Bulletin Tells How Best To Feed, Care For Ccws The kind of Iced and care which the dairy cow receives largely determines the success in dairy farming, say extension dairy specialists at State college. If you are In doubt as to where your dairy cows are re ceiving the proper care and feed, a bulletin entitled Feeding j and Care of Dairy Cows, which has been' reprinted by the Stale College Extension service, should prove helpful. Prepared by Dairy Extension Specialists J. A. Arey and A. C. Kimrey, the bulletin covers all of the salient points in the proper care and feeding of dairy animals. The authors have tried to pack into 21 pa^es many answers to the average datry farmers questions. i Copies of the bulletin are now ? available upon request t;i Agri cultural Editor, State College Station, Raleigh. Be sure to ask for Extension Circular No. 193, entitled Feeding and Care cf Dairy Cows. Surveys indicate more and more people are taking part of vacation in summer, part at some other season. COLDS LIQUID MEDICINE IS BETTER G*f split second relief of Cold Miseries with 666 i the lorgest selling Liquid Cold Preparation in the U. S. OPO LIQUID hhr, COlO PREPARATION Cuut.on Uso only ai directed TobaccG Gradirife Demonstrations I T 3 Be Held Here It is a known fact that to bacco improperly graded d?es not bring as high a price as it does when properly graded and prepared for the market. With this in mind, two tobac co grading demonstrations will be ^conducted here in Macon County October 7 by Mr. Mc Donald, a government grader. On the morning of the 7th at 9:30 o'clock a demonstration will be held on Will Ledbetter's farm at Riverside. In the afternoon at 2 o'clock a demonstration will be held on the farm of Arthur and Theodore Raby at West's Mill. Every one interested in prop erly grading and preparing their tobacco for the market should be present at one of these dem onstrations. Huge Potato Raised By Dills At Skeenah One of the largest Irish po tatoes ever grown In this sec tion was raised this summer by Beacherd pills, of ' the North Skeenah community. The potato in question, the largest of four in a hill, was nine inches long and thirteen inches in circumference. It tip ped the scales at three pounds. Mr. Dills said that the seed used were certified Sequoia's. Farmers are raising 34,667,000 urkeys this year. ( ^SETTER FEEDERS FEED CHESTERFI ELD ROY CUNNINGHAM FRANKLIN, NORTH CAROLINA Listen to These Programs Over WLOS ? Dial 1380 Everyday, Monday Through Friday, "Skyline Jamboree" ? 6:30 a. m? "Thanks To You" ? 11:15 a. m. I .AR LE-CH ESTERFI ELD MILL CO. ASIIEVILLE, NORTH CAROLINA 1 What um say? TO ch? fTtACtL . FOR SERVICE ? PARTS ? ACCESSORIES BURRELL MOTOR CO. Day and Night Wrecker Service Phone 123 4-H GIRL GETS CALF? When Frank Deal, of the Cat Creek community, was presented a registered Guernsey heifer by Wiley Brown in the spring of 1946, it was with the understand ing that the b<3y would turn the animal's first heifer calf back to Mr. Brown. Recently Frank "paid" for his original calf, , and Mr. Brown promptly presented this new link in the chain of tine dairy stock to Othello Cabe, 14-year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Cabe, also of Cat Creek. The three are shown above with Othello's calf. Othello, who attends the Franklin High school, long has been active in the Holly Springs 4 -II club, of which her mother is the adult leader. James H. Burnet5; Dies Of Pneumon\a At Oak Grove Home Funeral services for James Henry Burnett were held at the Oak Grove Baptist church last Thursday morning at 11 a. m. Mr. Burnett died Wednesday morning frotn pneumonia at his home In the Oak Grove com munity after having been in ill health for the past two years. He was 78 years of age and had spent most of his life as a farm er in this community. The Rev. Norman E. Holden conducted the service and burial followed in the church ceme tery. f Pallbearers were T. J. Chil ders, Shirley Chllders, Clyde, Dover, and Robert Burnett, and Everett Sanders; Surviving are his widow, Mrs. Laura Shuler Burnett; six sons, Frank and Harley Burnett of Glenville; two daughters, Mrs. j Fred Childers of Franklin, Route > 3, and Mrs Walter Saunders of [ Martinsville, Va.; 46 grandchil I dren and 19 great grandchild To rcise Avoid setbacks