Harbison Installed As Masonic Lodge Head Thomas C. Harbison was In stalled worshipful master of Blue Ridge Lodge No. 435, A. F. and A. M., at a recent meeting. Other officers installed at the meeting include Henry A. Cleave land, senior warden; J. L. Hicks, treasurer; Wm. N. Slattery, sec For HOUSE WIRING Call J JAMES P. WURST Licensed Electrician Phone 66 Franklin, N. C. retary; M. S. Thompson, senior 4eacon; Grover W. Edwards, junior deacon; Mack R. McKin iney, senior steward; Wade H. | McKinney, junior steward; W. j W. Edwards, tyler, and Edward Two Air Force Enlistments Are Announced Here Two U. S. Air Force enlist- ! ments were announced Tuesday by Sgt. Clay Hensley, local army and air force recruiter. Daniel Rogers McCall and Hoyt N. Brookshire, both of Franklin, were sent to the Cba - lotte recruiting station last , week. According to the recruiter, en- , listment in the air force for men with no prior service rec For PIANO TUNING ! And REPAIRING Write CLAYTON C. HARMON Rt. 1, Box 116, AshevUle, N. C. "A Piano Tuner of Proven Ability" NOTICE The annual stockholders meet ing of the Macon County Building and Loan Association will be held in the Building and Loan office on the 17th day of January, 1952, at 7 o'clock, p. m. t. - H. W. CABE, President HICKORY LOGS WANTED ji * SPECIFICATIONS LENGTHS: 28 inches ? 56 inches ? 7 feet 9 ft, 4 inches ? 11 ft. 8 inches and 14 feet. DIAMETER : 8 inches through 20 inches. PRICES ? Delivered on Our Yard $55.00 per Thousand feet on No. 1 Logs $27.50 per Thousand feet on- No. 2 Logs SMOKY MOUNTAIN FIBER CO. Valley River Road Murphy, N. C. '?*?*>! ? ?' v ; yV>; % Copyright 1947 by Local Advertising Co. 74 It'* all Us (Milt, St. Peter? I tried to ret him t? hare BUUtCLL MOTOR CO. fix the brake*" DAIRY GROUP IS ORGANIZED Will Push Artificial Breeding Program In County By S. W. MENDENHALL (County Agent) A meeting of the board of di rectors of the Macon County Artificial Breeders association was held in the Agricultural building Wednesday afternoon of last week. Farmers who are using the artificial breeding service are well pleased with results obtain ed. Ned Teague and the other directors are anxious for more farmers who have one or more milk cows to take advantage of this service. Mr. Teague says that it is not an expense, but an Investment in better dairy cattle, so badly needed in this county and throughout the South. The board adopted a production plan in an effort to help more farmers understand the importance of this program to them and to Macon County. The recommendations of the directors were taken into a meeting of the Macon County Milk Producers association at 7:30 p. m-, the same day. These dairymen approved these recom mendations and assured their cooperation in promoting the breeding program. They went a big step farther than this. A realization of the need of bet ter herd management to im prove feeding methods, culling and cost of production is neces ord probably will be frozen un til sometime In March. However, men with prior service are eli gible for immediate enlistment, he said. LEGAL ADVERTISING NORTH CAROLINA MACON COUNTY Under and by virtue of the power of Sale vested In the undersigned trustee by a deed of trust executed by Carl Peek and wife, Delphia Peek, dated the 18th day of November, 1951, and recorded in the office of Register of Deeds for Macon County, North Carolina In Book No. 45, page 33, said deed of trust having been executed to secure certain indebtedness therein set forth, and default in payment of said indebtedness having been made, I will on Monday, the Ilth day of Feb ruary, 1952, at 12 o'clock noon, at the courthouse door in Franklin, North Carolina, sell to the highest bidder for cash the following described land: First Tract: BEGINNING at a dogwood, Woo tens and Mashburns corner, runs N. 82 /2 W. 33 poles to a stake at a large gully, then South 3>/2 W. 58 poles to a dogwood in Mashburn's line, then with said line to the BEGINNING, containing 5% acres, and be ing all the lands described in a deed from W. W. Woo ten and wife, E. J. Woo ten, to J. F. Wooten, and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Macon County, North Carolina in Book G-3 of Deeds, page 328, dated March 26, 1910. Second Tract: BEGINNING at a locust, runs S. 22/ E. 12 poles to a stake, then 8. V/i W. 27 poles to a stake, then S. 8'A E. 38 poles to a large Spanish oak on top of the mountain, theft. N. 55 West with the meanders of the ridge 48 poles "to a sour wood, then N. 33 E. 56 poles to the BEGINNING, contain ing 12 acres, mare or less, and being all the lands de scribed in a deed from W. W. Mashburn and wife, R. S. Mashburn, to J. F. Wooten, dated March 26, 1910, and recorded in the office of the Register of Deeds for Macon County, North Carolina in Book G-3 of Deeds, page 325. Excepting from the above tract of land one fourth of the mineral Interest. This 9th day of January, 1952. GILMER A. JONES, Trustee. J 17 ? 