WANT ADS WANT AD RATES '2 eer.U per jrord. with a mlnuBam ^Bhrtrjfe of 50 cents for each insertion. (25 -ents extra for keyed ada. ) Classified Display: In 8 point type, 15 cents per line. In CAPITALS or bold 8 point type. 20 cents, for each line. In type larger than 8 point. 25 cents per apace of 8 point line. CASH DISCOUNTS When cash accompanies order : 10 per cent discount will he allowed. 20 per cent for three or more oonsecuUrs Insertions of same ad. FRANKS RADIO AN; ) ELEC. CO. Palmer Street Phone 249 Jlyl9 ? tfc % TOR QUICK Dependable radio repairs, come to City Radio Ihop ? Between S and L and ianders Cafe. Allen Ordway, /Igr .13? tfc FOR SALE ? One studio couch, makes full-size bed. Beautiful blue chiffon cover. The price, $1.98. Easy terms. Macon Furni ture Company, L. M. Patton. CASH FOR old and disabled horses and mules. Call Cash iers 2261 collect. Wilson-Jen nings Fur Farm. 424 ? tfc FOR SALE ? Seed rye, rye grass, fescue, orchard and clover seeds ? for fall and winter graz ing land. Ray del for $95 A number of others to cb-Mwe from. Rsxe Motor Co. Phone 310 r i Palmer Street I OLD NEWSPAPERS for sale. 10c , 1 per bundle. The Franklin Press. J19 ? tf NATIONAL ORGANIZATION has opening for two men in Cherokee, Macon, Clay and Graham counties. No canvas sing, no collecting. Excellent op portunity for advancement. Men selected will earn $125-225 per week. We train you completely and furnish qualified leads. If j you are dissatisfied with your 1 present position and earnings you will find this well worth your time to investigate. See Mr. Joe Myers, 108 Hiawassee Street, Murphy, N. C., or write General Supervisor, Box '726, Asheville, N. C. Jly24 ? tfc j FOR SALE ? Lime in 100 lb. j bags, for grass and clover land. Ray & Welch G.roc. Co. Sll? ltc FOR SALE ? Crushed gravel for I your driveway. Delivered. Re- ' asonable price; Call 344. A7? tfc WANTED ? Hams, nome cured, j Paying good prices. Also country side meat. Ray and I Welch Grocery Co. Sll? ltc lEE PATTON Brothers for turn- I iture and save the difference. I JIO? tfc SEE PATTON Brothers for furn iture and save the difference, i ?17? tfc STARK FRUIT TREES pay big dividends! Mountain sides, front or back yards produce fine apples, pears, cherries, etc. Spot cash crop. See Walter Steele, Franklin. A28? 3tp? Sll I NEVER QUIT buying ginseng. Every day in the year I pay more than anybody in North Caroliha. Lee Barnard. A28? tfc WANTED ? To purchase flock hens. See us for highest cash price. Farmers Federation, A. E. Frizzell, Manager, Phone 92. S4? 2tc? Sll AUTOMOBILE TIRE, just re capped, for sale. 600-16. In quire at Phillips Super Service, at traffic light on Palmer street. S4 ? tfo WANTED ? Farm families inter ested in good educational and farming opportunities. Write Rabun Gap-Nacoochee School, ' Rabun Gap, Ga. S4? 2tc? Sll WANTED ? Man with car to sell and deliver household supplies in Macon County. Good earn ings. Write Rawleigh's. Dept 1 NC 1-770-270, Richmond, Va. S4? 4tp? S25 | LUMBER FOR SALE ? White pine and poplar paneling. Di mension material, sized. Dis count for large quantity. See it at Wilson's Gap. Highlands. Dr. C. B. Ewing. S4 ? 2tp ? Sll WANTED ? Space to park mod ern house trailer. Inside city limits preferred. Write Box 65, | c/o The Franklin Press. S4? 2tp? Sll FOR RENT ? Thrae-room cottage with electricity and excellent -prlng water. See Mrs. Bertha ..odford, three miles out Geor gia road. 34 ? 2tp ? 811 "ELP WANTED ? Housekeeper. Call 93 or see Mrs. Bill Pen rnd at Darl nj Beauty Shop. Al? 3tc? S25 WORN-OUT cook stove means poorly cooked meals. See the new Romeagle wood and coal ranges and heaters. You are certain to get perfect heating or baking results with a Rome eagle. Built by men who know what a good stove Is. Sold on easy terms. As low as $79.50. Pbtton Brothers. MACC'T COUNTY needs more m Ik. Artificial breeding will help relieve this situation. Call Bill Higdon 2706 or ? 