Watch Tkia Figure Growl 2,217 Net Raid Circulation 1*67 YEAR AGO THIS WEEK IjigWanbtf IRacotiian PROGRESSIVE LIBERAL INDEPENDENT Thia la YOUR Town Help Keep It Clean IV Trash Containers On Street VOL. LXII? NO. Z5 FRANKLIN N. C.. THURSDAY, JUNE 19, 1947 $2.00 FER YEAR MORE THAN 100 CATTLE SOLD AT STOCK AUCTION Veal Frioei Average $22.50, Cows $13.00, Steers $13.50 More than 100 cattle were placed on the auction block before a large group o f buyers by the Franklin Live Stock Auc tion at the firm's first sale held Wednesday at their newly erect ed stock pens on the Georgia road. This new firm is under the management of B. V. (Verlon) McCoy and plans to conduct similar sales each Wednesday afternoon. At this opening sale, bidding was lively, and veal calves and fat cows brought especially good prices. Top price for veal calves was $24.50 per hundred weight, with the average being $22.50; while fat cows, ready for slaughter, brought a high of $15 and av eraged $13 to $14. Steers topped at $16 and av eraged $13.50. < The top price paid for year lings was $16.50, with the aver age price being $14. A few milk cows were auctioned at a price ranging from $70 to $80. Several horses were placed on the block, but trading was slow. Mr. McCoy has obtained the services of R. A. (Bob) Patton as auctioneer for all sales. In opening the sale Mr. Pat ton stressed the fact that these sales will be conducted each week and that every effort will be made to obtain the highest price possible for all live stock brought for sale. The auctioneer also pointed out that it was ex pected that an even larger number of cattle and other live stock will be available at later sales, as many people now have their stock in pasture and do not wish to bring tt^ejn o ll the grass at this time, il'fi '? '? ' Among the chief buyers on hand for the sale were J. If. Franklin and sons, who have recently opened a modern slaughter house in this county, Ralph Bradley, Ralph Penland, L. Simmons, and Gene Bald win. Mr. Franklin was the larg est buyer of the day. PLAN ALL-DAY MEETING An all-day service Will be held a? Sloan's Chapel Sunday, starting at 10:30 a. m., with dinner to be served on the grounds at noon. Do You Remember . . . ? (Looking backward through the files of The Press) 50 YEARS AGO THIS WEEK The Board of County Com missioners was in session two days at the last term. The Board in connection with the Clerk and Register elected M. L. Kelly, J. O. Slier, and W. J. Evans as the Board of Education under the recent law. The following taxes were levied: For roads and bridges, 5 cents on the $100 and 15 cents on each poll. Spe r clal levy for Highlands town kship, 10 cents on the $100 and 30 cents on the poll for roads. For paupers, 3 cents on the $100 j and 25 cents on the poll; for f schools, 46 cents on the poll; 20 cents on the $100 for ordi nary purposes. Special taxes 6 cents on the $100 and 18 cents of the poll. 2S YEARS AGO ' Rev. H. O. Allen, who Is con ducting revival services at the Franklin Methodist church, has | invited the members of the Board of Trade to attend the Friday evening services in a body, as the service for the eve ning will be In honor of the board. All members are request ed to meet at the office of the Board of Trade Friday evening at 8:00 o'clock. ? 8. H. Lyle, Sec. 10 YEARS AGO A very Interesting meeting of the United Daughters of Con federacy was held Monday af ternoon at the home of Mrs. J. R. Ray. The chapter gave a cash prize for the best essay written on a hero or heroine In the War Between the States. This was won by Miss Jean Moore, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Moore. The essay was a sketch of the life of her great - grandmother, Avaline Lynch Barnard. Whitmire Heads N. C. Association Of Ag. Teachers I E. J. Whitmire, vocational agriculture teacher in the Franklin High school, has been elected president of the North Carolina Associa tion of Agriculture Teach ers. Mr. Whitmire was chosen at a meeting of (|he asso ciation in Raleigh last week. The meeting was' held in connectiin with the annual State college short course for agriculture teachers, which Mr. Whitmire attend ed. SAME TAX RATE! NEXT YEAR SEEN! Board of Commissioners j Tc A<*opt Budget, Fix Levy July 7 Next year's county-wide tax rate probably will be the same as th'.s year's, Chairman W E. (Gene) Baldwin, of the board J of county commissioners said this week. The present rate is $1.10 per hundred dollars' valuation. While there will be slight in creases in some items of ex pense, Mr. Baldwin said the board expects to be able tfl meet 1 its budget without any increase in the tax rate. The board, at Its regular ' meeting Monday, July 7, will adopt a budget for the fiscal ' year starting July 1 and fix a rate. Mrs. McKee To Be Speaker At Zone Meet At Mt. Zicti Mrs. E. L. McKee, of Sylva, will be the chief speaker at a meeting of the Macon County zone, , Woman's' -Sftfel^Efes for Christian Service, Wednesday of next week. The zone comprises the societies of all the Metho dist churches In this county. The session will get under way at 10:30 a. m. and Mrs. McKee will speak during