# Highlands Highlights # '? MBS. H. O. STORY HEALTH IS TOPIC - AT P. I A. MEET Committees For Year Also Appointed At Highlands j Health was the topic of dis cussion at the October meeting of the Highlands Parent-Teach er association, held Tuesday of last week. The meeting also was mark ed by the appointment by Mrs. J. M. Valentine, president, of standing committees for the year. In the course of the discus m Jjlfin of health, it was brought x>ut that health goes hand in hand with home-making, and since the equipping of a home economics room at the school Is proposed, the two subjects came in for joint discussion. Mrs. Kathryn Baker, teacher of health in the seventh and eighth grades, told of the work her students are doing, with particular emphasis on the sev en basic foods. Mrs. Carolyn Nail, who heads' the newly or ganized home economics depart ment, told of her work and the difficulty being experienced be cause of lack of equipment. She added that she is delighted at the Interest the girls are taking In the work. As a result of this Interest, a number of girls modeled attractive skirts they had made. Miss Louise Swann, assistant state supervisor of home eco nomics, attended the meeting at the request of Mrs. Nail, and said that the size of the room and number of pupils would de termine the number of units needed, and that, equipment, when bought, should be of standard make. For the present, Miss Swann urged the accep tance and use of anything that would help to carry on the work. When asked if the state would -?? - help furnish equipment, Miss Swan said "not unless the school has a full-time vocation al department, with as many as 100 pupils", and added that the equipment would have to be furnished by the local school. Miss Swann said also that she would meet with Mrs. Nail and help her with any plans, ' and that later Mrs. Nail could pass the plans on to the P. T. A. Standing committees appoint ed Include: Nutrition and health: Mrs. Carl Zoellner, chairman, Mrs. W. C. Nail, Miss Nina Howard, Mrs. Tom .Gibson, Mrs. W. C. Newton, and O. F. Summer. fT~ Membership: Mrs. Tom Hunt, chairman, Mrs. Fred Vinson, Miss Ethel Calloway, Mrs. Ma nila Rhodes, Mrs. C. E. Talley, Mrs. Luther Crawford. Hospitality: Mrs.. Louis Ed wards, chairman, Mrs. Harold Rldeout, Mrs. C. J. Anderson, Mrs. M. A. Nelson, Mrs. Harry Beautiful NEW mm ? SENSATIONAL VALUB ? SUPERB QUALITY ? FULLY GUARANTEED 1 17 JEWEL 1 MASTERPIECE \*4(9?s t* Dont' forget the boy* overseas as packages must be mailed by Nov. 15th to insure delivery by Xm&s. JAMISON. Jewelers CLEAVELAND TWINS MARK 6TH BIRTHDAY Joan and Jean Cleaveland, twin daughters of Mr. and Mrs. Carlton Cleaveland, celebrated their sixth birthday anniver sary Friday with a spend-the day party with their great aunt, Miss Eva O. Cleaveland, who entertained thejn with a lunch eon at The Highlander cafe. HIGHLANDS PERSONALS Mrs. Frank B. Cook returned Monday from a visit with her mother, Mrs. J. R. Holbrook, Sr., in Akron, Ohio, who is con valescing from a fractured hip Dr. W. McA. Deacon, of the biology department of Vander bili university, Mrs. Deacon, and their two children spent the Holt, and Mrs. Irene James. Safety and athletics: M. A. Nelson, chairman, W. C. New ton and Sid Carter. Ways and means: Mrs. George Cleveland, Mrs. Robert E. Early, Miss Maxie Wright, Mrs. Joe Reese, and Louis Edwards. Program: Mrs. Tom Harbison, chairman, Mrs. Robert E. Early, Mrs. Pearl Corbin, Mrs? Tudor Hall. v Music and art: Mrs. O. F. Summer, chairman, Mrs. C. E. Mitchell, Miss Kathryn Baker. P.re-school, Mrs. James Beale, chairman, Miss Veva Howard, Mrs. Sid Carter. Publicity and publications: Mrs. J. D. Burnette, chairman, Miss Virginia Edwards, Miss Lois Keener and Mrs. Paul Grist. Budget and finance: J. D. Burnette, chairman. Tom Har bison, Mrs. Roy Phillips and O. F. Summer. Character and spiritual: The Rev. John C. Cqrbitt, chairman, Sidney McCarty, and Mrs. Onnie Cabe. Mrs. Sidney McCarty, Jr., is chairman of room representa tives. 