Macon Highway Saftty Record for 19 ?8 to Date (Fraoi State Highway Patrol records) KILLED J.. ? INJURED t Do Your Part to Keep These Figures Down! itkliit anb QUit TtjigWanbiS HJaconian The man who knows all about everything usual ly knows nothing about anything. VOL. LXIII? NO. 17 FRANKLIN. N. C? THURSDAY, APRIL 22, 1948 EIGHT PAGES COURT BUSINESS FINISHED HERE IN TWO DAYS Restraining Order Against Asheville Faving Co. Ended The entire civil and criminal docket of the April term of court was disposed of within two days when Judge F. Donald Phillips, presiding judge signed the minute docket in the clerk's of lice at 3:30 Tuesday after noon. Following the Judge's charge to the urand jury, a restrain ing order signed by Judge Dan K. Mooie of Sylva in the case of Coleman B Parker of Wayn esville, against the Ashevihe Paving company, in which he ordered the operation of a plant operated by the paving com pany be stopped until the hear ing before Judge Phillips here at this lime was taken up. The plaintiff was represent ed by V? . Koy Francis and Q. S. Stamey, both of Waynesville, while ti.e defendants were rep resentee by G. Lyle Jones of Asheville, and A T. Ward of Waynes, ilie. In the complaint, It was al leged that the paving company erected a rock crusner plant near the Parker home In Wayn esville and in the operation of the same it was contended the plant had become a nuisance in its operations. Judge Phillips ordered the paving company to file a Justi fied bond in the sum of ?6,000, guaranteeing the paying of any damages Mr. Parker might sus tain wi.n the company being permitted to begin operations after filing required bond. Mrs Ella West, who was charged with an assault with a I deadly weapon, recelvfti a pro bation judgment and was ord ered to pay the cost of . ^tfre hospital Dili for Wanda Clark. Walter Burch, charged with operation of a motor vehicle without lights and under the influence of an intoxicating beverage, was placed on proba tion unuer the continuance of a former order. Tom <_lark charged with vio lation of the proniDition law, lssac Bradley, reckless driving, Thomas Whitney operating mo tor vehicle under influence of Intoxicants, and reckless driv- 1 ( ing, Fiank McDowell, operat . jng motor vehicle under influ. 'ence, Hubert Hensley, operating motor % ehicle under influence and cu. lying concealed wea pon, and Conley D. Shope oper- i ating motor vehicle under in fluence, all forfeited bonds which nad been maue. Tills f money which will be turned fver to tne school funa amounted to $1300. The iollowing charged with violating the prohibition law ? Continued on Page Ei