Vf? 4 B-AJ l-AJ f*W9 nWI vlffWPiMnl 2,223 LAST 2,221 year ago this wxkk MM Jin Pf t, PROGRESSIVE BUcotnan LIBERAL INDEPENDENT VOL LXII? NO. M ss FRANKLIN. If C.. THU& 1M7 Lions Club Alto Will] Grade, Grata Lot Oa Main Street A resolution, accepting the in vitation of the trustees of the blagle Memorial property to de velop a recreation center on property surrounding the Me morial building, was adopted by the Lions club at Its meeting Monday night. The decision was reached aft er considerable discussion as to whether the club could continue its plans to develop the county lot on Main street or create a recreation center on the Me morial property. Prior to adoption of the pro posal calling for the develop ment of the Memorial recrea tion center, a motion was pass ed that the Lions club continue work on the county lot, to the extent that it be graded and grass sown there. It was brought to the atten tion of the club that Grant Zickgraf had offered the club the use of a bulldozer in the project of developing the coun ty property and that A. B. Siagle had offered similar equipment in the development of the rec reation center at the Memorial building. General discussion Indicated that the club would complete the work on the county lot as soon as possible, and that the development of the Memorial property would be taken up as a long-term project. In the general discussion, those favoring the development of the Memorial property point ed out that it would be a per manent proposition; while mem bers favoring the de . of the eeontp lot ing started a development there, the club should complete it A rummage sale, previously announced, will be held on Rankin square Saturday morn ing, beginning at 10 o'clock. B. L. McGlamery will be the auc tioneer, and funds raised by this sale will be used for the de velopment of the two proposed recreational areas. Do You Remember . . . ? (Looking backward through the files of The Press) 58 YEARS AGO THIS WEEK Mr. and Mrs. Kope Eliu, J. F. Ray, E. K. Cunningham 'and J. A. Munday visited Ashevllle last week. . . . We learn that R. B. Shelton began a revival at Mt. Zlon on the 5th Sunday of last month and that the Rev. Frank Slier has been doing the preaching and up to last Satur day there had been 47 profes sions. . . . Miss Nannie Trotter and her brother, John, left yes terday morning on a visit to At lanta- Miss Nannie will visit friends at Mayesvllie and other places before returning. 28 TEARS AGO A deal Of considerable in terest to local businesses circles was effected during the last few days, when Mr. C. W. Hames purchased the Interest of Lewis B. Angel in the firm of W. T. Moore and company, one of Franklin's leading general merchandise and grocery stores. Mr. Hames Is well known to our people, having lived here for many years before going to At lanta to engage in the hotel business. 10 YEARS AGO At the meeting for the re organisation of the Parent Teacher Association for Frank lin and vicinity, held at the courthouse last Friday, the fol lowing officers were elected: Mrs. Carl Slagle, president; Mrs. J. A. Flanagan, vloe-president; Mrs. H. E. Church, secretary; Mrs. L. H. Page, treasurer. . . . The marriage of Miss Margaret Hall, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. David A. Hall, of Sylva. and Charles Norman Dowdle, son of Mr. and' Mrs. M. L. Dowdle, of Franklin was solemnised Satur day at 1:10 in the flylva Mftfe 941ft ohureh, Sales Of Extract Wood Total $480,000 Yearly Here, Figures Re^ittl Pointtqg out that the Cham Fibre company and the corporation buy about 40, 000 units of chestnut extract wood each year In Macon coun ty, bringing In a yearly lhcome of about (480,000, John Waslllk, ranger for the Wayah district of the Nantahala National for est, this week stressed the Im portance of protecting wood lands from fire. Moat of this wood comes from the gpvenunent land lying In the Wayah district and is bought by the two companies at a price of $12 per unit. A unit, he explained, consists of ISO cubic feet, as compared with 128 feet In the standard cord, the usual unit for measuring wood. So far this year, there have been seven fires on the Wayah Legion Armistice Supper Is First * Meal At Memorial Party members of the Franklin American Legion pwt fathered Tuesday night at the Slagie Memorial build ing tor an impromptu Arm istice day sapper. The delicious chicken din ner was the first meal senr ed in the Mamrlal build ing by the caretaker and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. Van The meeting was attend ed by veterans from both .wan. Red Cross To , ?.? 1 .? A . . .