla street on account of the burning of a kiln of lumber, but he is making arrangements for more lumber and will re sume work soon. 25 YEARS AGO Announcement is made by the Dodge brothers, Detroit, of the appointment of J. S. Conley Motor company as their dealer In this city. Mr. Conley will oc cupy the Kelly garage building on West Main street with a complete salesroom and service station. His territory includes all of Macon county. Rev. Elwood Bulgln, of Port land, Oregon, spent a few days In Franklin this week visiting his mother and other relatives. This was Rev. Bulgln's first visit to his home in about 20 years. 10 YEARS AGO Arrowood Olade, one of the major recreational developments of the Nantahala national for feit, la rapidly nearlng comple tion. In addition to the bathing, and plcnlcing facilities available to the public, an aborteum has been developed which Includes the less common trees found In the forest. More than a hundred different apeclea have been planted during the past aprlng. C.Of c. Will Seek To Raise Fund Of $1,250 The Franklin Chamber of Commerce will launch its an nual campaign (or members within the next few days, it was announced this week by President Russell E. McKelvey. The organization has a budget of $1,250, which amount will be sought in memberships. The same total was sought and rais ed last year. The fund will be used chiefly for two purposes: Advertising; and maintenance of the cham ber's Information booth. The booth has been opened, and Mrs. E. G. Crawford has been employed full-time for the season. Many inquiries, made both by mall and In person, al ready have been received, Mrs. Crawford said. Members of the committee named to conduct the member ship campaign are Treasurer Frank B. Duncan, H. W. Cabe, and T. W. Angel, Jr., and teams to solicit the memberships will be named shortly, it was said. SCHOOL FINALS AT HIGHLANDS TOOPENSUNDAY 5 To Be Given Diplomas At Graduation Program On Thursday Night Commencement exercises at Highlands school will begin Sunday night with the bacca laureate sermon by the Rev. W. T. Medlin, Jr., of Robbinsville, at 7:45 o'clock In the school auditorium. Thursday night, June 5, will be graduation night, when di plomas will be awarded by Covmty Superintendent Guy L. Hook to the following five stu dents: Reglna Burnette, William Lewis, Conley Owens, Allie Sue Price and Evelyn Phillips. Mar shall will be Arnold Keener and Victory Wood, and ushers will be Edna Norton and Dollie Wil son. Col. Ralph H. Mowbray will deliver the address to the graduating class, and the first and second honor students will depart from the traditional val edictory and salutatory ad dresses and will make speeches on timely topics. Class mascots will be Ann Rldeout and Michael Baty. The class flower Is the white rose; class colors lavender and white; and the class motto, "He who would search for pearls must dive below." Others on the Thursday night program will be Regina Bur nette, who will give the class history; Bill Lewis, the class prophecy; and Conley Owens, the class will. Rotary Starts Move To Repair Ball Field Fence The Franklin Rotary club, at its weekly meeting Wednesday night, voted to sponsor repairs of the fence around the athletic field at the school her*. William Waldroop, member of a committee appointed to in vestigate the need and make recommendations, reported that 250 feet of fence needed re building outright, and that enough material could be sal vaged from that section of the old fence to repair the remain der. The field is used in summer for public softball and baseball games, and it was pointed out that It is virtually impossible, until the fence Is repaired, to collect enough of gate receipts to pay the expenses of the teams. After considerable discussion, it was decided to propose to the sponsors of the six softball teams in the Franklin league and to the Cowee baseball team that they divide the expense of the project. Baptist Ministers Will Meet Here Next Monday The Macon County Baptist Ministers conference will be held at the First Baptist church, Franklin, next Monday, start ing at 10:36 a. m. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Hunt, of Ridgecrest, were here today (Thursday) visiting relatives, LOAN FUND IS MEMORIAL TO DEAD OF WAR 1 5 Macon Youths Aided To Get Education; Loans Available Seventeen young men from Macon County lost their lives in World War 1, and an education al trust fund, set up to aid worthy Macon County youths of succeeding generations, memor ializes those 16 who gave their lives all for their country. Though few persons seem to know that there is such a fund, in the decade or more since it was set up, the trust has made it possible for four young men r?.nd one young woman to ob tain higher education. And every penny loaned has been repaid. Today the fund has a suffi cient amount available for loan to assist two more young per sons from this county to pursue their education beyond high school, it was announced this week. To be eligible for a loan, a young man or woman must: 1. Be a descendant of a Ma con County veteran of World War 1. 