J Ntt Paid Circulation THIS WEEK 2,224 LAST WEEK 2,224 YEAR AGO THIS WEEK 2,130 ?fje f t t?? bt l^tgblan^ Macottian PROGRESSIVE LIBER.! L INDEPENDENT VOL. LXII? NO. 48 FRANKLIN, N C- WEDNESDAY, NOV. 26. 1947 S2.00 PER VEAK 2 CLUBS RAISE MORE THAN $600 AT DANCE EVENT Fund To Be Used Toward Memorial Furnishings; Crowd Jams Building The carefree crowd of be tween 300 and 400 persons that Jammed the Slagle Memorial for last Friday evening's bene fit program of fun square . danced, Did on girls' boxes, caKe walked, and voted in the var ious contests from 8 o'clock- un til alter midnight ? all to the tune of more than $600 realized by the sponsors, the Franklin Kotary and Lions clubs. The exact amount raised had not been determined Tuesday, but members of the inter-club committee in charge said it would exceed $600. The money will be used toward furnishing the Memorial. The crowd, which came and went during the evening, repre sented points throughout West ern North Carolina and North Geocgia, as well as various com munities in this county. A score or so of cakes were won by cake walkers, and a doz en prizes were awarded. The most vigorous voting ? at 10 cents per vote ? probably was in the contest to select the pret tiest girl, an honor won by Miss Pauline Reid, but there was plenty of interest, too, in the selection of the ugliest man, and in other votes.. Among prize winners were: Mr. and Mrs. J. Richard Queen, the couple married the shortest time; Mr. and Mrs. St. Clair 'Anderson, the couple pres ent married the longest time; the E. J. Carpenter family, with six present, the largest family in attendance; Mr. and Mrs. George Shytle (Mr. Shytle is 71), the oldest couple present; Mr. and Mrs. Joe Lasslster, the youngest couple; Mrs. Roy ?- Geoghegan, the oldest woman present; W. J. Darnell and Mrs. ? Continued on Page Eight Do You Remember . . . ? (Looking backward through the files of The Press) 50 YEARS AGO THIS WEEK Following are the appoint ments made for the Franklin district by the Methodist con- 1 ference at Asheville Monday: ' Franklin district, T. E. Wagg, presiding elder; Franklin sta- ; tion, C. F. Sherrill; Franklin circuit, J. J. Edes, Highlands circuit, G. J. Owen; Macon cir- , cuit, R. B. Shelton; Waynesville station, T. J. Owens. . . . The Nantahala mountains are on fire and it is so smoky that one can't see the mountains around. . . ?, Mr. J. J. Hooker of Webster now owns the telephone line between Franklin, Dillsboro and Webster, and dispatches can be transmitted any time on rea sonable terms. 25 YEARS AGO On Wednesday evening the students from Macon and Jack son counties attending the Uni versity of North Carolina met in the club room of the University Y. M. C. A. and organized a club to be known as the Macon Jackson club. The following of ficers were elected: T. W. Angel, president; C. C. Polndexter, vice president; Roy Enloe, secretary and treasurer; F. B. Mann, re porter. Those present were H. C. ? Stilwell, Frank Henderson, M. B. Madison, Bud Parker, Roy Enloe, Carl Buchanan, Dan Allison, C. W. Flnton, George Patton, Dick Jones, C. L. Fouts, C. C. Poln dexter, Cyrus Fouts, Price Mead ows, Claud Tallent, Ed Angel, T. W. Angel, Jr., Haywood Trotter, and F. B. Mann. 10 YEARS AGO Mrs. W. David Bruner was elected president of the Parent Teacher association in place of Mrs. Carl Slagle, who was un able to accept the office. The meeting, at which 32 members were present, was held at the Franklin school. . . . The High lands school closed for two weeks upon the advice of the district health officer, Dr. Slsk of Waynesville. Some alarm has been felt by the parents of school children, due to the few cases of dlptherla here in town and the attendance has been so low that It was considered ad visable to close the school for ft sliort time, it will reopen on December 0. -arge Sum Raised By Lions' Auction For Playgrounds Between $300 and $400 was netted at the auction sale conducted by the Franklin L.e held Saturday at the Agri :ultural building, have been an lounced. Prizes will be awarded to the dinners of the various contests, ind games and stunts are plan ied. All Macon County- 4-H neigh >orhood leaders, teachers and ?isitors are invited. PARKWAY POPULAR Final reports on the 1947 trav 1 year, ending October 1, show he Blue Ridge Parkway drew nore visitors than any other acility of the National Park ervice, with 1,314,353 visitors. Sloan, In 'Open Letter', Calls On State To Clean Up Cemetery's Approach A movement seeking improve- \ ment of the approaches to the s national cemetery In Raleigh, - where many World War 2 dead c returned to the States are be ing burled, has been launched through the state press by Har- < old T. Sloan, of Franklin. In an "open letter to the v people of North Carolina", Mr. Sloan points out that the ceme- ( tery, soon to be filled with the ( bodies of North Carolina boys, ] itself Is a place of beauty, but s that Its aurroundings are inde scribably ugly, dirty, and de- s pressing. < "Cotamon decency", the letter i declares, "demands that we do f something NOW to clear up the t approach to this cemetery". < The letter is known to have | been published In at least two < of the state'* larger dalllM? The Vinston-Salem Journal-Sentinel ] ind The Asheville Citizen-Times j -and has provoked editorial , iomment. | Mr. Sloan's letter follows: . You and I are proud of our Jtate, and yet almost under the I lome of our capitol is that for I vhich we would blush is shame. I You and, I are proud of our :apltal city, and yet in the ; ilongated shadow of its City { iall is a scene that forbids de- ] tcription. ] You and I are proud of our lystem of streets, highways andjii tecondary roads. And yet almost ? 