Wet Paid Circulation THIS WEEK 2,221 LAST WEEK 2,221 YEAR AGO THIS WEEK 2,142 VOL. LXII? NO. 50 t pfatilllm f u . jE!) t Blacouian I'ROGR ESSIVE UHER.IL hh??iim v ? nn Kvow iiMumvK ? igr 52.00 PKK VKAK BODY FROWNS ON HOSPITAL AID IN MACON I "h'antls Group Raises $4,000 For Community Hospital There Macon County is unlikely to gei federal and state hospital aid because this county's need is U s urgent than that of others This county, in fact, already has more than twice as many hos pital beds per thousand popula tion as the number set up as a minimum objective by the 1' ederal hospital agency. This was brought out in cor respondence maue puoiic Uus ?week by the group seeding ? community hospital in Higii l.t'iiU.-,. Meanwhile, it was announced that pledges totaling been made by Highland* r"l dents for the erection of the Highlands Community hospital. I The announcement ailQcu it is hoped that a definite state- | ment may be made next week about donation of a site. While the board of trusteed of the Highlands project said they would continue to keep in touch with the State Medical Care commission, they feel that, if Highlands is to get a com munity hospital, it must do so through the efforts of its own people, working through the re cently chartered Highlands Community Hospital, Inc., a non-profit corporation. The question of a hospital for Highlands was brought up at a meeting of the Highlands no tary club last March. Interested persons corresponded wnh ui. Medical Care commission, the American Medical association, and the Duke and Rockefeller foundations from June to Sep tember. The result, however, was un favorable, as indicated in the following excerpt from a lettei from Dr. John A. Farrell, ex ecutive secretary of the Care commission : "The commission has had some correspondence and one or more conferences regarding the hospital situation in Macon County. It already has a larger number of hospital beds per 1, 000 population than has been set as an objective by the Fed eral Hospital agency. * * * "With a population of about 14,000, Macon County already has 89 beds, which is more than six beds per 1,000 of population, whereas the objective of state and federal hospital agencies is only 2 5 beds per 1,000 of popu lation for rural counties. "You probably know that the slogan of the commission has been Hospital facilities within 25 miles of at least 90 per <;ent of the people.' Since you are only 20 miles from the two hospitals at Franklin, your claims for aid probably may not be considered as urgent." Active solicitation of funds for the Highlands project will be discontinued, it was explain ed, until after Christmas. After the holidays, it is planned to issue a printed prospectus 'de signed to answer various ques tions that might arise in the minds of nrnsnertive rinnnrs SO YEARS AGO THIS WEEK 1 The election held on Nov. 29, i In the town of Highlands re sulted in the election of Dr. O'Farrell for mayor. This Is the fifth consecutive term of the doctor to this office. J. J. Smith, J. Z Oottwalls, John Manley, and W. T. Potts were elected commissioners. That mine host Stallcup has to furnish Frank Rogers and Fred Slier board, and dinner every day for Jesse Sloan and ye editor, speaks well for the providing capacity of the All man House. This is only an ad to let all those who read it know that there Is always plenty more provided for all those who wish it, 25 YEARS AGO At the meeting of the board of aldermen held last Monday night, Mr. T. J. Johnston tend ered his resignation as mayor of Franklin, to take effect imme diately. The board elected R. D. BUk to nu th? unexpired term. HERE'S THE WINNING 1947 PANTHER SQUAD ? Pictured above is the 1947 Franklin high school football squad. Their record of eight wins, one tie, and one loss is one of the best ever compiled by a local eleven. In making this record the Panthers scored 208 points, to their opponents 44. The usual starting line up for the season was, LE ? Angel, Edgar; LT ? Mo<oney, Neil; LG ? Brown, Bill; C ? McConnell, Steve; RG ? Leopard, Francis or Welch, Kenneth; RT ? Stewart, Harley; RE ? Moses, Kelly; QB ? Flan agan, John or Harmon, Earl; RHB ? Gregory, Lyman; LHB ? Mason, Clarencp; FB ? Cabe, Larry (Capt.) Bill Brown is the only member of this line up who is expected to return next year. Front iow ? Coach W. F. Plyler; Lewis Welch, tackle; Clarence Mason, halfback; Johnny