J; Mncrm Htjkwr- i J 'Uttord for 1948 to Datt (Kr?n Slitt Kjjhwmy Purnl r?ord?) - KILLED ?' INJURED ? Do Your Part to Keep These Figure* Down! Qb* 1S}tgblatrt>? BJaconian PROGRESS! I 'E LIBERAL INDEPEND E\ T VOL. LXIII? NO. 8 FRANKLIN. N. C.. THURSDAY, FEB. 19, 1948 # $2.00 PER YKAK CHILDREN OF 28 NEEDY FAMILIES AIDED BY CLUB $250, Raised _ By Lions' Dime Board, Buys Clothing, Shoes Nearly $250, proceeds from the Lions club dime board col lections, has been spent to as sist needy Macon county fam ilies by the health and welfare ? committee of the Lions club. ElWri Angel, committee mem ber, said that clothes had been bought for members of 28 dif ferent lamilies, and that shoes had been purchased for 19 child ren. Dr. G B. Woodard, chairman of the committee, explained that particular emphasis had been placed on outfitting children who were reported to be unable to attend school, due to lack of clothing. He added that at least 25 children who previously had not beta attending school now are going regularly as a result ot this w<*k.r - The culRjjpittee worked in co operation wiih the County Wel fare department. Mrs. Elolse O. ? Potts, county superintendent of I welfare, furnished the names of many oi the needy families. Dr. Woodard also pointed out that considerable food had been distributed to destitute families, most oi which had been contri buted by individuals, rather than purchased from dime board proceeds. Mrs. Julia Rhodes, Former Resident Of Macon, Is Dead Funeral services were held at ^Morgai:ton last Sunday for Mrs. Julia Carpenter Rhodes, 71, for ' mer Macon County resident. Mrs. Rhodes, the daughter of the late J. P. Carpenter., and. Salley Bradley Carpenter, died as the result of a heart attack. Survivors include one daugh ter, Cljde Rhodes, and a sister, Mrs. (j. W. Scruggs, of Thomas ville. Do You Remember . . . ? * ^ (Looking backward through the The Press) 50 YEARS AGO THIS WEEK Mrs. S. H. Lyle and three children returned home last Wednesday evening from a visit to relatives In Edgecombe coun ty, where they spent the winter. Jolly John W. Queen was In town last Friday for the first time In many days, but his ringing laugh was as familiar as of old. Married, February 13, 1898, in Cartoogechaye township, at the residence of the bride's moth er, Mr. Henry Southards and Miss Florence Battles, H. H. Dills, Esq. officiating. 25 YEARS AGO A lovely Valentine party was given February 15th at Tri mont inn by Misses Brandon and Carrie Corpenlng. Many de lightful games were enjoyed by all present. In the two contests, Thomas Porter and Weyman ^Crawford were winners, Van Ctftioway receiving the "booby"' prize. Those invited were Misses Lilly Calloway, Emily Klngs berry, Eva Baird, Tim Craw ford. Margaret Cozad, Annie oTrTfTTV Baird, Sue Hunnl * ? KatJV^ier, Betty Sloan, Caroline Craw p'r ed/ff Slier, Francine {??j? Catherine Hunnicutt, and Messert Weytnan Crawford, Tom McColtW, Lloyd Kingsbery, T?! callowitf. Mima Crawford, I Sum McGwire, Phil McCul k Z JoW W111U rox, James Cter. Robert Johnston and ? porter. YEARS AGO officers Thursday (fjruary 17, abovt 8:30 ck, arrested four Canton m^B and confiscated 88 gallons of ixaitfr that was being trans ported ,\t was reported by the officers Friday. The officers, John E Edwards, Robert A. Wade, Ray ? E. *rwln, Thomas Sandlln, and E. Mf. Htnes, said the arrests Were ttade near Mulberry, on the Georgia road, in Macon County. They added ?moke screen M. 10 ?w new i )t 1*4 ( that the car had a i lUBT't*1 SYMPHONY GROUP TO PLAY IN FRANKLIN ? Above is the North Carolina Little Symphony, which will appear in con cert here March 15. It will be the orchestra's third appearance here in as many years. GRADEMOTHERS' WORK REPORTED Mrs. Johnson Talks, Shows Films At P. T. Meet A report on the activities of grade mothers at the Franklin school this school year, an nouncement of an award to be offered the best citizen in the student body, and a program on "Youth Looks at Our Schools" were highlights of Monday night's Parent-Teacher associa tion meeting, held at the Agri cultural building. The- associa tion also voted to send a dele gote to the annual P. T. A. con vention In Raleigh. It was decided to cancel the March meeting of the associa tion, and to hold the April meeting at the school. Recent sessions have been held at the Agricultural building, since it is more comfortable in cold weath er. The - decision to hold no meeting next month was due to the fact that the regular date conflicts with the appearance here of the North Carolina Symphony orchestra. ll was reported uiai wne xvev. D. P. Grant had weatherstrip ped and placed latches on the school auditorium doors, and that the cost of material total ed $8. The secretary was in structed ,to present the bill to the board of education, with the request that it pay it. Mr. Orant had volunteered to con tribute the labor. A nominating committee, to present a slate of nominees at the April meeting, was appoint ed by Mrs. Weimar Jones, presi dent. Named on the committee are Mrs. Pearl Hunter, chair man, Principal W. H. Finley, the Rev. C. E. Parker, and Mrs. Sam Alexander. The report on grade mother activity, prepared by Mrs. Lester Henderson, with the help of grade teachers and Principal Finley, was presented by Mrs. Alexander, in the absence of Mrs. Henderson. In order to carry out any program, the report explained. It was necessary to raise funds, which was done by the grade mothers of the various rooms by sponsoring food sales, shows, exhibits, saving Blue Horse tabl let covers, and selling seeds. Some rooms raised as much as $70 in this manner. The money has been spent for room improvements and equip ment, such as window shades, dictionaries and library books, recordings, pencil sharpeners, films, lavatory installation, book shelves, reoord player, hangers for wraps, and bulletin boards. Among the activities carried out by the various rooms were the painting of Mrs. Hemphill's room, gifts sent to children who have been absent on account of sickness, Thanksgiving baskets sent to the needy. Junior Red Crow membership drive, Christ mas Seal sales, contributions to the March of Dimes, Parent Teacher association member ship drive, making the scrap book*, holiday programs, and parties. Mrs. Jones announced the award for the best citizen in the Franklin school has been offerel by Mrs. Giles W. Cover, of An lrews Mrs. Cover requestel that the travel expense the P. T. A. offered to refund her, when she ?poke at the January meeting, b? |lven a* a prize to the stu ? Coatiaaed on raffe Kifht Now You Can Get To Church, Free, Thanks To Taxis Several Franklin taxi drivers have offered their services in transporting per- < sons living .in Franklin and close vicinity to and from Frajnklin churches on Sun day mornings free of charge. Since the taxis would be able to transport only a limited number, they have expressed the hope that only persons who are unable to get to church without this assistance will take advan tage of their offer. The drivers who have made this offer will turn their names over to pastors of the various churches. Persons who desire trans portation will notify their pastors, being sure to give directions as to where they , ? live. The taxi drivers have re quested that persons be ready by 9:30 Sunday morn ing and plan to return home immediately after the church service. Praises Folk In Franklin For Kindness "Your people here seem to possess the characteristic of 'live and let live' more than any other place I know," said Dr. Jay B. MacGregor, dean oi Cornell college, Mt. Vernon, Iowa, who is staying in Frank lin while his daughter, Miss Mary MacGregor, of Birming ham, Ala., recovers from in juries suffered in an automobile accident near Tallulah Falls two weeks ago. Miss MacGregor, an Instructor at Birmingham-Southern col lege, Birmingham, Ala . received a skull fracture and a com pound fracture of the let', leg when the automobile in which she was riding over'.umed Tnc car was driven by Jack Adams, of Boston, Ga., a Uni/ersity of Georgia student, who received u fracture of the left arm. Other occupants of the car suifeied minor Injuries. Miss MacGregor and Mr. Adams were brought to Angel hospital for treatment. Dr. MacGregor, while visibly saddened by the shoe* of the accident, said he is grateful that, if the accident had to oc cur,- it happened among "such hospitable people" as lie h;is found in Franklin. I "Everyone that I have come 'in contact with has jist been simply wonderful, and so under standing," said Dr. MacGregor. I He was high in his praise of Angel hospital, remarking that the doctors there seem to be specialists in human relations, as well as professionally com petent. The Iowa college dean said . that during his stay here he has takled with many resl 1 dents