? Continued from Page Three Highlands ! Theatre's Job Lauded Thompson and Craig Cranston in minor roles. The entire cast was more than adequate in portraying Saroyan's fascinating play sus ceptible of numerous mtrrpie tations, but stressing the fact that happiness is an important tart of lite and can be achiev ed from innumerable simple pleasures such as watching a tree grow. The Highlands Community Theatre, on the road to becom ing as well known as the the Barter and Hedgexow Theatres, is to be congratulated on at tempting meaty plays as well as the more frothy type of "Dear Ruth", presented earlier i.i the season. An accolade fhould also be offered because of the fact that 'be members of the entire com munity have been drawn into w..- gioup and given an outlet for self-expression. Grocery clerk, minister, professor, high school boy and girl, housewife, scfiial worker, and others join their talents with such happy results that this intelligent group will soon be writing its own piays to attract out-of town producers just as it now makes its own scenery, many of its props, and turns out a remarkably well knit production in three weeks. Library To. Start Fhrst-Days-A-Week Schedi-le Tuesday The Hudson library began its three-afternoons-a-week sche ule September 7. Starting this week it will be open Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday alUr *noons from 3 to 5 o'clock. Carnes Wins Farachute Wings At Ft. Benning Pvt. Joseph B. Carnes, the son of Harley J. Carnes, of Franklin, Route 3, has complet ed the five weeks' basic airborne course at the army infantry school, Fort Benning, Ga., and has been awarded his parachute wings, according to an an nouncement received here from Fort Benning. , Semi- Annual Sing Will Bs Held At Oak Grove The semi-annual singing con^ yeation of the northern division of Macon County will be held with the Oak Grove Baptist church Sunday, starting at 9:30 a. m., It was announced this week by Harley B. Mason, pres ident. Picnic lunch will be serv ed on the grounds. NOTICE TO THE PUBLIC The public will please take notice that hereafter I will not be responsible for debts made by my wife* Mrs. Martha Buch anan Brabson. MAURICE BRABSON. Franklin, N. p. September 4, 1948. S9 ? 2tc ? S15 West^Mill After an extended visit with Mrs. Cox's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Houston, Mr. and Mrs. Will A. Cox and twin daughters have returned to their home in Burbank, Calif. Miss .Rebecca Emith, of Cullo whee, spent a recent week-end with Miss Ruth West, and othei relatives here. Miss Jessie Lee Downs has re turned to Berea college, where she is in school. Freddy West, of Chapel Hill, has been spending a lew dayt with his parents, Dr. and Mrs J. v West: Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Brys^.. ; and daughter, Nora Lee, of De I troit, Mich., spent several day. here recently visiting Mrs. J . M. Morgan and Mr. and Mrs Robert Morgan. Miss Carlene Sorrels recently visited Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Sor rels and other relatives in Asrevllle. Paul and John Raby, oi Peachland, N. C., visited Al bert Raby and other relatives recently. Mrs. Claude Parrish. and two daughters, Doris" and Helen, of Bryson City,' recently visited Mrs. AJ. M. Morgan and Mr. and : Mrs. Robert Morgan and fam liy here. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Owens and small daughter, Delores, of Asheville, spent the week-end here recently with Mr. Owens mother, Mrs. Clara H. Ow.ns, and brother, Johnny. Miss Ruth West spent several days recently visiting relatives at Cullowhee and Webster. Miss Pallie Allen. Mrs. Lizzy Potts, and Miss Jennie Clouse, all of Bryson City, were here recently visiting relatives. Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Darragh have returned to their home in Washington, D. C., after a week's visit with Mrs. Darragh't parents here, Mr. and Mrs. Nor man Houston. , A shower in honor of Mr. an Mrs. L. M. Shuler was given at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Lyle Raby recently. About seventy five friends and relatives called during the evening' and many attractive and useful gifts were received by the hororees. Mrs. J. M. Morgan visited her daughter, Mrs. Cero Martin, and family in Baltimore recently. Security Official To Come. Here Regularly A representative of the Ashe ville field office of the Social Security administration will be at the courthouse in Franklin the first Friday of each even month? February, April, etc.? I until further notice, it was an : nounced this week. His next visit, under this schedule, will be Friday, October 1. DOGGONE! An irate fan, who had watch ed his home team go down in defeat, stopped the umpire ' as he was leaving the field, i "Where is your dog?" he de manded. "Dog?" exclaimed the umpire. "I have no dog." "Well," said the grouchy one. "you're the first blind man I ever saw who didn't have a dog." Gypsies came originally from India, not Egypt. MACON THEATRE Matinee 3:15 ? Night 7:30 - 9:30 Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, September 12, 13> 14 IT'S'TRUE! By Wiley Padan JURKMiTSORipr M-G-M'5 "THE BRIDE GOes WILD" ? A HIGHLY humorous romantic story V CONCERNING A PRlM NEW EN61AND SCHOOL TEACHER f AND A NOT-SO-PRIM WRITER OTCHIIORENS STORIES. m IS PURCHASING A 45 fOOT CABIN CRUISER TO TRAVEL ?ALONG THE CALIFORNIA COAST WIS SUMMER. /Mi JENKINS SiV< * I THINK nt free/ a tiq m CANNON BATH TOWEL! No co st/ No obligation! It's yours absolutely frtm whan you -ee our exciting demonstration Of the now Bendlx Washer with the amazing Automatic Soap Injectorl Made by famous Cannon Mills, a million of theso luxury towels, in a gay assortment of colors and patterns, are being given away by Bendix Washer Dealers. Get your free Cannon towel while our supply lastsl Come in todayl ^ FLUFFY > AND LUXURIOUSlJ 20x40 INCHES! THREE DAYS ONLY! DEMOSTRATIONS At 10:30 a. m., 3:00 p. m. each day Thursday, Friday, and Saturday COME SEE THE WASHER WITH A "BRAIN"! It can even put in its own soapf V beho^ au+omU/?r V/asher Free gifts . . . and a free show, too! You'll be amazed to see this great new work-saving invention in action! It's the Automatic Soap Injector, and the Bendix is the only washer that has it. Hard to believfc, but this "mechanical brain" actually measures out the exact amount of soap and puts it in the washer at exactly the right time! You'll be glad you came * . . and wt will, too! v NOW! A BENDIX FOR AS LOW AS 199??! (Mode/ 5-101, including normal installation.) FREE SHOW! FREE TOWELS , WHILE THEY LAST! HURRY ! SOSSAMON FURNITURE CO. "Everything foi the Home" Bcndix Model B-21J Automatic Soap ln|ocfor optional. # IWhen people eve/ujurkjeJue. ajtuee. on a pJuxLujcit you. know thai piuxJLuuct id y/ood.! All America Likes CHEVROLET'S ? ? ?? ? r Bodies by Fisher ? tkat afta excluAive to (ZhaMjolet In the Low-p/doeJ. JjiaHl Mate, VoluG in Riding Comfort Your own tests will convince you that Chevrolet's Unitized Knee-Action Gliding Ride, plus Chevrolet's Body by Fisher, result in ipore riding comfort. ' > Mot* Value in Performance with Economy Only Chevrolet, in it* price field, gives you the performance advantages? at low oper ating costs? of a "World'a Champion" Yflve-in-head engine. > It it not by chance that Chevrolet's bodies by Fisher are so beautiful, to luxurious, to I aft! Behind each body is forty yeari of motor-car coachcraft experience . . . forty year* of building matter bodies for preci?ion minded America. To matchless craftsmanship have been added the methods and the metals of modem body engineering. Today, in your Chevrolet Body by Fisher, you are protected by steel . . . cushioned 4^ materials that add ease and relaxation to every driving mile. And when you consider that such body -comfort, such body-luxury, such body-safely is available a t lowest cost you begin to understand why MORE PEOPLE BUY CHEVROLETS THAN ANY OTHER CAR! Mo* Vol*. ? in Broking Efficiency The knowledge that you are operating Poei tive-Action Hydraulic Brake* in your Chev rolet givet you a feeling of ncurlty when driving in aty or country. Mo** t/alu* in All-round Safety You ride in mtrimum safety in your Chev rolet with Fisher Uniiteel Body Construc tion, Unitized Knee-Action GUdinf Rid* and Positive- Action Hydraulic Brakes. \ - *r/to_ Value* !... CHEVROLET- WOW y CHEVROLET /j -IS FIRST! BURRELL MOTOR COMPANY, INC. PHONE 123 FRANKLIN, A? C.