? Continued From P?g? On? WHATS RIGHT - WITH SCHOOLS? , the many good teachers " I n '"We da have excellent teach- s ers and children can obtain h textbooks by rental from the 1 state.'' h "Availability of schools to all E people and classes; vocational and home economics classes."* L "A sincere desire on the part | s of our educational leaders to 1 1 improve our schools." L ??Length of term; attendance v by pupils; free books." J j "Recreation; agriculture." "The schools are not too 'pro- j gressive' in education, therefor* the students do not give the | j disciplinary problems that are present in progressive educa tion'; the salaries of teachers ' are not based on average daily ' attendance." j "Consolidation of schools and j free textbooks" , "Business education; agricul- j ture." , "Consolidation and length of term . < ?'High standard teaching and . consolidated schools." "The many dilferent subjects or vocations taught; the high 1 scholastic record; the dona- 1 tions of scholarships to the ' worthy who aren't able to at tend otherwise." ?Adding the twelfth grade, < and demanding more education 1 in its teachers." "Race segregation." j "Consolidation; school buses; good teachers." "Segregation." I j "Opportunity for every child; wider range ot' subjects." j ??In Macon County, the best feature is agriculture; the fun damental skills are stressed." "Bringing a few small count- ' ry schools together." "Central schools with bus fac- ] ilities; home economics; agri culture; vocational training." ?] "P. T. A. cooperation; oiucial desire to improve our system." , "School buses; nine months' term; vocational agriculture." "Agriculture; lunchrooms. Why ( couldn't our agriculture boys raise food for lunchrooms and ' the home economics girls do ' the cooking for the lunchroom? That would provide practice for , both, and reduce the cost so j that each child could afford a hot lunch." ?'The healthy discontent wiih things 3s they are; a sound core of teachers still dedicated ' to a profession; the average man's deep-seated conviction that the real values in life are intangible." Ellijay Mr. and Mrs. Richard Wil liams and family, of Greenville, S. C., visited Mrs. William's aunt, Mrs. Fred Buchanan, and uncle, J. I. Young, at Ellijay , last week-end. , Miss Nannie Ammons, of El . Allan Cartledge s Advanced To Rank Of Star Scout Allail Cartledge, of Franklin 'roop 1, Boy Scouts, was pro loted to the rank of Star cout at ^he district court of lonor held at Bryson City 'hursday evening of last week 'he award was presented by W. !. Ensor, of Bryson City. A number of boys from Frank in, Highlands, and Otto wert cheduled for advancement at he court, but were absent, cveral of them being away on acation or at the Scouts' Camp )aniel Boone. Tenderfoot and merit badgt iwards at the court were pre ented by James Hauser, of ^ranklin.. < The next court of honor is to 3e held at Otto, where a new ,roop recently was organized. ijay, who has been in bat. lealth for sometime, has just ?eturned home from Angel's nospital, where she had a minj. jperation. Sgt. Charles Mincey, of Camp Campbell, Ky., has been spend ing a 10-day furlough witn his parents at Ellijay. Mrs. Frank Henry, of Culla saja, is improving after a few Jays' treatment at the Angel Hospital. Mrs. Oscaf Adams and chil 3ren and Roy Rogers, all of Ellijay, recently left for Sedro iVooley, Wash., to join Mrs.' fVdams' husband, who is em ployed there. Sgt. Dennis Stamey, who is stationed in California, is home with his family at Higdonville for 30 days. Mr. and Mrs. G. Schnieder and son, Alan, of Detroit, Mich., ire visiting Mrs. Schnieder's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Senry, of Cullasaja, and sister, Mrs. Leslie Young, of Ellijay. Jerry Potts, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Potts, of Higdonville, recently underwent a minor arm operation at Angel hos pital. Mrs. Fred Mincey and daugh ter,- Joan, of Ellijay, spent a few days this month with Mrs. Mincey's sister, Mrs. Kerma Hoi Land, in Asheville. Mrs. Pat Evans and children, and Mrs. Evans' mother, Mrs. Dole Woodard, who are spend ing the summer with Mrs. Woodard's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Rogers, of Ellijav are visiting in Waynesville and Gastonia this week. Mr. and Mrs. James Waldroop and daughter, Sandra, of Gas tonia, are visiting Mrs. Wal-. droop's mother, Mr?. Charlie' Mincey, of Ellijay, this month. Mrs. Tom Henry and children, of- Ellijay, have again been call ed to. Brevard by the serious illness of Mrs. Henry's mother, Mrs. Harley Dills. Pvt. Wiley Henry, of Camp Jackson, S. C., spent the week end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Henry, of Ellijay. PEACHES ft CREAM THE FEATURE FLAVOR OF THE MONTH Pet's PEACHES 'N CREAM ... a refreshing treat for the whole family, and . . . che bat fresh peach ice treant you've ever tasted! Made only of daily fresh whole milk and daily fresh sweet cream . . with generous slices of plump, pink-cheeked peaches, which, because of. Pet's exclusive process, remain tender and full of the luscious flavor of fragrant, fresh-picked, tree- ripened peaches. Take home a pint or two of Pet's PEACHFS 'N CREAM today.. .and, compare it with any other ice cream! We're satisfied you'll agree chat ... as to flavor, body, texture and quality . . . Pet Ice Cream tops them all! YoUng People*! Sing Grcup Pl&ns Annual Convention The Young