Ntt Paid Circulation THIS WEEK 2,218 LAST WEEK 2,216 YEAR AGO THIS WEEK 2,136 ttklilt Attfe J JHaconian PROGRESSIVE LIBERAL INDEPENDENT \OL LXII? NO. 43 FRANKLIN, N. C, THURSDAY, OCTOBER 23, 1M? *2.M PER YEAR NAME OFFICERS OF ELEVEN 4-H CLUBS IN MACON Ccunty Council To Meet Saturday To Plan Year's Work Officers of the eleven 4-H clubs In Macon County were elected at meetings last week. The officers of the clubs make up the 4-H County Council, and it was announced that the council will meet with the farm and home agents Saturday morning at 10 o'clock at the Agricultural building to plan for the yearns club work, the coun ty-wide 4-H program, and the observance of 4-H Achievement Day. Since November marks the be ginning of a new year in 4-H work, projects and record books are to be completed at this time, it was said, and, the books turned in to the agent's office to be checked. Officers Listed The new officers of the 11 clubs, announced by Miss Anne Ray, assistant home agent, fol lows: Burningtown club! Jessie Lee Welch, of Franklin, "Route 3, president; Laura Jean Huggins, Route 3, vice-president; Ruth Edwards, Route 3, secretary treasurer; Betty Sue Huggins, Route 3, program chairman; Jessie Lee Welch, Route 3, song leader; Laura Jean Huggins, Route 3i, assistant song leader. Cowee; Dorothy Medlin, Route 3, president; Nancy Ramsey, Tellico, vice-president; Ann Lois Welch, Route 3, secretary-treas urer; Frankabelle Gibson, Route 3, assistant, secretary-treasurer; Luetta Browning, Route 3, pro gram chairman; Loretta Am nions, Route 3, song leader. Higdonville: Howard Mincy, Ellljay, president; Gladys Saun ders, Cullasaja, vice-president; Patty Holland, Cullasaja, secre tary-treasurer; Joe Moses, Cul lasaja, program chairman; Eliz abeth Smith, Cullasaja, song leader; Frances Deal, Cullasaja, assistant song leader. - Highlands Highlands: Patsy Hays, High lands, president; Katherine Potts, Highlands, vice-president; Bobby Potts, Highlands, secre tary-treasurer; Martha Howard, Otto, program chairman; Dol ores Vinson, Scaly, song leader; Joyce Burnette, Highlands, as sistant song leader. Holly Springs: Fred Deal, Route 4, president; Johnny Klnsland, Route 4, vice-presi dent; Mildred Corbln, Route 4, secretary - treasurer; Mildred Gregory, Route 4, assistant sec retary-treasurer; Marolyn Hig don. Route 4, program chair man; Mildred Corbln, Route 4, song leader, Fred Deal, Route 4, assistant song leader. Iotla: Carol Lee Hugglns, Route 3, president; Martha Nell Penland, Route 3, vice-president;' Henderson Huggins, Route 3, secretary- treasurer; Ruby De Hart, Route 3, assistant secre tary-treasurer; Lucile Edwards, Route 3, program chairman; Palma Fouts, Route 3, assistant program chairman; Emma Lou Ramsey, Route 3, song leader, Flonnle Bell DeHart, Route 3, assistant song leader. Other Club* Nantahala: Anna Laura Moses, Kyle, president; Dora Lee Bateman, Flats, vice-presi dent; Frances Moses, Kyle, sec retary-treasurer; Louise Owen by, Flats, program chairman; Ruth Owenby, Flats, song lead er; Mildred Haney, Flats, assis tant song leader. Otto Junior: Stanley Norris, Otto, president; Lee Agnes Mc Klnney, DUlard, Route 1, vice president; Ray Vinson, Otto, secretary-treasurer; Otis Brad ley, Dlllard, Route 1, program chairman; Jimmy Ayers, Dlllard, Route 1, song leader; Kenneth Carpenter, Prentiss, assistant song leader. Otto Senior: Leonard Swaf ford, Route 2, president; Mil dred Cunningham, Route 2, vice president; Mildred Brown, Route 2, secretary-treasurer; Marie Long, Dlllard, Route 1, pro gram chairman; Lois Slagle, Dlllard, Route 1, song leader; Qean Justice, assistant song leader. Pine Orove: Carrol Keener, Gneiss, president; Samuel Hol land, CuUataJa, vice-president; Joyce Holland, Gneiss, secre tary- treasurer; Joyce Holland, Gneiss, program chairman; WU Uqi Unffg Gntlii. inrtiy Our (Great America >< fa Mack AM?*ICAM* u?t? 19 TiM*? M MUM FVkPIR LAM VtA* A? All THS KWI OF TW? wjORLp <OMBMKP VP QIIIIOM PAP?) BAGS I ?fiit u.f. 6ove**M?m CFF*f U?e* JOO MILLION POiMPf AhlMUALUy unm n wa* d* roveReo that Paper <outp ev aupt fi roa WOOP. PAP* A. WAi A SGUtCf Art* P*?KXJ< MATrmAL-- rT IS WO*/ owe of -me thwb max>k proooct* of our forv*t* Methodists To Have Chance To Meet Brendall At Supper The monthly congregational supper of the Methodist church will be held at the church to morrow (Friday) night at 6:30 o'clock. The suppers ordinarily are held the last Friday night in the month, but the October gathering has been moved up to this week. Members of the F. S. Johnston Bible class, who are sponsoring the supper this month, have urged that every one who can attend, as it will afford them an opportunity to meet the new minister, the Rev. J. H. Brendall, Jr. ? As has been the custom in the past, the gathering a "covered dish" supper, with a .scagram following the supper. S* ? ? 