Elbert Allen Dies, Funeral Held Nov. 30 Funeral services for Elbert Allen, 67, who died Tuesday aft ernoon of last week at his home In the West's Mill community after a long illness, were held Thursday morning at 11 o'clock at the Cowee Baptist church. The Rev. George A. Cloer and the Rev. Norman E. Ho!den of ficiated, and burial was in the church cemetery. Born April 22, 1883, he was a son of Scott and Mrs. Ave Burnette Allen, and was a na tive of Macon County. At one time he taught school here. Mr. Allen was a retired farm er and formerly was employed by the A. A. A. committee In Macon County. He was a mem ber and deacon of the Cowee Baptist church. He was mar ried in September, 1918, to Miss Ella Chllders, of the Oak Grove community, who survives. Surviving, in addition to his widow, are a daughter, Mrs. Roy Donaldson, of Franklin, Route 4; a brother, Arthur Al len, of Franklin, Route 4; a sis ter, Miss Pallie Al'en, of Bryson City: and one grandchild. Pallbearers were Dan R. Reyn olds, Algie, Everett, and Fur man Raby. Tom Rickman, and Furman Allen. Potts funeral homes was In charge of arrangements. L. R. Guest Promoted To Gunner's Mate, Zcl Leonard R. Guest, of the U. S. navy, recently was advanced in rathig to gunner's mate, sec ond class, while serving aboard the destroyer escort, USS Rad lord. The navy announcement was received here this week. Mr. Ouest, operating in Far Eastern waters, is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred E. Guest, of Frank lin. MASHBURN'S TAXI Phone 70 Night Phone - - - - .472 BQR CPLD Yon may expect prompt relief from cold symptoms by miaif "I'Q'K," I mild laxative and analgetic tfcat leaves no dromy after affects. Even U your cold baa developed. ma "??<}?*" and ut how <aicMy yea fetl muck bettor. I* sere Ifl accapt no wbetitnte. Here's Week's List Of Demonstration Club Meetings Meetings of home demonstra tion clubs in the county for the coming week have been an nounced by Mrs. Florence 8. Sherrill, county home demon stration agent, as follows: Today (Thursday): The Otto club with Mrs. L. N. Stiwinter at 2 p. m. Friday: The Mulberry club at the home of Mrs. Inez Bunton, at 10:30 a. m. The Union club *ith Mrs. E'mon Teague at 2 p. m. Mrs. Carey Cabe as co hostess. Monday: The Nantahala club at Nantahala school at 2 p. m. Tuesday: The Carson Chape' club with Mrs. Leona Moore at 10:30 a. m. Wednesday: The Watauga club with Mrs. J. P. Shuford at 10:30 a. m. Thursday: The Holly Springs club at the home of Mrs. Dewey Corbln at 1:30 p. m. The Liberty club with Mrs. W. R. aibscm at 1:30 p. m. Ellijay Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mincey and daughter, Paulette, of Pon tiac, Mich., recently visited Mrs. Mincey's mother, Mrs. Carl Peek, of Cu lasaja, and Mr. Mtncey's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mincey, of Ellijay. They were accompanied from Pontiac by Hunter Young, who visited his family In Franklin and his fath er, Mr. J. I. Young, at SUijay. Sgt. Ben Moffltt, stationed near Portsmouth, Va., Is spend ing a 21-day leave, with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Moffltt, it Franklin, Route 3, and his wife and children, who have oe en making their home with M-s. Moffltt's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Henry, of Ellijay. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Moses and laughter, Carolyn, of New Bern, spent the Thanksgiving holi iays with Mr. Moses' parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lorenz Moses, of Higdonville. Mr. Moses returned to his school the following Mon day, leaving Mrs. Moses and daughter for a visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chllders, Df Glenville, until after the Christmas holidays. Vhide Berry, who Is employed it Royal Oak, Mich., has been spending a few days with his family at Higdonville. Harry Beale, of Portsmouth, Va., spent the Thanksgiving hol idays with his wife and son, at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Alex Ammons, of ?311 iay, and visiting his mother, Mrs. Callle Beale, of Highlands. Lee Adams, of Spray, Ore., is visiting his father, Parker Adams, at Ellijay, and his sis ter, Mrs. Louin Young, at Hig donville. Lloyd Tayor and Paul Taylor, of Sedro Woolley, Wash., recent UIIIM I W My ? BVIU uuuua/ At Wei!* Gfove Church The second Funday s ng o 1 the' Macon county bingtog con vention will be held at the Wells Drove Baptist church Decem ber 10 at 1:45 o'clock, accord ing to an announcement by Ernest Vinson. ly spent a few days with their oarents, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Tayl or, at Mountain Grove. