-Mnbar lump* ?*y b? ia ?any ngn of cancer. A doctor ?hould Im oonaulUd lmmedlate ly, the American Cancer society point* out. P*r?i explained continued cough or difficulty In swallowing Is one of the "danger signs" of cancer. A physician should be consulted. 1 IN YOUR PRESENT REFRIGERATOR l| Tf Convert your present refrigerator . . . regardless of age ... to fully automatic nightly defrosting in leu than a minute I Ends the fuss and muss of hand defrosting. Priced at only $9.95 ... it pays for itself in savinas. ? a ____ 'dB-frott-lt' eliminates freeier frost that steals freshness from foods. 'de-frosf-lf ends the fuss and must " of hand defrosting. With 'de-frast-ff your refrigerator &lCCl%tCWf runs less, uses loss current. Franklin Hardware Co. "Always Parking Space on the Square" Phone 117 Franklin, N. C. Phone 117 ?jr Tftom /?? CREAM (5 to* / y. ? ICE CREAM urpa Cri ...Princess Pet -- the de luxe Ice Lireara packed in the Orchid Carton, stamped with the Crest of Quality -- befits the regal tables of our land, in our Free American Homes! V Compare Princess Pet with any other ^ Ice Cream! Its creamy goodness, its delectable flavor set it apart from all others. Made only of daily fresh whole milk, daily fresh sweet cream ana delicate nalural flavorings... Princess Pet is the finest Ice Cream ypu can buy! A ^rei is nit Princess Pet Peaches N Cream is ? | the rovn] flavor-treat of the month, f Take uome a pint or two , today ! ? j? V TASTE THE FRESH CREAM IN^T-ICE CREAM WHAT WHEN WHERE 'W WHY SLACKS AUTO PARTS COMPANY HAS MOVED THIS PAST WEEK TO THE BUILDING RECENTLY OCCUPIED BY FRIGIDAIRE APPLIANCE STORE., NEXT TO THE POST OFFICE IN ORDER TO ENABLE US TO CARRY A MORE COMPLETE STOCK AND TO GIVE OUR CUSTOMERS BETTER SERVICE Slacks Auto Parts & Equipment Co. Here's County's Budget For 1949-50 Fiscal Year i - , JAIL: Jailer and Supplies ........... $1,000.00 Jail Repairs 50.00 Insurance 50.00 i $1,100.00 HEALTH: County Physician $250.00 Medical Cost 100,00 Health Co-operative Cost 5,440.00 Hospitalization ..._ 200.00 $5,990.00 WELFARE -SOCIAL SECURITY: Total (see Welfare Department figures below) $117,320.00 (Federal-state grant to county Is approximately $101,000 of the above total) SCHOOLS: Current Expense Schools : $16,400.00 School Debt ? State Loan 3,600.00 Capital Outlay, Schools J 14,400.00 Tax Collector : . 648.00 Treasurer 648.00 $35,696.00 COUNTY WIDE DEBT SERVICE: County Wide :.. $50,052 00 Tax Collector 1,032.00 Treasurer ...). 516.00 $51,600.00 FRANKLIN TOWNSHIP DEBT SERVICE: Township Debt $5,400.00 $5,400.00 Total County Wide Appropriation $142,550.00 ' Franklin Township Appropriation $5,400.00 WELFARE DEPARTMENT Total Federal-State County OAA $84,000.00 $73,500.00 $10,500.00 ADC 45,360.00 38,880.00 6,480.00 AB 2,880.00 2,205.60 674 40 Administrative 16,052.00 7,293.00 8,759.00 TOTAL $148,292.00 $121,878.60 $26,413.40 Less equalizing fund paid by State Department of Public Welfare (Est.) _ $2,888.00 $23,525.40 County pays 15.9% of total. The difference between the county's part of $23,525.40 and the $16,600 to be raised by taxes to be made up out of a surplus from past years. 4-H Week Program Outlined Governor W. Kerr Scott, Sen ator Frank P. Graham, and Dr. J. H. Hilton, dean of agriculture at State college, are among speakers slated to address some 1,400 North Carolina boys and girls during. State 4-H Culb Week, August 1-5, according to L. R. Harrill, state club leader. The event will be held on the State college campus in Raleigh. Represenatives from all counties will attend. As the clubsters arrive on the campus, they will be divided into four large groups known as Head, Heart, Hands and Health. Each group will see one of the following demonstrations each morning: "Boy Dates Girl," sponsored by Wayne county; "My Spokesman! My Records!", led by Miss Emmie Nelson, of the National Committee on Boys and Girls Club Work; 9ong leadership under the direction of Dr. Frederick S. Smith, of Christ Episcopal church, Ral eigh; and "Home Is What You Make It," led by teams from Northampton, Nash, and Hyde counties. For the afternoon demonstra tions, the boys and girls will be separated but will still re main with their large groups. Demonstrations for the boys will be dairy production, poul try, soil conservation, and farm management. For the girls there will be demonstrations on dairy foods, wear-care of clothing, newswrlting, and floor sanding. A recreation program consis ting of sharpshootlng, swim and baseball has been arranged for the late each afternoon, and several special events have been lined up for the evening program. Among these will be a band concert, state 4-H dress revue, the 4-H honor program, a candlelighting ceremony, and a health festival. Each club in the state has been Invited to send one girl and one