Net Paid Circulation THIS WEEK 2,215 LAST WEEK 2,214 4 YEAR AGO THIS WEEK 2,128 &nb ?[f) t IJjighlanfciS JHacotttatt PROGRESSIVE LIBERAL I XDEPENDEN T VOL. LXII? NO. 41 FRANKLIN, N. C? THURSDAY, OCTOBER 9, 1947 $2.00 PKK YKAR FURNISHINGS WORTH $2000 IN MEMORIAL Contributed Through Efforts Of Two Civic Club* Approximately $2,000 worth of equipment and furnishing have been purchased and installed in the Slagle Memorial building in the past year by a joint Rotary Lions committee according to a report recently made by Grant Zickgraf, chairman of the com mittee. About a year ago this com mittee composed of Mr. Zlck graf, the Rev. W. Jackson Hun eycutt, from the Rotary, and John L. Crawford and Pritch ard Smith, Jr., from the Lions, was asked to assume the re sponsibility of obtaining com plete furnishings for the new building then being erected by i A. B. Slagle in memory of his son, Charlie. Mr. Slagle had stated that the structure would be used as a community build ing. With this in mind the com mittee set about to obtain the equipment necessary for serv ing meals In the building and having large organization meet ings there. Included in the furnishings ob tained to date are one electric stove, one electric hot water heater, complete sink with ster ilizer, drain boards, three gallon coffee urn, six aluminum pots and pans, two mixing bowls, egg beaters, nine dozen stainless steel knives and forks and IP dozen spoons to match, 12 doz en glasses, kitchen and carving knives, baking and roasting pans and 100 chairs. The committee announced that a few bills still remained unpaid, but that plans were now being made to raise this money in the near future. * ? ? RUMMAGE SALE SATURDAY The ladies of the St. Agnes church auxiliary will hold a rummage sale on West Main street near the curb market Saturday at 10 a. m. Some extra good values In coat suits, and dresses will be found Saturday. Do You Remember . . . ? (Looking backward through the files of The Press) 50 YEARS AGO THIS WEEK The auditor has sent out the warrants to the different coun ties for $56,849.13 of public school funds appropriated by the State Board of Education The amount appropriated for Macon County is $380. Rev. Frank Slier, of the Mis souri conference, has been transferred to the W. N. C conference. He is a native of Macon County, graduate of Emory and Henry college, and has been in the ministry eight years. We welcome Brother Siler back to his native state. 25 YEARS AGO The Iotla High school con tinues to grow. Thert are now 142 pupils enrolled, 43 of whom are in high school. The Iotla honor roll is as follows: First grade ? Lawrence Mallonee, Lil lie Meadows; second grade ? Elizabeth Poindexter, Helen Mason; third grade? R. L. Poin dexter, Carl Swafford, Harold Fouts, Lee Tippett, Sophia Ray; fourth grade ? Pearl Gibson, Eula Fouts, Hiram Tallent, Orace Calloway, and Hazel Mor gan; fifth grade ? Grace Fouts, Grover Tallent, Elizabeth Mea dows; sixth grade ? Martin An gel, Edna Liner, Beulah McCoy; seventh grade ? Annie Myers, Thelma Ray, James Mallonee; eighth grade ? LUlie Angel, Ellis Fouts, Leland Roper; ninth grade ? Nell Buckner; and tenth grade ? Fred Bryson, Bill Bryson. 10 YEARS AGO Miss Elizabeth McGulre enter tained at a dinner at her home Friday evening, announcing the engagement of Miss Margaret Slagle, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Slagle, of Franklin, Route 1, to John Bulgln, son of Mrs O. M. Bulgln and the late G. M. Bulgln. In addition to the hon orees the guests Included Rev. and Mrs. J. A. Flanagan, Miss Rosalind Bulgln, D. 8. Abbott ft nd Ben McOlanwry, Highway Patrolman To Be Stationed In Highlands Nov. 1 Jack Lunsford, recent graduate on the North Car olina school for state high way patrolman, has recent ly been stationed in Maoon County in addition to Pritchard Smith, Jr. As soon as Lunsford be comes accustomed to the routine here he will be sta tioned permanently in Highlands. It is expected that he will assume his duties there about November 1. Lunsford, who only re cently >oined the highway patrol, is a native of An drews. DEATH CLAIMS J. LEE BARNARD J. Lee Barnard, traveling salesman, business man, and personality extraordinary, died at his home on the Murphy highway at 5:30 a. m. Thurs day of last week. Mr. Barnard was widely noted for certain external peculiarities ? his coal black mustache, the quick tongue, and his derby hat. But he was even better known among those well ac quainted with him for his hon esty, his generosity his courtesy, and his wit. Some 20 years ago he served as master of ceremonies at a road opening celebration here, and a member of the State Highway Commission was so de lighted with Mr. Barnard and so struck with his derby, a type of headgear that long since had gone out of style, that he asked Mr. Barnard to give him the derby. He took the derby to Raleigh and turned it over to the state to be placed in the state archives, where it is to day. Mr. Barnard's first name was Job, and one of his favorite jokes was to refer to himself as having "the patience of Job," when he knew, and everybody else knew that he knew, that he was one of the most impa tient of men. A born salesman, he was on the road for Treacy-Morris