-A., HoRrAninr Demonstrations and reports of work done in two projects spon sored by the Macon County chapter of the American Red Cross during the past year are scheduled as features of the organization's annual dinner, which is to be held at 7 p. m. tonight (Thursday) at the Slagle Memorial. Carl Ty singer, local fire chief, will give a demohstration of first aid and accident preven tion instruction, according to present plans. Mr. Tyslnger is one of the graduates of an in structor's course in this field offered here this fall with Ellis D. Fysal, field representative of the national Red Cross, as in structor. Nell Mooney, graduate of bust summer's Red Cross swimming instructor's class, will make a report an Uu swimming and water safety program conducted here last summer under the auspices of the local Red Cross chapter. Officers for* the coming year will be elected at this meeting, to which all members of the Red Croat have been Invited. Every person who contributed to the Red Cross last year is a member, It was pointed out. P. T. A. To Hear Speakers From W. C.TVC. At Monday's Meeting Quest speakers at the No vember meeting of the Frank lin Parent-Teacher association, set for 7:30 o'clock Monday night at the school, will be Miss Fannie Goodman and Miss Benton, both of the faculty of Western Carolina Teachers col lege, Cullowhee. The subjects of their talks have not been announced. The national P. T. A. topic for No vember, however, Is "Know Your Schools", and National Book Week falls in November, so It is anticipated that their talks will deal with one or both of these phases of public educa tion. FLORIDA RATES HIGHER Report* from Florida are that Florida resort Interests be lieve the boom will last through this winter; that hotels will have excellent business; that tony places an planning to raise ratM m mucb m M J*r <Uy in /Mttirr ?>* iwnwrr district which hav* a total of 208 acres, to the district' ranger. 111k said that this can of $1,000 In Umber, straying the young slowing down the growth of older trees. When asked about for the safe burning of and debris, the ranger < that the safest time to after a good rain. "Pick a < afternoon? preferably after 4 p. m. when the wind Is not Mow ing," he added. "It's alw&yg a good Idea to notify your neigh bors or the state fire warden and rangers when you paan to burn. Plow several furrows, rake a line, around the ana you plan to burn to prevent Ore from getting out. Haw tools with which to fight the fire and stay with it until It's out." NX SYMPHONY DRIVE PLANNED Sloan Heads Committee; Concerts Scheduled Here In March W. W. Sloan, Franktta Jptf ness man, has been apfftote d Macon County chairman W the North Carolina Symphony, ?nd announced this week that the 1947 campaign for mnmhwiMu in the Symphony Society will open here November M. The Symphony Orchestra, which delighted audiences here last year and the year before, is tentatively scheduled t0 ?P setters? =2? art given in the afternoon for school children. This county's membership quota Is the same as last year, <750. The work of the symphony is considered essentially education al, and four types of member ship are open, to suit the de sires and pocketbooks of those who wish to forward this move ment for better music in North Carolina, as well as to obtain admission to the concert here. The regular membership is $2; an active membership is $5; a donor membership, $25; and a patron membership, $100. Any one of these memberships ad mits the member to any con cert the orchestra gives In North Carolina. Since the orchestra usually plays In a number of Western North Carolina com munities, this makes.lt possible for Macon County" members who wish to do so to attend more than one concert, without additional charge. Since its reorganization in 1939, the orchestra ? the first or chestra In the nation to receive state support ? has been ac claimed by hundreds of thou sands of persons. In the 115 concerts it gave last year, the group played to 50,000 adults and 100,000 children. , "The enthusiastic response of the Macon County children who attended the free chlldrens' concerts last year and the year before", Mr. Sloan pointed out, "indicates how quick children are to appreciate good music, when they are given the oppor tunity to hear It," Mr. Sloan will announce members of his committee, workers, and detailed plans for the campaign next week, he said. FRIDAY NIGHTS GRID CLASH DUE TODRAW CROWD Local Eleven Will Meet Andrews In Benefit Game Here Oiven good weather, a crowd of between 1,000 and 1,500 per sons is expected to turn out foi the specially scheduled football game here tomorrow ( Friday > night between the Frankiir. Panthers and Andrews hi The kickolf Is scheduled for 7:30 o'clock at the Franklin school athletic field. '.'The game was arranged as i [benefit affair. Half the net pro ceeds from admissions will g<. to the Franklin Parent-Teach er association for its work, while the other half will be turned, over to the school atti letle association, which has