7. a u?itc ? News About People MRS. EMORY HUNNICUTT, Editor ? Telephone 211 I ? | CONSERVATIONIST j ADDRESSES CLUB Fourteen members of the I Franklin Garden club attended | the regular monthly meeting | Monday at Slagle Memorial, j E. C. Jernigan, of the N. C. Department of Conservation in Raleigh, was the guest speaker. Three new members were voted upon. They are Mrs. Herman Dean. Mrs. T. H. Callahan, and Mrs. Frank Siersma. Hostesses Included Mrs. Lest VVANTED ? Tank wagon sales man. Must have high school education, sober, reliable and live at Clayton Permanent em ployment and good salary to right party starting now. W. S Bearder., btir.clair Re:irvjng Co., Clayton, Ga Sll? 2tc? S18 COCKER SPANIELS for sale. 1 Call 2706. S4 ? 2tp ? Sll 37 A. FARM ? GOOD HOUSE j Has 24 acres of A-l pasture, 2X, j acres of rich bottomland bal- I ance woodland with saw-timber. ; The modern house has 8 rooms and bath, good cellar, electric hot water heater, lovely large porches, telephone, etc. There are two chicken houses, tool house, garage, good 4-stall barn and rat-proof crib. Command ing a gorgeous view this attrac tive property has two gravel (Stale) roads running through it, large creek with fish, 26 young_ bearing apple trees, lots of grapes, beautifully landscap ed grounds around the house, and is on mail and school bus route Only four miles from the Court House this desirable prop erty is a Good Sound Buy at $9500 cash ar terms. TED REBER ? Rea.'tor On The Square - - - Phone 200 Sll? ltc FOR SALE ? Used living room I suites. Used cook stoves, wood | or coal, cheap. All must be ' sold at once. Come in now and i avoid the rush Macon Furni ture Company. L. M. Patton. WANTED ? Burlap 'oags. Highest cash price paid. See me at my | office on Palmer Street Fridays or telephone 22-J. Graham Grindstaff, Asheville Mica Com- 1 pany. I Sll? 2tc? S18 FOR SALE ? Registered Ham shire ram and ewe lambs. 1 Rams ready far breeding. Eb bie Talley, Highlands-Di'.lard road. Sll? ltc SUTHERLAND TRUSS for rup ture now sold here! No bulbs, belts, straps. No electric, no leather, no odors. Wear easy as your hat! Walter Steele, Frank lin. Sll? 2tp? S18 FOR SALE ? Cold, frosty morn ings are just ahead. Come to Patton Brothers for your heat ers. Thad on Palmer street, Lawrence on Main street. BRING ME YOUR SAWS, more the better. I make 'em cut with ease, but don't bring any crosscuts, if you please. Geo. Johnson, saw flier. ENGRAVED GIFTS are forever remembered. Engraving done on our premises Jamison, Jewelers. Sll? tfc FOR SALE ? Rye $3.25 per bushel. Crawford McCoy. 311? 2tp? S18 METAL ROOFING for sale. 28 gauge. Farmers Federation, A. E Frizzeil, Manager. Phone 92, Palmer Street. Sll? ltc FOR SA^iE ? Alfalfa seed, lime, 2-12-12 fertilizer with borax, phosphate, inoculation, for com plete job seeding alfalfa. Ray & Welch Groc. Co. Sll? ltc ANNOUNCING? The opening of Mrs. l^eLson Elmore's Sewing Shop in Room 118 of the Ash ear Building. Reasonable prices, work guaranteed. FOR SALE or rent ? Four-room house with bath. Water in house. Small lot. Brendletown. Mrs. J. W. Shuier. Sll? 9tp? N6 FOR SALE ? Two good baby cribs. Almost new. See Mrs. Blumenthal at store. Also sales girls wanted to work on Satur days. HIGH PRICED heifers result from artificial breeding. How much do you get for your heif ers? Call BUI Higdon 2708 or 97. >U ? ltc .MOVING NOV. 1 ? Macon Furni ture store is moving into building on the Square, near A and P store. Come In now and we will move the furniture we have to your house. Save money. Terms to suit your budget. Macon Furniture Com pany, L. M. Patton. Sll? 2tp? 818 I er Conley, Mrs. Frank Higdon, Mrs. J. Harner Stockton, Mrs. Walter Furr, and Mrs. Zeb Con j ley. MR. AND MRS RAMSEY FETED AT RECEPTION Mrs. Albert Ramsey, Sr. hon ored her son and daughter-in law, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Ram sey,-. Jr., whose wedding took place last week, with a recep- 1 tion Sunday afternoon in her ' home in the Iotla valley. | Bowls of mixed flowers were I used in decorating. The bride's j table was overlaid with an em broidered cloth and centered with a bowl of white gladiolus and white dahlias and flanked on either side by lighted tapers in silver candelabra. Mrs. Lyman Higdon greeted