CRUSHED ROCK FOR SALE ? WE HAVE THREE SIZES OF SCREENED ROCK AND SAND * t Kelly Construction Co. Rabun Gap, Ga. \ SPECIAL ^ INTRODUCTORY Ajk ' OFFER ^ iC WITH EACH 25 LB. BAG OF New and Improved WESTERN BRED FLOUR goes 1 lb. of SupAromatized FLEETWOOD COFFEE " \ ?. ? ?< ? . ? i, ' Absolutely Free! RUSH ? Take ad 0k J vantage of this ?pe- I j cial introductory of- ? I, fer. I i!: ! if leftwood ?--f- (m|(l $1.95 Coffee it Free! jjsfcgfi sy ROY F. CUNNINGHAM Another outstanding feature of W^stindiouse HANDY? Plugs into any ?-c convenience outlet Automatic temperature contra! I* buflt in. Cooker U Fiberglaa-ineulated. Take on picnics I CONMKVK ranga apace! Savee time by nnaMag complete nseWb automatically. CONVMNNT? stews, (teams, pasteurises, star ilieee, deep-fat Wee, bakes, roasts or ooohl complete meals. This new portable Kcooo- Cooker oomas as Standard equipment with the one or two-oven Commander modele and is only one of many outstanding featuree. The new Weetingbouse Electric Ranges are dramatically new and they do mors for you I There's new style and beauty, new tlmeeaving convenience. This new portabts Eoooo- Cooker, plus four fall-aba Coroa Surfaoe Units and two True-Temp Ovtot give new ooekini capacity. Bee nil these mw ideas in elaetrk oooking today! Dillard Builders Supply Located on ?aat Main Str?*t Frlmklin, N. C. ? ? ? ? ^ili !? I Wrii ? ? WANT ADS I AH Want Ads payable cask ia advance. Itf cents per word, witfe a minimum harye of 4** cents for each insertion. Classified display. 1? centa par line. Sri in capitals, bold type, or type larg er than regular. 15 cents per line. MACK SAYS: For static-free reception, see? PRANKS KADIO AND ELEC. CO. Palmer Street Between Cagies and the Red Light, Phone 249 FEMALE HELP? Ladles : Earn up to $25.00 weekly address ing and mailing postcards at Hume. Send $1.00 lor sample cards and Instructions. Carolina Advertising Service, Monroe, N. Car. A12? ltc FOR RENT? One 5-room un furnished apartment. See or call Mrs. BUI Phillips. Phone 216-R. A13 ? 2tc MINERALS? Any feldspars car rying colored nodules of other minerals, or brick-red splotches? Peculiar quartz, flints? Canary yellow or emerald green rocks v Any minerals? Send samples Free tests George M. Bowman, Mineralogist, Elk Park, N. C. A12? ltc FOR SALE? Turner Roller-bear ing sawmill. Bought new 10 months ago. tWlll trade for truck or car. Located on Beas ley Creek. See S. J. Jenkins, Route 4, Franklin, N. C. A13? 2tp ? A20 FOR SALE? Good used furniture at bargain prices. Also new 9x12 linoleum rugs for $6 each. Come and see us and we will save you money. Lawson Shook, East Palmer Street. A12? ltc FOR RENT? Furnished garage apartment. Suitable for couple, two business girls, or couple with infant. Electric stove, wat er heater, and refrigerator. I. T. Peek, Phone 1602. A12 ? 2tc ? A19 FOR RENT ? Apartment? Three large rooms, front and back porch. Running water, electric ity, two large gardens, garage, woodhouse, free wood, pasture. See or write Nettie Henderson, Cullasaja, N. c. A12? tfc FOR SALE ? One 2-burner hot plate, one 3-burner oil stove, one hot water tank for coal or wood range. All In good condi tion. Miss Nora Leach. A12 ? ltc COMBAT BOOTS ? For sale ai The Macon Shoe Shop. IF DESIRING good reliable caretaker for home or homes, please contact me. Am experi enced and can furnish refer ences. George Wilson, Highlands, N. C. FOUND? A small white, black and yellow female dog, is try ing to make her home with us. Owner will please call for her at once. Ray N. Moses, Route 1, t raaklin, near Mt. Hope church. FOR RENT? Four room furnish ed house with electricity, bee or write Mrs. Grover Lewis, Franklin, Route 1. Franklin, N. C. CANNING APPLES? We have al most any variety of sprayed canning apples and the price is reasonable. See me at the furni ture store on East Palmer Street. Lawson Shook. A12? ltc NOTICE? It's the easiest thing to feed. No fuss. No muss. No mixing. Try "Wayne" Dog Krums. Saves you money too. Ray Oroc. & fr eed Co. A12? ltc NOTICE? It looks like high pric ed eggs this fall. Rusn your pullets to egg-laying maturity on "Wayne" Egg Mash. It sup plements grain and range wun vitamins, proteins, and mrnerals needed tor fast economical growth., Stop in today. Ray Oroc. & Feed Co. A12? ltc FOR SALE ? 2-12-12 Fertilizer mixed with borax for Alfaita seeding. Also alfalfa, and other clover and grass seeds. Ray Oroc. & Feed Co. A12? ltc MR. JASPER L. NORTON, of Palestine, Texas, Route 3, aft er feasting at Morgans, came in to tee me; he said, "although I live out West, I can t get along without The Franklin Press' . Mr. Norton is a native of Ma con County, Otto section. Oeo. Johnson. THE TRUTH? About Catholics? You should know the real facts. Writ? for free Informa tion to-Box 305, White vllle, N. Ct A13? 