The Franklin Pre?i and The Highlands Maconian ?Continued From Page On* REOUIRE DOGS BE VACCINATED AGAINST RABIES same vaccinated annually by a rabies inspector. It shall be the duty of the health officer to appoint a suf ficient number of rabies in spectors to carry out the pro visions for vaccinations. The fee for vaccination is $1 per dog if it has had previous vaccination. If no previous vac cination, the fee will be $1.50. It shall be the duty of the sheriff and his deputies to as sist the rabies inspectors in the enforcement of vaccination against rabies. It shall be the duty of the sheriff, with the assistance of the rabies inspectors, to make a thorough canvass of the coun ty and frequently thereafter to determine if there are any dogs that are not wearing the metal tag provided for the dog after its vaccination. If dogs are found not wear ing tags the sheriff shall noti fy the owner to have same vac cinated by a rabies inspector and to produce the certificate provided within three days. If the owner fails to do this, he shall be prosecuted in accord ance with the law. If the owner of the dog not wearing the tag cannot be found, it shall be the duty of said officer to destroy said dog. It shall be the duty of the owner of any dog born after the annual vaccination period or any dog not six months old at the time of vaccination per iod to have the same vacci nated when it becomes six months old. All dogs shipped or other wise brought into this state shall be securely confined and vaccinated within one week aft er entry and shall remain con fined for two additional weeks alter vaccination unless accom panied by a certificate issued by a qualified veterinarian. The county health officer may declare quarntine against rabies in any designated district when in his judgment this disease exists to the extent that the lives of persons are endangered and all dogs in said district shall be confined on the prem ises of their owner or in a vet erinary hospital. When quarantine has been es tablished, and dogs continue to run at large, any police olficer or deputy sheriff shall have the right after reasonable effort has been made to apprehend the dog running at large, to kill saiu dogs and properly dispose of their bodies. Every animal having rabies, and every animal known to have been bitten by another animal having rabies, shall be killed by its owner or by a peace officer. Eevry person who owns or has possession of an animal which is subject of having rabies and which has symptoms of or has been exposed to the disease, shall confine such animal at once for at least three weeks and until released by a rabies inspector. The head of every animal killed for having rabies or be ing suspected of having rabies shall be properly prepared and sent at once to the state lab oratory. Any person who shall violate regulations of vaccination or quarantine of the disease of rabies shall be guilty of a mis demeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be subject to a fine of not less than $10 or more than $50, or imprison ment of not less than 10 days or more than 30 days in the discretion of the court. ? The new BALI DOME ( 2.pieco metal) LID it easiest to use and surest to teal. Fits ony Moion jar. To test teal pre is dome ? if down, jar Is tealedl BAU ZINC CAPS and Rubber Rings hove been favorites for genera* ?ions. They seol oil Mason Jars. Cosy to vsol Ellijay Mrs. Charlie Mincey returned Sunday to her Ellijay home from Oastonla and Charlotte, where she spent two weeks vis iting her daughters. Mrs. Royal Xvester, at Win ston-Salem, has just returned to her home after a few days' visit with friends and relatives here. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Harrcv. and son, Linwood, of Uold&Doru, recently visited Mrs. Harreli's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. 