1 Do You Remember i . . ? (Looking backward through the files of The Press) SO TEARS AGO THIS WEEK A rich gold mine has been discovered on Worser Creek in Swain county. Mr. J. P. Angel is getting lumber on the ground for a new building to be used as a saddle and harness shop on a lot re ently purchased on East Main street, just east pf E. H. Franks' new store. P. S. Johnston and C. T. Roane went to Waynesville Saturday to see how the Waynesville bank was standing the raoket. Roane withdrew the county funds, but Johnston let Ills de posit remain, as he is satisfied the bank is all safe. 25 TEARS AGO Mrs. Llllie Penland, who has been spending some time with Mrs. Frank Williams, left Monday for Raleigh, where she will teach this winter. Mrs. Caroline Rogers Nolen died last Sunday night at the home of her nephew, Mr. C. Rogers. She was born 84 years ago and married Riley Nolen early in life. 10 TEARS AGO The Rural Electrical Admin istration has allotted $10,000 for the construction of 31 miles ol lines in Rabun county, Oa., And Macon County. The lines are ex pected to serve 100 customers in the specific territory. , A group of Macon County men who have been attending livestock shows in the West re turned to Franklin Monday night. In the party were E. J. Whitmlre, S. W. Mendenhall, W. E. (Gene) Baldwin, and Carl 8. Slagle. While away, they at tended stock shows in Colorado and Wyoming, and in Kansas City were present at both the American Royal Livestock show and the convention of the Fu ture Farmers of America. Harley Henderson, Cullasaja, as sistant song leader. Slagle: Rose Mary Huscusson, Route 1, president; Bruce Craw ford, Route 1, vice-president; Kenneth Crawford, Rout* 1, secretary-treasurer; Selma Rop er, song leader; Virginia Setser, Route 1, assistant song leader; w?jn? Harrison, Route j, pro gram riwlnnm. Morgan Heads Church Group In Province The Rev. Rufus Morgan last weel(. was named chairman of an important Episcopal church committee. At the meeting in Atlanta of the synod of this province (one of eight in the United States) of the church, Mr. Morgan was chosen chairman of the provin cial committee on Missions and church extension. Mr. Morgan, who is rector of St. Agnes church in Franklin, the Church of the Incarnation in Highlands, and other churches In this area, already was a member of the committee, and at last week's gynodical meet ing made the committee report. The meeting, at St. Luke's church in Atlanta, was held October 14-16. County Baptist S. S. Meet To Be Held October 26 The Macon County Baptist Sunday school convention will , be held at the Briartown church Sunday, October ?, at 2:30 p. m., it has been announced by Sanford Smith, associational superintendent." The Rev. W. L. Sorrels will be the chief speaker. Other features of the program : will include two discussions, music, led by Fred Corbin, and ? the devotional, to be conducted ' by the Rev, T. A. Slagle. i Mrs. Fred Corbin will lead a : discussion on the topic, "Your : Best for the Last", and Clyde O. Morgan will discuss "Exten sion Work a Home Mission ' Task". 1 Mrs. Potts In Raleigh For Welfare Institute I Mrs. Eloise H. Potts, superin tendent of the Macon County ' Department' of Public Welfare, i is attending the twenty-eighth i annual Public Welfare Institute, ' which is being held in Raleigh i this week. I 4PPLEYS SELL THE DUGOUT'. HOME PROPERTY Mrs. Potts Buys Dance Place, McFarlands Residence Mr. and Mrs. L. O. Appley re cently have disposed of all their real estate holdings in High lands. The properties, sold in two recent deals, consist of the Ap pley residence and five guest cottages, situated on the Wal halla road, and "The Dugout", popular dining and dan^ng place on the Franklin-Highlands highway. The Dugout was purchased by Mrs. Charles Potts, of High lands, for an undisclosed amount. Plans with reference to the future operations of the establishment have not been announced. Mr. and Mrs. W. E. McFar land, of Reserve, La., bought the Appley residence and "cottages and plan to continue to operate the property as in the past. Stamps on the deed in the latter transaction indicate a consideration of approximately $36,500. Mr. and Mrs. Appley are leaving Highlands, it was learn ed. Auditor Praises Condition Of This County's Finances A letter commending the man ner in which the board of county commissioners have handled the affairs of Macon County was recently received by Chairman W. E. (Gene) Bald win. The letter was from R. C. Birmingham, who recently made an audit of the county records. The letter, addressed to Mr. Baldwin, read: "I have forward ed the Macon County audit re port to County Accountant (Lake V. Shope.) For your per