Former M1m Thiapen Hurt In Auto Mitnap Prlends here hate received word that Mr. and Mrs. Warren Llnde and baby were Injured in an automobile accident near Raleigh December 23. Ail three are In Rex hpspi al, Raleigh. Mr*. Llnde, the former Miss Connie Thlgpen, who a number of years ago made her home In Franklin, was the most serious ly injured, having suffered a broken nose, broken wrist, and injured knee. The Lindes, wha live In Charlotte, we:e on their way to Rocky Mount to spend Christmas With Mrs. Linde's parents at the time of the ac cident. ? "We Shoulder Your Laundry Burdens" Service ! Yes, our every feature means "service" for you! From the minute we call for your washday load to your extra free hours and on to your laundry's return, so clean and fresh. Call us! HIGHLANDS CLEANERS AND LAUNDRY PHONE 98 Highlands, IN. C. LISTS THINGS FORALLTODO IN EMERGENCY Dr. Janowsky Offer* Seven Suggestions To Macon Folk The question, "What mea ures can Macon County citi zens take for the protection of .he community against an atomic attack?" was answered this week by Dr. Carl C. Jan owsky, district health officer, thus climaxing a series of In terviews with the health officer concerning protection against atomic warfare. Ia answering the question, Dr. Janowsky pointed out that he would not attempt to answer the question in full, since it in volves considerations far beyond the scope of the health de par ment. The best complete answer, he said, is "making sure that this community has organized a committee for civil defense, and making sure that the commit tee is actually functioning." The department's concern. Dr. Janowsky declared, deals entire ly with health measures that can be taken by the individual for his protection and the pro tection of other families in his community. He outlined the fol lowing measures for the bene fit of Macon County citizens. "1. Be sure that you and your children are immunized against disease, and keep your immuni zations up to date. Children over three months of age should begin immunizations ('shots') for smallpox, whooping cough, diphtheria, and tetanus. Adults should be immunized every year against typhoid; every three years against tetanus; approximately every five years against smallpox. "2. Know your blood type WANTED - FRESH DEAD STOCK A New Free Service For Your Community Call . . . REID'S ESSO SERVICE PHONE 32 We pay collect calls and our special equipped truck will remove your cows, horses, and hogs without any cost to you if called at once. CONSOLIDATED HIDE AND METAL CO. MEALS - - SUPERBLY PREPARED Eat here once and we're sure you'll eat here again and again. Why? Because we take special pains with our food . . . prepare it to meet your own most dis criminating taste.. Come i-n today! DIXIE GRILL Cf&ti FARTHER wti BETTER.. ..BECAUSE OF ITS FUH- BOP IIP QUALITY THE VALUABLE COUPON ON EVERY SAG CAR HELP YOU SAVE MONEY ON HOUSEHOLD ITEMS iMm. 3IQ&H? Cm. \ Ind keep I record of H on your person. Tills will fMUl aie giving blood to you la an emergency. Ton may be typed by your OWil do# tor, or you will receive thU service, if you donate blood to the Red Cross. "3. Be sure you have had a blood test within the past year. This will assure you that you do not have any terious blood disease which may make the difference between life and death, If you should become an A-Eomb casualty. "4. Protec? your water supply against contamination. The health department will help you with this, If you desire. "5. Keep a supply of canned and packaged foods on hand. These can be used after wash ing the outside of the contain er, even a'ter exposure to the gamma rays from an atomic explosion. "6. Keep in good physical condition by proper die., proper exercise, sufficient rest and sleep, personal cleanliness, and prompt attention to minor ill ness. The health department Is prepared to help you with ad vice concerning these matters. "7. See your doctor once a year for physical examination to maintain good health at all times, but especially during this emergency. Do it now, if you have neglected this." Europe, including he Soviet Union, is the center of the world's potato production. LEGAL ADVERTISING ADMINISTRATRIX NOTICE, C. T. A. Having qualified as adminis tratrix of Maggie D. Moody, de ceased, late of Macon County, N. C., this is to notify all per sons having claims against the estate of said deceased to ex hibit them to the undersigned on or before the 25th day of November, 1951 or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All persons indebted to said estate will pleaee make immediate settlement. This 25th day of November, 1950. NORA MOODY, Administratrix, C. T. A. N30 ? 6tp ? J4 ADMINISTRATRIX' NOTICE Having qualified as adminis tratrix of Henry Hays, deceased, late o 1 Macon County, N. C., this Is to notify all persons having claims against the estate of said deceased to exhibit them to the undersigned on or be fore the 16th day of November, 1951 or this notice will be plead in bar of their recovery. All per sons Indebted to said estate will please make Immediate settle ment. This 16th day of November, 1950. OLA THOMAS, Administratrix N23 ? 6tp ? 