Clothing company for 30 years In recent years, he had operat ed a store near his home, and, at the time illness finally fore-, ed him to cease work, was the oldest active merchant, in point of age, in the county. He was 78. A native of Buncombe county, Mr. Barnard was brought here by his parents, Billy and Ave line Lynch Barnard, when he was a child, and had made this his home ever since. Funeral services were held at the home Friday afternoon at 3 o'clock. The Rev. W. Jackson Huneycutt, pastor of the Frank lin Methodist church, of which Mr. Barnard was a member, of ficiated. Interment was in the Franklin cemetery. Pallbearers were John Bulgin, Henry Christy, Elbert Stiles, De witt Sutton, Henry Gribble, and Fred Moore. Survivors include his widow, the former Miss Addle Ray, of Franklin; five daughters, Mrs. C. Gordon Moore, Mrs. A. B. O'Mohundro, Mrs. C. L. Cart ledge, and Mrs. Walter Hearn, all of Franklin, and Mrs. C. N. Sevier, of Portland, Ore., who flew here, arriving shortly after her father's death; three sons, Lee Barnard, Jr., and Tracy Barnard, both of Franklin, and Howard Barnard, of Murphy; and eight grandchildren, and three great-grandchildren. Funeral arrangements were under the direction of Bryant funeral home. Benefit Auction Saturday Morning A benefit auction sale of furniture, household furnishings, clothing, food, and other items donated for the sale will be held at Roy Cunningham's store Saturday "morning at 10:30 o'clock. The sale Is to raise funds for putting the historic old ceme tery at the Franklin Methodist church In good condition. The cemetery already has been vast ly improved, but considerable more money is necessary to complete the Job. Persons who have useful items they are willing to donate for the sale are asked to take It to Mr. Cunningham's store, or, if they have no way to get It there, to telephone Mrs. Reby S. Teialer. Benny McOlamery will serve M ?uotioneer. Plan To Re-Name School At Franklin; Board Asks Public For Suggestions What would be the most ap propriate name for the school at Franklin? The County Board of Educa tion is considering renaming the school, and at its meeting Mon day decided to ask for name suggestions from the public. The present consolidated school is an outgrowth of the school that at one time served Franklin and environs only, and so has continued to be kitown as the Franklin school. Actually, however, children from every part of the Little Tennessee valley area in this county are enrolled in the school at Franklin, with more than half of those attending the school being brought in by school buses, as a result of con solidations, it was brought out at the board meeting. Of the enrollment of 1,173, a total of 638, or about 54 per [ cent, are transported by bus. The figures for the high and elementary schools are:. High school ? total enrollment, 474, transported, 393; elementary school ? total enrollment, 699; transported, 245. The suggestion that the name of the school be changed was made by Bob S. Sloan. Mr. bloan pointed out that, because it is known as the Franklin s.hool, many persons both in town and in the rural areas are inclined to think of it as a strictly town school, whereas it belongs to all the people of Macon County and serves the entire Little Tennessee river valley area in this county ? a large part of the county, both geographically and in terms of school population. After dis cussion, it was decided to post pone action until next month, meanwhile asking the public for suggestions. Name suggestions may be submitted to County Supt. G. L. j Houk or to any member of the county board of education, or 1 suggestions, if in the form of brief letters to the editor, wii: ; be published in The Press. The board also is consider Ing changing the name of the consolidated school at Otto from the "Otto School" to ? "Smith Bridge School". ' The board also voted to: ? Recommend to the State Board of Education that the present Franklin school district be cut into three districts next term, centering around the schools at Franklin, Cowee, and Otto, respectively, with a view to simplifying administration. Authorize the superintendent to draw a contract with Lindsey M. Gudger, Asheville architect, to complete the plans and spe cifications for the proposed new buildings in this county. The contract will provide for an al ternative fee of three per cent if the county provides supervis ion of construction, or five per cent if it is decided to have the architect assume responsibility for supervision. Funds for the drawing of plans and specifi cations are available under an $18,000 loan obtained from the ' federal government for that purpose. Referred to Supt. Houk for study a petition that a school bus route be extended up Baird Cove road. Mr. Houk pointed out that the state law does not per mit extension of a school bus route unless children on the proposed extension otherwise would have to walk two miles or more. Members present at . the monthly meeting were Chf.irman C. Gordon Moore, Mr. Sloan, and Ed Byrd. SLIGHT BOOST IN WATER FROM ffELLSIS NOTED Town Now Obtaining 137 Gallons Per Minute Frcm 3 Pumps The pumps in Franklin's three wells now are delivering 137 gallons per minute into the