Macon Highmy Safety Record for I94S to Date ( Troai Suit Hilkwly records) killed . t INJURED ? 0 Do Your Part to Keep These Figures Down! fankliit limb ' ?11 )t IfjtgWatt^jS ffiaconian The Presidential candidates' struggle to outdo each other In ' avoiding National Issues en lightens the voter like the bill board .helps the view. VOL- LXIII-NO. S9 FRANKLIN. N. C- Thursday, Sept. so, 1948 Schools Have Enrollment of 3,844 Pupils First 10 Days Show B.g Gain At Franklin School Enrollment In Macon County's 21 public schools totaled 3,t?44 uccuiuing to ugures submitted uy principals and teacners at uie enu oi the iirat ten uay period, County Bupt. Uuy L riuuk announced this week. This is an Increase of 69 over last year's enrollment during the same period on a county wide basis. Tne Franklin school, which more than one-tmrd of the county's school children are at tending, has an enrolment llg ure oi 1,249 pupils? 85 more I Ulan last year. Highlands and Otter Creek, the oUier two high scnool in Uie county, are amount the it* schools In the county to siww an increase. The tiignianus ic?ioui increased its enrollment Ugure ior the llrst ten uays by 37 stuaents, and Otter ureeK iias an increase of 18. ine Kyle school snowed the biggest decrease with an enroll ment of 93 as compared to 132 lor last year. Small decreases in enrollment weie auo shown for the Cowee, Otto, union, Pine Grove, t>aiem, iliguon /ille, Holly Springs. Tne enrollment figure ior this ten uay period was the same at blagle, Scaly, and x..asnDum branch Mr. Houk pointed out that these figures were not entirely accurate for a year round pic ture since enrollment and at tendance figures do not com pletely correspond due to ab sences and transfers. Attendance figures for the first month last year give a total attendance figure lor the county of 3,838 which is omy 6 less than the enrollment lor the first ten day ' period thls, year. Position Accepted By Miss Jean Hemphill In Craft Education Program Miss Jean Hemphill, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Hemphill, has recently joined the stalf of the Craft Education Program with headquarters in Asheville. Miss Hemphill is a craftsman in metals and design. She re ceived her Master's degreee in related arts from the Univer sity of Tennessee. Before accepting this position she taught in the Art Depart ment of the School of Home Economics at Michigan State ?v college, East Lansing, Michigan. Do You Remember . . . ? (Looking backward through (he flies of The Freu) v ? SO YEARS AGO THIS WEEK The Board of Trustees of Macon County are requested to meet in Franklin on Tuesday the 4th day of October, 1898, to see if some Improved plan can be worked out for working the public roads. A new road machine la to be tried that day. By order of the Chairman of the Board, H. D. Dean. Thirteen bicycles are given In for taxation in Macon county, valued at $227. 25 TEARS AGO The Association has come and gone from Aquone and no one hurt except Mr. and Mrs. Char ley Faber and Mrs. Hattle John son. They are both minus gir s. September the 9th, Mr. Lawrence Neal married the Faber girl, and Mr. Luther Jacobs married the Johnson girl. It TEARS AGO Amid hand clapping and with much enthusiasm, the student body elected George Pattan ed itor-in-chief of the -newspaper that is to be published by the Franklin high school. George > Patton Is a senior who last year was president of the Junior class. By unusual coincidence. Mack Patton and Andy Patton, brothers of George Patton, were elected to serve tr advertising manager and circulation man r ager. Memorial Fund Described As investment In Future - And Aid To World Peace' i Members of the local Ameri can legion post and the Legion Auxiliary Sunday heard O. L. Houk, county superintendent o: , public schools, describe the Macon County memorial fund which the local legion units are sponsoring as. "an investment in the future of Macon County and an opportunity to do something towards lessening the of war." Mr. Houk and Gilmer Jones, local attorney and former pest, commander, spoke to the vet erans organization gaLh^.i.