* Highlands Highlights s MRS. B. O. STORY WITHEKILLS ENTERTAIN FOR OUT-OF-TOWN GUESTS Mr. and Mrs. Clark H. Wlth erill entertained witn a p<u ty at their home on West Main ..w.c-ut v.uuiitaday evening ron Uting Mi. Wild Mvs. t . A With erUl, of Miami, Hi, *ho tue gutbH' ut I he i'uLUi uvUm.f itu i.i., and Mrs. James Arthur Plinth ol Eirmingtiam, Ala., v>?.o ure stopping at Highlands Country cluu. Mr. and Mrs. Withenil also have as llieir hjuse guest Capt. William J. ;_uaiun of Miami. 1'crsonal Mention Mr. and Mrs. Evelyn Harris of At.anta woie week-end guests of Mr. and Mrs Frank i~. Cuok at Highlands inn, the occasion being Mr. Harris' b.i Liiduy anniversary, wit,h a special birthday cake and din ner in his honor "Saturday night. Dr. and Mrs. Joseph S. Stew art, or Coccanut Grove, Florida, are spending a few days here with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph L. Hodgson at "Hempine", their summer home on the Franklin road. Mrs. Stewart is Mr. Hodg son's sister. The Stewarts were accompanied as far .as Athens by their daughter, Miss Florence i^icwart, who is a student at the University of Georgia. Mr. and Mrs. Tudor N. Hall, Johnny Hall, and Mrs. E. R. Gilbert spent the week-end in Home, Ga., wheie they visaed their son, Tudor G. Hall, at Darlington school, stopping en toute for their daughter, Miss r&> . =Si?"'7?Si /^/TiTy^i i fhpfytiouis WITH THF VVfestinghouse tit 6 A MAGNIFICENT KADIO PHONOGRAPH WITH THEM EXCLUSIVE \MIST\HGHOVISl \ FEATURES ' PIENTWOWER rainbow roNi rm ELECTRONIC FEATHER AUTOMIX RECORD CHAN C 12 HOLT FURNITURE Company lieOn-and you'll buy Wfcstinghouse Isabel HaU, student at Brenau academy. Gainesville Dr. and Mrs. C. E. Mitchell have as guests Mrs. Mitchell's parents. Mr. and Mrs. C. B. Kyan, of Hawkinsvllle, Oa., and their cousin, Miss Elizabeth Kann, of St Petersburg, Fa. Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Raynes ford, of Chattanooga, Tenn., were guests of their niece, Mrs it oruaKletc.i on Saturday, en route to Ashevllle for the week-end. Mrs. Elliot Caziarc left Mon day to spend several weeks in Atlanta. M. 8. Thompson, James Hunt ^nu Eugene Potts left Wednes day to resume their studies at the University of North Caro lina, Chapel Hill. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Shuler have announced the birth of a son, Kurt Morgan Shuler, Sep tember 16, at the Oconee coun _y hospital, Seneca, S. C. Mr* j Shuler Is the former Miss Ruth Morgan, of Los Angeles, Calif. ; Richard D. Wood, III, and William Duane Wood, young j jons of Mr. and Mrs. Richard D. Wood, Jr., of Wawa, Penna., returned home the past week after spending a month here visiting their aunts, the Misses Marguerite and Clare Ravenel, at their summer home, "Wolf; Ridge ', on fodders tack moun tain. Mr and Mrs. Edward Potts have moved into the Sara Gil der cottage on Satulah road for the winter. Capt. and Mrs. Val S Pier son and children, Marjorie and /al, Jr., of Fort Benning, Ga., were week-end guests of Capt. Plerson's father, S. P. Pierson. Their brother, Kendall Pierson, 01 Miami, Fla , also is here for a visit with his father, who has been a patient at the Angel hospital in Franklin for the past few days. Miss Marna Cobb has re sumed her studies at Fassifern school in Hendersonville. Mr. and Mrs. John B. West brook and daughters, Virginia and Vicki, spent the week-end in Coidele, Ga., visiting Mrs. Westbrook's parents, Dr. and Mrs. W. W. McCollum, going j down because of the illness of Dr. McCollum. Tt ior Halls Named V'j Attend B si >p's Consecration Rite ? '? j At a congregational supper of J B the Episcopal Church of the In carnation, Thursday night at the home of Mrs. E. R. Gilbert, Mr. and Mrs. Tudor N. Hall were elected to represent the church at the consecration services of the Rev. M. George Henry, bishop-elect of the Western North Carolina diocese, at Trin ity church, Asheville, Wednes day, September 29. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Harbison were elect ed alternates. Burwell Thornton was ap pointed chairman of the com mittee to raise funds ior the church's quota in the purchase of an Asheville residence for Bishop Henry. Assisting Mr. Thornton will be Mrs. Tudor N. Hall, Miss Rebecca C. Nail, and Miss Rebecca Bridgers. The October meeting will fea ture the birthday supper and will be held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Tom Harbison. VISIT LABORATORY Dr. E. R. Radford, of the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, spent the past week doing scientific research at the Highlands Biological laboratory, which closed September 21). Other recent visiting scientists Included a group from the Oak Ridge laboratory. In the party were Drs. Carl A. Anderson, Vanderbilt university, Tom E. Moore. Oklahoma A. & M., R. H. McFarland, Kansas state, S W. Peterson, Vanderbilt, and 1 K. J. Koepsell, U. S Depart ment of Agriculture, Peoria, 111. Automatic!, ? OIL FLOOR FURNACE Safe! ? >u iMNh WOTk.lk?.A. SAFEfY-TESTED and approved BY Uf^pER WRITERS' LABORATORIES Edwards-Dillard Hardware and Builders Supply, Inc. HIGHLANDS, N. C. 49 Season Plans Laid By Theatlre At the Higiiiands Community Theatre's last general meeting j? ine season. President Ralph a. Mowbray was autrorized by -.io.k,n to appoint a play-read ing committee whose opinions and suggestions are to be pass ed on to the next year's direc tor (or final decision in selec tions. At this meeting President vfoi/. a> commented on the high standard of the three produc-. nons directed by Ired c. Allen this season and expressed the no^o 01 the entire board that Mr Allen will return as direc tor next year. Mrs. Jack Wilcox, business m. nager, said that tne theatre building funds which were in- | nested in government bonds several years ago, are still Kept in these bonds, and that the operating account has been m ciuaieu. Mrs. Wilcox said also ?.hut tne theatre for the first -imc has an inventory of per manent property, the two more ocwnstve (terns being 3 reg stat, designed and built by T?. [ dor G. Hall, and a set of ilats. I Memberships in the theatre ' are divided into three group*, Hie miutbcrs, sustaining mem bers. and active members. LUe i.X'iuoers are those who have contributed a total of $100 or core. In this group are Mrs. wiauc Uoweli, Mrs. Lucy Trosdal, Ciias. V. Rainwater, Sr., and Mr. and Mrs. J. Blanc Monroe. tou?Uiiiifig memberships are -instituted by the contribution of less than .a hundred dollar*, ->nd included among those list ed in this group are Mrs. Ar thur Howell, Mrs, c. W, Mizell, Mrs. John L. Many, Mis. Harry McCall, Sr., Mrs. May Bailey, Mrs. W. K. Stringer, Mrs. Charles E. Shepard, Mrs. R. L. Kline, Mrs. Fred S. Gould, Ad mi: .il N A. .vfrOiinpv. ' - Lewis, Westerfelt Terhune, Mrs, Henry Evans, Mrs. ocu V Townsend, Mis. Ralph ui. Sargent, Mrs. John A. Russell, Miss Minnie D Warren, and Overton Chambers. Active members are those vho participate in any prase if any production. New members n the active Hethc dist Church Will Ho!d Morning Service On Sunday Morning worship will be con lucted at the Highlands Metho list church Sunday at 11:00 1'clock by the pastor, the Rev. V. T. Medlin, Jr., who will use is his sermon subject "Christi inity is Opportunity." The Sun lay morning service will be the ast service of the conference ear, Mr. Medlin said, and the public is invited to attend ? ? Fortify your home ?gainst eke tBBuii siege of winter? with the low-cocr comfort of luxurioui WARM MORNING heat rheonk heater of its kind In the wocld! Exclusive patented interior construc tion Ton need ftut r fire but once e eeer. See the Amazing UlMim moMiinG Nmm 1*1 in U. $. ??* Cmm. Pmt. OH. Tour boat k WARM eeery MORNING when you.wak.WARM MORNING heats ?11 day ?nd night without refueling. No mora getting op -?g*?? to feed a fin, or early rising to start one! syssLfd? Over a MILLION In' Use Model* to nt n eriy wn horn* heating ?Cleft. Mod 1 420-A, 100 lb. Draft 8m the WARM MORNING tot yew HOLT FURNITURE COMPANY New Officials Of Baptist Church Named Recently elected olfleers of the Highlands Baptist church have been announced as fol lows: S. E. Potts, church clerk; Miss Doris Potts,, assistant; H. 8. | Talley, treasurer; J. D. Bur | nette, assistant; Mrs, W. A. j Hays, organist; Mrs. J. L Hicks, ' assistant; J. L. Hicks, choir I leader, W, A H?y*. assistant; S C. Russell and Miss Joyce I Burnette, publicity. The church trustees are A B Potts, Charles Dorris. J. D. Bur nette. Earl Crunkleton, John Calloway, Church Brotherh od George Penland, president; Wo man'* Missionary union, Mrs Paul Nix, president, Sunday school officers in clude Doyle Burgess, superin tendent; John Calloway, assis tant; S, C. Russell, secrcla*^ . Joyce