municipal water system, the Nantahala Power and Light company has reported to town officials, following a check and replacements and adjustments, made by the power firm at . the town's request. The total represents a slight increase from the well on West Main street, an increase of five gallons per minute from the | well on Iotla street, and an in crease qf 10 gallons from the well near Mrs. T. W. Angel's home. Replacements and adjust ments boosted the West Main street pump's output from about 40 to 100 gallons, but it soon was found that the well would not produce that amount of water, and the pump was cut down to a 40-ga'llon discharge. The report, in the form of a letter from H. H. Onuse, Jr., chief electrical engineer for the Nantahala company, to Mayor T. W. Angel, Jr., was read by Mayor Angel at Monday night's meeting of the board of alder men. The report follows in part: "The pump at the Slagle Dairy was completely dismant led. Inspection revealed heavy mineral deposits on the inside of the piping and the pump bowl assembly, and also indi cated scoring. . . . The impell ers also were considerably worn. . . . The town officials ordered a new pump bowl assembly and sufficient new intermediate drive shafting and bearings to replace this pump in first class condition. . . . After the installation, the pump was tested and found cap able of delivering its rated out put or slightly more than 100 gallons per minute. However, after pumping at this rate for a short while, it became evi dent that the well Itself would not produce an. amount of wat er equal to the capacity of the pump and it was therefore nec essary to reduce the discharge to approximately 40 gallons. . . . "Parts were ordered by the -?Contlaaed on Pafe Ktfbt Four Macon Men To Tour West States E. J. Whitmire, Franklin high school vocational agricul ture teacher, S. W. Mendenhall, county farm agent, W. E. Bald win, chairman of the Macon ' county board of commissioners and local stock buyers, and Carl Slagle, prominent local stock man, left Friday for an extend ed tour of the western states. While on their trip they will see some of the finest live stock, particularly beef cattle, in Amer- j ica today. The four gentlemen, who will be the guests of Lafayette Hughes prominent Texas and Oklahoma oilman and rancher, I will first attend the Banning Lewis Herford ranch stock sales at Colorado Springs, Colo. I While there they will also at tend the Colorado Herford classic stock show to be held ? Continued on Page Eight Crippled Dalton Child Will B: Given a Lift By 3 Local Taxi Men Early in the morning of each school day many Franklin people have notic ed the Dalton sisters, Alice, a polio victim in a wheel chair, and Agnes behind the chair pushing her sister, on their way to school. The two young girls, children of Mr. and Mrs.. Carl Dalton, live with their mother on River view street near Angel hos pital. In traveling the two miles to and from school each day they have had to go up two hills <on each trip. But, they won't have to do this anymore. Three Franklin taxi driv ers, Harold Martin, Frank Elliot, and Wade Setser, have i decided to take turns in transporting the children to and from school each day. Each day the children will be picked up at their home and brought to school in the morning and again in the afternoon one of the taxis will be waiting at the school to bring the children home. ZICKGRAF FIRM RAISES WAGES BY 10 PER CENT Vacation-With-Pay Policy Also Announced At Employes' Dinner The Zickgraf Hardwood com pany has given each of its 114 employes a pay increase of 10 per cent. The increase was ef fective as of the week ending last Wednesday evening. The increase was announced by Grant Zickgraf, vice-presi dent and general manager of the firm, at a dinner given the employes at the airport hangar last Wednesday at noon. W. C. Zickgraf, company president, was unable to be present. About 75 attended the dinner, other employes having been de tained by their duties in the woods. told the employes that the com At the same time Mr Zickgraf pany has adopted, effective Im mediately, a paid vacation policy, under which each employ will receive one day's vacation with pay for each year he has been with the company. J. H. Carter, Brother Dr. Thorn Carter, In Serious Wreck Dr. Thom Carter, pastor of the Highlands Baptist church was called to Little Rock, Ark. Tuesday. His brother, J. H. Cart er, state purchasing agent of Little Rock was seriously in jured and his wife killed in an automobile accident there Mon day evening. Mr. Carter was in Highlands last April visiting Dr. Carter and family. Dr. Carter plans to return to Highlands Saturday of this week. Franklin Eleven Defeats Sylva By 20 To 0 Score For Season's Second Win The Franklin Panthers, mix ing a sprinkling of passes with a deceptive fast moving ground attack, defeated a husky but In experienced Sylva eleven 20 to 0 last Friday night for their sec ond win of the season. After a scoreless first quarter in which both teams were able to gain in midfleld but lacked a scoring punch, Franklin took the ball on their own 35 yard line and drove 65 yards for a touchdown with Flanagan scor ing of his right guard on a quarterback sneak, putting