^ Iktrt'* Sapr art Mm So creamy and smooth...so rich and refreshing ? Pet Eggnog Ice Cream is the most delicious [holiday taste-tempter of them all! Of course, it's a traditional "must" for your holiday parties...but have lots of it between times, too. And, compare Pet with any other Ice Cream. You're bound to ?ay ifs the most delicious, the most satisfying you've ever tasted... because Pet Ice Cream is made only of daily fresh whole milk and daily fresh sweet cream! & "Quality" Is The Ingredient That Makes Good Ice Cream Taste Better. Pet's Quality Tops Them AIM Taste the Fresh Cream in Pet Ice Cream i A-Bomb Safety Measures . ( Outlined By Health Head Individual and community protection against the effects of an atomic explosion were out lined this week by Dr. Carl C. Janowsky, district health offic er. The construction of simple bowl shelters ? 30 Inches of re inforced concrete, plus three feet of earth, the use of an adequate warning system, and immediate retirement of all in dividuals to shelters at the first warning signal comprise the three main essentials fon com munity protection, he said. "It is doubtful that these three essentials will be avail able, or even necessary," Dr. Janowsky declared, "except in vulnerable A-bomb target areas ? large cities and industrial centers." However, he said, the shelters would give effective r THE ?IDC SAYS: ?/? ? 1 i ? pi\ UJoft** MNtl i? MMCTMiN* A HOBM MfcS THAT KKM Mi?\ * *o^ tCTTiM? om proper. For a CHUCKLE, see ? "The Old Cracker" For FURNITURE, see? THAD-HOPE Furniture Exchange E.S.PURDOM CUSTOM MADI REPRODUCTIONS ? WAYAH ROAD FRANKLIN, N. C. -A. We design and Build traditional Furniture, Pewter, Brass and Copper accessories 6 Mi. West of Franklin r is/* FARTHER 7w& BETTER.. ..BECAUSE OP ITS FULL-BODIED QUALITY xr^\ J Wi rrti THE VALUAILI COUPON ON CVERY IA6 CAN HELP YOU 5AVK MONEY ON HOUSEHOLD ITEMS * W WWW^t w^mT w^PV^PV^P^p VWvWIR^ maIimKL ? aiflrL. JMt Cm *" ?' p otection against all three types ot hazards from an atom ic explosion ? burns, blast ef fects, and radiation. For Individual protection, he suggested that persons wear one or two layers of clothing, pref erably white clothing, worn loosely. In the event of an atomic b'ast, if an Individual is in doors, Dr Janowosky said, the best way to survive the effects is to go to the center of the building, away from outside walls and windows, fall flat, protecting the eyes and face with hands and arms. If the building is well constructed, go to the basement, he said. If outside and unable to get Inside a building, an ind.vidual should get as close as possible to a building, fall flat, and pro tect eyes and face by Jacing toward the ground or building wal', he said. "If It is impossible to do any of these, it probably is too late to worry." Dr. Janowsky de plored. "When there is no time to give thought to personal pro tection, the individual will be so close to the blast center that survival will be Impossible." Above all, he emphasized, obey orders of wardens and safety personnel. They are trained to direct individuals to safe areas, where burns and wounds can be treated, decontamination carried out, and safe water and food can be provided. Further information can be obtained from the local hea'th department. December Plentifuls Listed Turkeys, pork, cranberries, cabbage, and sweH potatoes are the foods featured on the U. S. Department of Agriculture's plentiful foods list for Decem ber. December shoppers also will find their favorite holiday fruits ?apples, oranges, and grape fruit ? in plentiful supply on re tail markets. Vegetables on the '1st are carrots, onions, and Irish potatoes. In addition to turkeys from a record crop, and pork, result ing from heavy hog marketings, December menu-planners will find abundant supplies of hens, broilers, fryers, and fish on the market. Broilers and fryers should be especially good buys in Decem ber, it was said. With supplies heavy and prices reasonable in relation to other meats, food buyers might consider stocking the home freezer or locker with broilers and fryers for future use, it was pointed out. Plentiful supplies of lard will be available in December, as well as cheese, peanut butter, eggs, and honey. Draft Board < Puts 10 Here In 1-A Class < Ten Macon County men were 1 classified 1-A, under the Selec tive Service Aet of 1948, at a 1 meeting of the local draft ' board last week. * Those placed Iff the 1-A . classification, defined as being "available for military service", were Gilmer H. Henson, Eugene i Holland, Ver'.on c. Jones, Kyle I H. Payne, James B. Horn, Cecil ' Stanley, Clark N. Pickleslmer, Bobby E. Hampton, Harold C. Waters, and Thomas M. Justice. ^ Other re-classifications were: J 1-C (member of the armed],' forces of the U. S? the Coast Juard, -Coast Geodetic Survey, Public Health Service) John L. Huscusson. 