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Dills, of Brevard, visited Mr. Dills' sister, Mrs. Tom Henry, at Ellijay, Sunday. LEGAL ADVERTISING ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE, C. T. A. Having qualified as adminis tratrix of Maggie D. Moody, de ceased, late of Macon County, N. C., this is to notify all per sons having claims against the estate of said deceased to ex hibit them to the undersigned on or before the 25th day of November, 1951 or this notice will be plead In bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted to said estate wil! please make immediate settlement. This 25th day of November, 1950. NORA MOODY, Administratrix, c. T- a. ,N30? ?tp? J4 EXECUTRIX' NOTICE Having qualified as executrix of the estate of Mamie M. Boardman, deceased, late of Sarasota County, Florida, this Is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said leceased to exhibit them to the undersigned, in care of J. H. Stockton, Attorney, Franklin, North Carolina, who is the resi dent procesa agent, on or be fore the 2nd day of November, 1951, or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons Indebted to said estate wlU please make immediate set tlement. This 2nd day of November, 1950. HAZEL FRANCES CURRY Executrix. N9 ? 6tp ? D14 NORTH CAROLINA MACON COUNTY Under and by virtue of the power "t sale vested in the undersigned trustee by a deed of trust executed by Marcellus Wood and wife Frances Wood, dated the 9th day of July, 1949, and recorded in the office .of Register of Deeds for Macon County, North Carolina, in Book No. 43, page 68, said deed ot trust having been executed to secure certain indebtedness therein set forth, and default in the payment of said indebt edness having been made, I will on Friday, the 15th day of De cember, 1950, at 12 o'clock noon, at the courthouse door in Franklin, North Carolina, se'l to the highest bidder for cash the GIVE A Year's Subscription to THE FRANKLIN PRESS A subscription to The Press makes the Ideal Gift. It costs only $2. It's EASY ... no shopping. * . And it will be enjoyed all the year through. You don't even have to write a card! Come iii, write us, or telephone us, giving us your name and the name of the person to whom you want Ths Press sent. We'll send an attractive Christmas card explaining that you are sending 52 issues of The Press as a Christmas gift. THE FRANKLIN PRESS Phone 24 First Tract: BEGINNING on a small chetutut near the Indian Camp Road; runs up the road with Its meanders 57 poles to a B. oak stump; thence South liyi East 24 poles to a chestnut; then North 47 East 17 poles to a S. O.; then Nortn about 30 East about 15 poles to a small chestnut In corner of fence; then Northwest to the BE GINNING, - containing 1C acres, more or less, and be ing all the land described In a deed from Jake Henry and wife to Charlie Henry, dated December 5, 1918, and record ed in the office of Register of Deeds for Macon County, No.th Carolina, in Book G-4 of Deeds, page 354. second Tract,: bkuinninu on a chestnut on East side of Indian Camp Branch, J. W. Henry's and Charlie Hen ry's corner; runs West with Char'ie Henry's line to a chestnut oak at public road; then up road with John Buchannan's line to J. W. Henry's corner, stake in Branch; then with J. W. Henry's line to the BEGIN NING, containing 4 acres, more or less, and being all the land described in a deed from Ed Cloer and wife to Charlie Henry, dated October 13, 1924, and recorded in the office of Register of Deeds fop Macon County, North Carolina, in Book K-4 of deeds, page 260. Third Tract: All the land described in a deed from Jake Henry's heirs to Charlie Henry, said deed bearing date of May 3, 1941, and re corded in the office of Regis ter of Deeds for Macon Coun ty, North Carolina, in Book H-5 of Deeds, page 233, EX CEPT THEREFROM all the land described in a deed from Charlie Henry to Fred Henry, said deed bearing date of January 30, 1948, and re corded in the office of Reg ister of Deeds for Macon County, North Carolina, in. Book U-5 of 'Deeds, page 349. This. 13th day of November, 1950. GILMER A. JONES, Trustee N23 ? 