Lions Plan Playground Supervision Next Season When the Lions club-sponsor ed community playground, at the foot of Slagle Memorial hill, opens next spring, the club hopes to have a plan worked out for full-time supervision of the children's play periods. The tentative plan is to get s group of women to agree to divide the supervision time. The playground has closed for this season. W. M. U. Plans Division Meeting At Highlands The division meeting of the Woman's Missionary union will be held at the Highlands Bap tist church today at 10 a. m., Mrs. W. N. Cook, superlntendant, has announced. All ministers and those In terested In W. M. U. activities are Invited. Those who plan to attend and have automobi'es are requested to meet at the Franklin Baptist church at 8:45 so that those who do not have transporta tion will be able to go. To Enjoy The Sweetest and Most Delicious HOT BISCUITS You Ever Tasted ? Get WESTERN BRED FLOUR The Quicker You Start THE HAPPIER YOU'LL BE! WANTED - FRESH DEAD STOCK A New Free Service For Your Community Call . . . REID'S ESSO SERVICE PHONE 32 We pay collect calls* and our special equipped truck will remove your cows, horses, and hogs without any cost to you if called at once. CONSOLIDATED HIDE AND METAL CO. O HAVE YOU TRIED ^ 9 Our Brunswick Stew ^ . . . tender chicken, lima beans, golden corn, tomatoes, blended together to make one of the tastiest of dishes and so nourishing! . . . Allow us to suggest for your lunch a large bowl of this delicious Southern dish, served piping hot with hot rolls and butter. WE NEVER CLOSE THE DIXIE GRILL America's greatness stems from her communities! PT. Your own home town lis just as important a seg I ment of the United States as any part of the nation! . . f i You know thatrof course ? (but have you ever stopped | to consider why your com munity is such a good place in which to live?^ There are many reasons?" reasons you're hardly con scious of because they've be come such an integral part of your daily life . . . Your home town is made up 'mostly of people such as you ? ^folka wbo love the com munity, who are just as much interested as you are' , in making it a better place 1 in which to reside, and make a comfortable livelihood. [Your hometown hardware man is such a person. [Truly, when we come down ( to it, the local hardware re ( tailer is a pretty important asset to your way of life. And he, too, is a part of the community? a man whose business helps pay taxes, provide better schools, im prove roads. He deserves your business? not alone for the better values he offers, but because his shoulder, as well as yours, the wheel? the wheel that makes your community everything that it isl | FRANKLIN 9 HARDWARE CO. Phone 117 FRANKLIN, N. C. la hough iris a small country LUXEMBOURG offers many outstanding ATTRACTIONS to TRAVELERS-UNFORGETXADLE scot &&; picturesque cities; FRIENDLY. HOSfYTAOLE PEOPLE; COOC NOmX'AMDSKCllfMr IN SPITE OF THE RECORD number of Americans travel/no to tlfftOPC ma year, steamships amp} AIRLINES NOW HAVE SPACE /MtLAtLE for Americans who want-to go abroad during the lovely FALL MONTHS. Am MAS' FLOURISNE-p IN ORE ECE pon. THOUSANDS OF YEARS RIGHT DOWN TO THE PRESENT, AND VISI TORS WILL FIND GREAT MODERN? AS WELL AS ANC/ENT SCULPTURE, PAINT ING, DRAMA AND - MUSK IN THIS ? ROMANTIC West's Mill Mr. and Mrs. William Church Ill spent last Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. William Coetes and Mr. and Mrs. Victor Brown in Cullowhee. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Burrell and two sons, and Miss Eddis Holbrooks, of Winston-Salem, spent last week-end with rela tives here. Mr. and Mrs. Dan R. Rey nolds recently spent the week end in Knoxville, Tenn., with Mr. Reynolds' brother, Frank Reynolds, and family. Mr. and Mrs. James Frady, of Cornelia, Ga., recently visited Mrs. Frady's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Grady Jones, and family. Mr. and Mrs. J. Thompson and small son, of Georgia, are visiting Mrs. Thompsons' father Robert Rlckman, and other rel atives here. Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Reno and small son, of Detroit, Mich., visited Mrs. W. C. Sheffield and family last week. Mr. and Mrs. Harry BrysOn and small son, of Boise, Idaho, recently visited Mrs. Albert Potts and Mr. and Mrs. Carl Sorrels and other relatives here. Mrs. Artie Dalton, of Gas tonia, spent last week-end with her brother, Charley McGaha, and family.^ Mrs. Pallie Shields, of Hayes ville, visited Mr. and Mrs. Charley McGaha and family here last week. After spending several days visiting relatives here, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bradley and family returned last week to their home in California. R. C. Sheffield, of Waynes ville, was here on business last Wednesday. Oliver Allen, of Hazelwood, spent last week-end wtyh home folks here. Mrs. T. S. Burton, of Winston Salem, spent last week with her sister, Mrs. Weaver Carter, and family. Mrs. Hattie Shepherd was honored with a birthday dinner recently by her children on her sixtieth birthday. Mrs. J. A. Flanagan, of Frank lin, spent the week-end with Mrs. George Bird, and family. The Home Demonstration club met with Mrs. Sam Frank lin last Friday afternoon. Mrs. Sherrill showed a very interest ing and helpful picture on sew ing. Mr. and Mrs. George Douthit and son, Cooledge* and Mrs. Cooledge and small daughter, of Nantahala, spent last Sunday with relatives here. I Sam Franklin, who is employ I MACON THEATRE MOVIES ARE BETTER THAN EVER MATINEES: Friday, 3:04; Saturday, 12:00; Sunday, 2:30 NIGHT SHOWS ? 7:00 - 9:00 Thursday- Friday, October 5-6 mm STERLING HAYOEN ? LOUIS CALHERN Saturday, October 7? Double Feature Program Sunday-Monday, October 8-9 l Tuesday- Wednesday, October 10-11 l M-G M's BIG ADVENTURE ROMANCE! SPENCER TRACY JAMES STEWART I VMDnMCMTESt MALAYA ed In Baltimore, Md., spent lMt week-end with borne folk here. A miscellaneous shower was given In honor of Mrs. Roy Potts by Mrs. Tom Rickman iast Wednesday evening. Many useful gl.ts were received. The annual birthday dinner given In honor of James Hol b rooks was held last Sunday at the Holbrooks home. About 50 of the family and other close relatives were present. The following persons frojn here attended the Methodist conference In Ashevllle. C. N. West, Carl Sorrels, Mr. and Mrs. Leo Hurst, and daughter, Ber nice, and Mrs. Lillian Hurst. Mr. Laston Dean, of Etna, spent last Sund3y With her brother, H. R. Mo rison, and Mrs. Morrison, and two daugh ters, Jean and Dixie. Mr. and Mrs. H. H. West and family, of Ashevllle, spent last week-end with relatives here. The following students of Western Carolina Teacher's col lege spent Saturday with home folk: Miss Ruth West, Johnny Owens, and Bobby West. Mrs. Frank Duckett, of Ashe ville, spent last week-end with her brother, J. R. Holbrooks, and Mrs. Holbrooks and family here. New Officers Are Named By Johnston Bible Class The new officers of the F. S. Johnston Bible class of the Franklin Methodist church, elected at a recent meeting, are Miss Laura M. Jones, presi dent; Mrs.' Roy Beshears, vice president; Mrs. James Denman, secretary; Mrs. James A. Cook, treasurer; Mrs. Pearl Hunter, teacher; and Mrs. B. S. Phil brick, assistant teacher. Carolina's Distributor of NEW ANALYTICAL BIBLES WILLIAM K. SHIELDS LEGAL ADVERTISING EXECUTOR'S NOTICE Having qualified as executor of M. J. Talley, deceased, late of Macon County, N. C., this is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or before the 12th day of September, 1951, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted to said estate will please make immediate settle ment. This 12th day of September, 1950. HERMAN L. TALLEY, Executor S14 ? 6tp ? 019 Mrs. Owens Appointed Postmaster At West's Mill Mrs. Clara L. Owens has tak en over the position of post mistress at the West's Mill post office replacing Harley Morri son, who has retired. The postofflce was recently moved back to the home of Miss Vonnie West, where it was situated many years ago. Elizabeth Jones Named To Senior Class Office Miss Elizabeth Jones, student at Fasslfem School for Girls, Hendersonville, recently was elected treasurer of the senior class at Fassifern, it has been learned here. This is Miss Jones' second year at Fassifern. She is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Weimar Jones. To Relieve _ Mistry 9