sonal use, I am enclosing you a copy of this report. Macon County is in mighty good shape and you deserve a lot of credit for your fine ad ministration. The same is also true of the other two commis sioners." Drain Installed To Handle 'Lake' At Foot Of Hill Moorists driving west on Main street during the rainy season will not be faced any longer with navigating the small lake which has generally existed during such times In the vicin ity of the Frank I. Murray and R. S. Jones residences. A tile drain sufficiently large to take care of the surface water accumulating here is be ing installed by town workmen this week. This water will be carried into a drain ditch, which empties into the "Frogtown" branch. Town officials have said that they feel sure that the installa tion of this new drain will take :are of this accumulated surface mater ? hence no longer the navigation problem for west end frankllnites. 700 See Franklin Defeat Asheville iJ' Team 26-0 Before more than 700 school children and a fair-sized crowd of adults, some of whom were seeing their first football game, the Franklin Panthers ran roughshod over the Ashevllle Maroons' "B" squad to gain a well earned 26-0 victory on the local field last Thursday after noon. Franklin gained the lead on the third play of the game when Lyman Gregory ran 60 yards for the first touchdown. Oregory literally outran the Maroon eleven on this play. Mason scor ed the extra point on a line play. The Panthers struck again in the first quarter when Mason scored on a 25-yard jaunt. During the remainder of the first half, the two teams battled on fairly even term*. Franklin threatened to score once more, but a fumble by Cabe, which Ashevllle recovered on the vis itors' five-yard line, stopped the drive. Leading II to 0 at the start of the second half, Franklin W9M4 two mon towMoviu in the third quarter, and one ex tra point to put the game on Ice. Cabe scored both touch downs In the second half, and Henry made the extra point on a line buck. The fourth quarter was score less, with coach Plyler sending in numerous substitutes for the Franklin eleven. Ashevllle showed a scrappy, hard playing but inexperienced eleven. Lack of weight in the line also told against this Ma roon "B" squad. The entire Franklin first string backfleld showed up well in this game and the play of Harley Stewart In the line was outstanding for the local eleven. Since hundreds of the chil dren who attend the consolidat ed school here are transported by bus and thus must leave the school In mid-afternoon, many of them rarely If ever have an opportunity to be in town at night for a football game. With thle in view, last week's game wu held la the Afternoon to permit tb?M pupil i attend. Cat Come* In With Not One, But Two Chipmunk* In Mouth "If Ray Moses has the champion potato," Mr. and Mrs. Weimer Cochran, of Flats, this week wrote The Press, "we have the cham pion cat". Mr. and Mrs. Cochran were referrinf to huge Irish potato crown by Mr. Moses which, on display in the window at The Press office, has attracted much atten tion. Here's the story about the Cochrans' cat, "Sallie", - "On Sunday, October 19, our old family pet, Sallie, brought in two chipmunks in her mouth at one time". "You see mass production has reached the cat." Unfortunately, the chip munks cannot be displayed at The Press. As Mr. and Mrs. Oochran explained: "The kittens ate the chip munks, or you would have them in your window". WORK BEGUN ON TWO BUILDINGS Business Structures Going Up Qn Main, Palmer Streets . Construction of two new buildings in the business sec tion of Franklin was started this week. W. C. Burrell, local automobile dealer, is constructing a new building on the north side of East Main stree^. near the Ma con Theatre. The new building, which will be approximately 100 feet by 25 feet, is planned as a two-story affair with a base ment. The building is to be con structed of brick and tile. Mr. Burrell said that at present he had no definite plans for the use of the building. An addition to Cagle's cafe, on Palmer street, was begun this week. Present plans call for the addition to be constructed of material similar to the pres ent building, and it is designed to furnish additional seating ca pacity for the recently built cafe, according to A. O. Cagle. Accident Is Fatal To Jesse M. Roper, Former Macon Man Jesse M. Roper, 78, former Macon resident, who had spent the latter part of his life in Asheville, was fatally Injured Sunday in an automobile acci dent in Biltmore. Death, which occurred in an Asheville hos pital, was the result of brain concussion, according to Dr. P. R. Terry, Buncombe county coroner. Mr. Roper, a shoemaker by trade, had lived in Asheville for the past 35 years. He is survived by his