4tc ? D14 NORTH CAROLINA CHEROKEE COUNTY Under and by virtu* of the power of sale contained In a certain deed Of trust executed by Elizabeth Brown Scruggs, and her husband. Dr. W. H. Scruggs, to W. D. Whitaker, Trustee, dated the 25th day of November, 1947, and recorded In Book 161 at page 581 In the Of fice of the Register of Deeds for Cherokee County, and also recorded in Book 39 at page 247 In the Office of the Register of Deeds of Macon County; and under and by virtue of the au thority vested in me by said deed of trust, default having b:en made in the payment of the indebtedness thereby secur ed snd said deed of trust being by the terms thereof subject to foreclosure, the undersigned trustee will offer1 for sale at public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the court house door In Franklin, Macon County, N. C., at noon on the 20th day of December, 1950, the property conveyed in said deed of trust, the same lying and being in the County of Macon and the State of North Carolina in Highlands Township and bounded as follows: BEGINNING at a /, Inch iron pipe driven in the ground on the north bank of the access road, 192 feet measured a'ong said road from the southwest corner of the Ruth Myers property; thence with two severence lines N- 44 E. 65 feet to a stake on the hillside, a-nd North 33-30 West 125 feet to a stake at the wire fence; thence with said wire fence S. 44 W 65 feet to a stake at the Northern edge of the said access road; thence with the N. Edge of said access road S. 33-30 East 125 feet to the place of Beginning. The above described tract being the same lands describ ed in the above referred to "Deed of Trust which said de scription was later corrected to read as above set out metes and bounds In a cura tive deed of trust from Eliza beth Brown Scruggs and hus band, W. H. Scruggs to W. D. Whltaker, Trustee, dated Jan In Book 39 at page 251 In the Otfflc? of Register of Deeds for Macon County, and being the same lands described In a corrected deed from F. J. Ruthven and wife, Elizabeth Ruthven to Elizabeth Brown Scruggs dated Jan. 2, 1948 and recorded in the office of Register of Deeds for Macon County In Book No. N-5, page 304. Also certain other personal p operty located in the dwe.l ing house situated on the real property above described in Highlands Township, Ma con County, N. C., said per sonal property being describ ed as follows: Al! household kitchen fur niture used in connection with the above described dwelling, Including a 10 gal lon electric hot water heat er; a General Electric Deluxe electric stove; an electric refiigerator, small size; a porcelain and enamel table, adjustable, with extension and two chairs to match; an Ashley wood burning stove; three chairs and day bed rug; twin beds, metal, with Simmon* mattresses and springs; a bureau with mir ror; a reading adjustable lamp; floor lineollum on din ing room floor, with break fast table and 4 chairs and china closet to match; also all plated silverware, linens and other accessories con nected with said dwelling. This the 17th day of Novem ber, 1950. W. D. WHITAKER, Trustee N23 ? 4t&? D14 MTI-IISTAMINE TABLETS / f m stop COLD'S distresses IN MANY CASH the first doyl ANNOUNCEMENT I WISH TO ANNOUNCE TO THE PUBLIC THAT I HAVE RENEWED MY N. C ELECTRICAL CONTRACTING LICENSE Please contact me at the Macon County Supply Company for wiring and electric motor re winding and repairing. PAUL McCOY Franklin, N. C.~ WANTED - FRESH DEAD STOCK A New Free Service For Your Community Call . . . REID'S ESSO SERVICE PHONE 32 We pay collect calls and our special equipped track win remove your cows, horses, and hogs without any cost to yon It called at once. CONSOLIDATED HIDE AND METAL CO. You can pay more but you can't buy better! The 51 FORD is built for the years ahead ! ? Why pay mora for a car whan you can't buy mora beouty . . . mora comfort ? ? . mora get-up-and-go than you gut In the '51 Ford with thu 43 now "Look Ahead" features? These features aru designed to make Ford stay young . . . stay in stylo . . . and stay savingful not for just a year? but for the years ahttdl fa far Ik "LOOK AHEAD" 1 m At 'si rom k -with 43 "LOOK AHEAD" features! For 'SI, Ford bring* you Mw la it word hi imooth driving ? Automotic Rid* Control, k Htf-odjuiti to give you Mm right rid* far ovary typo of road con dition. You got Ford's now Automatic Forture Control, too. It outomatkaly odjutti the toot hoight and angle at yew ltd* It forward and back. And you gat Ford** Automatic Mleage Maker, to give you automatic gat ravings through Ihe year* ahead. And, bed of ol, this '51 Ford offers you And comfort, and savings aren't all The '51 Ford offers you "Fashion Car" Styling that's a match for any car at any price. In Ford's "Luxury Lounge* Interiors, the dash colors, and the naw "Color-Keyed" Fordcraft Fabrics on ?oats and callings ara at custom ?natctwd to exterior colors. But look at the exploded view of the car above for the rest of Ford's "look Ahead" features, tetter still come hi and see for yourself why folks wfcb an eye to the future have an eye an fori Hi<inUi??e DUNCAN MOTOR COMPANY Phone 69 Franklin, N. C

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