CIRCULATION LAST WEEK .... - 2519 Year Ago Last Week - 2512 if fan Win PRICE 10 Cents VOL. LXVII? NO. 20 FRANKLIN, N. C, THURSDAY, MAY 15, 1952 TWELVE PAGES Pictured above is the 1952 graduating class^ of Franklin exercises are set for May 26 at the Macon theatre. First row : Ann Blaine, Barbara Shepherd, Betty Burch, Caroline Crawford, Dorothy Medlin, Klla Jo Bishop, Patsy Arn Frances Bingham, Betty Guffey, Olga Kimsey, Betty Angel, Lee Huggins, Audrey Hays. Second row: Charles Sanders, Jim Brogden, Zeb Mehaffey, Maxine Taylor, Doris Gribble, Bessie Taylor, Lorena Dalton, wards, Mildred Brown, Mildred Pruett, Martha Howard, Rosalee Dowdle, Ruth Cruse Medlin, Betty Lou Ledford, Lucille Duvall, Third row: Jim Rogers, Dan Moore, Bert Ledford, Emma Lesher Green, Bill Kinsland, Grady Thompson, Eulene Davis, trell, Bryant Cunningham, Gene Stamey, Kermit Dehart, Bobby Berry, Palma Fouts, Jack Baldwin, Paul Plyler. Fourth row: Norman Seay, Edwin Pomdexter, Don Henry, son, Eugene Patton, George Curtis, Billy Solesbee, Johnny Dills, Clara Jo Waters, Bernice Hurst, Bobby Ledford, Eugene Britton, Ahsent when the picture was made were Rosemary Huscus High school, composed of 42 boys and 59 j^ii'ls. Commencement Libby Murray, Iris Long, Virginia Setscr, Mary Ann Killian, old, Emma Lou Ramsey, Betty Henry, Kathryn Roten. Mary , Ruby Dehart, Catherine Cunningham, Martha Xell Penland, Carol , Louise Raby, Martha Ann Stockton, Georgia Xell McDonald, Eula Mae Gibson, Frances Deal, Charlotte Love, Lucille Ed Mashburn, Pauline Dills, Louise Holland, Leona Rice, Bonnie Geneva Crawford, Richard Jones, Claude McFalLs, Roy Tippett. Jean Elliott, Geneva Lou Moss, Meda Angel, Wanda Crisp, Bobby Tysinger, Howard Deitz, Clyde Bingham. Howard Can Xorris, Elmer Johnson, Joyce Welch, Katrina Cochran, Margaret Johnny Henderson, Howard Patton, Pat Pattillo, Elbert Ander Frank Deal, Eugene Pickens, Paul Tallent, Russell McKelvey, Charles Gibson, Walter Hall son and Mary Ledford. Eisenhower Gets Nomination In High School Straw Poll "I like Ike" seems to be the political cry of the majority of Franklin High school students, according to the results of "a presidential poll conducted at the school Tuesday. Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower, Republican, edged out Tennes see's Sen. Estes Kefauver, Democrat, 182 to 154. Four-hundred and fifty-nine students registered for the school "primary". Runnerup on the Democratic I ticket was Sen. Richard B. Rus sell, of Georgia, with 66 votes. The candidate who, in real life, currently is leading Gen. Eisen hower in garnering convention delegates for the Republican nomination, Sen. Robert A. Taft, of Ohio, polled only 18 votes for second high on the G.O.P ticket. President Harry S. Truman, although he has announced that he will not run again, nevertheless picked up 11 votes In the high school poll. Other candidates anl votes were: Democrats: Hubert Humphrey, 1; W. Averell Harriman, 0; Brien McMahon, 0; Robert S. Kerr, 1; Adlai Stevenson, 3. Republicans: Gen. Douglas MacArthur, 10; Harold E. Stas sen, 1; Earl Warren, 0. There was one write-in vote ? for George Washington! Benefit Supper At Union School Planned May 24 A benefit supper to raise funds for equipping the new school lunchroom is scheduled for May 24 by the Union Parent-Teach er association, it has been an nounced. The event, to which the pub lic is invited, will be held at the new school, which .recently was completed under Macon County's million dollar school building program. A charge of $1 per plate will be made for adults and 50 cents for chil dren. Hours will be 7 to 9 p. m. Home-Coming At Dryman's Chapel Is Scheduled May 25 The annual home-coming program at Dryman's Chapel Methodist church will be held Sunday, May 25, it was an nounced this week. The all-day observance, which will get under way at 