Franklin In the lead 6-0. A pass from Flanagan to Moses was good for the extra point. The longest gain in the touchdown drive was a 25 yard run by Henry who carried the ball around his own left for the gain. On a similar drive late In the quarter Mason scored from the ten yard line when he drove hard through the right side of the Sylva line for a touchdown. Franklin failed to make the extra point. The Panthers scored again on a drive sparked by long gains by Capt. Larry Oabo who, al though playing on an injured ankle, turned in the longest runs of the game. Except for his injured ankle failing him he would have turned in a 75 yard dash for a score as he broke through the line on the Franklin 25 and scampered through the Sylva secondary and in to the clear on his own 40 only to have his ankle give way on the Sylva 40 causing him to fall. Flanagan again scored on a quarterback sneak The pass for the extra point was good. While Sylva was unable to make a concerted drive at any time during the game, outstand ing performances were turned in by Fincannon and V. Cagle in the line with Dillard and Cun ningham doing the best work in the backfield. Standouts for the Franklin team were Mose in the line and Henry and Cabe in the backfield. The Franklin eleven, which showed great improvement in blocking, giving the passer pro tection, and ball handling, will play the undefeated Bryson City eleven on the Bryion City field Trite? nifbt. FULL-TIME HEAD OF TOWN WATER SYSTEM HIRED Board Orders Parking Meter Sheriff Moved Fut Back In Place The hiring of a full-time wat er superintendent, an account of the removal of a parking meter by Sheriff J. P Bradley, and the acceptance of a deed conveying right-of-way for a 30-foot street to the Town of Franklin were highlights of Monday night's meeting of the Franklin town board. On motion by W. C. Burrell and seconded by L. B. Phillips it was decided to hire Herman Childers as a full-time water superintendent and town plumb er at a salary of $75 per month. It was agreed by all members of the board in discussing the matter that a full-time man to look after the town- water sys tem was needed W. G. Hall, who has been performing .these duties on a part-time basis, had said that he could not devote his full time to the job. During a discussion of park ing meter collections, which amounted to $497.23 to date, it was brought out that Sheriff Bradley had removed one of the parking meters on Phillips street just below the jail in order that he might park his car behind the jail. Board Mem ber Patton said that Mr. Bradley had told him he took the meter out so he could park his car where he could see it at night in order to keep people frcm stealing it, and that he had the meter stored in the jail at the present time. The board in structed Mayor Angel to have the police replace the meter. Hal Zachary and Elbert Stiles appeared before the board re questing that a fence, which they contended was on a street right-of-way, and which blocked access to their property, be re moved. The matter had pre viously been discussed before the town board and they hpd re quested the town attorney, R. S. Jones, to investigate the matter. Mr. Jones said that when he first Investigated the matter he did not find a deed conveying the property to the town, but that the map of the Bob Davis subdivision wherein this property lies, shewed a street in this location. The map was drawn by W. B. McOuire. Mr. Zachary then produced a recorded deed, signed by Rob ert Davis conveying the street right-of-way to the town. He said that he left the deed in the register's office for safe keep ing and that they had just gone ahead" and recorded the deed. On motion by Mr. Burrell and seconded by Erwln Patton, the council voted to accept the deed. Mr. Zachary then said that, with the town's permission, he would be glad to clear the right-of-way of stumps and trees in order to make it pass able. On the suggestion of the mayor, it was decided to have a surveyor determine exactly where the street lies before al lowing Mr. Zachary to proceed with the clearing of the right of-way. Mayor Angel read a complete and informative report which had been prepared by the Nan tahala Power and Light com pany officials concerning the condition of the wells. The board also voted to ex tend the sewer line on First street from its terminal near the Van Raalte plant to the city limit which is just north of H. A. Wilhide's residence. A re quest for such extension was made by Gene Pannell. Dixie Sups.r Market Will Open Here Next Thursday The remodeling of the first floor of the Leach building on Main street for the Dixie Home Stores' super-market will be completed In time for the open ing of the enlarged store Thursday morning of next week, O. R. Kay, of Greenville, 8. C , Dixie general supervisor, an nounced here yesterday. The Dixie store has taken over the storeroom formerly occupied by Stewart's Electrical Appliance store and this space Is being added to the next-door store room already occupied by the Dixie organization. Improve ments, fixtures, and stock in the enlarged store will repre sent an Investment of about MO, 000, Mr. lUy Mid.

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