the guests. In the receiving line were Mrs. Ramsey, Mrs. Joe Setser, mother of the bride, and the bride and groom. Assisting in the dining room were Mrs. Frank Higdon, Mrs. W. L. Ramsey, Miss Emma Lou Ramsey, and Mrs. Stedman Mitchell, of Cullowhee. Mrs. Clayton Ramsey kept the bride's book. Approximately one hundred j guests attended. PERSONALS Mrs. J. B. Deal, Mrs. L. A. Berry and daughter, Ethel, have returned from a visit with their sister and aunt, Mrs. A. J. Cochran, in Cumberland, Ky. Miss Mary Frances Page left last week for Fulton, Mo., where she is a member of the faculty o: William Woods college. Miss Ruth Angel has gone to Gastonla where she will teach. Mrs. Benson Hamlin and sons. Dexter and Richard, of Arling ton, Tex., were guests last week of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Siersma. Miss Mary Willis is visiting friends in Clearwater, Fla. Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Alsup spent last week visiting rela tives in Fayetteville, Tenn. Mrs. Donald B. Smith Is re cuperating from an operation at the C- J. Harris Community hospital, Sylva. Misses Becky and Libby Mur ray are guests of their sister, Mrs. Catherine Hooks, in Char lotte. Miss Helen Wilson left last week for High Point where she will teach. Mrs. Nell Williamson, of Tam-, pa, Fla., is the guest of Mr. and Mrs. Milton Spradling. Mr. and Mrs. Jackson Lytell, of Miami, Fla , are spending 10 days here. They are building a new home out on Highway 28. Mrs. Floyd Strickland, of Washington, D. C., is the guest of Mrs/ C. C. Daniels and Miss Evelyn Daniels. Wallace Polmanter has .re turned to his home in Detroit, Mich., following a visit with his uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. Grovftr Schafer. Miss Carolyn Long has gone to Fayetteville High school where she teaches, after spend ing the summer with her par ents, Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Long. Mrs J. M. McPherrln, of Ma con, Ga., was the guest last week of Mrs. Harley Lyle. Miss Julia Hunnicutt left Sunday for Greensboro to enter Greensboro college to which she was awarded a scholarship. Miss Har.riette Kinnebrew and Miss Irene Sloan drove to Ath ens, Ga., last Thursday to see Miss Kinnebrew's brother-in law, J. A. (Jim) Cook, formerly of Franlflin. Mr. Cook, who sev , eral weeks ago suffered & : broken hip, Is still In the hos I pital, but Is reported steadily i Improving. Mr. and Mrs. Lee Wood left last week on an automobile trip f to the State of Washington. Mrs. P. T. Kell left Saturday ' morning for Mobile, Ala., to spend two weeks with her hus band, who is working for a [ lumbering concern there. Pvt. Watsel Holland spent the week-end with his mother, Mrs. Hettie Holland, of Gneiss. He is stationed at Camp Pickett, Va. Mr. and Mrs. Maxie Nice wander and two children, of Norfolk, Va., were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. W. N. Sutton and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Tal lent. Mrs. W. E. Hunnicutt was out of town over the week-end, having taken her daughter, Miss Julia Hunnicutt, to Greens boro, where she entered Greens boro college. Mr. and Mrs. A. R. Higdon went to Oak Ridge over the week-end to take their son, Al fred, Jr., to resume his studies at Oak Ridge Military insti tute. Dr. and Mrs. R. P. McCutch eon, who have been spending the summer at their home in Wayah Valley, left Wednesday to return to New Orleans, La., where Dr. McCutcheon is dean of the graduate school of Tu lane university. Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Bryant left Sunday for a few days' va cation at Wrlghtsvllle Beach. The Rev. and Mrs. W. N. Cook attended the funeral of Mr. Cook's grandson, George Wilson Nipper, in Lowell this week. Mr. Nipper, son of Mr. and Mrs. Charles C. Nipper, was killed in an automobile acci dent Sunday night. Dr. and Mrs. C. W. Mann and daughter, Jennifer, have re turned to New Orleans, La., aft er spending the summer at their home here. John Dalrymple, of the Car toogechaye section, underwent an operation at Angel clinic Monday. Beatrice McCall, of Franklin, underwent an operation at i Angel clinic last week. Ferd Burrell, of Franklin, has : been under treatment for blood poisoning at Angel clinic, caus- j ed by an / ice pick wound in ' his hand. Ray Rankin, of the Rabbit | Creek section, is under treat- i ment at Angel clinic. Mrs. O. S. 3acon, of Frank lin, who has been under treat ment at Angel clinic for several days, has been discharged and ; has returned to her home. Miss Hicks Graduates; Is Offered Supervisor Job At St. Elizabeth's Mrs. J. L. Hicks of Highlands, . and daughter. Miss Joanne Hicks, returned home Saturday after attending the graduation of Miss Sue Hicks, older daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. Hicks, from St. Elizabeth's Hospital school of nursing in Richmond, Va., August 25, where she has been offered the position of supervisor. She is expected home on Thursday for a week's vacation. While away Mrs. Hicks and Joanne visited relatives in Pet ersburg and Alexandria, Va., and also Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Hicks in Washington, D. C. Postmaster's Meeting Is Scheduled Saturday A meeting of the 12th dis trict of the National Associa tion ) of Postmaster^ will be held at the Legion hall in Sylva at 7 o'clock Saturday eve ning, it has been announced by Charles C. Potts, of Highlands, chairman of the 17th congres sional district. Mr. Potts urges all postmasters in the district to attend this meeting. WANTED USED CARS We naad 25 or 30 clean, late model used cars. If you have a '47 Model or later clean car for ?ale, ? SEE US FIRST DUNCAN MOTOR CO. Phone 69 Franklin, N. C. SHEPHERD BOY DIES MONDAY OF PNEUMONIA Rites For Three- Year-Old Conducted Tuesday At Liberty Church Erhest Larry Shepherd, three yearf-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Shepherd, of Franklin, died Monday morning at 9:15 a. m. 1 at Angel hospital of pneumonia. The child had been 111 for three days. Funeral services were con ducted Tuesday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock at the Liberty Bap tist church by the Rev. Lee Crawford. Burial followed In the church cemetery. Surviving are his parents; a j brother, Jerry Dale; the patern al grandmother, Mrs. Oma ! Ramey, of Franklin, Route 4; the maternal grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Jones, of Frank- . Un, Route 4; and l)ls great grandmother, Mrs. Mollle Green, also of Franklin, Route 4. Pallbearers were the follow ing uncles: Leonard Green, Clyde Jones, Nelson Green, and Crawford Jones. Arrangements were under the direction of Potts Funeral home. SQUARE DANCE Slagle Memorial Building Saturday Night Sept. 13 8:30 p. m. .. MASON'S .. WEEK-END SPECIALS Can Prince Albert . . . . llc No- 2l/z Colonial Peach Halves .... 28c 4 Lbs. Pure Lard 58c ir? Mcoupon WORTH ire li^ TOWARD Put CHAM Of J IAROI OR t ? IANT ICONOMY-SIZI NIW SRIIZI 15* mi IN THIS COUPON and take It to four grocer. He will accept It aa Ibf payment oo purchase of 2 Large-size or 1 Giant Economy-size package of New All-Purposs BREEZE. TO MALMSt Oar salesman will redeem this coupon for 151 only from you directly or from an agent authorized in writing by Lever Brothers Company provided you and customer have complied with terms of this offer. Any sales tax must be paid by customer. Lever Brothers Company, 390 Park Avenue, New York 22, N. Y. TO CONSUM1K: Redeemable value in merchandise indicated above. Cash value 1/20 of It. Not transferable. $100 reward for information resulting ha conviction of any person fraudulently using this coupon. 15* Add! City Stata? 15* Phone 9 WE DELIVER WINTER NEEDS AT Western Auto Oil Stoves . . . . . $10.95 up Wood Stoves $3.25 up Electric Heaters .... $4.95 up Arvirt Automobile Heaters Anti freeze $1.25 gal. Prestone . . . $3.75 gal; $1.00 qt. Heater Hose ? Connection Clamps Floor Mats ? All Sizes HUNTERS' H^SOUARTiRS REMINGTON WINCHESTER STEVENS MARUN MOSBERG AMMUNITION BOOTS OOATS Guaranteed WIZARD R" $JJ95 ^ And Old Batter/ J5JS-'" Guarantee ? Henty of power for all wm?t ?Urfang and drtr. .... *14?5 M M.dUu _ 1** full 100 amp. _ hr. cap. "nit Eich.