Flanagan, quarterback; LymaA Gregory, halfback; Steve McConnell, center; Edgar Angel, end; Captain Larry Cabe, fullback, Neil Mooney, tackle; Bill Brown, guard; and Coach William G. Crawford. Second and third rows, left to right ? Boyce White, center; J thn Alsup, guard; Francis Leopard, guard; Kelley Moses, end; Charles Thomas, fullback; Frank Henry III, halfback; Burton Leach, end; Earl Harmon, quarterback; Bob Parrish, tackle; Jack Tilley, end; and Ronald White, halfback. * Fourth row (in white jerseys) ? Howard Johnson, line; John M. (Bardy) Archer, III, backfield; Bob Myers, backfield; Man ager Dewey Elliott; Claude McFalls, line; George (Pat) Pattillo, line; and Harold Keener, end. Harley Moore Stewart, right tackle, who was ill at the time the photograph was made, and Capt. Larry CaJ>e have been chosen to play in the Optimist Bowl at Asheville Saturday. Court Fines, Forfeitures Total $2,089 Fines collected and bonds for feited during the December term of the superior court amounted to approximately $2,0X9.75, ac cording to J. Clinton BroOKshut clerk of the superior court. Following the completion of the criminal docket Wednesday afternoon, eight divorces wert granted by Judge Felix E. Alley, vvno presided. Those who received divorces were: Dorothy Walker from jJavid Walker; Charley W. Paul from Mary Joyce Paul; Ethel lAartin from Dan Martin; Ed gar Carter from Grace carter; Ernest J. Messer from Delia Messer; Leonard Rose from Dor othy Rose, Mary Wilson from Issac Wilson; and Kibby L. Ramey from Mae W. Ramey. Among cases on the civil docket which were continued until the next term of court are those of W. L. Reed, ad ministrator of the estate of Sheridan Reed, deceased, vs. {Catherine Otto and Gordon Otto; Arthur I. Rank vs. Verca lite Industries, Incorporated ; and Mary Siler Higdon vs. T. u. Higdon, Jr., et al. In the closing hours of the criminal term, Alveron Hall, charged with assault with a deadly weapon, was ordered to pay the court costs and given a seven months' suspended pris on sentence, and Troy Potts, charged with operating a motor vehicle while under the influ ence of intoxicating beverages, was ordered to pay the court costs and a $50 fine. He also was ordered to surrender ms driver's license and received a 60-day suspended sentence. Court was adjourned by Judge Alley at noon Thursday. Gribbin To Conduct Confirmation Rite Here Sunday Night The Rt. Rev. Robert E. Gib bin, of Ashevllle, bishop of the Western North Carolina Episco pal diocese, will administer the rite of confirmation at a serv ice at St. Agnes church here Sunday evening at 8 o'clock. This will be Bishop Olbbin's last visitation here prior to his retirement. He will conduct a similar service at the Church of the Incarnation, in Highlands, at 11 a. m. Sunday. FIREMEN CALLED A small blaze at the plant of Vercallte Industries, Inc., caus ed the fire alarm to be sounded Monday at noon. The fire, which was caused by a small quantity of oil catching fire, had been put out by the time the fire truck arrived, ac cording to members of the franklin fire department. The damage wm reported m night, PLAN CANTATA SUNDAY NIGHT Combined Choirs Of Two Churches To Present G.iristmas Program The choirs of the Presbyter ian and Methodist churches of Franklin will present a cantata, "Come, Let Us Adore Him," under the direction of Mrs. Lewis Manning, Sunday night, December 14, at 7:30 o clock at the Franklin Methodist church. Prior to the cantata, Mrs. Henry W. Cabe and Mrs. Gilmer A. Jones will give a piaj^a and organ recital of "The Holy City" by Stephen Adams. The 20-voice choir which will take part in the program is composed of the following per sons: Mrs. Sam Alexander, Mrs. ftoy Cunningham, Mrs. Harold oloan, Mrs. Grover Jamison, Mrs. Bob Sloan, Mrs. Earl Har mon, Miss Esther Wallace, Mrs. Hyldah Shepherd, Mrs Cary Cabe, Mrs. C. N. Dowdle, Mrs. G. S. Winstead, Mrs. Neal Johnston, Miss Dorothy Jones, Mrs. A. O. Cagle, Mrs. Hoyt Evans, Mrs John Bulgin, S. W. Mendenhall, Harold Lang, the Rev. Hoyt Evans, and the Rev. J. H. Bren dall, Jr. The cantata program is as fol 'lows: ''O Come Ye and Wor ship", Brahms, by the choir; "O Holy Light", Wagner, by Mr. Brendall, "Through Ages Dark ened", Tsehaikowsky, the choir; "The Promised Land", Beethov en, the choir;, "O Fear Not", Braga, by Miss Wallace and Mfs. Winstead; "Can This Be Messiah?", Tsehaikowsky, the choir; "Thou Art The