' . Home Demonstration Club Officials Ready To' Assume Duties OFFICERS WILL UK UP WORK I1HAWJARY1 i Club Heads For County And 20 Clubs Are ' | Announced Ojfficers of Macon County's 20 ' home demons ration clubs, ? elected in November to serve though 1951, county project f leaders, and county committee ? chairmen will take office Mon ! day, Mrs. Florence S. Sherrill, ?' county home demonstration agent, announced this week. ; Project leaders are Mrs. Carl ? Slagle, foods and nutrition; Mrs. Bradley, home gardens; I Mrs. W. P. Poles, home poul ry; Mrs> J. 8. Gray, home dairy; Mrs. John Snyder, food preser vation; Mrs. W. D. Shuford, , house furnishings; Mrs. Fred I McOaha, home management; ! 4 ? . Mrs. C. T. Bryson, family life; i Mr?. I. T. Peek, home beautl- 1 f lea t Ion; Mrs. Graham Gr.nd- ! staff, clothing; and Miss oally Kesler, arts and crafts. Committee chairmen for 1951 1 are Mr*. Paschal Cabe, com munity service; Miss Frances Barr, health; Mrs. Robeit Par rlsh, education; Mrs. Dan Rey nolds, citizenship; Mr?. Lois Roberson, recreation; Mrs. Woodrow Teague, loan fund; Mrs. A. F. Klmsey, marke s; Mrs. Jack Cabe, 4-H club leltd er; and Miss Mildred Bryson, music. Following are the officers of the Individual home demonstra tion clubs. Walnut Creek: Mrs. Charlie Houston, president; Mrs. George Keener, vice-president; Mrs. Ella Peek, secretary; Mrs. O. C. Cor bin, treasurer. Maple Springs: Mrs. W. F. Potts, president; Mrs. Elbert Williamson, vice-president; Mrs. L. C. Knight, sec.etary; airs. Frank Carpenter, treasurer. Otto; Mrs. Paschal Cabe, prss ldent; Mrs. Hershal Cabe, vice Happiness and prosperity attend you this M?' New a St J Year. / BROWN & CARSON OMtcUU Department 01 Diltnt Pholt WINTERIZED MARINE? In Korea a special alpaca-lined parka overcoat has been provided for th? Marines. It fits over all winter weight garments with a hood to cover the steel helmet and is long enough to wrap around a man's feet when he is crouching in a fox hole. president; Miss Mildred Smith, secretary; Mrs. Roy Henry, treasurer. Cullasaja: Mrs. Lease Bryson, president; Mrs. Gordon Gibson, first vice-president; Mrs. Marion Bryson, second vice-president; Mrs. Wayne Higdon, secretary, Mrs. Ted Higdon, assistant sec retary; Mrs. Graham Grlndstaff, treasurer. Nan ahala: Mrs. Ralph Soles bee, president; Mrs. Brltt May, vice-president; M s. Jesse Allen, secretary; Mrs. Newell Baldwin, treasurer. Carson's Chapel: Mrs. Van Prazler, president; Mrs. Homer Greene, vice-president; Mrs. R. D. Carson, secretary; Mrs. C. G. Moore, treasurer. Iotla: Mrs. Terrell Parrish, president; Mrs. Raleigh Hous ton, vice-president; Mrs. George Gibson, secretary; Mrs. Bayse Penland, treasurer. Holly Sp-.ings: Mrs. Zeb Tayl or, president; Mrs. Harold Cabs, viQe-president; Mrs. Paul Am mons, secretary; Mrs. Clyde Willis, treasurer. Mulberry: Mrs. Robert Bell, president; Mrs. Harry Roberson, dce-piesident; Mrs. Hazel Pick ens, secretary; Mrj. Mattie Ay ers, treasurer. Hickory Knoll: Mrs. J. S. Gray, president; Mrs. Jim Young, vice-president; Mrs. Ver non Cunningham, secretary; Mrs. Fred Cunningham, treas urer. Oak Grove: Mrs. Clyde Pen nlngton, president; Mrs. J. H. Parrish, vice-president; Mrs. Clarence Taylor, secretary; Mrs. C. D. Lakey, treasurer. Cartoogechaye: Mrs. E. M. McNlsh, president; Mrs. Aud i Penland. vice-president; Mrs., Clinton Brookshlre, secretary. Liberty: Mrs. Dan Reynolds, president; Mrs. Zella Dal ton, vice-president; Mrs. Bertha Shepherd, secretary; Mrs. W. R. Gibson, treasurer. Union: Mrs. Woodrow Teague, president; Mrs. John Cunning ham, vice-president; Mrs. C. W. Barton, secretary; Mrs. Elmon Teague, treasurer. Upper Cartoogechaye: Mrs. TJuth Burch, president; Mrs. W. M. Byrd, vice-president; Miss Nannie Roane, secretary; Mrs. Hillard Solesbee, treasurer. Travelers: Miss Jessie Roper, president; Mrs. Rofcer. Parrish, vice-p.esldent; Mrs. Kermit Bateman, secretary; Mrs. Carlos Rogers, treasurer. Watauga: Mis. F ank Sellers, ^resident; Mrs. Lawson Snyder, /Ice-president; Mri. J. K ch - i ford, secretary; Mrs. Clyde 'Downs, treasurer. Clark's Chapel: Mrs. Wiley Brown, president; Mrs. Roy Wig gins, vice-president; Mrs. Anna SEASON'S GREETINGS % Let us look for faith and reassurance in the New Year. 1051 TED REBER REALTOR FVanklln, secretary. Franklin Business Women's '? Club: Mrs. Sam Bryson, Jr., president; Mrs. Alonzo J. John son, vice-president; Mrs. Bob 1 Houston, secretary ; Mrs. Frances ! Erown, treasurer. Cowee: Mrs. George Byrd, I p esiden ; Mrs. Carr Bryson, I vice-president; Mrs. R. L. Mc Gaha, secretary; Mrs. Carroll Reynolds, treasurer. Today there are 23 profes sorial forestry schools In the United States. Heavy-gauge Alcoa aluminuir has reduced weight of some Olow torches by 40 per cent. Automobile air filtering sys tems now are being made en tirely of polished aluminum. "I saw It advertised in The Press." BM cold Ym mty oxpoct )??(! nW