Burnette, pianist, with Mrs. Dee Carpenter as assistant; and J. L. Hicks, chorister, with J. W. Reese, assistant. Teftcherfj are- Beginners, Mrs. Tom OlbsoB and Mrs Dee Car penter; primary, Mrs. 8. E. Potts and Mrs. John Calloway; Juniors; Mrs. Charles Doris and Mrs Norman Reese; intermed iate girls; Mrs. J. L. Hicks and Mrs. Paul Nix; Intermediate boys, Norman Reese; young peo ple, Mrs. A. B. Potts; women, Mrs. W. A. Hays; and men, the Rev. Paul Nix and W. A. Hays. Maurice Cleveland is direc tor Baptist Training union, with Mrs, Joe Baty as assistant; Mrs. Paul W Alden Is secretary treasurer, Patsy Hays, assistant; J. W. Reese, chorister, Audrey Hays, assistant; Sue Hicks, pianist. Ann Hays, assistant; Mrs. J. L. Hicks, story hour I leader, Mrs. Arthur Rogers, as sistant; Mrs. Charles Dorris, junior leader; John Calloway, junior sponsor; Mrs. John Cal loway, intermediate leader; and Mrs. Henry WJiit/mlre, intermed iate sponsor. group this year are Jeremy Wil cox, Alfred Randall, Maxlne Wright, Jonathan Williams, Robert DuPree, Mary DuPree, Maxlne Kowalski, Glenn Ry ?man, Kittie Trussell, Charles I McDowell, Paul Price, Shelagh Foreman, Charles Farnsworth, Ann Stevens, Ann Eidson, the latter a reinstated member. Governor 0/ Rotary WiL I Highlit d? C -b Everett Bierman, of Char- 1 lotte, district governor, Rotary International, will be guest speaker at the Rotary club sup per meeting next Tuesday nljht at Highlands cafe, It has bci.ii announced by Frank B Cook, club president. Thirty-seven Rotarlars heard a talk last week by Dr C. C. Harrold. of Macon, Ga . who told what the civic organiza tions of Qeorgla are doing to help leed and clothe the desti tute children of Europe. King's Inn To Close For Season Sept. 30 King's inn, one of the leading summer resort hotels of this ;ection, will close for the season Sec that (he Children are well fed and well shod and that the coal bin is "filled. All th:s can he done at Talley & Burnett Highlands, N. C. 'MMmohmmmhbbb September 30, it was announced this week by R. R. King, own i '-nx_nager. SALT on HEATING with the JwiMt'inol Fuel Saving Thermostat! c Do wa draft Wot Jbaraor NEW MODELS NOW ON DISPLAY The Ashley gives clean, continuous 24-hour heat. Should build one fire the entire season. Refuel witn wood on average once every twelve hours. Many heat ing entire homes. Many users say they save cost of their Ashleys first season. Patented thermostatic control assures I . . I ? sicauy ucac in coldest weath er. Seven types and prices. See the beautiful new Ashleys today. HOLT FURNITURE COMPANY DANCE AT HELEN'S BARN Saturday Nights Open 8:30 to 12:00 o'clock FOR ALL OUTDOOR CLOTHING-. NEEDS ? COME TO B O WER' S HUSKY for... HUSKY J O K S MANITEiX FELT BASE RUGS Size 9x12 in assart- \ h QC ed kitchen and liv- V in; room patterns. A COMPLETE LINE OF WHITE MULE WORK GLOVES With leather palm and $1.29 canvas back ... Same as above bait long SI .39 cuffs ? pair ... * 8 OZ. SANFORiZED t JEWEL 1 OVERALLS 4 In high or low back with rule pocket, hammer strap and bib breast pocket with all compartments. Double stitched and bar tacked at points of strain $249 Sites 32 lo ? SHIRTS Men's Grey Poplin Uniform With stand ?2 98 shrunk for 0 permanent fit. Sizes 14 to 16 Children's ANKLETS "SPECIAL" Children's Anklets in solid col ors and white with fancy tops Sixes 4 to 9 . . . Regular 15c to 19c values 10c pr. Genuine Horsehide LEATHER JACKETS With zipper front ? two zipper breast pockets? O O two slash side pockets ? Jk x X M II and biswing shoulders. * In blaok or brown. Capeskin and Suede Jackets, $9.95 to $19.90 USE OUR LAY-AWAY PLAN Boy's Sport Shirts "A Close Out" Boys' short sleeve sport shirts in solid colors, plaids and figured patterns. Full cut, last coLjr and Sanfor ized. These are real bargains! Sizes 4 to 18 $1.29 2 for $2.25 REGULAR $1.98 VALUES Children's Polo Shirts "A Close Out ' Children's short sleeve Polo Dhitts in stripes only. Fast col or and made for hard wearing. Button shoulders for easy slip ping into. Sizes 1 to 4 59c 2 for $1.00 What a Bargain! r Men's Sturdy Built Empire BOWER'S THE STORE TO SERVE YOU Franklin, N. C. WORK SHOES Tripple stitched leather uppers, long wearing Pancoe bottoms with leather middle sole and Insole. A typical Bower's value. Sizes 6 to 12. Sizas 4 to 14 $4.98

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