Watch This Figure Qrvto! 2,218 Net Paid Circulation 1,986 YEAR AOO THIS WEEK td the new steel helmet w*? of practical ??i The sketch labeled 1947 was made from a photograph of a soldier in the latlst outfit. ?> lih l-attk- ticket and cverseas cap. The color is "O.D. 33", a shade of olive drab. The sketch shows a carbine, but -Vie infantryman may also cany tVe JI-I lifle and hand grenades, and among his comrades are teams trained in the use of the machine gun, the bazooka, the tommygun, automatic rifle, etc. 39 MEN FROM 5 STATESON BALD Senior Scout Expedition On Wayah Will End On Friday Thirty-nine men from five states have been participating Ln the senior scout training expedition on Way ah Bald this week. The gathering, which opened last Saturday, will close tomorrow (Friday). While "Camp Hangover", pri vate camp of Gilmer A. Jones, las been headquarters for the expedition, the men have spent i large part of the time camp ing in tents and tfaU; hilflng The purpose of the expedition a to devise and .-test cainplng ind hiking techniques and pro cures, with a view to their use. ay senior scout units in Boy Scout Region No. 6. The region jmbraces the two Carollnas, 3eorgia, and Florida. Atlanta, Raleigh, Southern Pines, Tallahassee, Fla., Griffin, 3a., Thomas ton, Ga., Macon, Ba., Spartanburg, S. C., Union, S. C., Rome, Ga., and New York City are among cities repre sented by scout leaders in at tendance. The expedition is under the direction of Herbert Stuckey, of Atlanta, deputy scout executive tor this region. Lions Hold 'Ladies' Night' At Arrowood "Ladles' Night" was observed 9y the Franklin Lions club with i picnic supper held at Arro wood Olade Monday evening. Approximately 65 persons, 35 3f them members of the club, were present (or the outing. The evening was devoted to picnicking and fun, with no tormal program held. T alley And Burnette Store In New Building The mercantile firm of Talley and Burnette, which has been located on the north side of Highlands' West Main street for the past 12 pears, moved this week to the new J. D. Burnette building, on the north side of East Main street. This new building, construct ed of concrete blocks, will furn ish a floor space of 2,500 feet on the ground floor, In addition to a basement of the same size which will be used as a ware house, according to J. D. Bur nette, owner of the new build ing and partner In the firm of Talley and Burnette. Moving of the firm's present slock was completed Thursday, and the store opened for busi ness In its new location that day. FORESTER HERE Rezln Pldgeon, of Atlanta, as sistant regional forester, was here the latter part of last week and the first of this on a functional inspection of the Nantahala National Fortrt. Thinks Stone From Blast Killed Mule; I Asks Investigation The sheriff's office Wed nesday morning received a request to investigate the death of a mule. Earie Blaine, of the Wayah section, said earlier this week the mule, kept in tbe pasture near the Blaine home, showed evidence of paralysis of the hind legs. Mr. Blaine said he examin ed the animal and found a bruise on Its back. He told the officers he believes the animal was struck and in Jurtd by a piece of stone thrown in the air by a blast at' the nearby quarry of the state highway commission. Sheriff's deputies said they found big pieces of , litAly broken stone in the pasture. They told Mr. Blaine that the matter was one to be taken up with the highway department. Capt. Patton Picked To Attend Air Tactical School i Capt. James D. Patton, son of 1 R. A. Patton, of Franklin, has been selected to attend the sec ond class of the army air tac tical school at Tyndall Field, Fla, according to an announce ment received here. Capt. Patton, who remained in the army after the war end ed, is now stationed at Panama City, Fla. The air tactical school is the basic school of the air university system. Its purpose, the an nouncement explained, is to teach the basic principles re quired by officers to success fully handle the responsibility as squadron commanders and staff duties. Upon completion of the course, Capt. Patton will be re turned to his former station at Biggs Field, Texas. Methodist Supper Set For Friday Night At 7 The F. S. Johnston Bible class will be host at this month's fellowship supper of the con gregation of the Franklin Meth odist church. The supper meet ing will be held In the church basement tomorrow (Friday) [ night at 7 o'clock. URGES TOWN BE MADE BEAUTIFUL Slagle, Back From West, Says Franklin Is Missing Chance Franklin and other commun ities in Western North Carolina are missing a big opportunity by failing to beautify their .owns, A. B. Slagle, just back from a trip to the Pacific Coast, declared in a talk at Wednes day night's meeting of the Ro tary club. Throughout the West, Mr. Slagle pointed out, the people have done wonders in making their towns attractive. Things are clean, the towns have been planned with an eye to beauty, and everywhere there are flow ers. "Here in Western North Car olina we have lots more to start with, and we're doing nothing about It. "I feel like we are failing to take advantage of our advan tages." Mr. Slagle indicated that nothing impressed him more on his trip than the way the Western towns have been beau tified, and he emphasized that Franklin, with its natural beau ty to build on, has a much bet ter opportunity to become a beautiful town than most of those he visited. In his talk, he told the Ro tarians of his trip to the con vention of Rotary International, in San Francisco. He returned from California Thursday of last week. At Wednesday night's meeting Retiring President Harmon Gnuse turned the club gavel and president's button over to R. S. Jones, whose term as president starts July 1. Forest Group Holds 3-Day Meeting Here Rangers of the Nantahala National Forest ? John Waslllk, Wayah district, George Ander son, Tusquitee district, and John Olson, Nantahala district ? Thursday completed a three day conference here with E. W. Renshaw, supervisor, and other officials. The purpose of the meeting was to discuss allot ment estimates for the fiscal year starting