2. Know the names of the 16 ? Continued On Page Eight Press Group Entertained By Franklin A score of newspaper people, on a tour of 'Western North Carolina, were guests of the Franklin chamber of commerce at a luncheon at Kelly's Tea room Sunday. The group, arriving here from Bryson City the middle of the morning, attended the 11 o'clock service at the First Baptist church prior to the luncheon. The party, made up of mem bers of the Western North Car olina Weekly Press association, also included the president and the secretary of the North Car olina Press association. At the luncheon, they were welcomed to Franklin by Rus sell E. McKelvey, president of the Franklin chamber of com merce, and brief talks were made by Herbert Peele, publish er of the Elizabeth City Daily Advance, who is president of the state press body, and Miss Beatrice Cobb, publisher of the Morganton News-Herald, who is secretary of the state associa tion. Miss Addie Mae Cooke, editor of The Cherokee Scout, Murphy, chairman of the tour committee, presided and ex pressed the appreciation of members of the party. The group, which left Ashe ville by chartered bus Saturday morning, visited the Cherokee Indian Reservation, Newfound Gap and Clingman's Dome, and spent Saturday night at Frye mont inn, Bryson City, where a banquet was held, with Mr. Peele, Miss Cobb, and B. Arp Lowrance, publisher of the | Mecklenburg Times, Charlotte, as speakers. From here, the party return ed to Asheville Sunday after noon via Highlands, Cashiers, Brevard, Pisgah Forest, and Waynesville. Others in the party were Mrs. Peele, Mrs. Lowrance, Noah Hol lowell, of the Tribune, Hender sonville, Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Price, of The News, Rutherford ton, Mr. and Mrs. Ira Armfield, of The Times, Brevard, Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Russ and daughter, Marguerite, of The Mountain eer, Waynesville, Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Gray, of The Herald, Sylva, Miss Elizabeth Whltten, of The Progress, Marion, and Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Sossamon, of The Times, Bryson City. Franklin persons attending the luncheon Included Mr. and Mrs. McKelvey and Mr. and Mrs. Weimar Jones. Food Handlers' Clinic To Be Held In Highlands A food handlers' clinic will be held at the Satulah club room in Highlands Monday at 2 p. m., it was announced this week by Mrs. R. R. Oaines. All food handlers are urged to attend the clinic, which will be con ducted by Dr. W. A. Matthews and Mrs. Oaines. A small fee will be charged for the exam ination*. OUR DEMOCRACY t>M.t MEMORIAL DAY - when all us unite to honor our country'* heroes, to recount their braue deeds and their sacrifices ~ in the spirit of solemnly rededicatin^ ourselves to the hi^h ideals o|" Our Democracy. Sunday School To Honor Woman On 90th Birthday Next Sunday morning the ^.Walnut Creek Sunday school will honor "Aunt Lizzie" Rogers by holding its 11 o'clock service at her home. The service is to be at her home in connection with her 90th birthday, which she will observe June 5. A picnic lunch will be held at noon, and in the afternoon the Rev. Arvil Swafford pastor of the Pine Grove Baptist church, will preach. "Aunt Lizzie's" recollec tions go back to the Civil War. She clearly remem bers, among other incidents, the organization of the first Sunday school in the 'Geniss section of the county. Mrs. Baty Succumbs At Highlands; Rites Thursday Funeral services for Mrs. Margaret Elizabeth Baty, 89, who died at her home at High lands Wednesday morning, were held at the home Thursday morning at 11 o'clock, with the Rev. Herman Allen officiating. Burial followed in the High lands cemetery. Mrs. Baty, who was 89, had been 111 for five weeks. The wife of J. S. Baty, she was the former Miss Vinson, of I Hendersonville, but had made her home in Highlands for a number of years. She was a member of the Highlands Bap tist church and of the Order of the Eastern Star. Survivors include three sons, the Rev. J. W. Baty, R. A Baty, and H. J. Baty, all of Highlands; one daughter, Mrs. J. E. Hicks, of Highlands, four brothers, James and Charles Vinson, both of Scaly, John Vinson, of Otto, and George Vinson, of High lands; 19 grandchildren, and 34 great-grandchildren. Pallbearers were Ronald, Rol lver, Harry, Joe, William. Ed ward, Herbert, and Sam Baty, Jr., and Bidd E. Burton. Arrangements were under the direction of Potts funeral home. C. E. HILL HERE C. E. Hill, of Oranlte, Okla., a native of the Horse Cove community of Macon County, and a printer on The Press in 1888, Is here for a visit. A neph ew of Frank Hill, of Horse Cove, he Is visiting the latter and his family. Mr. Hill recalls that when he was with the paper the pub lishers were the late F. 8. Johnston and Thomas Christy. AU type, of course, was set by hand in those days. Patton Will Be Memorial Day Speaker National Memorial Day will be observed in Highlands with a program to be held at the ball field at 11 o'clock tomorrow (Friday) morning. Judge George B. Patton, of Franklin, will be the chief speaker at the exercises, to which the general public is in vited. It will