2 cents per word, with a minimum charge of 60 cents for each insertion. (25 cents extra for keyed ads.) Classified Display: WANT AD RATES In 8 point type, 15 cents per line. Ir. CAPITALS or bold 8 point type, 20 cents for each line. In type larger than 8 point, 25 cents per space of 8 point line. CASH DISCOUNTS When cash accompanies order: 10 per cent discount will be allowed. 20 per cent for three or more consecutive insertions of same ad. DONT swear at your radio. It's bad for your blood pressure. Instead, call ? FRANKS RADIO AND ELEC. CO Palmer Street Phone 249 Ilyl9 ? tfc Protect your building Invest ment by using? Steam Cured Concrete, Cinder, or Superock Blocks For best prices See Tour Local Manufactufer 8" x 8" x 16", $19 per hundred Special prices In carloads W. A. HAYS BLOCK PLANT Phone 499 Franklin, N. C N17? tfc FOR SALE ? Modernized 8 room farm, house, large porches, furnished, some an tiques, 12 acres. On Route 64 at Gneiss, between Franklin and Highlands. $6,000 cash, $6. 500 terms. Stadig. Inquire first house north. OH? 4tc? N1 FOR SALE? 370 odd healthy boxwood, 2 to 8 feet. Price very reasonable. Can arrange hauling for small extra charge. Contact (or write, Box 263) Lee Dowdle, on Billy Cabin, High lands, N. C. Jly?6 ? tfc WELL DRILLING ? Have your wells drilled by modern ma chinery. 6" and 8" domestic and commercial wells. Macon Pump and Well Company. Write F. B. Rogers, Route 1, Franklin," N. C. 813? tfc . NOTICE: MINERS & SHEETERS Watch this column for meeting dates, general announcements, etc. "Workers should register at once for future employment. Loan applications for owners are available. NATIONAL MINERS ASSN. Wood & Main BU. Phone 791 O*? tfc week-end in Highlands, coming up for the autumn coloring. Dr. Deacon Is president of the Highlands Biological station. Mr. and Mrs. Charles J. Wick, of Delray Beach, Fla., are spend ing an autumn vacation at their summer home on the Golf course. Thomas N. Cook, of Palm Bcach, Fla., spent th3 week-end with Mrs. Cook at their summer home on White".;dj mountain. . Col. Frank E. Jennings, of Jacksonville, Fla., has been spending several days at the Jennings summer home on Sa tulah mountain, coming up for the autumn coloring. Mrs. Mack Wilson, of -the Clear Creek community, had as her spend-the-day guest Thurs day, Miss Eva G. Cleaveland, of Highlands and Bridgeport, Conn. Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Edwards plan to leave this week to join their daughter, Mrs. J. M. Go kay, in Chicago for an auto mobile trip to Douglas, Wyo., and Mexico. They expect to be away about three weeks. Miss Elizabeth Ledbetter, of Anderson, S. C., entertained a house party here at the home of her sister, Mrs. John A. Rus sell, the past week-end. W. S. Davis is expected home this week from his annual fall visit with his children and grandchildren in Atlanta, Com merce, and Hampton, Ga. Dur ing his absence, Mrs. Davis has had as her- guest Mrs. R. M. Waldroop, of Franklin. Friends of Dr. Silas Johnson will regret to learn of his ill ness. Dr. Johnson, president of Wesleyan college, Macon, Ga., has been a summer resident of Highlands for many years. Dr. Thelma Howell, of Wes leyan college, Macon, Ga., spent the week-end here and had as her guests four botany students from the college, the Misses Ann Hawkins, Virginia Surtzer, Jacqueline Martin, Sally Rogers, and their teacher, Miss Bruce Flanders. Mr. and Mrs. George K. Yet ter, of Palm Beach and Savan nah, have been spending several AS NEAR AS 'I YOUR NEAREST 1 TELEP H ONXl s asrb?f w- m ?