4tc ? F7 LOYAL ORDER OF MOOSE MEETS 2nd and 4th Thursday Nights At 8 o'clock ? OLD LEGION HALL EVERY MEMBER IS URGED TO ATTEND sary. With this in mind, a Dairy Herd Improvement association was formed. A full time man will be employed to do the arti ficial breeding and the DHIA testing. F. R. Farnham, dairy special ist, John Brown, field man for the Southeastern Breeders as sociation, and Marvin E. Senger, DHIA specialist, were present pit both meetings. They were complimentary of the progress made in dairying in Macon County. Demonstration Club Meetings For Week Are Announced Meetings of home demonstra tion clubs in the county for the , coming week have been an nounced by Mrs. Florence S. Sherrill, county home demon stration agent. They are as fol- j lows: | Today (Thursday) Liberty] club- with Mrs. Ruby Gibson at , 1 1.30 p. m. Friday. Upper Cartoogechaye club at the home of Mrs. M. W. Beck at 1:30 p. m. Nuntahkla club at the school at 7:30 p. m. Monday: Hickory Knoll club with Mrs. J. S. Gray at 1:30 p. m. Thursday: Clark's Chapi'l club I at the home of Mi s. Dorothy j Ashe at 1:30 p. m. Franklin Business women at the Agrlcul- j turai building at 7:30 p. jn Mrs. j Sam Bryson, Jr., Mrs. Shirley ! Houston, and Mrs. J. Harry rhomas, hostesses. RELIEF AT Lm 57 For Your COUGH Crcomr.'1 ; ~n relieves promptly bocause it goes rijjht to the seat of the trouble to help loosen and expel germ laden phK jin and aid nature to soothe and heal raw, tender, inflamed bronchial membranes. Guaranteed to please you or money refunded. Creomulsion has stood the test of millions of users. CREOMUL*SION relieves Coughs, Chest Colds, Acut? Bronchitis LIST YOUR WnWT PROPERTY Hll If Tax listers will be at the following places in the various townships on the dates given to list property for the year 1952. The Board of Commissioners asks all persons to cooperate to the fullest extent in helping the listers to get a correct list of all property. The law provides that a penalty shall be effected against any person failing to list his or her property (although this will not be applied to non-residents). All persons should make a strong effort to see the List Taker or have some person represent them and save the embarrassment of going before the Board asking for corrections when they have failed to list their property. Following are the List Takers for January 1, 1952: x Franklin Township: Frank I. Murray ? Beginning Jan. 2, 1951, upstairs in the jury room of the courthouse, all week days through out the month of January. Millshoal Township: Jack Cabe ? (SEE POSTERS IN PUBLIC PLACES FOR SCHEDULE) . Ellijay Township: C. B. Bry son? Beginning Jan. 4, L. D. Norris' store; Jan. 5, Mashburn Branch school house; Jan. 11 and 12, C. T. Bryson's store; Jan. 18 and 19, Wiley Clark's filling sta tion; Jan. 25, Ellijay post office; Jan. 28, David Btan fteld's store. ^ r Cartoogechaye Township: J. H. Brookshire? Jan. 3 and 23, Joe Hopkins' store; Jan. 8, John Roane's home; Jan. 10, Shields' store; Jan. 14, Rainbow Springs, Ledford's store; Jan. 18, Cecil Led ford's store; Jan. 17, Jones Creek, Bill Byrd's home. Sugarfork Township: Raymon Wood? Beginning Jan. 4, Buck Creek school; Jan. 5, Walnut Creek school; Jan. 11, Gold Mine school; Jan. 12, Willie Moses' store; Jan. 18 and 19, Gneiss post office. Nantahala Township: Frank Baldwin ? (SEE POSTERS EN PUBLIC PLACES FOR SCHEDULE) Smithbridge Township: C. S. Sams ? Beginning Jan. 4 said S, James Narris' store; Jan. 8, Tesenta, Buchanan's store; Jan. 11 and 12, Riverside, Stamey's store; Jan. 16, 17, 18, and 19, Otto, Miller Norris' store. Burningtown Township: Robert Parrish ? Beginning Jan. 4, Calhoun's store; Jan. 5, Carl Morgan's store; Jan. 7 and 8, Homer Ray bun's store; Jan. 9 and 10, Frank Haney's store; all other dates, at home. Cowee Township: J. P. Bryson ? Beginning Jan. 4, John Brendle's store; Jan. 5, Rose Creek church; Jan. 7, Nora 8cales' store; Jan. 8, Edd McCoy's store; Jan. 9, Oscar Rickman's store; Jan. 19, Weaver Gibson's home; Jan. 11 and 14, T. M. Rickman's store; Jan. 12, C. N. West's store. Flats Township: Earl Dryman? Beginning Jan. 4, 5, 11, and 12, Scaly post office; Jan. 19 and 28, Scaly school house; other days, at home Highlands Township: L. A. Edwards ? Beginning Jan. 2, L. A. Edwards' shop, and continuing an week days throughout the month of January. All property owners are required to return to the List Taker all the real estate, personal property, etc., owned by each on the first of January. ' All male persons between the ages of 21 and 50 years are required by law to list their polls during January. B All persons who own property and fail to list it and who are liable for a poll tax and fail to give themselves in will be deemed guilty of a misdemeanor, subject to a fine or imprisonment upon conviction. ? FARM CENSUS NOTE Each farm owner shall prepare a list of the acreage of each crop grown, including tenths of acres of truck. The list should show the total acres cultivated by the owner, also the acres cultivated by all tenants on each separately recognized farm, the acres in improved pasture, woodland, idle and other lands. He shall be prepared to report the number of hogs sold or slaughtered during past 12 months and tons of fertilizer to be used during this crop year. This information is kept confidential and has no relation to taxes. Its purpose is for agricultural education, economic analysis and safer guidance of county agents and farmers generally. 1 ? ll fl ? LAKE V. SHOPE, Tax Supervisor