July 1. Next Week's Issue Of Press To Be Published Wednesday Because of the July 4 hol iday next Friday, The Frank lin Pre si and Highlands Maconian next week will go to press 24 ?hours earlier than usual. The Press ordinarily Is put In the post office at Frank lin late Thursday, and is delivered to subscribers on the rural routes Friday morning. Since there will be no mail delivery on the rural routes next Friday, rvral subscribers would not re ceive their copies of next week's paper until Saturday if the usual press time .were observed, the paper, there fore, wiH be put in the pact office next Wednesday, and will be delivered on the routes Thursday morning. Advertisers and persons who have news items for publication are requested to bear In mind that next wMk'a paper will go to press ?M day earlier than usual. Rice Containing Rat Poison Eaten; Six In Hospital , Mrs. Dessie Eller and her five children, of Titus, Towns county, Ga., are ser iously ill at Ansel clinic, suffering from poisoning re sulting from eating rice that had been contaminated with rat poison. All are expected to recover, it was said Wed nesday at the clinic, al though Mrs. Eller still is quite ill. Federal and Geor gia state officials were here Wednesday making an in vestigation of cirmuc stances surrounding the poisoning. Hill Elected Principal At Robbinsville George H. Hill, principal of the Franklin district school .for the past three years, Monday was elected as principal of the Robbinsville school. Mr. Hill has accepted the po sition, and he and his family plan to move to Robbinsville about the first of July. The transfer to Robbinsville is in the nature o'f a promotion for Mr. Hill, it is understood, since the Robbinsville school is larger than the one here. Thirty-five teachers' are employ ed there, as compared with 29 at the Franklin school. At Rob binsville, he will succeed J. D. Warrick. W. H. Finley will succeed Mr. Hill here as supervising prin cipal of the schools in this district. Mr. Finley served in that capacity from 1939 to 1942. Mr. Hill has taken an active part in the community life of Franklin. He has been active in the Lions club, during recent months has served as superin tendent of the Methodist Sun day school here, and has par ticipated in many other com munity projects. Nichols, Formerly Here, Given Post In N. M. H. B. Nichols, one-time ad ministrative assistant In . the Nantahala National Forest of fice here, has Just been pro moted to the position of Forest Service regional fiscal agent at Alberqueque, N. M , It has been learned. Mr. and Mrs. Nichols, en route for New Mexico, were here Tuesday and Wednesday visiting Mrs. Nichols' relatives. PLAN ALL-DAY SING The fifth Sunday Singing convention will meet at the courthouse Sunday morning at 10 o'clock, for an all day sing ing, it has been announced by James M. Raby, president. All singers from adjoining counties and states, as well as those in Macon County, are Invited to attend to take part. Bruce Bryant, who recently underwent an operation at Angel hospital is reported to be Improving and Is expected to tx back at work In a few days. IS $750,000 AHEAD OF LAST YEAR'S TOTAL Macon's Taxable Wealth Has Nearly Doubled In 6- Year Period For the first time in its his tory, Macon County's taxable wealth is in excess o f $10,000, 000. This year's total tax valuation will be slightly more than $10, 500,000, figures compiled this week by Lake V. Shope, county tax supervisor, show. This represents an increase of epproximately three-quarters ol a million dollars over the total of a year ago. Last year's total was $9,754,000. In terms of per centage, the county's wealth has Increased by nearly eignt per cent during the year In the past six years, the taxable wealth of the county has almost doubled. In 1941 the total was only $5,772,399. The exact total for the cur rent year (the fiscal year start ing July 1) Is not available, Mr. Shope said, since all the re turns from the North Carolina State Board of Assessment have not been received. That board fixes tax valuations of all corporations in the state. The final figure, however, will be slightly more than $10,500, 000, the tax supervisor said. The last returns from the state board are expected to be in by the last of this week, and, on a basis of the total tax val uation of the county, the board of county commissioners will prepare its budget and fix a tax rate. The board is expected to be in session most of the day Mon day, working on the county budget and discussing with members of the county board of education that body's budget. The education board prepares its own budget, but submits it to the county commissioners for approval or disapproval. The board of education mem bers also are expected to discuss with the commissioners the is suance and sale of the $400,000 in bonds voted for the purpose of building new schools. 'Lost Colony', Now 10 Years Old, Will Open Season July 4 It Isn't often that a play Is still going strong years after It was first presented to the pub lic. But North Carolina has one of its own which on July 4 will be 10 years old. It is "The Lost Colony", which next Tuesday will begin a 49 performance season in the Waterside Theatre at Fort Ral eigh, three miles north of Man teo. This record is all the more remarkable for the fact that when Paul Green's symphonic drama opened on July 4, 1937, it was Intended as a more or less local, one-season commemo ration of the events which oc curred at Fort Raleigh ? the first British attempts to colonize the New World, and the birth of Virginia Dare, the first English child born In America. Plan All-Day Service At Tabernacle Sunday An all-day service will be held at Friendship Tabernacle Sun day beginning at 10 a. m., with dinner to be served on the grounds at noon. A children's day program will be held in the afternoon. F ranklin SOFTBALL LEAGUE Results Friday, June 20: ? Oilers 11; NP&L Co. 12. Rotary 4; Burrell 2. Monday, June 23: ? NP&L Co 14; Burrell 10. Oilers 2; Veterans IS. Coming Games Friday, June 27: ? Zlckgraf vs Veterans. Rotary vs NP&L Co. Monday, June 30:? Oilers v? Zlckgraf. Rotary vs Veterans.