*?<*. .* j ' ^ pgMHous M&tf tfciw&aiTT?* ??_ '^'wnBa fwriiW !????< ?**>? FOR SALE? Winter seed. Oats, barley, vetch, rye, wheat, A. W. peas and grass seeds for winter cover crops. Ray and Welch Groc. Co. 018 ? ltc FOR SALE ? 20 per cent phos phate, 0-9-27, 2-12-12, potash, 4-10-6, 5-10-10, and 6-8-6 fer tilize. We fill triple "A" tick ets. Ray and Welch Groc. Co. 018? ltc WANTED ? Cash for partially disabled, old, or useless horses and mules. Also remove totally disabled or dead stock. Call Wil son Jennings Fur Farm, collect, Cashiers 2261. S27 ? tfc FOR SALE ? Certified seed rye, for winter cover -erops. Ray and Welch Groc. Co. 018? ltc FINE LIVESTOCK FARM Has 33 acres of A-l (divided) pasture, sown down In Orchard Grass and Ladlno Clover (In cluding 2/i acres of rich bot tom-land) that is well worth $250 per acre (or $8250 total). A Demonstration Farm for sev eral years, this property also has 5 acres of woodland, 2-story house with electric pump, good barn with feed-room, etc. Lo cated near town with frontage on both sides of paved US High way, this fine farm can be pur chased for only $7850 (which is less than the value of the pas ture alone). Ask the County Agent about this farm, then see ? TED REBER ? Realtor Bank Bldg. Phone 200 018 ? ltc IF YOU WILL investigate the overhead expense Patton Bro thers do not have, you will see why they ean give you more for your money in furniture. Thad? Palmer St. Lawrence ? Main St. 018 ? 2tc ? 025 RELIABLE man with car want ed to call on farmers in Ma con county. Wonderful oppor tunity. $10 to $20 in a day. No experience or capital required. Permanent. Write today. McNess Company, Dept. C, Candler Bldg., Baltimore 2, Md. on? atp-oia days at their summer home on the Walhalla road. Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Randall and family, of Atlanta, were week-end guests of their uncle and aunt, Col. and Mrs. Elliot Cazlarc. I Dr. and Mrs. C. E. Mitchell j and daughter, Margaret Ann, were called to Hawklnsvllle, Oa., Saturday because of the death of Mrs. Mitchell's xather, C. B. Ryan. Gordon Burriss, of Anderson, S. C., spent the week-end heie with Mrs. Burriss and their daughter, Sandra Lee Burriss. Miss Marguerite Ravenel is continuing her convalescence at her sumfcier home, "Wolf1 Ridge", after being a. patient in j the Angel hospital In Franklin fot two weeks. ^tevenson To Fill fuipit At Highlands J. J. Stevenson, dean ol Bre vard college, will be guest preacher at the 11 o'clock wor ship hour at the Highlands Methodist church, It has been announced by the Rev. Robert E. Early, pastor. The Youth Fellowship will meet at the church at 6:30 p. m. ? Personals Mr. and Mrs. George Saussy, of Columbia, S. C., spent the week-end at "Highfield", their summer home on the Walhalla road, coming up for the autumn coloring and to close the house for the winter. Mrs. R. A. McCord expects to return Thursday to Macon, Ga., for the winter, after spending the season her? at her summer place on Little Yellow moun tain. Friends of S. P. Pierson will regret to hear of his illness. Mr. Pi:rson is a patient in the Har ris Community hospital, Sylva. Mi;s Esther Elliott left this weak to sp^pd the winter in Scarsdale, N. Y. Her gusst, Mrs. J. A. Watton, has retuined to Union Point, Ga. S. Sgt. and Mrs. David G. Bc-ftl have announced the birth of a son, David G. Beal, Jr., Oc tober 4 at MacDill