10 a. m., wjll be marked by preaching service, singing, and dinner on the grounds. All singers are In <r **?" f-y'Cl. VALEDICTORIAN ? LOUIS REESE SALUTAT( )RI AN "? ' w m HAZE EDWARDS Young Reese, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Reese, Jr., has been named valedictorian of the Highlands High school graduat ing class and young Edwards, son of Mr. and Mrs. Dan Ed wards, salutatorian. The vale dictorian also is president of the senior class. Otto School Sponsoring Quartet Visit Saturday The Otto school will sponsor a benefit performance by the Modern Gospel Quartet, of Toc coa, Ga., Saturday night at 8 o'clock at the school. The pro ceeds will be used toward pay 13 REPORT FOR TEAM PRACTICE Next Tryoni Scheduled Tomorrow At School Athletic Field Thirteen boys turned out Saturday for the first tryouts for the American Legion Junior baseball team being formed here and ' another practice is slated for tomorrow (Friday) at 3:20 p. m. at the Franklin High athletic field. All boys in the county who will not reach their seventeenth birthday this year are eligible to tryout for the team. Those reporting out Saturday included Roger Tallent, Wayne Stewart, Jackie Hoilman, Dan Gibson, Richard Renshaw, A1 Berry, Bill Hunnicutt, Richard Bradjey, Connie Potts, Farrell Henson, Wardie Young, Jerry Finney, and Tommy Corbin. League play will get under way in June. Miss Renshaw ? Named As Girl's State Delegate Miss Wilma Renshaw, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Ren shaw, of Franklin, has been selected as a delegate to the 1952 Tar Heel Girl's State by the local American Legion aux iliary. Announcement of delegates to Boy's State will be made later, according to Fred C. Vaughn, commander of the local Amer ican Legion post. The boys' and girls' govern mental meetings are sponsored annually by the American Leg ion, and posts throughout the state send delegates. Both events will be held June 13-19, Girl's State on the camp us of Woman's college, Greens boro, arid Boy's State at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. Delegates are selected on the basis of scholarship, citizenship, and leadership. Only rising sen iors in high school are eligible. Meeting Of Franklin P.T.A. Slated Monday The Franklin Parent-Teach er association will meet Monday at 7:30 p. m. at the high school cafeteria, it has been announc ed. Yearly reports from all com mittees will feature the pro gram and Mrs. Myra Waldroop will give a report on the citi zenship committee of the local unit of the N. C. Education as Local Pupils Will Present 3 Operettas Three operettas by school children are scheduled for pre sentation here Wednesday and Thursday of next week under the direction of Miss Alice Weaver, public school music teacher. Wednesday's performances will be held at the Franklin High school gymnasium begin ning at 1:30 p. m. East Frank lin school will play host to the three Thursday at the same hour. First grade pupils of the Franklin elementary school will present a three-act operetta en titled, "Uncle Billy's Candy Shop". "Woes of the Crows", a one-act operetta, will be given by the East Franklin school first graders, and that school's fourth grade will present, "Under the Greenwood Tree", an operetta based on the story of Robin Hood. Admission will be 10 cents for children and 25 cents for adults, the music teacher said. Three Inducted Monday; Next Draft Call June 9 Rondal Conley and Rozelle McCoy, both of Franklin, and Clayton E. Amnions, of Frank lin, Route 4, were sent to Knoxville, Tenn.v Monday morn ing for induction into the army, the local selective service board has announced. A 20-man pre-induction ex amination contingent also re ported to Knoxville the same day, according to Mrs. Gilmer A. Jones, board secretary. Macon's next draft call will be for seven men on June 9, she