3- A (deferred because of de fendants) Kemon T. Fouts. 4-A registrant who has com pleted service and or sole sur viving; son of fam.ly in which sons or daughters were killed in ?ctloq or in the line of duty) Roy M. Cabe, J. C. Britton. 4-F (registrant physically, mentally, or moral'y unfit) Hu aert McClure, and Wallac; E rallent. 5-A (registrant ov-r t'ae a^e )f liability fo military service, present age limit is 26.) Marvin 0. McDowell, Earnest E. Watts, Hayes J. Carver, John W. Led MEALS - - SUPERBLY PREPARED Eat here once and we're sure you'll eat here again and again. Why? Because we take special pains with our food . . . prepare It to meet your own most dis criminating taste.. Come in today! DIXIE GRILL (&T tMD ^ z / ^or Safety, Convenience THAT BULL/ an(j Her(j improvement \ ik Why risk crippling injury or sudden death day after day? Get rid of that dangerous bull and breed your cows the safe, easy, artificial way to Sires Proved Great. Producing cows can use the space, feed and labor a bull takes, to pay more than your artificial breeding fees. Ship your bull and eliminate risk of injury, disease or low transmitting ability. Build up your herd safely and consistently. Phone us and breed yofir next cow to a bet ter bull than you could afford to own. HOLSTEIN ? GUERNSEY ? JERSEY Sires Proved Great from the SOUTHEASTERN ARTIFICIAL BREEDING ASS'N Macon County Breeders Association Phone 690, 291-W2, or 97 Sunday Phone 211 or 63- J ford, Harold N. Nix, Wayne A. Reese, William T. Passmore, Louis E. Potto. Gregor Mendel, an Austrian monk, discovered the basic laws of heredity nearly a century ago by making crosses of gar den peas having contrasting characteristics. Say: "I saw It advertised in The Press." Better CwfhRdwf When new drugs or eld id t* tfop your couth or chat cold 4m\ delay. Creomultkm contains only ah, Mp ful, proven incrediMM and no nar cotic* to dwtnrb nature's process. It goes right to the scat at the trouble to aid nature soothe and heal raw, lea der, inBaated bronchial oembranea. Guaranteed to please you or druggist refunds money. Creomuliion has stood the test of man* million of users. CREOMUCSION EZIOHNZA, WHO STARRED IN "SOUTH PACIFIC", SAYSj MILDNESS TO ME ^ MEANS THE CIGARETTE THAT . AGREES WITH I MY THROAT- k H camel! Your Children's Future depends on You You cqn provide now to assure your young son or daughter a secure place in tomorrow's world. .A college education is the first step to success. It trains the mind, develops ability. A good education means more earning power throughout life. You can guarantee this education with Jefferson Stand ard's Educator Plan. Start now ? it costs little. Small deposits started when your children are young will put them through* college later. Let us come by and talk with you about it. E. J. CARPENTER Agent Bank of Franklin Bldg. Jefferson Standard LIFE INSURANCE CO. H?R| OfflCI ? fill INSBORO, M. C. ,t- FH6IME artic 11"# Hlfr if' BACH HIIMBBR 1 IN ITS FIELD I *OUamobih HrJrm-Mmtir Dritm optional ml mtctrm cmtl m mil nWWi. Leader in high-comprmsion engines . . . leader in automatic "drives" ? that's Oldsmobile! Record-smashing action ? remarkable economy - proven durability . . . that's the "Rocket"! Velvet smoothness ? effortless oper ating eaae ? perfect partner to "Rocket" Engine power . . . that's Olds mobile Hvdra-Matic*! See what this number one power tram means to you. One thrilling "Rocket" ride will convince you: the Oldsmobile "88" is the performance star of the highway ? most thrilling car you can drivel HI/ A GfNKju MOTOtS VAUJV You get both in OLDSMOBILE Phone 123 -SIB YOUR NKARIST OLDSMOBILI DIALIR ??????? BURRELL MOTOR COMPANY, INC. * c