of your pigs at weaning time by starting them early on TUXEDO Pig Meal. Feed it also to the sows before and after farrowing, for richer milk and health ier litters. Feed Tuxedo from start to fin ish for profits. Dry man Feed & Grocery TUXEDO PIG MEAL Buy the Best . . . "DOBRY'S BEST" OR "BEST OF THE WEST" FLOUR ... at your favorite Grocer's Dowdle Wholesale Co., Distributor* ren. Potts funeral directors were in charge of the arrangements. LEGAL ADVERTISING ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE Having qualified as. adminis tratrix of A. F Brown, deceas ed, late of Macon County, N. C , this is to notify all persons hav ing claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or be fore the 25th day of September, 1948 or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will please make immediate set tlement. p This 25th day of September, 1947. MRS. GRACE BROWN, Administratrix. 02? 6tc? N6 Each month the federal gaso line tax costs American motor ists substantially more than the total annual tax receipts of the rational government a hundred years ago, according to S. Gil mer Sparger, executive secre tary of the North Carolina Pe troleum Industries committee. Legume hays such as alfalfa. ;lover, soybean, lespedeza, or :ow pea are valuable In cattle [eedlng, because they not only furnish the dry roughage but reduce the amount of protein supplement needed in the ra tion. One of the world's deepest holes drilled for oil, in Brazoria county, Tex., is still drilling and now is below 16,555 'feet.' Costa Rica mines half a mil- > lion dollars worth of gold an nually. GRIMES GOLDEN APPLES V W2 have Plenty of Canning Apples AT ORCHARD ? At ? $1.25 Per Bu&iiel DRIVE UP Rabun Orchards 5 Miles West of Dillard, Ga. If you have trouble luring your family away from the funnies and sports pages on Sunday mornings, try serving these tempters for breakfast. They'll make even Dick Tracy and the latest scores take a back scat 1 APPETITE AWAKENER Brightest breakfast idea in a month of Sundays . . . French Toast Logs made like this: Break 2 eggs into shallow dish; beat lightly with fork ; add 1 M cups of milk and % tap. salt. Cut crusts from 12 slices of tender-textured, oven-fresh MAR VEL ENRICHED WHITE BREAD, Irom the A&r. Dip each slice into egg mixture. Brown lightly on both sides in hot fat in heavy skillet. Spread with preserves, and roll. 6 servings. FRY THIS FOR SIGHS! To make small fry finish their farina . . . arid sigh for seconds . . . fry ANN PAGE MELLO WHEAT FARINA from the A&P. Cook 1 cup of this pure, refined wheat cereal in X quart of boiling salted water to a thick mush. Pour into small loaf pan ; chill ; turn out and cut into five or six %-inch dices. Dip in seasoned fiour and fry to a golden brown in hot skil let with bacon or sausage fat. Serve with jelly, preserves, syrup. JAM SESSION I could eat jam-filled baked apples for breakfast Sunday, Monday or all- days. To prepare them, I core medium-sized apples, place them in a baking dish, and fill each cavity with 1 tbsp. of A&P's lus cious ANN PAGE GRAPE JAM. Then I cover the bottom of the pan with water and bake in a moderate oven, 375? F., 30 minutes, or till the apples are soft, basting oc casionally with the liquid in the pan. VOICE YOUR CHOICE! One of the nicest things about Sunday is that it gives you leisure to enjoy all the coffee you want. And one of the nicest things about A&P COFFEE is that it gives you the exact blend you want. There are3 deliciousones to. choose from . . . EIGHT O'CLOCK (mild), RED CIR CLb (medium) and BOKAR (strong). Discover your favorite today . . . have it Custom Ground when you buy it, just right for your coffeepot . . . and wake up to coffee that tastes , better every day in t!io v.cek ! Ready-Pasted Wallpaper ^ You really must see these gorgeous NEW Trimi Ready-Pasted Wallpaper patterns. They're styled right up to the minute and include exciting new effects in wallpaper design. I discovered foi myself how easy it is to hang Trimi? all you do is dip it in water ?nd apply it. It's a real money saver too, as it's guaranteed washable and fadeproof. Three boxes do an entire room at an average cost of |7.47 ,, per room . . . and you can do ? room ..i an evening! ?ee tAwt focrfzyat Franklin Hardware Co. Phone 117 On Square