Field air ba;a hospital, Tampa, Fla. The I baby's paternal grandmother la I Mrs. Ruth L. Beal, of Highlands. His maternal grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Gold, of Tampa. Carter ?E. Talley returned home Tuesday, following an op eration for the removal of hit appendix last week at Angel hospital, Franklin. Miss Mary Summer* daughter of Mr. and Mrs. O. F. Summer, Is at home after several days a ; * a patient in the Angel clinic, Franklin. Drug stores in Macon County did a retail business of $156,009 in 1950, according to a survey by Sales Management. ?i Portable Oil Heaters CLEAN ? ODORLESS ECONOMICAL COLEMAN . 1 . Oil Space Heater Radiates heat, circulates heat Low fuel cost ? new oil control TRASH BURNERS ? WOOD HEATERS FRANKLIN HARDWARE CO. Phone 117 Franklin* N. C. QUALITY AND wzmzi Ojr experienced pharma cies use only the high est ouiiily medicines in your prescriptions. Fair IJ>rug Prices Prevail At All Times Your INDEPENDENT Drug Store Since 1887 PHONE 82 FRANKLIN, N. C. 9Uk*0M*i. 'm ? " ?'??>. fe?v * ?i?M? !1 rar4?* t< ? ;5 I. JnW to, *.. -a'he, jnstructfnn j isurance as ttS; R Kiag;^ JOBS AVAILABLE for young men to learn electric line con struction of distribution lines. Accepted applicants will be paid while training. 2 to 3 weeks training course will be given at High Rock Lake near Salisbury. After training period, men will be placed at various branches In the Piedmont section of North or South Carolina. Start ing rates: $1.00 per hour. Duke Power Company. Apply to J. M. Gaines, Mgr., Brevard, N. C. Oil? 3tc? 025 THOROUGHBRED COCKER pups, champion stock, eight weeks old, for quick sale. $15 each. Col. Kernan, Highlands. Oil? 2tp? 018 .LOST? Three yale keys, one locker key, and one G. M. C. engine key, on small key ring. Finder please .return to post of fice. LOST ? One seven iron golf club, on fifth hole on golf course. Finder please call 694. SEE US before you sell your hens. Our prices will compete with any buyers. Farmers Fed eration A. E. Frizzell, Mgr., Franklin, N. C., Phone 92. 018 ? ltc FRIENDS GIVE your attention, for I don't get any old age pension. Our last assembly made a law, that forces me to live by filing saws. I pray the Lord my soul will save, no pro Vision lor a monument at my grave. I'd as well laugh as cry. The .remedy is root hog or die, and for one fact I give thanks when forced to borrow I can get it at the bank. With one foot off and half my leg, for hand saws to file I beg. Yes, I'm in a fix about making my way at 76. Geo. Johnson. FOR SALE ? 1950 Buick In good condition, low mileage. See Carol Mason, Mason's Groc. and Feed. 018? ltc IF YOU WILL Investigate the overhead expense Patton Bro thers do not have, you will see why they can give you more for your money In furniture. Thad-*-Palmer St. Lawrence? Main St. 01fr-2tc? OSS GREETING CARDS? For value and quality, buy Charm Christmas and everyday greet ing cards. 50 with name, $1.25. 25 with name, $1. Also many box assortments.. Order early. Robert E. Sloan, Franklin, Rt. 3. 018 ? 3tp ? N1 WOOD SAVER Heater in perfect condition. Used only one winter ? $22.50. Also smaller heater in good condition for $7.50. Or will sell both for $25.00. Phone 200 or 12J1 Franklin. 018 ? ltc FOR SALE ? One dining room suite, one Duo-Therm oil heater, one couch, G. E. Frigid aire, Gevberson oil heater, one electric heater, Monarch apt. size electric stove, and small kitchen cabinet. All practically new. Phone 2714 or see Mrs. Harry Womack, Cullasaja. 018 ? 2tp-i-025 IF YOU WILL investigate the overhead expense Patton Bro thers do not have, you will see why they can give you more for your money in furniture. Thad ? Palmer St. Lawrence ? Main St. 018? 