13tc? N4 WANTED? Automobile rid* from Black Mountain to Franklin August 18, Will gladly share ex pens* with motorist who M making trip that day. Phons Franklin 34. FOR SAU - Lugglgs trlillfi C*ii be iten at Reece'e Used ear lot. FOB . SALE? Corn mill, 43" rock*. Shafting bearings. Pul leys. 1947 Jeep complete with plow and harrow, only slightly used, a bargain at $1650. Metal working shaper, 7 stroke, $160. Steel lathe, IS" swing, 60" cen ters, quick change, $375. Atten tion cabbage and produce haul ers:' 2 platform scales, $20 each. Y, to 10 h. p. electric motors, new electric grinder, i'/j" wheels, $15. Sand blast units. M. Higdon. FOR RENT Four room cottage, electricity. Two miles out. See Nettle Hurst, Route 3, Frank lin, N. C. A12? ltc BIG SALE of fine dress ging ham, 59c to 79c yd. value. This week at Belk's basement, 48c yd. MEN'S genuine Australian Kan garoo Dress Shoes. Full leuinci lined. Black or brown, $6.95 at Belk's. FOR SALE- One new boy's bi cycle, size 26 inch, very rea sonably priced. See Thad Pat ton or Leonard Long on Bonnie Crest. FOR RENT? Five room house with bath in East Franklin. Apply Duncan Motor Company. A12? ltc FEMALE HELP? Ladies: Earn up to $25.00 weekly address ing and mailing postcards at home. Send $1.00 for sample cards and instructions. Carolina Advertising Service, Monroe, N. Car. A12? ltc FOR RENT ? Available soon. Two-room furnished apart ment; three-room all above ground basement apartment with extra storage room. Com fortable. Newly decorated. Mrs. Ramsey, Phone 7602. SEED RYE for sale? if you are going to sow any rye this fall, for grain or pasture, why not sow the best? Our rye yielded 30.5 bushels per acre last year and 31.5 this year. RememDer, too, that Abruzzl rye will pro duce at least twice as much grazing In cold weather as rye grass will, and you can plow it under In the spring and be rid of it. See Charles J. Ferguson, Franklin, N. C., Route 4. A5 ? 2tp ? A12 FOR SALE? 40 acre farm with new 4-room house, on gravel road, electricity. Located in Otto section. See or write Mrs. T. W. Scott, 610 Berney Street, Mari I etta, Ga. j J22? 4tc ? A12 DEAN'S RADIO SHOP We repair all types and makes of radios and household e. me trical appliances. ?? Prompt Service ? Guaranteed Work ? Reasonable Prices Phone 268 P. O. Box 85 Located over Dixie Super Market F26? tfc FOR SALE? Casting rod and reel, fly-rod and reel,, also two plugs, flies, hooks, etc. Box 20, care The Press. FREE ? Do you p:an to Dulld a home? A catalogue of home plans, designed to save you a lot of money and give you u /ire-safe nome, that you will still be proud of 100 years from now. is yours for the asking at The W. A. Hays Concrete Block Plant, below the bridge In /'ran kiln. Ml? tfc 1*ka Franklin Press and The Highlands Maconian THE KIND ol food you want when you want It, that is the i type of service that you can 1 gefr at our Franklin Frozen Food plant. Our locker service | is the key to good living. J 17? tfc WANTED ? Clean white rags. Stewart's Esso Service Station. SELECT SALES Lakefrant, high knolls, ideal for cabins, boat club or high class inn. Priced very low for quick sale. Nothing like it In this section. Small or large tracts. Large home for tour ist inn, edge of town. A bargain. Better see this. Fine farm, 2 clover pastures, springs, streams, good for cattle farm, near town, immediate possession. $6,000. Terms. Write or see Owen C. Furlow, Gen. Del., or come to Baird's Cove place 2 miles West town. CLEARANCE SALE ? ON ? Blankets and Sun Dresses $8.45 - $4.45 Sun Dress Values REDUCED TO $2.95 THE CHILDREN'S SHOP ATTENTION . . . Why not buy that new car today FROM? .13 Mooney Motor Company Instead of Waiting Until Prices go Higher Mooney Motor Company Dealers for Kaiser-Frazer Automobiles and Federal Trucks Phone 256 Franklin. N. C. We now have in stock . . . ? ALUMINUM ROOFING ? ROLL ROOFING ? 15 AND 30 LB. FELT ? BARBED WIRE ? COMPLETE LINE OF? ? GROCERIES ? CANNING SUPPLIES ? FEEDS BROWN & CARSON Phone 297 Franklin, N. C. Specials . City Market sPeciak French Opera 3 lb. pail Pure Coffee 75c Vacuum Packed Morning Joy 1 lb. Coffee 48c French Market, Vacuum Packed 1 lb. Coffee & Chickory 42c Luzianne 1 lb. Coffee 39c Star Kist 6 oz. can Tuna Fish 45c Peter Pan 12 oz. glass Peanut Butter 35c 12 oz. can Beans and Franks.. 19c Dukes 1 pt. Mayonaise 49c CITY MARKET i PHONE 124 WC SPECIALIZE IN PURE PORK SAUSAGE AND OTHER QUALITY MEATS