DO THEY LIKE IT? ? Just look at those faces, then judge for yourself! And it is neither a football fame nor a movie that these youngsters are applauding. No! this photo shows a section of one of last season's children's audiences at a North Carolina Symphony orchestra concert. The Symphony, which has played here twice, is scheduled to return next March. The local campaign for members, to make the or l-I estra's visit possible, will get under way next week. Che-okee Information Booth Pro\ is F cpular Of the slightly over a half- j million ears touring the Great Smokies to October 1 this year, 7,445 stopped at the informa tion booth recently established by the Cherokee council and the State News Bureau in the Ad ministration building of th? In dian school. Every state in the [I Union, with the' exceptions of Utah, Vermont, and Wyoming, was represented in the regis- 1 Achievement Day i Attended By More Thar 100 Farm Women More than 100 persons repre senting 13 of the 16 Home Dem onstration clubs in Macon Coun ty were present at the Annual tration, with Ohians, Tar Heels Ttnneseans, Indianians, 111 noians, Georgians, and Florid ians leading the parade. SPECIALS THIS WEEK Western Auto Associate Store Closed Thanksgiving . . We will be open all day next Wednesday and closed on Thanksgiving. After Thanksgiving we will close each Wednesday afternoon as usual. Dixie Home Store City Market Baldwin's Market The A and P Store To Our Friends and Customers . . , For 23 years the Blaine family has operated a seed business in Franklin. Last week we sold our business to Mrs. R. E. McKelvey, who will continue it. We look back with pleasure across the years ? and the months and the weeks and the days ? that make up that period of more than two decades. It has been a period of progress in Macon County ; a period of serving a growing and developing community; a period of seeking and winning- the respect and confidence of the trade, through operating the business on Christian principles and taking the utmost pains always of making fast friends. Your patronage, which made the business possible, has always been appreciated. Your friendship we shall always treasure. To all our friends and customers, a heart-felt THANK YOU! MRS. C. T. BLAINE W. J. BLAINE Achievement day program held I n the Agricultural building on | Dctober 30. The meeting was presided over I jy Mrs. Grady Owens, president ' >f the organization's county :ouncil. She presented a brief iiimmary of the past year's club work to the group. The Cullasaja club received ;he attendance gavel for b he most members present at he meeting and also led In jercentage of attendance at reg ilar meeting during the past fear. This club also received the i ward for having the best all -ound club on the basis of ac- | ,ive officers, community activi ;ies, members reporting accom- 1 jlishments, project leaders hold ng two or more meetings, and ittendance percentage. The display of hand work, ;arden products, canned goods, landicrafts and other articles was most interesting and after unch the exhibits were voted Dn and the following prizes were won: a wool coat by Mrs. ?rank Gibson, of the Cowee club was awarded first prize; luncn 5on, by Mrs. C. C. Cunningham. Franklin, second prize; quilt by Mrs. Laura McCracken, Holly i Springs, third prize; luncheon ' cloth, by Mrs. Ruby Gibson. Leatherman, fourth prize; baby blanket, by Mrs. Fred Slagle, Cartoogechaye, fifth prize; and d table cloth, by Mrs. G. W Brindstaff , Cullasaja, sixth prize Certificates were presented to | I Mrs. H. E. Freas and Mrs. Curl Slagle, both of the Cartooge - clutye club for having complet ed the book review requirements HURRY to our store NOW and avoid the Christmas rush. Here you will find ; the following items to fill your home needs and the hard - to - fill spots on your Christmas shopping list. Norge Oil Heaters Electric Heat:rs Bicycles Automatic Wood and Coal Stoves Electric Toasters Zenith Radios Cabinet Sinks * (Any Siie) Oil Floor Furnaces Tricycles Kitchen Cabinets (Prices Reduced) Priscilla Aluminum ?/ Ware Toy Wagons (Any Size) Armstrong Quaker Rugs v .22 Shells and Shotgun Shells Oil Cloth (46 Inch Siie) Lionel Electric Trains and Construction Sets BE SURE YOU HAVE CHECKED THE ABOVE LIST. THERE MAY BE ITEMS THERE YOU NEED. GET THEM NOW For Builders . , . Asbestos Siding, Aluminum Roofing (any length Pittsburgh Paints MACON COUNTY SUPPLY COMPANY Open Wednesday Afternoons . . . . For the convenience of our customers, we, the undersigned Franklin business firms, will be OPEN WEDNESDAY AFTERNOONS X - - I . DURING THE CHRISTMAS SEASON ? Starting Next Week, November 26 And Continuing Through December 31 Our Stores will be Open All Day on Wednesdays J. B. Pendergrass Belk's Dept. Store S & L 5 & 10c Store Bowers Store The Twins' Shop Bryant Furniture Co. Sossamon Furniture Co. The Quality Shop M. Blumenthal Frances' Shop Western Auto Associate Store Jess' Shop Macon Furniture Co. We Will Be Closed All Day Thankag iving