Savior", Schubert, Mr. Lang and the choir; "We Found Our Lord", Wagner, the choir; "A Christ mas Prayer", Schumann; wo man's chorus; "Ye Shall Find the Lord of All", Beethoven, choir; "O Come, All Ye Faith ful," 18th century melody, the choir. Drs. Angel Donate $300 Each For Work At Slagle Memorial Drs. Furman and Edgar Angel have contributed $300 each to the development of the Slagle Memorial prop erty. it was announ ed tais week. Dr. Edgar Angel made his donation to the Franklin Boy Scout trcap lor im provement of the men.jrial grounds, and the Scouts turned the check over 10 the board of liusiets oi' the property. Dr. Furman Angel's con tribution is for u?ip. jve ment of the driveways lead ing from the highway up the hill to the nicniuruti building. Craft House To Open With House Warming Monday The Craft House at the Non- | ah Center, on Cartoogjcna>c, will be opened with a house warming Monday afternoon I from 2 to 4:30 o'clock All women of the community ^ and other interested persons are | invited to visit the center at | any time during this period. The opening will initiate a program of handicraft, starting with hand weaving, at the cen ter. Four looms have been in stalled so far. The handicraft program will be under the di rection of Miss Frances Barr. For the Craft House, the old Greenwood home, near the Slagle school, has been renov ated. It adjoins the center's new Clinic building, which is under construction. The lower floor of the latter | building will be used for recrea tion and community gatherings, while the second floor when completed will serve the com munity as a clinic. The Nonah Center and handi craft program were initiated by the Rev. A. Rufus Morgan. County, 2 Towns Receive $8,139 Beer, Wine Taxes Macon County and the two municipalities lying within the county have received a total of $8,139.47 as their shares in the first distribution of income from increased North Carolina taxes on beer and wine. The check to the county re ceived by Treasurer Lake V. Shope, was for $7,201.73, while the Town of Franklin's share was $644.24 and the Town of Highlands received $293.50. The 1947 general assembly ; doubled the crown and stamp : taxes on beer and unfortified wines and directed that half i of the revenue collected on beer l and wine should be dUtrlbuted I to eopntlH, eltliii and town* which permit the sale of these beverages The one-half ear marked for the counties and municipalities is distributed among them on a basis of popu lation. The distribution just made is of revenue collected during the period July 1, when the new law became elective, to September 30. Hereafter, It was explained, the distribution will be made annually. Since the law does not desig nate that the money turned over to the counties and towns shall be used for a specific pur pose, this county and franklin jand Highlands will deposit the I amounts In their general funds, it u untoitood. '47 ELEVEN ONE OF TOWS BEST On Thanksgiving day when the Franklin football team de feated the Clarkesville, Ga., high school eleven by a score of 39-12, the Panthers complet ed one of the best seasons any .ucal eleven has ever had. They won 8 games, tied 1, and lost 1. By defeating ' Clarkesville by such a one-sided score, the local team compiled a total score of 208 points for the season, to their opponents' 44. Football fans here feel sure that this is one of the two highest season's totals ever run up by a Frank lin football team. While records, are not available, it is recalled that the 1930 eleven also had a very high scoring record. The scores for the season's 10 games were as follows: 1 Franklin 13, Murphy 13, Franklin 20, HayesviUe 6; Franklin 20, Sylva 0; Franklin 39, Robbinsville 0; Franklin 26, Asheville "B" team 0; Franklin 26, Sylva 0; Franklin 6, Bry son City 13; Franklin 13, And rews 0; Franklin 7, Andrews 0; Franklin 39, Clarkesville 12. The usual starting line-up was: LE, Angel; LT, Mooney; LG, Brown; C McConnell; RG Leopard or Welch, RT, Stewart; RE, Moses; QB, Flanagan or Harmon; RH, Gregory; LH, Mason; FB, Cabe (Capt.) Society To Invite Alley To Make Address Judge Felix E. Alley, of Way nfesville, will be Invited to de liver a public address in Frank lin at an early date, under sponsorship of the Macon Coun ty Historical society, it was de cided at Monday night's annual meeting of the society's mem bership. The society also reelected all its