People's Singing convention will hold its second annual all-day gathering Sun- < day at the Coweeta ilapust I church, eight miles south of Franklin on the Atlanta high way. Singing is scheduled to get under way at 10:15 a. m. Quartets, choirs, and special singers are expected from Toc coa, Cornelia, and Rabun coun ty, Ga., and from Jaekson, Cherokee and other counties in Western North Carolina, along with musicians from Macon County, including the V. *?.. quartet. All singers and the general public are Invited, according ti. Lrnest Vinson, director. Hoglsn Graduated From Communications School Pfc Wilburn C. Hoglcn was graduated July 8 from the ait force communications school at Scott Air Force Base, Belleville, 111., according to an announce . ' . I Hot Weather Suggestion . . . ? i BRING THE FAMILY TO HOTEL HEARN for dinner and give "your Misses" a break from that hot kitchen. ? Week day luncheon served daily from 11:30 to 2 p. m. ? SUNDAY DINNER 12 p. m. to 2:00 p. m. This County Commended For Cancer Drive Work MOUNT AIRY.? Macon Coun ty was commended today by of ficials of the North Carolina division of the American Cancer society for its success in attain ing 132 per cent of its quota during the 1948 drive for funds to fight cancer. Macon's drive was headed by County Com mander Mrs Lester Conley, of Franklin. ment received here. Pfc. Hogl?n 19, son of Everette B Hoglen, of Franklin, is a graduate of the Franklin /-High school, and has been onj active duty with the A*r Fort* since his enlistment on June 20, *1947. Prior to en tering the Scott Air Force Base communications school, he com pleted basic training at Lack land Air Force Base, San An tonio, Texas. BIRTHS Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bradley, of 'otto, have announced the birth I of a son, Terry Lane, July 2 at I the Clayton Maternity hospital Prior to her marriage, Mrs. Bradley was Miss Reva Conner, of Dillard, Ga. . Mr. and Mrs. Aaron Hedden, of the Gneiss community, have announced the birth of a i daughter, at Angel hospital July 7. Born to Mr' and Mrs. Walter Anderson at their home. Frank lin, Eoute 1, a daughter July 4. Mr. and Mrs. LeHoy Berrong, of Franklin^ have announced the birth of a son, Woodvin Clin ton, at Angel hospital on June 27. Mr. and Mrs Parker Norton, of Franklin, have announced the birth of a son at Angel hospital July 6. blVtt whet cold miseries strike FAST RELIEF Floor Sanding and Finishing REEVES & SHULER Bryson City, N. C. No Jobs Too Large . . . . . . or Too Small MIX WITH A JAEGER E New, larger capacity drum sizes in the Jaeger SPEEDLINE trailer mixers ara combined with exclusive features . . . guarantee low cost concrete and big yardage. Automotive transmission, direct drive to drum cuts noises 90% while increasing power efficiency 30 to 40%. Criss-cross "re" ? j action a samps more thorough and rapid mix and discharge. Only seconds peadad to load be discharge, and automatic Skip Shaker Loader speeds every batch. Modal <9 illustrated is a one-bag mixer especially designed to increase prod action for home building contractors. Other standard sixes are Sy48? IIS and 1(1 Vt are headquarters for other fine JABGER equipment . . . Csnpwsani, Pumps and Paving Machines. Your inquiry will receive prompt attention. OnUtnaUonal tbUAml Pout** t NORTH CAROLINA EQUIPMENT COMPANY RALFIGH WILMINGTON GUILFORD CHARLQJTE ASHEVILLE Phono 3 481 1 Phone 2-2417 Phone 2-4569 Phone 4-4661 Phone 3-1476. A/wnuXttkanvKH.lKjp'i* FIRST IN VALUE FIRST IN DEMAND . ? ? ? Only Chevrolet brings you all these major advantages of BIG CAR QUALITY AT LOWEST PRICES . . . prices now decidedly lower than those of any other car that even remotely approaches it in quality ! You'll have so much vrmrt riding srnoomntst with the genuine Unitized Knee-Action Ride ?exclusive to Chevrolet and higher-priced You'll enjoy more thrills and more lacings with Chevrolet's world's champion Valve- (j in-Head engine. Valve-in-Head, too, is exchi- v sive to Chevrolet and higher-priced cars. \ foull l^ntM that your Chevrolet leads in tasteful luxury, for it has the world-famous Body by Fisher? available onlv ^ Chevrolet k and costlier cars. You'll have the tffph safeig of Fisher \ Unisteel Body Construction, the Knee Action Ride and Positive-Action Hydraulic Brakes? combined only io Chevrolet and ^costlier cart. , ' I The plain truth is that this pace-setting Chevrolet offer* I major quality advantage alter major quality advantage not available in other cars in its field; and, in addition, f Chevrolet prices are now obviously and outstandingly lower than those of any other car that even remotely I approaches it in quality. , _ > Thus, Chevrolet and only Chevrolet offers the Big-Car comfort of the original and outstanding Unitized Knee Action Ride ... the Big-Car performance and dependability of a world's champion Valve-in-Head engine ... the Big \ Car beauty and luxury of Body by Fisher . . . the Big-Car safety of Fisher Unistee! construction, the Unitized Knee Action Ride and Positive-Action Hydraulic Brakes ... all at lowest prices? prices that are now even more economical even more thrifty, when compared with the prices of other automobiles in its field. \ Yes, indeed, Chevrolet is first in dollar value by the ' widest margin in all Chevrolet history; and, of course, it it first in nation-wide demand at well. CHEVROLET- -IS FIRST! BURRELL MOTOR COMPANY, INC. PHONE 123 FRANKLIN, X. C.