the morning. In the afternoon, Mrs. W. W. Jones, of Waynesville, district secretary of children's work, will meet with the local child ren's work secretaries,. All the ladies from churches, throughout the county are in vited. Each person attending is asked to bring one dish, and a "pot luck" lunch will be ser ved at noon. Fence Around Athletic Field Is > Now Finished ? i The athletic field at the school here Is now fenced, Wil- i 11am Waldroop, member of a Rotary club committee on the i project, reported at Wednesday ; night's meeting of the club. About 400 feet of new fence 1 has been built, at a total cost i of approximately $140, and the i remainder of the fence has been i repaired. The Rotarians took the initia tive in the work. It Is under stood that sponsors of the var ious teams in the softb&ll league, which use the field, will share the expense with the club. Swmming, Golf, Tennis At Lodge Open To Public The Franklin Lodge and Golf Course opened for its fourteenth season- this week under the management of Major and Mrs. J. F. Carmack. Major Carmack said that the swimming, tennis and golf fa cilities would be open to the public. He added that he had obtain ed the services of Dick Mehhrof, Tulane university student and veteran of four years' naval service, as life guard. Mr. Mehhrof will also give swimming lessons for beginners, Intermediates, and advanced groups He has served as a swimming Instructor In both the navy, and In several boys' camps prior to the war. PLAN BOX SUPPER A box supper will be held tomorrow (Friday) night at 8 o'clock at Carson's Chapel Meth odist church as a benefit for the Boy Scouts and the Oolden Cross orphanage fund. WATER SAFETY PROGRAM WILL START JULY 14 Swimming Instructors' Course To Be Given By Red Cross A swimming Instructors' class will be conducted here by the Red Cross July 14-25, with James Davis, special field rep resentative, in charge, It was announced Tuesday night at a meeting of the executive oOm mlttee of the Macon County Red Cross chapter. The Rev Charles E. Parker, chapter chairman, al so announced the appointment of James Hauser as water saf ety chairman. Mr. Davis, who will come here ! to teach the course, made a record, a few years ago, in com petitive swimming During the war, he served as an officer in the navy. > I1 The class for Instructors will I be the first phase in a county wide water safety program plan ned by the Red Cross. The course will be open, without charge, to any person 18 years of age or older, who can swim. Its purpose is to prepare in structors to teach boys and girls in this county how to swim, j ? Classes for the youngsters are ' planned later this season. Per sons interested in taking the j Instructors' course are asked to notify Mr. Hauser, Mrs. Mary Jo : Sloan, home service secretary, or any member of the executive , committee. The classes will be conducted 1 at Arrowood Olade and Cliff side, the swimming facilities of which have been made avail able by officials of the Nanta- . hala National forest. ' Another feature of the exe :utive committee's meeting was i report by S. C. Russell, of Highlands, on the recent na tional Red Cross convention in Cleveland, Ohio. Mr. Russell at tended the convention as the repvsentative of the Macon County chapter, and gave mem bers of the committee an in teresting account of the con tention's highlights. W. D. Dibbrell, general field representative for this Red Cross area, with headquarters in At lanta, attended the committee rneeting. 38 Boys, Girls j Attend 7-Day ; S. S. Meeting Thirty-eight boys and girls 1 from six union Sunday schools in Macon County returned Mon day from a week's American ( Sunday School union Bible con- , (erence at Lake Louise confer snce grounds, Toccoa, Oa. , Highlights of the gathering, , designed to give rural young ] people from union Sunday . schools a week of Christian j leadership training, Bible study, j evangelism, and recreation, In cluded participation in a broad- ? cast over Toccoa's Radio Station WRLC and a guided tour of the ! LeTourneau company's factory and offices in Toccoa. The group sang over the ra- . dio, and Loralne Angel, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Angel, sang "Fairest Lord Jesus", as a ' solo. Members of the Macon Coun- ? ty group, headed by the Rev. ' and Mrs. R. H. Hull, were: Bobby Norris, Margauriettc Smart, Clyde Quest, Mattle Jo Guest, Clyde Houston, Roy Brooks, Frances Corbin, Marga ret Thomas, Kenneth McCall, Howard Ouest, Kelly Moses, and Clyde Norton, from Sloan's Chapel; Iris Long, Kathryn Long, Freda Tallent, George Phillips, Larry Phillips, Louise Ray, Arlene Ray, Martha Jones, Charles Russell, Chris tine Tilson, Loraine Angel, Bobby Mason, Billy Mason, and Dixie Nell Myers, from Friend ship Tabernacle; Carolyn Bry son, Edwlna Bryson, Ruth Le qulre, Kenneth Clark, and Sally Grant, from Salem; Jack Hed den, and Richard Mashburn, from Walnut Creek; Tracy Tal lent, Fred Stewart, and Nell Baldwin from River Bend; and Juanita Evans and Helen Evans, from Olive Hill. ? The output of chicks by North Carolina commercial hatcheries last year totaled ap proximately 