HEWS ? PEOPLE MM. KMOKY HCNNICUTT Sodet; Editor, Telephone til VISITORS FROM OKLAHOMA IS HONORED A? PARTY lira. Qroyer Jamison, Jr. and Un. Roy Cunningham honored their date*, Mr*. Charles Perry, of II Reno, Okla., with a bridge and bingo party, Wednesday evening of last week at Pano rama Court. Bridge was played at four tables and 10 guests played bingo. Mrs. Carl Tyslnger won high score, Mrs. John Crawford, sec ond high, Mrs. John Cogan, low, and Mrs. Jack 8herrlll, bingo prise. Mrs. Perry was presented a gift. MRS. RIDDLE ENTERTAINS WITH BRIDGE LUNCHEON Mrs. Roy Blddle was hostess at a bridge luncheon last Thursday at Panorama Court. Seven tables were In play. Prizes were awarded to Mrs. William Nothsteln, high icon; Mrs Frank B. Duncan, second high; Mrs. R. R. Gaines, low score; and to Mrs. T. W. Angel, Jr. and Mrs. J. M. HanUll. bingo. Personal Mention Mrs. R. D. Bisk, of Bakersvllle, formerly of Franklin, Is spend ing some time here. Misses Pat and Oall Qreen, of Kershaw, S. C., are visiting their aunt, Mrs. R. 8. Jones. Dan Angel Is In Chattanooga, Tenn., where he is the guest of his sister, Mrs. Jim Dance. Mr. and Mrs. Henderson Cal loway and daughters, Misses Nancy and Ellen Calloway, and Miss June Bradley feave return ed from Daytona Beach. Fla., where they spent ten days. Miss Marie Jennings is on va cation In South Georgia. Mr. and Mrs. Michael D'Ono STEEL FILING CABINETS 4-Drawer Steelmaster OLIVE GREEN $59.75 (Including Tax) The Franklin Press Phone 24 Shrin* Oi Maaoni, Ob Snolc# Peak, To' B? OpMMd In 1972 A dirt rand liim WiymwUlt leads up to the toy of the BinuHaa at Black Cany Gap, and km the vMtor will dad * ,i|m* marker, erected by Mm Masonic order. The cryptic shrine and marker contains atone from ahwiat every country In the ?world, from a mine 2.5M feet below ?ea level In Ansbmlla, and from every state in the Union. In a vault nearby is a sealed copper box containing mementoes from 30 grand lodges hi this country and Canada: It will be opened in 197X, lMth anniversary of the founding of the N. C. Grand Council. In the marker are stones from 8cen Island, Arabia, where King Solomon is said to have conferred with the Queen of Sbeba; a portion of a stone gateway from the castle of Robert the Brace of Scotland; and part of a foundation stone from the Manonlc Temple at Copenhag en. frio and sop, Ralph, and Miss Annie will Slier, all of New York City, and Miss Freda Slier, of Washington, D. C., are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Allen Slier. Miss Annelynn Jones, of Tampa, Fla., is the guest of her aunt, Mrs. Guy L. Houk. Mrs. A. L. Hudson, of Dem orest, Oa., Is visiting Mrs. John Henry. Mrs. Alvln Dodd and children, of Marietta, Oa., are visiting relatives here. Mrs. Dodd is the former Miss Josephine Hlgdon. Bobbie and Pat Gaines, chil dren of Mr. and Mrs. R. R. (Bob) Gaines, are spending this week with Mr. and Mrs. Comer Vandlver In Helen, Oa. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Monroe, of Birmingham, Ala., and Mrs. S. F. Ledford, of Dillard, Oa., were guests last week of Mrs. Frank Hlgdon, Sr. Miss Carolyn Dowdle Is visit ing her aunt, Mrs. William Willis, in Columbia, S. C. Misses Pauline and Margaret Sue May have returned to their home on Otter Creek after spending the past week at Joy Camp, Greenback, Tenn. NOT EAST Whoever coined that phrase "easy as taking candy from a baby" never tried it. Plan AU-D*y Service At Cdmrr On Sunday An all-day service, with din ner on the grounds, will be hfld at Calvary Baptist church Sunday, starting at 10 a. m. Featured on the day's service will be an Indian choir, Indian quartets, and a talk by an In dian preacher, the Rev. Mr. Hornbuckle. The public Is In vited to attend. State College Hints To Farm Homemakers Tumblers and other glass ware get extra heavy use In summer when the family en Joys cool drinks and chilled desserts. To bring glassware through without casualties, household equipment specialists offer some reminders. Sudden changes in tempera ture are responsible for the un timely end of much glassware. Olass expands with heat, con tracts with cold, often cracks or breaks when forced to do either too suddenly. This is why hot water should not be poured over glass in washing or rinsing but insted the glass should be laid gently In the water. It is also why glass should not go directly trom refrigerator to warm dishwater and why jars of food, hot from the canaer, should not stand in a breeze to cool. In making iced