officers, and decided to hold three' or four meetings yearly, at which programs of historical interest and significance will be presented. The first of these is expected to be the public meet ing at which Judge Alley will speak. Officers reelected are: Mrs. Carl S. Slagle, president; the Rev. A. Rufus Morgan, vice president; E. W. Long, treas urer; and Miss Cecile Gibson, secretary. Also reelected were Gilmer A. Jones and Miss Las sie Kelly as members of the board of directors. Miss Gibson, Miss Harrlette Kinnebrew, and Mrs. Esther Freas were named as the mem bership committee, and it was pointed out that any person in terested in helping to preserve the history of Macon County? whether they now live in the county or elsewhere? is invited to Join. Regular membership* are $1 a year; life member ships, $25. A committee made up of Weimar Jones, Mrs. W. W. Sloan and Thad D. Bryson, Jr., was named to plan the programs for the coming year. ASK FOR VOTE ON WINE. BEER SALES IN MACON Petition Signed By 2,500 Filed With County Election Board A petition requesting that an election be called to determine whether the sale of beer and wine shall be outlawed in Ma con County has been filed with the county board of elections. The petition was presen o J. J. Mann, election board chair man, Dy n. u.'r?u.?.ulu aay. Mr. P.emmons said it bsars aoout 2,500 signatures. Mr Mann caned uie board into session Tuesday to review die petition and discuss the icgal aspects of the matter with County Attorney R. S. Jones. If the petition is iou.^u ? b ? iii oiuei, wun the required number of signatures, the board .<??1 be called to meet again December 15 at 3:30 p. m. to set a date for an election, cnahman Mann said. The law provides that, to be eligioie to sign the petition, a peison must nave voted in the iast gubernatuiiai election, anu uiat tne petition must bear sig natures numoermg not, m_.i 15 per cent of the total who voted in Macon County ior go? ernor in tne last, eiccc.jii. ine board said that 5s?7 represents one required 15 per cent. If the petition is found to be in oroer, the law requires the boara, within 3U days, to set a date for an election. The law aiso provides tnat 3u da>o puu lic notice of the election must oe given. Anotner piovisijn sets forth that such an election may not be neld witnin t>u ua>? ui any other elecu^n. Beer is now legally sold in Macon County. At present no licenses for the saie oi w??c u-_ in eflect. Center Line Marking Of 2 Highlands Highways bought The state highway commis sion will be asked to marK uie liighlands-Diliard and High lands-Cashiers highways wiai white center lines. Decision to make the request was reached at Tuesday mgnt s meeting of th Highlands Rotary club, iollowing a round table discussion of the topic, "Hign way Safety Measures". The club's secretary, s. C. iiussen, was instructed to make the re quest by letter. Invited guests present to take part in the discussion were Highway Patroimen Pritchard Smith, Jr., and jack Lunsloid and Bob Sloan After the topic had been in troduced by Mr. Russell and uie floor thrown open by discussion, it was pointed out by several members that one of the great est driving hazards in the High ways in that area would greatly that white lines on all high yays in that area would greatly help matters. Following some discussion of the matter, Wilton Cobb, club president, instructed the sec retary to take the matter up with state officials by corre spondence. ? The club also gave Patrolman Smith a vote of thanks for the outstanding work done by him in the apprehension of persons who participated in the series of housebreakings and robberies in the vicinity of Highlands this fai'. ? , Alleys' Daughter, Aged 6 Weeks, Dies; Rites Held Dec. 6 Funeral services for Barbara Arle Alley, 10-weeks old daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Alley of Otto, were held Saturday afternoon at the Asbury Metho dist church. Burial followed in the church cemetery. The Rev. L. C. Stevens conducted the service. The baby died at the home of her parents Friday afternoon at 1 o'clock. Will Start Depot Paving Soon A? Weather Permit* Officials of the Ashevllle Pav ing company were In Franklin Monday and told town Mayor T. W. Angel, Jr., that equipment will be moved here and work started on the paving of Depot street a* soon as the weather permits.

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