^g following a picnic dinner at Mr. Jones' camp "High Haven" on Wayah Bald. Henry w. Cabe, treasurer of the present Macon Memorial As sociation which has a scholar ship fund In memory of the vet erans of World War I, wa; named as treasurer of the Me mortal fund to the veterans of World War II. Don O. Allison, post com mander, announced that "the memorial fund drive would no. be raised as the result of high pressure solicitations, but the local post was sponsoring this memorial to offer the peo ple of Macon County an oppor tunity to contribute to some thing which would perpetuate the memory of those who gave their lives in service for their country." He asked that all con tibutions, except those by school children, be mailed to Henry W. Cabe, Franklin, N. C. benzol children's contributions will be handled by teachers in the vari ous schools throughout the county. In speaking on the proposed memorial fund, Mr. Houk point ? Continued on Pace Six 30 Tuberculosis Cas Come Back Home With Ribbons Eight winners out ol 12 en tries was the record made by .viacon County 4-H boys and . girls at the Junior Dairy a.. aw | ucld at Asheville Tuesday. in addition to that enviable record, these future stock ex perts won the junior champion ship and the grand champion ship, a second prize in the best iated call competition and had one entry asked to compete in uie showmanship competition. blue ribbons in the Guernsey calf competition were won by Harry Stoudemire (this caif was fitted and shown by his sister Edna Earl Stoudemire) s^n of oar. and Mrs. H. Ci Stoudemire of franklin Route 1, this calf also won the junior and grand championships in its class; lx>n nie Crawford, son of Mr and Mrs. Laddie Crawford, Franklin, Route 1; Ann Teague, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ned Teague, of Prentiss; Charles Gregory, son of Mr. and Mrs. Parker Gregory bf Route 4; and Leroy i-cck, son of Mr. and Mrs. Beulon Peek of Cowee. Red ribbons were won by Jerry Sutton, son of Mr. and ivirs. Charley Sutton, of the Clark's Chapel area; Henderson Huggins, son of Mr. and Mrs. Forest Huggins, of Burnlgtown; and Wayne Harrison, son oi Mr. and Mrs. Earl Harrison, of Route 1. Other entries who received third place ribbons were Jerry Potts, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Potts of Cullasaja; Othela Cabe, daughter of Mr. and Mis. Jack cabe, of Holly Springs; Wayne Stewart, son of Mr. and tu is. Harley Stewart, of the Pat. ton settlement; and Andrew Moses, son ol Mr. and Mrs. P. N. Moses, of Hlgdonville. Miss Othela Cabe was also asked to compete in the show manship competition. T. H. Fagg, assistant county agent In charge of 4-H club work, said that one of the chief reasons for the fine showing made by the local group was the fine stock which had been brought into this county by the local business men's caif club. All but one of the blue and red ribbon winners was pre sented to its owner by this calf club. Mr. Fagg added that he hoped that the line showing made by this group would In part repay these men for their Interest in bringing better stock to Maco.i County. First Baptist Revival Will Open Next Sunday A series of evangelistic serv ices will open at the First Bap tist church here Sunday morn ing. The guest minister, Lr. Charles H. Bolton, will h-ld li>s first service Tuesday mo n ng at 10:30 o'clock, and thereafter services will be held each morn ing at that hour. Evening serv ices are set for 7:30 uc1.jc* dally. - Dr. Bolton Is pastor of the Rlverdale BaBptlst .a Miami, Fla. Council, Craft Home Demonstration He .Js To Meet On OctcL :r j On Tuesday, October 5, all Home Demonstration club oi flcers are to meet at the Agri cultural Building, at 10:3u A. for the Fall meeting of the County Council. Important t>u .1 ness will be discussed, and ull club officers are urged to be present. Miss Rose Ellwood Bryan, Specialist with the State College Extension Service, will hold a training meeting for all Craft leaders on Tuesday afternoon from 2:00 to 4:00 P. M. Temperatures and precipita tion lor the past seven days, and the low temperature yes terday, as recorded at "the Cowceta Experiment station. The Weather High Low Prec. Wednesday ... Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Moday Tuesday Wednesday 70 49 T* M 60 M M .04 83 52 .( 2 73 53 .00 66 52 .00 66 48 X0 67 42 .il