'D28 Say: "I saw it advertised | in The Press" So creamy and smooth-. ?o rich and rtfreshing ? Pet Eggnog Ice Cream is the most delicious [holiday taste-tempter of them sill wf Of course, it's s traditional Af "must" for your holiday j, parties... but have lots of it Q between times, too. And, compare Pet with any other Ice Cream. You're bound to say if s the most delicious, the most satisfying you've ever tasted? because Pet Ice Cream is made only of daily froth whol e milk and daily froth sweet c ream/ "Qui*" Is Tks InpsSisat TM Msfcst Seed les Crisis Tssts Ssttsr. Pet's Qssllt; Test Tkssi Alll Feed Mill StftPta ComtrucLon Of New Home The Franklin - Feed Mill la erecting a new building acrott the itreet from (and we?t of) the depot, and Bruce Palmer, atmer, said this week that If good weather hold*, the mill will be In Its new home and ready for business within 60 The tanl how Mtol U tx? ' pected to repfMcdt ?n lfwe,t . ment at between $lS,OOd and 315,000, he said. A two-story, cinder -brick s ructure, the new mill will be ISO feet by 100 feet. With a 50 feet by 50 feet basement hous ing all of the milling machin ery, be said. The second story will be used for storing grain. Mr. Palmer said plans call for a large loading platform and conveyor belts to load and un Iftad grain, to speed up opera tion* ao VI aeon County farmer* will not loae time at the milL Fronting the building, he said, will be a 75-foot parting lot, and special storage bins wUl be Installed so fanners can mark et all of their grain at the mill. "I realise," Mr. Palmer said, "that our present location on the highway has been an in convenience to our patrons, not to mention motorist* who 1mm had to dodge around trucks un loading at the old mllL 1 ap pre -la e iha people's bearing with us." The average amount ol citrus fruit eaten by urban fanuLe* has hardly chanced since IMS. LIST YOUR jJAWT PROPERTY flU If Tax listers will be at the following place* in the various townships on the dates given to list property for the year 1951. Th: Board of Commissioners asks all persons to cooperate to the fullest extent in helping t ie listers to get a correct list of all property. The law provides that a penalty shall be effe:ted against any person failing to list his or her property (although this will not be applixl to non-residents). All persons should make a strong effort to see the List Taker or hav.' some person represent them and save the embarrassment of going before the Board as'cing for corrections when they have failed to list their property. t Following are the List Takers for January 1, 1951: Franklin Township: Frank" I. Murray? Beginning Jan. 2, 1951, upstairs In the jury room of Vfre courthouse, all week days throughout the month. MilLshoal Township: Jack Cabe? Beginning Jan. 5, 6 Becco's Store; Jan. 11, 12, 13 Smith's Store; Jan. 18 Mountain Orove School; Jan. 19, 20 Holly Springs School; other days at home. Ellijay Township: Orady Henry? Beginning Jan. 5, 6 C. Tom Bryson's Store; Jan. 12, 13 Higdonvllle Schoolhouse; Jan. 19 Charlie Jones' residence; Jan. 20 David Stanileld's Store; Jan. 26 Ben Gibson's Store; Jan. 27 Mashburn Branch Schoolhouse; Jan. 30 D. L. Norris' Store. Cartoogechaye Township: Oscar Lewis ? Beginning Jan. 5 John Roane's home; Jan. 6 Billy Byrd's home; Jan. 12 Oscar Lewis' home; Jan. 13 Shope's Store; Jan. 19, 20 Hopkins' Store; Jan. 26, 27 Led ford's Store. Sugarfork Township: Mrs. Faye M. Mashburn? Beginning Jan. 5 Buck Creek School; Jan. 6 Walnut Creek School; Jan. 12 Gold Mine 8chool; Jan. 13 Willie Moses' Store; Jan. 19, 20 Gneiss Post Office. Nantahala Township: Newell Baldwin ? Beginning Jan. 6 Kyle Schoolhouse; Jan. 8 Mark Haney's Store; Jan. 10 Dwight Waters' Store; Jan. 11 Beechertown Schoolhouse; Jan. 12 Irvln Grant's Store; Jan. 13 Otter Creek School; Jan. 15 Emmllt Dills' Store; Jan. 17 Warren Owenby Store; Jan. 18 Choga; Jan. 19 Chambers' Store. Smithbridge Township: C. S. Sams ? Beginning Jan. 5. 6 James Norris' Store; Jan. 12 Buchanan 8tore; Jan. 13 Rush's Store; Jan. 17, 18. 19, 20 Otto Schoolhouse. Burningtown Township: ? f Dennis Ohormley? Beginning Jan. 5, 6, O'Mohundro's Store; Jan. 12, 13 Homer Rabun's Store; Jan. 19 Stiles Post Office; Jan. 20 Calhoun's Store. Cowee Township: Prank R. Browning? Beginning Jan. 5, 6 E. O. Rick man's Store; Jan. 12 Rose Creek Old Schoolhouse; Jan. 13 Edd McCoy's Store; Jan. 19 Buchanan's Store at Iotla Bridge; Jan. 20 T. M. Rickman's Store; Jan. 27 Clyde N West's Store; other days at home. Flats Township: Earl Dryman? Beginning Jan. 5, 6, 12, 13 Scaly Post Office; Jan. 20, 27 Scaly Schoolhouse, other days at home Highlands Township: J. E. Potts? Beginning January 2, in Potts Brothers Store and continuing on all week days throughout the month of January. All property owners are .required to return to the List Taker all the real estate, personal property, etc., owned by each on the first of January. All male persons between the ages of 21 and 50 years are required by law to lilt their polls during January. All persons who own property and fail to list it and who are liable for a poll tax and fail to give themselves in will be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, subject to a fine or imprisonment upon conviction. /? ' FARM CENSUS NOTE Each farm owner shall prepare a list of the acreage of each crop grown, including tenths of acres of truck. The list should show the total acres cultivated by the owner, a'so the acres cultivated by all tenants on each separately recognized farm, the acres in improved pasture, woodland, idle and other lands. He shall be prepared to report the number of hogs sold or slaughtered during past 12 months and tons of fertilizer to be used during this crop year. This information is kept confidential and has no relation to taxes. Its purpose is for agricultural education, economic analysis and safer guidance of county agents and farmers generally. LAKE V. SHOPE, Tax Supervisor