1. Yjung, at their home here. Mr. and Mrs. Glen Henry, ol Detroit, Mich., are spt.idmg a lew days with Mr. Henry's par ents, Mr arid Mrs. Frank Hen ry, of Cullasaja, and his sister, Mrs. Leslie Young, of Ellijay. Mrs Will Gregory is seriously ill at the Ellijay home of her daughter, Mrs. Jimmie Amnions. Mrs. Cale Woodard, of Ellijay, recently spent a week in Spar tanburg, S. C., attending tlie college graduation of her daugh ter, Miss Novellas Woodard. Mrs. Grady Henry and three children ?p?nt the paat week with Mrs. Henry s sister, Mrs. Don Henderson, in Brevard. Harrison Ammons, of this section, is recovering from in- ' juries received when kicked by his horse. Mrs Tom Henry and children, of EUijay, have spent most of this month with Mrs. Henry's mother, Mrs. Harlie Diils, in Brevard Mrs. Dills is seriously ill. Mr and Mrs. Fred Buchanan, Mrs. John Price and daughter, | Jane, all of EUijay, recently I visited Mrs. Buchanan's sister, Mrs. Ed Cloer, in Murphy. Mrs. Ben Moffitt has just returned lrom a ten-day visit with her husband, Pvt. Ben Moffitt, who is static.ied ncui Portsmouth, Va. Almost one-third of all culti vated land in North Car>hn. last year was planted to corn. GIVES Malarial Chills ?> Fever RELIEF Dine and Dance .[ with . . . TED MARTIN and His 14-Piece Orchestra At PANORAMA COURT Franklin, N. C. July 3 ... 8 to 12 p. m. Call .Early FOR RESERVATIONS Phone Franklinl79 Miu Moore To Work With College's Dean After a few days at home, Miss Margaret Moore, a student at Lees-McRae college, Banner Elk, left this week to return to the college, where she will work with the dean this summer. During her week's visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. . F. .8. Moore, of Franklin, Route 1. Miss Moore had as her guest a schoolmate, Miss Gwendolyn Plan Dance At Benefit For Sylvi Senior Scouts Bennie Keese, of Sylva, for merly of Franklin, has announc ed that a benefit dance will be held at the Waynesville Armory, in Waynesville, tomorrow (Fri day i night, with Teddy Martin and his 14-piece orchestra pro viding music. The affair, open to the general public, has been arranged as a benefit for the senior Bov Scout troops of Sylva. Detailed Information ta obtain able from Mr. Reese North Carolina's farms and industries annually use 100 mil lion board feet more lumber than is produced in the state. DEX1 ER WASHERS FARMERS f [DERAIION I PET S DAIRY PLANTS Are Dedicated to An Pictured here or* five of Pefs modern dairy plants. It it to these - and the other Pet plants throughout the south - that the more than 15,000 especially selected dairy farmers, who can meet Pefs rigid health and sanitary regulations, deliver the rich, wholesome daily fresh whole milk and daily fresh sweet cream you always taste in Pet Ice Cream. Pet has spared no expense ... each plant is equipped with the newest and most modern scientific equipment money can buy. Each plant is staffed with highly trained laboratory technicians and plant personnel. This combination, plus the fact that, only daily fresh whole milk and daily fresh sweet cream go into P*> Ice Cream, is the reason Pet producet the smoothest, richest, most satisfying ice cream you've ever tasted! Pefs ideal is quality... the highest quailty in all of its products . . . and, each Pet plant is dedicated to maintain this ideal at any costl And, Pet has found the only way to do itl . . . simply by combining the highest quality, rich, daily freth whole milk, daily fresh sweet cream and the choicest fruity outs, arjd natural flavorings . . . with skill, science and modern equipment! After all, the proof of quality is in the eating. So, take home a pint or two of Pet Ice Cream today. And, compare it with any other ice cream. We're satisfied you will agree, that ... as to flavor, body, texture and quality . . . I Pet Ice Cream tops them all! *y ITS THE ONE AND ONLY NEW CAR IN ITS FIELD! IT LOOKS LIKE A CUSTOM-BUILT C AM THE SMARTEST THING ON WHEELS! THREE BIG PEOPLE RIDE IN COMFORT ON FRONT AND REAR SEATSI THOSE "MAGIC ACTION" KING-SIZE BRAKES ARE BRAKES YOU LOVE TO TOUCH I ITS DREAMY ON THE INSIDE, TOO I YOU NEVER SAW BETTER LOOKING UPHOISTEKY AND FITTINGS I FRONT AND SACK SEATS ARE ACTUALLY SOFA-WIDEI WUIt lUtrtU tint mrmilabl* wt nfn cm*. TWO BRAND-NEW ENGINES , 100 H.P. V-B OR 95 H.P. SIXI THERFS 19 CUBIC FEET OF USABLE SPACE IN THE LUGGAGE COMPARTMENT! "HYDRA-COIL" FRONT SPRINGS I see IT AT OUR SHOWROOMS NOWI DUNCAN MOTOR COMPANY PHONE 00 FRANKLIN, NORTH CAROLINA