hax. heavy expenses this season especially in purchasing nev equipment. Representatives of the P. T. A. also 'vrill have hot dogs, pop I com, and cold drinks on sale, as a supplementary fund raising project. Faced With the need of some place (or the sale of these items, the P. T. A. committee decided to build .jl permanent booth, to be available for similar conces slon in the future. The booth is being constructed on the west %lde 0M1 shower house. Mem ben of *. J. Whltei ire's voca tional agriculture class agreed to do th? work, and lumber was donated by the Zlckgraf Hard wood coaopany. The Franklin eleven, with a record of four wins, one tie, and only one defeat, is one of the strongest the school has had in yawn, but It la under stood thaf Andrews also has a good teal*, aad a hard-fowght in..- ? '-e announced- Franklin's probable starting lineup as follows: Quarterback, Flanagan or Harmon; fullback, Cabe; halves, Mason and Gregory; center, Mc Connell; guards, Brown and Leopard; tackles, Mooney and Stewart; and ends. Angel and Moses. ArrangeoKnts for the game were made with school author ities by the P. T. ? budget committee, headed by W. E. Hunnlcutt. Other members of the committee are Mrs. 8. H. Lyle, Jr., R. S. Jones, John M. Archer, Jr., and Mrs. Clinton Johnson. For Friday night's concessions, Mrs. George A. L. Cook, Jr., is in charge of preparing the hot dogs; Mrs. Marion Perce, get ting and preparing the popcorn; Mrs. D. A. Stewart the soft drinks; and Mrs. Sam Alexander It responsible for lining up a ?Continued on Page Six Dr. Matthews Heads Local Infantile Paralysis Chapter Dr. William A. Matthews, of Highlands, has been elected chairman of the Macon County chapter of the National Foun dation for Infantile Paralysis, it was announced this week. Dr. Matthews succeeds Mrs. Jose phine D. Oalnes, who resigned The Macon County chapter plans to send delegates to a district Infantile paralysis meet ing In Asheville next Monday, but the persons to represent the local chapter have not yet bean selected. October Unusually Warm And Wet, Records Reveal Last month was exceptionally warm and wet for October, a comparison with a 10-year aver age at the Coweeta Experiment al FOrest. A total of 8.02 inches of rain fall during the month was re corded at the weather station In the headquarters area of the forest, while at some of the higher elevations more than IS inches of rain fell. This com pares with an average, over the 10-year period 1937-1944, of 3.01 inches. The average temperature last month was 60 degrees, which was 4.4 degrees above the 10 fMI ftvirtf* The coldest day in October was the 31st, when a low of 30 degrees was recorded, but that was five degrees above the 10-year average for the last day of October. October 26, when a high of 80 was recorded, was the warmest day In the month. This was four degrees above the 10-year average for October 20. The only October during the past decade that wu wetter was In 1037. In that year, a total of 8.57 Inches of preclpla tloa was noted. The driest Oc tober on record was In 1038, whan only .11 of an inch of rain toll during the entln menth. Franklin Collects 98.99 Per Cent Of Its 1946 Tax Levy Tax collections of the Town of Franklin for the IMS tax year represent 98.09 per cent of the total levy, E. W. bone, town clerk, announced this week. This betters by 3.64 per cent the record reported by Brevard, which occasioned a commendation editorial in The Abbeville Citizen Mon day. Franklin's lutal levy for 1946 was S17.1S1.91, Mr. Long said, and tax collec tions to date amount to $16, 8*5.05. That is 98.09 per cent, plus ? just under 98.1. NEW VETERANS' CLASS PLANNED i Will Give Farm Training; Applicants Should -File Names N<ow A new farm training class for veterans of World War 2 will | start here January 1, It was | announced this week by E. J. Whltmlre, who beads the on the-job farm training program in Macon County. Since last year, regulations governing this training have been made much more strict, Mr. Whltmlre said. Veterans who wish to enroll should see the teacher of agri culture at the Agricultural build ing Saturday morning, Mr. Whltmlre said, emphasizing that the names of all those who wish to start their training in Janu ary should be filed with him by | not later than November 19. At present, more than a hun dred Macon County veterans are | taking the training. Approxi mately 10 have completed the I .course, and about 20 more will finish their training during I Mr. Whltmlre said, aJtOBi TJ-pwIi ^ent are <ntlUftd.to theTnB Aw* | years' training. Veterans attend classes, which are held In the Agricultural building, once a week. The schedule of classes held will be changed, starting next year, from two each week to four, to accommodate the various groups in training. Pointing out that a trainee