be Judge Patton's first public address in his home county since he was elected to the bench several months ago by Gov. Cherry. The program is sponsored by Highlands Memorial Post No 370, American Legion. Silo Demonstration Planned At Maxwell Farm Monday At 10 A demonstration on building and filling a sisalkraft silo at the old Maxwell farm, located on the Murphy highway, six miles from Franklin, will be held Monday at 10 a. m. The sisalkraft silo is a tem porary construction made of welded wire and sisalkraft paper which enables the farmer to solve his silage problems at a low cost, according to Paul Nave of Coble Dairy Products. The demonstration will be sponsored by the Coble com pany, and lunch will be served by the Slagle school 4-H club. Anyone desiring transportation is requested to be at the Agri cultural building by 9 a. m. One Baby Per Day Is Being Botrn In Walnut Creek Area The population of the Walnut Creek community is growing, steadily and at a consistent rate, as the fol dowing four announcements show: Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Mash burn have announced the birth of a daughter at their Walnut Creek hiome May 22. Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Hed den, of Walnut Creek, have announced the birth of a son at Angel .hospital May 23. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Stiwinter, of Walnut Creek, a daughter at Anget hospital May 24. Mr. and Mrs. Bill Berry have announced the birth of a daughter at the Walnut Creek home of Mrs. Berry's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Hedden, May 25. While this baby, the fourth in four days, was born on Walnut Creek, the parents made their borne In the Co wee section. MAJOR ISSUES FACE ALDERMEN AT NEXT MEET Appointments, W a t e i Supply, Parking Await Action The Franklin board of alder men, at Its monthly meeting Monday night, will face half a dozen major items of business. Meanwhile, on the same eve ning, the new board of alder men at Highlands will hold Its organization meeting. It is the custom there for members of the retiring board to meet with the new at the latter's first session. The Franklin board held its initial session May 14. when considerable business was trans acted. At that time, however, the board deferred until Mon day night the selection of a town clerk, the appointment of two policemen, and the naming of an electrical inspector. The latter position has been unfill ed for sometime. Members of the board, at the first meeting, agreed that per haps the most important prob-i lem before this administration is the question of obtaining ad ditional water for the town. At that time, the reservoirs were so low that residents on Harri son avenue were unable to get Water on the second floors. , A pump that was not work ing at the time has now been put back in operation, and it was reported this week that the water situation has so far im proved that car washing is be ing permitted one day this week, and it is hoped the water available for this purpose can be increased next week. With the town growing, how ever, the board members seem agreed that more water must be provided soon. Three pos siblities were suggested at the meeting a fortnight ago: Bor ing a fourth well; obtaining water from the river and in stalling a filter plant; and buy ing a watershed. The parking problem also is expected to come up again. At the last meeting members of the board discussed the advis ability of installing parking meters in the business section; and a committee was appointed to confer with the board of county commissioners on the suggestion that the county lot, between Main and Church streets, be utilized as. a produce row. 1 The board also must adopt a budget in the near future, and, on a basis of that budget, set a tax rate. It is anticipated that the tax levy will be higher than the present rate of $1.15 on the $100 valuation. The board has before it four applications for the position of town clerk. The applicants are Frank I. Murray, Mrs. Mary Frank I. Murray, Ms. Mary Louise Sherill, and Frank Leach. At the last meeting there were only two applicants for the two positions on the police force, C. D. Baird, and T. W. Phillips, the present policeman Cub Scouts Will Be Given Charter Sunday Afternoon Presentation of the pack's charter will feature a meeting of the Franklin Cub scouts Sun day afternoon at 4 o'clock at the Methodist church, it has been announced by Russell E. McKelvey, cubmaster. All members of the Lions club, which sponsors the Cubs, are especially invited for the ceremony, Mr. McKelvey said, adding that he understands the Cubs,, will challenge the men present to a baseball game, fol lowing the meeting. F ranklin SOFTBALL LEAGUE Results Friday, May 23: ? Nantahala Power, 14; Veter ans, 9. Burrell Motor, 14; Zickgraf, 10 Monday, May 26: ? Veterans, 17; Oilers, 11. Rotary, 15; Burrell, 9. Coming Games Friday, May 30: ? Zickgraf vs Veterans. Burrell vs Nantahala. Monday, June 2: ? Zickgraf vs Oilers. Nantahala vs Rotary. Prizes for Friday's games to be given by Macon County Sup ply company; for Monday'* game*, by Macon Theatre.