NEWS ?*- PEOPLE MISS U1GDON BECOMES ELMO KOGERS' BRIDE Miss Betty Ruth Higdon, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. R. O. iiigdon, of Oay, Jaclcson county, was married to Elmo Rogers, son of Mr. and Mrs. Arnold iiogers, of Franklin, at Clayton, ua, December 6. The ceremony was performed at noon at the Baptist pastor i_m in Clayton, with the Rev. u. D. Harris, pastor, officiating, only a few close friends were present. The bride wore a costume of tjgshell crepe, with brown ac cessories. Her corsage was of . .ak carnations. oaturday evening a reception \,as given by the groom's par 'fc.its at their home here. wirs. Rogers, a graduate of the Webster High school, at tended Appalachian State Tcachers college and Western Carolina Teachers college. The groom, who Is a gradu ate of the Franklin High school, served in ,the Pacific with the armed forces during World War 2. He operates a service station In Franklin, where the couple will make their home. VARIED PROGRAM GIVEN AT MUSIC CLUB MEETING Piano and vocal numbers, a paper, and a report marked the meeting of the Franklin Junior Music club the afternoon of December 6 at the home of 1 Freda Siler. Edith Plemmons read a paper on Edward MacDowell; piano numbers were given by Martha Womack, Beverly Stockton, Jan et Parker, Martha Ann Stockton, Jane Zickgraf, Edith Plemmons, and Freda Siler; and Elizabeth Jones sang MacDowell's "To A Wild Rose". The group also sang Christmas carols. A report on the annual dis trict conference in Brevard was made by Elizabeth Jones. Following the program, mate rial were distributed to club members for the sale of mem berships in the North Carolina symphony. Any Macon county child selling as many as 10 memberships is to be given a free ticket to the evening con cert of the orchestra, which will appear here early in March. MISS LILLIAN E. BEECO IS BRIDE OF R. H. FOUTS Miss Lillian E. Beeco, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Claude C. Beeco, of Franklin, became the bride of Roy H. Fouts, son of Mrs. C. H. Fouts, of Asheville and Franklin, October 23 at the parsonage of the First Baptist church. Blue Ridge, Ga. The double ring ceremony was performed by the Rev. W. j\ Taliaferro, retired pastor of Bull Street Baptist church, Savannah. The parsonage was decorated with white baskets of gladiolus. Only a lew close riends attended. The bride wore a royal blue crepe dress, with black accessories. Mrs Fouts is a graduate of the Franklin High school and attended Cecil's Business col lege. Mr. Fouts is a graduate of Franklin High school and North western college, Detroit. Both are veterans of World War 2. They are making their home in Franklin, where Mr. Fouts iS employed. MRS. HUNNICUTT HONORED WITH SURPRISE SHOWER Mrs. Emory Hunnicutt was honored with a surprise show er at her home the afternoon of December 9, given by Mrs. Gilmer Jones and Mrs. Allen Siler. The occasion was the recent move of Mr. and Mrs. Hunnicutt to their new home on bun&ei drive. About 35 guests called during | the afternoon, and the honoree ; was the recipient of many at tractive gifts. I ; BIRTHS Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Clark of Franklin have announced the - birth of a son at Angel hos pital December 4. Born to Mr. and Mrs. Ou; Baldwin, a daughter, December 3 at Angel hospital. Mrs. Bald win is the former Miss Virginia Gray, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Gray. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Cope ol Franklin, Route 3, have an nounced the birth of a son at their home December 5. A daughter was born to Mr and Mrs. Henry Pierson Keener, of Highlands, November 28. Mr. and Mrs. Elmer J. Stan field have announced the birth of a son December 3 at their ; home in the Cullasaja com munity. Mr. and Mrs. R. E. Owen have announced the birth of a son, Marvin Samuel, December 4 at Angel hospital. Mrs. Owen is the former Miss Gladys utiles, daughter of Mr. anc Mrs. Elbert A. Stiles. Mr. and Mrs. Thurman F Rogers, of Franklin, Route 2, have announced the birth of a daughter, Helen Marie, Decem ber 1, at the Maternity home in Clayton, Ga. TRY POST-WAR "FASTER ACTING" CCCCOLD UUU TABLETS ReBcve Mm oches and sleep robbing MHwiw of Cokb fo?t with 446 (tablets or liquid) C um o?i? Personal Mention