and that they had borne out an idea that he had had of North Carolina in general? that the people of this state are | ahead, in many cases, in pro gressive ideas, of the state's political leaders. ! Coming from one of the na tion's greatest corn growing states, he was surprised to learn that Macon County has 100 bushel-an-acre corn producers and said that the yield made by Fred Deal of 15S.7 bushels ? OonUnmd on fafe Kifbt N. C. SYMPHONY COMING MAR. 15 Orchestra To Play Here Third Successive Season The North Carolina Little Symphony orchestra will ap pear in concert in Franklin Monday, March 15. The date for the concerts? a free program in the afternoon for school children, and an evening members' performance was announced this week by W W. Sloan, county chairman. The evening concert will start promptly at 6:30 o'clock, while the children's free program is set for 2 p. m. Both will be presented at the Macon theatre here. Membership sales will be dis continued at the end of Feb ruary, Mr. Sloan said. After that date, persons wishing to attenu the concert will have to buy tickets at the box office the evening of the performance, at a slight advance in price. In the event the seating capacity is taken by members, no tick ets will be sold at the door, he added. MemDersnips still are avail able, and may be obtained from Mr. Sloan, at either of the Franklin drug stores, or from Miss Sara Gilder in Highlands. Meanwhile. Mr. Sloan asked that persons who have sold memberships turn their collec tions and receipt stubs in to him at his office at the Nan tahala Power and Light com pany. . The orchestra's appearance here will be its third in Frank lin in as many years. The Little Symphony is made up of 23 members of the larger North Carolina Symphony or chestra. Dr. Benjamin Swalin, director, will appear with the group here. The Little Symphony is now on tour of about 30 North Car olina communities. The program for the evening concert here will be announced next week. Time Is Extended For Performance Reports Of ACP Robert Fulton, chairman of the Macon County committee, Agricultural Conservation pro gram, announced this week that an extension of time for the filing of performance reports under the program has been received. Instead of February 14 as a closing date, farmers in the county now have until Febru ary 28 in which to file reports on the practices carried out last year, he said. This extension of time will give farmers a chance to oome to the county office and complete their report on 1947 practices and fill out a 1948 worksheet, Mr. Fulton pointed out. Mrs. Fred L. Hannah has re turned to her home. Franklin, Route 1, after spending two months with her daughter and son->iQ-law, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Woody In Seattle, Wash., who accompanied her back to Frank lin. Mrs. Woody, who is now a patient at Angel hospital, is much Improved. Mr. Woody re turned to Seattle last week, and Mrs. Woody plans to re turn home In Um summer. Press 'EXTRA', Believed Paper's First, Popular Last Thursday's Extra ed ition of The Press, believed to have been the first "ex tra" in the paper's 62-year history, proved popular. It was issued, the day after the regular edition, primarily to get word to every voter in the county that last Saturday's schedul ed beer election had been postponed by court order, and every subscriber in the county was mailed a copy, without charge. Long before the "extra" was put in the past office, however, it was on sale, with boys' cries of "EXTRA" heard on the streets here. Three high school students Frank Henry, III, John Al sup, Jr., and John Archer, III? sold 50 copies each. Total sales of the extra passed the 200-mark. - i Awards Given 37 Scouts At Honor Court Ten Boy Scouts received pro motions, and 27 were awarded a total of 47 merit badges at last Thursday night's Smoky Mountain district court of hon or, held at the Franklin Meth odist church. Despite unfavorable weather, approximately 125/ persons wit nessed the impressive ceremon ies. Franklin Troop No. i and the troops at Cherokee, Sylva, and Alarka were represented by Scouts promoted or given merit badges. Promotions were as follows: Kenneth Sutton, Sylva, to first class Scout; Paul Killian, John Henry, Don P. Henry, and Emory Crawford, all of Frank lin, to second class; and Dar ren J. Allison, Cherokee, Floyd E. Summer, Jr., Sylva, and Le land ' Greene, Wesley Herron, and Jesse Herron, all of Alarka, tenderfoot. Merit badges were awarded to the following : Robert W. Dowdle, John M. Archer, III (four badges), Jack Reece (two), Claude McFalls, Burton Leach, Alvin Stiles (two), Allen Cartledge (four), and Richard Jones, Jr., (four), all of Franklin Troop 1, and Thurman L. Blaine (two), and James J. Moore, both of Frank lin Troop 6. Frank Crawford , Jr., Eddie Buckner, Lampbert Hooper (two), Jimmy Stovall (three), Franklin Fricks (two), Mack Monteith, Tommy Ferguson, Jim Bales (two), and Neil Wilson, all of Sylva. Robert Hyatt, Don Tynall (two), and John Tyndall (three), all of Cherokee. Sidney Cochran, Elijah Fort ner, Winifred Fortner, Roy E. Barker, and Talmadge Wiggins, all of Alarka. Paul Russell presented the merit badges; the Rev. J. H. Brendall, Jr., the first class award; John W. Edwards the second class award; and Avery Means Scout field representa tive, the tenderfoot awards. Cub Scouts and their den chiefs were recognized, and Richard Jones, Jr., led the cubs in the cub law and promise. Awards for the largest per centage of promotions went to the Alarka troop for December ?Continued on Pap light VOTE ON BEER APPEARS OUT UNTIL SUMMER Hearing On Injunction Set For Monday In Sylva Last week's court order post poning the Macon County beer wine election that had been scheduled for Saturday left in its wake considerable confusion as to the status of the issue Legal opinion, however, is tljat no beer-wine election can now be held in this county earlier than next summer. The injunction was signed by Judge H. Hoyle Sink in Ashe ville late last Wednesday. A hearing to determine whether it shall be made permanent or dis solved will be held before Judge F. Donald Phillips in Sylva Monday at 2:30 p. m. At the hearing, R. S Jones, county attorney, will represent the county and the county board of elections! which was named as defendant in the suit. And it is understood the dry forces in this county will be repre sented by J. B. Gray, Murphy attorney. The dry leaders have had two conferences this week, and have consulted with Mr. Gray. In the event the county board of elections wins the case, it is understood the plaintiffs will be required to reimburse the coun ty for election expenditures to date. Whether winning the case, however, would have any bear ing on an early election remains in doubt. Under the state law, it is nec essary, prior to conducting an election, that the date be ad vertised for 30 days, and that the registration books then be open for a similar period. And the law providing for special county elections on the beer wine issue sets out that no such election shall not be held with in 60 days of a regular elec tion. It would appear impossible to comply with these provisions and hold an election prior to the primary election May 29. When a similar case, from Avery county, came before Judge Dan K. Moore in Yadkin ville Monday, Judge Moore dis solved the injunction. He gave as his grounds the fact that the date of the election had passed, but, so far as the dispatch in dicated, did not rule on the val idity of the petition upon which the Avery county election was called, nor did the dispatch say whether the plaintiffs or the county would have to bear the pre-election expenses. The dispatch did quote Judge Moore, however, as advising the petitioners they would have to draw and obtain signatures for a new petition in order to have an election. Legion To Pick New Commander, Act On Memorial Tonight Two important Items of busi ness are on the agenda for to night's meeting of the local Legion post. The post will elect a new commander, to succeed Paul Nave, whose work has taken him elsewhere. And the members are expect ed to act on the recommenda tions of the post's memorial committee. The meeting will be held at 7:30 tonight (Thursday) at the Slagle Memorial, and post offic ials are urging a full attend ance. OPENING EARLY Snowbird Lodge, near Rob binsville in the Smokies, will open April 24, stay open to Monday, November 1. No in crease in prices. The Weather Temperatures and precipita tion for the past seven days; and the low temperature yes terday, as recorded at the Co weta Experiment station, follow: High Low Prec. Wednesday 44 34 0 Thursday 55 40 2.06 Friday 58 50 .49 Saturday '46 31 2.13 Sunday 56 20 tr.* Monday 52 30 0 Tuesday 66 36 0 Wednesday 28 .... ?trace