15,100,000. Women May Serve As Jurors At Next Macon Court Term When Macon Superior court convenes In August, women may oe drawn for duty on the granu or petit juries ? for the first ' time in the county's history. The board of county com missioners this week completed the selection of the jury list from which jurors will be drawn during the next two years, and among the names placed in the box are those of women. The names came chiefly from the tax books, and it is esti mated that about one out of 20 of the little typewritten slips placed in the jury box bears the name of a woman. The action of the commis sioners is in compliance with a state constitutional amend ment, providing for women to serve on juries, adopted in last November's general, and with an act of the 1947 general as sembly. Names of some Negroes also were placed in the jury box, as required by a decision of the U. S. supreme court. This, how ever, was not the first time Negroes were included in a jury ; list here. The selection of new names to be placed in this county's i jury box, begun by the com- i missioners at their regular i meeting June 2, was complet- | ed at a session Monday of this week. As the commissioners ap- ? proved and read a name, it was i typed by Lake V. Shope, secre- 1 tary to the board, and the type- : written page later was cut into ; slips, each bearing one name, i These slips then were placed In the bo*. From this box, jury lists of 55 will be drawn by a child at the direction of the commissioners prior to each couri term, and from the lists drawn by the commissioners Jurors themselves will be drawn at the opening of court. The legislative act requiring the drawing of a new jury list provides that "the boards ol county commissioners of the several counties shall cause their clerks to lay before them the tax returns for the pre ceding year . . . and a list 01 names of persons who do not appear upon the tax lists, who are residents of the county anu over 21 years of age, from which list the board of county com missioners . . . shall select the names of such persons . . . who are of good moral character and have sufficient intelligence to serve as members of grand and petit juries". The act also provides that "in the event a jury is composed of men and women, the court may, in its discretion, appoint" one male and one female officer to have charge of the jury "and permit the members of the jury 9f opposite sexes to be provid ed separate rooming accommo dations when not actually en gaged in deliberations". The law also provides that a woman drawn for jury duty may be .excused in the event she is ill, is needed at home to care for children under 12 years of age, or is needed by a member of her family who is ill. Mountain Bloisoms, Now At Height, Large And Brilliant Despite late frosts and a dry spring, the azalea and chodo iendrum on the surrounding mountainsides are now in full aloom. While there is not the profusion of blossoms sometimes found, the blooms this year are arger in size and more bril iant in color. Sightseers who traveled to ?he top of Wayah Bald last week, many of them natives of this section, remarked that they lad seldom seen a more bril iant floral display. ? Among the* mac y places which will still be tit* their' height, this week-end is the peak of Wayah, ^far-famed for its beauty, especially at this season of the I'ear. MRS. ARRY WEST rAKENBYDEATH Funeral services were held at I the Franklin Baptist church ruesday afternoon at 2:30 yclock for Mrs. Arry Pressley West, of Franklin, Route 1, with the Rev. D. P. Grant and the Rev. W. Jackson Huneycutt of ficiating. Burial followed im mediately after in the Frank tin cemetery. Pallbearers were Bob West, Don West, Dee Frye, Bert Fer guson, Edwin Wallace, and Billy Wallace. Following a brief illness, Mrs. West died at Angel hospital, ruesday night. Mrs. West, the former Miss Arry Pressley, was born June 14, 1910 in Jackson county, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Pressley. She was a member of the Baptist church and had liv ed in Macon county most of her life. She married Olen West of this county in February, 1946. Surviving are her husband; a one-week old daughter, Marion Dixon; her mother, Mrs. W. R. Pressley; six sisters, Mrs. Mae Bumgarner, of Cullowhee, Mrs. Martha Brendle, of Cullowhee, Mrs. Ethel Mlncey, of Dillsboro, Mrs. Laura Belle Dowdle, of Franklin, Route 2, Mrs. Annie Lou Greene, of Franklin, Route 1, and Miss Betty Lee Pressley, of Franklin, Route 1; three brothers, J. Z. Pressley, of De troit, Mich., E. C. Pressley, of Dillsboro, and Bill Pressley, of Franklin, Route 1. Bryant funeral home was In charge of arrangements. 