R. W. Shields, former super visor of N&ntahala National Forest, now with the Forest Service stationed at Philadel phia, spent the week-end here, en route to Birmingham, Ala., on vacation. Mrs Reba Stanfleld, of Franklin, is reported recover ing, following an operation performed at the Piedmont hospital, in Atlanta, December 9. Word has been received here of the Illness of Arthur A. Wood. Mr. Wood, one-time su pervisor of the Nantahala Na tional Forest, now supervisoi of the Monongahela Forest, suf fered a heart attack about six weeks ago. It is understood that he has sufficiently recovered to return to his home, at Elkins, W. Va., from the hospital. Little Patricia Tatham, of Robbinsvllle, is here for a visit to her grandparents, Mr and Mrs. J. Fred McOaha. of Frank lin. Route 3, and other relatives. LEGAL ADVERTISING NOTICE OF ELECTION PER TAINING TO SALE OF BEER AND WINE IN MACON COUNTY. In accordance with law the Macon County Board of Elec tions met in the Courthouse on December 15, 1947 and after reviewing a petition prepared and presented to the said board, they found a sufficient number of citizens of Macon County had signed a petition calling for an election on the proposi tion of legal sale of Beer and Wine in Macon County. It is ordered by the Board of Elections that an election bt held on February 14, 1948 and that due notice is hereby given af said election and that the registration books will be oper it the regular polling place on the following dates: January 17th, January 24th and Janu ary 31st and Challenge day will be February 7th, with date of Election being the following Saturday, February 14th, 1948. J. J. MANN, Chairman TED BLAINE, Secretary JESS RAY, Member D18 ? 4tc ? J8 AUCTION SALE Beds and springs, tables, dressers, chairs, wash- . stands, and lots of other things, including a lot of junk. Because it rained, we put the sale off from December 15 to Saturday, December 20 Sale Starts at 14 a. m. Public Invited Herman Dean At Old Home Place on Watauga r*cV? ?^JJ\ic\oas/ EXTREME SHORTAGE OF MEAT BY SPRING ? Headline I ?How YOU Can Help 1 l IN THE PRESENT FOOD SAVING CAMPAIGN 1. Town people can assist in Grain Conservation .by buying QUARTERS of Reef? HALF or WHOLK Pressed I Ions Dressed Hens by the HALF IX1ZKN . . . from your Locker jo Plant, or from a producer friend. Bring it to the Looker Plant and we will process and store it. g ? 2. Country People can h'elp our country's Food Supply by H putting a Pig or two on feed NOW for next spring and summer's ^ meat supply. These summer hogs can be cured at your Locker Plant without anv loss due to hot weather. The weather is always cool and clear at your Locker Plant. 3. By renting a locker to store meats and vegetables next summer. Don't wait until next summer to try to rent a locker ? q they may not lie available. Get storage now for next spring's ??! Strawberries, Peachete, and Vegetables. ?*! O O 4. Visit your Locker Plant today and 1-1X1) Ol 1 how you O can save Food and Money. J_ CHRISTMAS SPECIALS Big Fat Hens ? Fryers ? Turkeys Franklin Frozen Foods , Inc. v Telephone 240 X tt ? a. * n STARVING PEOPLE IN EUROPE? Headline The Empty Stocking I Xhis Christmas we planned to fill the South's stocking I with a $10 million gift of year-'round travel pleasure . . . those 101 luxurious new streamlined passenger train cars we ordered 'way bad in August, 1946. Alas I H can't be. Santa got caught in that famous poet-war bottleneck. We share your disappointment, because we can hardly wait to give our trains that "new look" with all those ultra-modern, lightweight coaches, all-room sleeping cars, diners, and observation, lounge and dub cars. Month after month we've impatiently awaited their delivery. But surely, they'll be in service long before next Christmas I In the meantime, we've been improving our schedules and connections, modernizing our present passenger cars, and adding Diesel power galore . . . doing everything possible to add to your safety, comfort and convenience when you travel on the Southern. And as quickly as possible we'll fill the South's stock ing ... to the top . . . with those new passenger cars wq ordered so long ago. So won't you please be patient? ' * wtvf'rwrrrrrfr* r*rrrrr*~mm- -Qy_ _ SOUTHERN RAILWAY SYSTEM M) - - mmswtamm