widow, Mrs. Annie Rob inson Roper; four daughters, Mrs. Eva Justice, of Hazelwood, Mrs. Elsie Anderson, of Rob binsville, Mrs. Jennie Stalcup, of Bryson City, and Mrs. Leila McLaln of Virginia; two sons, Oordon and Frank Roper, both of Asheville; a step-son, Claud B. Robinson, of Asheville, two step-daughters, Mrs. Mamie Souther, of Fletcher, and Mrs. Fannie Reeves, of Hopewell, Va.; and three brothers, C. R. and Lon Roper, both of Franklin, and Sim Roper, of Andrews. To Bring Down Deer, Shoot Him In Heart? Wrong, Saya Expert "It you want to drop a deer in his tracks, forget that time honored heart shot and hit him In the neck." That's the advice John S. Rose, the National Rifle asso ciation's conservation expert, gives the nation's 11,000,000 hunters in The American Rifle man, based on the results of a six-month study of the business of deer killing. "Then," quoting Rose again, "if you miss your lead and the bullet lands a couple of feet back of where you wanted It, you can still count on a very dead deer somewhere In the im mediate vicinity, or at least a deer that won't run Into the middle of the next county." Rose, In his article, "Stop That Buck," presents facts bas ed on over 5,000 deer kills and attempts to provs that "the Ideas of the vast majority of United States hunters on where to hit a deer to bring him down in vtr oft tan.'" URGES FAMILY LIFE COURSE IN PUBLIC SCHOOLS Dr. Mildred Morgan Is Heard At Meeting Of P. T. A. Approximately 85 parents and teachers Monday night heard Dr. Mildred I. Morgan, of Ashe ville, speaking at the monthly meeting of the Franklin Par ent-Teacher association, recom mend that courses In family re lations be taught in the public fchools. Dr. Morgan is coordinator of family life for the city schools of Asheville and state P. T. A. social hygiene chairman. Speaking on the topic, "Pre paring our Young People for Better Family Living", Dr. Mor gan pointed out that, though successful family living affects Individual lives more than any other one thing, very few schools today offer instruction to help young people to adjust themselves to face this intricate problem. Such subjects as Eng lish and mathematics, on the other hand, are required. Divorce rate statistics which show that today one out of every three marriages ends in divorce, and that the present rate of increase in divorce will make the ratio one out of two by 1960, were cited by the speaker as illustrating the vital need for courses in the schools to help prepare young people for marriage. They should be courses, Dr. Morgan explained, not merely in sex, but in all the factors that go into the re lations of one human being with another. Such courses are offered in many colleges, she pointed out, but, she added, only one high school graduate out of 10 erer gets to college. Emphasizing the thought that material things a parent-teach er association can provide for a school are secondary, the speaker suggested financing of such a course as an ideal P. T. A. project. Prior to the introduction of the speaker ty Mrs. Weimar Jones, association president, a number of committee reports were heard. Mrs. W. E. Hunnlcutt, mem bership* chairman, reported that she and her committee mem bers ? Mrs. Harmon Gnuse and Mrs. George R. Pattlllo ? have obtained 330 P. T. A. members so far. Mrs. Allen Slier reported pro grams planned for all meetings scheduled during the year. Mrs. Clinton Johnson, Miss Esther Wallace, Mrs. Joe Setser, and Mrs. W. L. Nothsteln are the other members of the program committee. Mrs. R. S. Jones, chairman, reported for the Par ent-Teacher magazine commit tee, and Mrs. Pearl Hunter for the parent education committee. Mrs Sam Alexander gave the association members a sum mary of the proceedings of the annual district conference at Sylva. For the second successive time, William Crawford's ninth grade room won the attendance prize. The report on attendance of parents and teachers was made by Mrs. Lester Hender son. Mrs. Pearl Hunter conducted the devotional, Mrs. J. A. Flan agan led in group singing, and Mrs. John Bulgin, secretary, read the minutes of the pre vious meeting. -Parker To Appear On Program Of Baptist Meet The Rev. Charles E. Parker, pastor of the First Baptist church here, will appear on the program of the - State Baptist convention, to be held at Wln ston-Salem November 11-13. Mr. Parker has accepted an Invitation to speak on the eve ning of November 11. Speaking on the Cooperative Program hour, he will discuss "Tithing". Mr. and Mrs. William A. Cox have announced the birth of twin girls, Marie Catherine and Adeline Betty, October 14 at the Clayton Maternity home. Mrs. Cox Is the former Miss Dorothy Fm Houston, of franklin, Route .

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