95t!h Birthday Marked By Hill At Horse Cove Home Frank H. Hill, widely known Macon County resident, cele brated hia 95th birthday anni versary quietly at his home In Horse Core valley Saturday, Jun? 14. HIGH SCOUTING OFFICIALS HERE Adult Leaders From Area To Spend Week On Wayali Camping Wes H. Klusman, of New York City, national director of camping, Boy 8couts of Amer ica, and Herbert Stuckey, of At lanta, deputy Scout executive for the southeastern region, ar rived in Franklin Wednesday to prepare for the Senior Scout Leaders' Expedition to be held on Wayah Bald. The expedition, which is the nature of an experiment, will get under way Saturday and continue for one week. ?Head quarters will be "Camp Hang over", which has been made available to the Scout leaders by its owner, Gilmer A. Jones, , but the men will spend much of their time on the trail and I participating in various types of camping. About 25 adult Scout leaders, chiefly from four south eastern states, are expected. The group will be made up of men of varied Interests and backgrounds, Mr. Stuckey told the Rotary club at its meeting Wednesday evening. Among them, for instance, will be a big game hunter from New York state and a circuit court judge from Georgia. Thfe purpose Of the expedition is to develop the ? best methods and techniques in camping, with a view to passing on these improvements in meth ods to the Boy Scouts through out the country. "Scouting In any community is as good, or as bad, as the community deserves", Mr. Klus- . man told the Rotarians, as he stressed the idea that the troop , belongs to the community, and it is for the community to de termine how effective it is. He pointed out that less than orte-half of one per cent of the leadership in Scouting is em ployed, the 99i4 per cent being volunteer work. Emphasizing the democracy of the Scout movement, Mr. Klus man told how Scouting disap peared or went underground in European countries that came tinder the domination of the Nazis. The vitality of Scouting has been proved since the war, he added, by the great resur gence of the movement in those countries.' In Belgium today, for example, there are three times as many Boy Scouts as there were before the war, he said. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ray are back at home again after sever al months' visit with their daughter, Mrs. Clint May, and , Mr. May and two children in jthe Nantshala Motion. TWO FILTERING UNITS ARRIVE. TO BE TESTED To Pump Water From Creek On Murphy Road To Boost Supply The two mobile filtering units, bought by .town officials from government surplus to boost Franklin's inadequate water sup ply, arrived and will be tested this week. It was announced Thursday. As soon as they test satisfac torily, they will be put to work pumping stream water into the mains of the town water system, it was added. Present plans call for at taching them to the main at a point near the entrance to the Crawford farm, on the Murphy road, and pumping the water from the creek there. The water there, being clearer than far ther down the creek, or than river water, will be easier to filter, it was pointed out. Meanwhile, the water level in the reservoirs is somewhat high er than it was a week ago, it was said, presumably due to :onservatlon measures. Auto nobile washing is not being per mitted, and too water users hate been asked not to use lawn ind garden hose. The mobile units, which are mounted on GMC trucks, also provide for chlorination, and ?wn officials explained that he project will have to meet ;he health standards of the 3tate Board of Health. The units, obtained at Rteh nond, Va., were driven to Franklin by L. B. (Shine) Phil ips, member of the board of al iermen, and W. L. Setser. They irrived Wednesday. The two men left here Sun lay for Richmond, but found Jne of the units had been over seas and still was crated, and some delay was experienced in mcrating it and putting it in shape to drive. Each unit has a maximum :apaclty of 75 gallons per mln ite. I. L. Palmer Reenlists; uouple Goes To Sumter Mr. and Mrs. John Lyle Palm ;r left Monday for Shaw field it Sumter, S. C., where Mr. 'aimer, who recently reenlisted n the United States army air orces, will be stationed. Prior 0 his re-entry into the armed lorces, Mr. Palmer served as nanager of Stewart's Electrical Vppliance store, in which he vas a partner. Woman's Society To Hold Rummage Sale Saturday The Woman's Society for Christian Service of the Mount 5ion Methodist church will hold 1 rummage sale on the Public square Saturday afternoon, starting about noon. The pur pose of the sale is to raise funds vith which to purchase porch ind yard furniture for the Mount Zlon parsonage. John Edwards Serving Aboard USS Bausell John W. Edwards, 20, seaman first class, son of Mrs. Thelma Edwards, of Franklin, is serving aboard the destroyer USS Bau sell. The Bausell, part of Task Force 51, participated In the Maritime day celebration along with the battleship USS Iowa, four crusiers, 11 destroyers, and an aircraft carrier. Fourth Sunday Singing To Be Held At Bethel The Fourth Sunday singing convention will be held at Beth el Methodist church June 22. starting at 1:30 p. m. Pritchard Russell, who will be in charge, emphasized that the public is F ranklin SOFTBALL LEAGUE Results Friday, June 13: ? All games rained out. Monday, June 16: ? Veterans, 34; NP&L Co., 0. Rotary, 24; Zlckgraf, 8. Coming Game* Friday, June 20: ? Oilers vs NP&L Co. Rotary vs Burrell. Monday, June 23:? NPltL Co. vs Burrell. OUsri vi Veterans.

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