boy to club week. Delegates will be accompanied by some local club leaders and by county extension workers. Employers Have Responsibility Under Social Security BY D. W. LAMBERT Manager Ashevllle Social Security Office When we get a claim for Old-Age and Survivors Insur ance benefits, one of the most Important factors to be con sidered is the total wages that have been reported by the worker's employers. Since these employers' reports are so im portant, I want to review the employer's duties under the Social Security Act. There are many new bus inesses being started, so a word to the new employer first. Some go Into business without realiz ing that the Social Security Act provides for two separate in surance systems for their em ployes ? the Federal old -Age and Survivors Insurance pro gram, and the State-Federal unemployment insurance sys tem. Most all busirtess firms are concerned with the Old Age and Survivors Insurance program if they have even one employe, .and even if the work Is only part-time or temporary. Whether the employer comes under the state employment in surance program depends upon the state law. The new employer should first apply for an employer's iden tification number. Blanks for this purpose may be obtained from my office or the internal revenue office. The employer should obtain the social secur ity account number from each employe at the time he goes to work, and the name should appear on his record just as it Is shown on the card. He should Insist on seeing the employe's card and not rely on the mem ory of the employe in giving It. When an employer reports all social security numbers and names correctly, he has no dif ficulty. The collector of internal reve nue mails the necessary blanks to the employer before the thev quarterly reports are due. When he gets the blanks, the employer lists all of his em ployes, with their account num bers and the amount of wages paid during the quarter. Then he malls his report with the tax to the collector of Internal revenue. Many employers see that their smployes are properly Informed ibout their Old-Age and Sur vivors Insurance benefits. I hope the employers will notify us irhen they believe benefits are bousiUAL tuts fb? iut? of Maw Jm*r hii etwnalve water navigation fa cilities, It rates high In Indus-* trial strength its railway facili ties are highly developed, mar ket gardening Is of high Im portance, Its sea coast resorts attract hundreds of thousands of people each year. More than 500,000 people are suffering from cancer at any one time in the United States. rich in Resources The state of New Hampshire produces large quantities of berries, apples, peaches, and garden produce. Its dairy and dairy production is large, while its mineral production consists, mainly of granite, sand and gravel, clay products and mica. Guarantied per Potior! Western Auto Assot. Store tronde Palmer Street WHERE RENTS ARE LOWER I Because rents are lower and other overhead expenses are less, Palmer Street business houses often can Shade the Price, or give you Better Service, or both, and still make a profit. Result: YOU save the difference And along Palmar Street you can find almost anything you want . . . Groceries or Radios ? Feeds or Shoe Repairs ? Auto Service and Gas or Bicycle Repairs ? Automobi'es ? Fruits ? Electrical Appliances. L. B. Phillips Shell Products Washing and Greasing Farmers Federation Quality Seed, Fe?d and Fertilizer Country Produce Bought and Sold Berry's Fruit Market Fresh Fruits and Vegetables Water Ground Corn Meal Franklin Service Station Gulf Products ? Quality Service Phone 111 Reid's Esso Service Complete Auto Service Phone 32 Welch Grocery & Feed Co. Groceries and Feeds Phone 278 Franklin Shoe Shop Shoe and Bicycle Repair? Formerly in McCoy Bldg. Basement Macon Willys Co. Cars, jeeps. Farm Machinery Phone 233 Franks Radio & Elec. Co. Radios anid Radio Repair Refrigerators, Ranges, Washing Machines YOU NEVER SAW SUCH ROOM ! Kelvinator is cold tlear to the floor! ? Yes! Kelvinator gives you loads of shelf space, plus the refriger- ' ated Fruit Freshener that keeps fruits . . . soft drinks deliciously cold! ? Big Frozen Food Chest holds 40 pounds of packaged frozen foods and ice cubes. ? Plenty of ice cubes . . . from four big quick-release ice trays! ? Lots of space for tall bottle*. ? Big 12-quart crisper to keep gar den greens dewy fresh. ? Powered by Polarsphere, Kel vinator's famous penny-pinch ing cold-maker. Sealed-in-steel! * Prices shown are for delivery in your kitchen with 5- Year Protection Plan. Slate and local taxes extra. Price * and tpecifieaiiont wh<~i to change without notice. \ Jim LOOK AT THE VALUE! Model CM l!hiatrat>4 $299.75 o?h.r Mod.U from 189.75 Mi |N ? "? THt COMPUTt UNI j . .GET COLD CLEAR. TO 7 WE FLOOR. Martin Electric Company