1 within a stone's throw of our i 3tate Treasury the wheels of traffic are raising a cloud of ' lust that pollutes the air and 1 1 gradually, ceaselessly settles | iown to form a gray blanket on j. ? Continued on Pare Eight PLAN PROGRAMS THANGSGIVING Methodists Will Hold County- Wide Meet "Tonight At 8 Special Thanksgiving church services will be held here Wed lesday evening and Thursday norning. A service at the First Bap tist church will be conducted at 1:30 this (Wednesday) evening, narked by special music and a nessage by the pastor, the Rev J. E. Parker. Holy Communion will be ob served at St. Agnes Episcopal ;hurch Thursday at 8 a. m., the 'ector, the Rev. A. Rufus Mor ;an, announced. And at the Methodist church it 8 p. m. tonight a county wide service will be held, tc vhich members of the Presby terian church have been invitee is guests, in the .absence of tht Presbyterian pastor. The program will be in the lature of a special "Thanksgiv ng for harvest, land, and lib :rty", marked by the respon sive reading of appropriate m.a erial; a presentation of fruits ind soil; and special music. Ministers participating will Di. -he pastor, the Rev. J. H. Bren iall, Jr., and the pastors of tht franklin and West Macon Cir :uits, respectively, the Rev. D ?. Grant and Mrs. R. H. Hull. Miss Harriette Kinnebrew will nake the presentation of the "ruits of the harvest, and Mrs. 3arl P. Cabe will present a tray )f soil. The offering will be divided between a fund for the assis tance of Methodist ministers in Surope and the Methodist Chil ? Continued on Page Eight Panthers Defeat Andrews 7 To 0 In Hard-Fought Game In a game, declared by loaches Frank Plyler and Wil liam Crawford to have been the lardest played contest of the pear, Franklin defeated Andrews jn the latter's field last Friday afternoon by the score of 7-0. Andrews, by using 6-3-2 de fense, stopped the Franklin at tack throughout most of the ;ame. Franklin was able to make one sustained march, however, fea turing gains by Gregory and Mason, and score on a short line plunge by Cabe. Playing up to Its usual stand ard of defensive ball, the Frank lin line held Andrews scoreless throughout the game. Franklin will play Clarkesvllle there on Thanksgiving in what may be the final game of the season, although efforts are be ing made to procure a post-sea ion game for December 6. DECEMBER TERM OF COURT WILL START MONDAY Judge Alley To Preside; 13 Seeking Divorce; Women On Jury List The December term of the Macon County superior court will open here Monday morning with Judge Felix E. Alley, of Waynesville, presiding. On the docket are 62 criminal cases, 20 civil cases, arid one ap peal. More than one-third of the criminal cases deal with prohi oition law violations. In 24 cases defendants are charged with drunk driving. Four cases charge other prohibition law violations. Of considerable local interest is the case of W. L. Reed vs. Katherine Otto and Gordon Ot to. Mr. Reed is asking for $50, 900 damages in the death of Ins son, Sheridan Reed Young Reed was killed last summer us the result of the colu.s.on oi an automobile in which he was riding and one driven by Mi^s Otto. There are 13 divorce cases on the docket this term Both criminal and civil dock sts for this term of court are slightly smaller than for the August court. For the second time in Ma ion county history, there is a jossibility that women will serve >n the juries. The names of ,wo women, Mrs. Reby Tessier ind Mrs. Ruth Carter Rice, were Irawn for jury duty at this erm of court. Depot Street Improvement To Be Begun The Asheville Paving com lany, which has the contract to ave Depot street here, plans to tart work on that project the itter part of this week, it has een learned. The Franklin board of alder len let the contract to the .sheville concern September 15, nd it had been expected that rork would begin .soon after lat date. A letter received the latter art of last week from D. M. urr, of the paving concern, xplains, however, that "we ave the equipment that we lan to use on Depot street tied p on a job at Old Fort. This )b should have been done a lonth ago, but the rainy weath r that we have been having as delayed the job". He added that "three or four ays of sunshine will let us fin ih and we will move from there j Franklin and put the base on iepot street. So I believe we ill be in Franklin the latter art of next (this) week". It is proposed to Machine De ot street with a grader and dd enough stone to the gravel n the street to provide a stone ase six inches thick. This work will be done now, nd next spring asphalt will be laced on the stone base The sheville firm is expected at lat time also to pave Main treet. The latter is a State [ighway commission contract. Charge Day ?ervice Planned Sunday For Franklin Circuit An all-day charge day mest ig of the Franklin Methodist Ircuit will be held at Clark's hapel Sunday, with the Rev. arl W. Judy, former pastor of tie circuit, as guest preacher, ; was announced this week by tie circuit pastor, the Rev. D. . Grant. Following the Sunday school ervice at 10 a. m., Mr. Judy, 'ho is now serving as pastor t Bethel, in Haywood county, 'ill preach at 11. Dinner will e held at the church at noon, nd the afternoon will be de oted to singing. i In addition to local singers, he Smith family, frequently leard on a Greenville, S. C., adlo station, will take part. Tie trio and quartet from this amlly Is remembered by many ersons who heard them at a lmllar gathering here last year. The fall edition of Trallways Magazine contains a full page id. promoting travel to North Carolina. It Is a contribution to ravel in the state by Trallways arriers In North Carolina.