said. A 17-man pre-induc tion contingent also will be sent to Knoxville on that date. 11 Baptists Attending Southern Convention Eleven from Macon County left this week-end for Miami, Fla., to attend the Southern Baptist convention, which open ed yesterday (Wednesday). They were the Rev. and Mrs. M. W. Chapman, Manson L. Stiles, the Rev. and Mrs. Wil liam L. Sorrells, the Rev. Arvil Swafford, the Rev. C. T. Taylor, Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Jacobs, and the Rev. and Mrs. John C. Corbitt. The Rev. James F. Marchman, of Rabun Gap, Ga., a former pastor here, will preach the Sunday morning service at the First Baptist church In the ab sence of Mr. Chapman. The convention ends Satur COMMENCEMENT PLANS AT THREE SCHOOLS_MADE Diplomas Will Be Given1 To 115 At Exercises This Month One-hundred and fifteen will be graduated from Macon Coun ty's three high schools? Frank lin, Highlands, and Nantahala? at commencement exercises the last of this month. Of the total, 101 will receive diplomas from Franklin, nine from Nantahala, and five from Highlands. AH three high schools plan baccalaureate ser mons and commencement ex ercises. Commencement exercises at Highlands are -set for May 28 at the school at 7:45 p. m. W. B. Harrell, public relations di rector at Western Carolina Teachers college, Cullowhee, is slated to be the speaker. The school's baccalaureate sermon will be delivered by the Rev. Arthur Ranson, pastor of the Highlands Presbyterian church. This graduation feature will be held at the Highlands Metho dist church on May 25 at 7:45 ! P- m. Highland's graduating class includes Louis Reese, valedictor ian, Haze Edwards, salutatorian, ! Onville Owens, Miss Edith Head, and Miss Pearl C lias tain. | County School Supt. Holland McSwain will confer the diplo I mas. Graduation exercises will be held at Nantahala May 23 at SEE NO. 2. PAGE 6 Band Concert Sunday Well Received; Nets $148.50 Playing to a near-capacity audience, the Franklin school band and chorus presented their annual spring concert at the Macon theatre Sunday afternoon. The concert was under the direction of S. F. (Sammy) Beck. Miss Ann Hays was piano accompanist. The 90-minute concert was well received by the audience, which came from many parts of the county, and a silver offering for the band netted $148.50. RUMMAGE SALE SLATED A rummage sale, under the sponsorship of the Union home demonstration club, will be held on The Square Saturday, it has been announced. Proceeds will go to a fund for equip ping the Union school lunch Annual Commerce Session Tomorrow Democrats Plan County Convention Saturday Afternoon Election of a county chair man and delegates to the s.tate convention will have ton P rity at the county I>em ocratic convention here urtTay afternoon. mitteemen and interested Jess?Shon^e l? attend said Tuesday?Unty <ha'rm;ln' Saturday is the last dav for registering for the Democrat - H, P"V? Mav "? Challenge daj will be observed May 24. The major race locally wilL for nomination to the five member county board of edu cation. Twelve are seeking nomination including two ? omen and two incumbents. Rotary Backs Athletic Day For Students An athletic field day for ele mentary student of the Frank lin school district was held yes i7thy 'Wednesday) afternoon nr,i ?ugh Sch0?' athletic field under the sponsorship of the Rotary club. Winners in the various events were not available late yester day afternoon. yester Schools participating includ lin r T,ee' CullasaJa. East Frank ? lQtla, and Cartoogechaye. ?rade st"dents from the schools, who will attend Franklin High next fall, were conducted on a tour of the new school building on invitation ol Principal R. g. Sutton. ^KFal?kiin High c?aches Ralph 'Chuck) McConnell and Dick btott were in charge of the ned bvy' thhG 6Vent was P'an" comm^tt Rotary athletic committee, of which Claytor i Ramsey is chairman. Spring Here? 