2tc? 025 AN OPPORTUNITY For young or middle-aged couple to spend winter at St. Petersburg, Fla. Gult Beach re sort entirely without cost. See A. D. Brewer, B.ryson City Road No. 28, three miles from Frank lin. FOR SALE? Used baby crib with mattress. In good condition. Mrs. J. L. Tippett. 018 ? 2tc ? 025 FOR SALE? Six-eye wood cook stove, good condition. 1942 GMC 'A ton pickup, '49 motor, two new tires, A- 1 mechanical ly. A real buy. Robert E. Sloan, Franklin, Route 3. 018 ? 3tp ? N1 ALL DRESSES and hats and many wonderful bargains go ing at cost or below cost. Frances' Shop. Olft? lte FOR SALE ? One laundry heat er, one coal blast stove. Good and look like new. $10 each. Two ladies' all wool long coats, j sizes 14 and 18, both for price of one, $25.75. One man's over coat. all wool, tailored, size 43, cost $65. Will sell cheap. Four oak dressers, with four drawers each, good mirrors, at bargain. Eight and 14 lb. hammers with handles. A few 55-gallon steel barrels, handy for hog-scald;ng. About 5,000 feet dry lumber, 2 bys. 2x6, 2x8, and 2x12, length from 12 to 22 feet. Scalloped maple double bsd, good antique. These things I must sell to someone who can use them. Jos. Ashear. 018 ? ltc ' IF YOU WILL investigate the overhead expense Patton Bro thers do not have, you will see why they can give you more for your money in furniture. Thad ? Palmer St. Lawrence ? Main St. 018 ? 2tc ? 025 WANTED ? Irish potatoes. For the next two weeks we will buy No. 1 Irish potatoes. Brown and Carson. 01 ? 1 tr> j FOR SALE? A Philco radio phonograph combination, in good condition. Want $30 for it, but won't ignore $25. Inquire of I J. P. Brady at The Franklin | Press. MINE OWNERS & MEMBERS Over $50,000.00 in government money has already been allotted for mica exploration. Applica tions, for several times that amount, are pending. Millions of dollars are available for miner al exploration. We must get all we can in this area. Every prop erty owner should apply at once for prospecting money. Call at our office for Information and forms. Sheeters and mine work ers are still being listed for employment. The mica program and government buying program Is daily expected to be announc ed. We are already acquainted with most of the procedures. NATIONAL MINERS ASSN. 018? tfo Say: "I saw it advertised in The Pm?" ARRIVED? A large shipment of $19.95 and $29.95 coats; also new skirts. Frances' Shop. 018 ? ltc USED CARS for sale? '46 Ford. '42 Nash, and '41 8tud. at Roper's Esso Servicenter. 018? ltc FOR RENT ? Furnished two room apartment with bath, electrically equipped. Adults only. Call 188. 018? ltc WHEN I moved to Henderson ville, I took my appetite with me! So, help me keep eating by taking your belts and but tons to Belk's for co.eriisj. They'll send them on to in*. Thanks. Ellen Frai :.s., 018? ltc I "COLOR: UL BUYS" It Is time' a; this time of the Year to c.kt you some "at tractive L iys" In real estate. Here the; are : 18 acre1;, mare or less, good sound 2 bedroom home, Spring water, stream, only $1750! Town I'-me, reconditioned In side an i out, double floors, big living room, 2 bedrooms, big lot, good section, near schools. Sell under $3000. Show me a better one at $3500? Modern Quest Home; big bar gain, easy terms. Room for more Cabins. < Motel Site in town, on main drag. Building sites, lots to acreage with long-range views way over yander; "colorful buys". High class "Dude Ranch" on H'way, pretty as a picture. Small, large stock farms near town. Look all you like; then see ? OWEN C. FURLOW "29 Years In Real Estate" Bank Bldg. Phone 791 Franklin, N. C. 018? ltc ~r