must devote his full time to farming, Mr. Whltmlre remark ed that In the past "it has been the practice of some veterans to make all the necessary prom ises in order to get on the pro gram, and then to forget those promises when the sun gets hot and the weeds begin to grow" He added that a number of North Carolina veterans have been convicted of fraud during the past year, for drawing sub sistence money to farm and then taking other jobs on the | side. The new class, Mr. Whltmlre pointed out, will operate under Public Law 377, which sets forth requirements much strict er than those in effect in the past. These requirements, he added, can be changed only by an act of congress. Among them, he listed the | following: 1. A veteran must have com plete control of the farm on ? Continued on Page Six 3 Who Kidnapped Crum { Given 20 Years Each a The three escaped convicts 1 who figured In a kidnapping t November 2 that ended with re- I lease of their victim In Macon County, entered pleas of guilty I in U. 8. district court in Ashe ville Monday and were sentenc ed to 20 years each by Judge E. Yates Webb. The victim was C. W. Crum, crippled Buncombe filling station operator. The three, who escaped from the prison ward at the state sana torium at Sanatorium, are: Bal lard Martin, of Newton, James A. Stephenson, of Belmont, and Odell Holder, of Greensboro. They were under treatment for tuberculosis at the sanatorium when they made their escape. Gregorys' New Baby 'U Eleventh Born To Hum Mr. and Mrs. George W. Gregory, of Gneiss, have an nounced the birth of a daugh ter, Callle Evelyn Gregory, Oc tober 13. The baby I* the eleventh child born to Mr. and Mr?, Oreiory, RAPER, QUEEN TO APPEAR AT PROGRAM HERE Benefit Square Dance Planned Nov. 21 At Memorial Two of the best known fig ires in Western North Carolina [oik music and dancing wul be >n hand for the benent square lance to be held at the single Memorial Friday night of next veek. They are "Smiling Red" Rap :r, vocalist, perhaps the must, xipular individual entertainer ;ver to appear on the program >f the Mountain Dance anu bom 'estival held annually in Aslie rille, and Sam Queen, caller for he Soco Gap square oam-c earn. It was one of Mr. Queen's lance teams that appeared, sev eral years ago, before the King ind Queen ot England in a pei ormance at the White House. Features of the evening's en ertalnment, in addition to the qua re dancing, will be a box upper, cake walk, and selec ion of the prettiest girl and igliest man present. The affair, set to start at 8 >. m . Is sponsored by the iYanklin Rotary and Lions clubs o raise funds to complete the urnlshlag of the Blagie Me aorlal. Appearing on the evening's urogram with Mr. Queen and dr. Raper will be such well mown hillbilly talent as George Earthing, director of the North Carolina Farm Bureau band; >ick Farthing, guitarist, who oured the world with USO roop shows and with the Farm iureau band; "Doc" Furman Jorbin, widely known ban joist; ind the Carpenter brothers? ack, pianist; Sd. Jr., mando^i it, who Is a member ot file Visitors ? rom Latin America Visit Coweeta J. Albert Torres, of Costa Uca, and Edmundo Resslnl, of lucre, Bolivia, both agronom its, spent several days of last reek at the Coweeta Experl nental Forest as part of a one ear study In the United States inder the auspices of the M. S. )epartment of agriculture. These men are studying for stry practices here with a view d learning both the practical nd scientific methods of forest management and administration iracticed in this country. Their raining is not only In observa ion but in actually helping in , he work. At Coweeta the men were hown around the experimental xea and then were given as lgnments in computing lnten iity to rainfall and average laily streamflow to get an und rstanding of the successive teps Involved in measurements if this kind. The visit of the Latin Amer cans resulted in their obtain ng a better understanding of J. 8. watershed management, ,nd in the Coweeta staff's get lng a better Insight Into the orestry problems in Costa Rica ind Bolivia, forest officials tald. Mr. Torres and Mr. Resslnl eft Friday for Ashevllle. Later - hey will spend a month on the >lsgah National Forest. ,, Press Features Appear This Week In New Positions A rearrangement places several features that appear regularly In The Press In new positions this week. The editorial Is on page > ? the second page of the second section. Highlands news appears on the front of the second section. The ever-popular want ad column will be found on page 5, and in succeeding 1? mss .will appear on the ?est to the last page *t t y first section, or on the y to the last page in the / when there Is only nf ti0JU usual, the far ?n pan ?. wWe* y?ff ?? Oh t\r ^

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