tea or coffee in glass pour the hot beverage slowly onto the Ice rather than against the glass, or ? safermake the beverage in a china or pottery pitcher and then pour into glasses. Incidentally, ice cubes should not be dropped caressly into glasses. The force of their fall may crack the glass. To save glass from taking a rap In dishwashing, there are circular rubber gadgets which fit over the end of faucets, also rubber mats for bottom of sink or dlshpan, or for counters on either side of the sink. Many women like rubber-covered dish drainers. The time-honored dishwash ing rule: "Glass firs*, silver second, china third," saves nicks, chips and scratches which often result from a miscellan eous jumble In the dishpan. Glass gets first place because It needs clean suds with no trace of grease to come out clear and shining. The less glass Is handled, the less chance of breaking. Many women are finding that by washing with the new de tergentj glass frill c:rue out streakiest without wiping. last but not tout, save glass ware with convenient safe stor age Arrangements. Narrow shel ves for tumblers allow each to stand separately with no stack ing or doubling up. and no reaching behind. ?Continued from Page One SMUHBRIDGE'S EARLY HISTORY soldiers put their dead com rades under their horses' feet and drove over them to keep the Indians from scalping them. The Otto post office was established on June 30, 1882 by Isaac Terrell Bradley, father of Mrs. Liner. His co-worker was a Mr. Love of Franklin. Mr. Bradley expressed the wish that the village and office bear the name Otto, and Mr. Love liked the name so well he gave th# name Otto to a son. Mr. Brad ley became the first postmaster. The kindness and neighborli ness of the early settlers are characteristic of the presept inhabitants. One story is re lated about Little Sallie Smith Square DANCE Saturday Night Starting At 8 p. m. Slagle Memorial RYTHMIC MUSIC ? EXPERT CALLER A-l FLOOR Sponsored by FRANKLIN POST American Legion who lived 111 the Mulberry area. She became lost, one day, and people from every section hunt ed for he* day and night. After long, weary hours, she was found, and she told how the dogs had come to her, but when she saw lights In the distance, she became alarmed and fled still farther into the hills. After this experience, she had to be kept under watchful care for a 1 long period of time, but she finally overcame the emotional strain. Many Interesting keepsakes can be found In the possession of many of the descendants of these early settlers. Indian rel ics, documents and diaries are In the possession of Mrs. Liner and Mrs. Ada Hyatt. Mrs. Liner holds a tax receipt which be longed to her grandfather. He paid fifteen cents tax on a large territory of land In this town ship. We visited Indian graves on top of one of the highest hills and the heavy stones covering these graves have never been found nearer than ten miles away on the Tesenta road. Special Show TONIGHT Thursday, July 28 ... 8 p. m. AT COURTHOUSE FROM WNOX MID-DAY MERRY GO ROUND BOXING MATCH Hot Shot Elmer vs. Little Robert Also JOLLY JOE and ZAG, the "Ozark Mountain Boys" and BILL CARLISLE and "KENTUCKY MT. BOYS" FiddlirT Sandy LITTLE ROBERT, World's Biggest Little Man and his "NUBBINS" BUCK RYAN ? 9-State Champion Fiddler RAY QUE ? Your Favcrite Singer ALL IN PERSON DON'T MISS THESE FINE RADIO ENTERTAINERS! ADMISSION ? 25c and 60c ? Tax Included SOSSAMON'S JULY CLEARANCE Free Prizes Free prizes Someone will win FREE Choice of either a SIMMONS sofa bed or a genuine SPEED QUEEN washing machine to some luclry shopper during this big clearance! Nothing to buy! No box tops to save! simply register at our store sometime between now and July 30 and winners will he notified as aoon as possible after the close of the sale at 5 o'clock Saturday, July 30th. Also given away will be a luxurious lawn chair ^with canopy and foot rest, 2 gallons of NAIRN floor wax, three handsome floor rugs and many other gifts which will be on display in our window during this sale. Remember, there is nothing to buy ! Simply drop in at Sossamon's and register during this big event from July 15th to the 30th. Many lucky shoppers will get a happy surprise! It might be you I Winners do not have to be present for award. You will be notified when you win. SIMPLY COME IN AND REGISTER! Sale Lasts Through July 30th Come See Our Stock And Compare Our Prices Sossamon Furniture Company "Everything For Your Home" Franklin, C. r ?