'Blackberry Winter Brings Blankets here1? Wh? Said sPrinK is last Wednesday the , thermometer has been bound ing up an(| down like a foot loose elevator, from a high of 1 ?LkegtoCS W!^nesday of last I ?eek to a "bring out the blankets. Mother- low of 30 ! yesterday. -SU Oldtimerji have a name for r enon e?mr?VOkinff Phenom W?h ,"7 ^ ac rry Winter". wouM J ' tJ,,Cy sa^ M?u!" ** sad|y lacking in blackberry jam later on. So, back to your overcoats citizens, spring is a mtlc , , ' I this year. PLAN BAKE SALE The monthly bake sale spon sored by the St. Agnes Epis j copal auxiliary will be held to morrow (Friday) at the Child ren's shop beginning at 8 a. m it has been announced. Will Set New Projects;; Donald Smith Slated As Speaker Projects for the coming year will be mapped at the annual meeting of the Franklin Cham ber of Commerce, Merchant's Association, and Credit Bureau slated for Slagle Memorial b .ilciing tomorrow iFriday> I night at 7:45 o'clock. Speaker at the meeting wiH Donald Smith, who came to Franklin about two years ago :rom Michigan, anl whose ex ! oerience.s include six years in Ontario, Canada, as a trapper. He also was instrumental in set | ting up the credit bureau here and has a wide background in: ?hamber of commerce work. In the past, new officers for the commerce body have been named at the annual meeting, i generally held in February However, this year's slate wa& elected in March since plans for the annual meeting were indefinite at that time They; include E. W. Renshaw presi dent, Frank B. Duncan, vice president, and Oscar Ledford, treasurer. Members of the bnartf of directors, in addition to thi above officers, are Lee Wood., W. W. Reeves, W. C BurreiL, | and Claude Bolton. Members will be given a:i portunity at the meeting Cso discuss the work done l \ chamber in the past, as v;ell as 1 submit their views, on n. . ..irix of improving the service. the organization, the nev. , . dent said this week, A survey of work completed in 1951 by the commerce uody includes: (1) Sold tickets to the Cr.tro kee drama, "Unto These U-lis-*"" I (2) Supplied literature to , chambers of commerce in over , al different states as wei; as ta travel agencies and tour. ,^. (3) Set up complete. nivs Franklin tourist folder, s.iich ' will be ready for distr.auuon ? June I. '4') Operated credit bur -siu. M (5 > Made survey tor the Western North Carolina ^sso 1 ! ciated communities. (6 1 Advertised in High Tops ! magazine, 10.000 copies distri i buted. | <7' Issued' permits to solicit funds in Town of Frame.. u. (8) Sponsored a program for 4-H clubs, giving cash prizes ; amounting to $150. (9> Worked with the rr:-5 441 i (Uncle Remus route' ^iocta- - tion. j ( 10 1 Handled 1,000 dire.t* re quests for information on tour ist accommodations, real e .tate., SEE NO. 3, PAGE a Mrs. Higgins* Piano Pupils Plan Recitaf Tomorrow Night Mrs. Harry S. Higgi;.:-; will present her piano pupils in an nual recital tQmorrow Friday) night at 8 o'clock at the East. Franklin school, she announced this week. The general public is invited. Mrs. Higgins said. PLAN HOMECOMING A homecoming day is plan ned at the Bethel Methodist church June 1, and will feature - an all-day program with din , ner served on the grounds, it I has been announced. Miss Bonnie May, Ceft) daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hariey May, has been selected salutato rian, and Miss Mae Beth Orut, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Lonn ie Grant, valedictorian, mt tk* 1952 graduating class of Nanta hala High school. Miss Gnat maintained an average of 87 in class work during her (Mr years in high school and Miss May an average of 86J6. Gr?Oi j ation exercises at the school a re set for May 23. Nine ?0 tm

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