Net Paid CIRCULATION Last Week 2497 Ijigblattbl Haco titan PRICE 10 Cents VOL. LXVII? NO. 49 FRANKLIN, N. C., THURSDAY, DECEMBER 4, 1952 SIXTEEN PAGES Mendenhall Is One Of Six Top Agents Macon Count-' Agent S. W. Mendenhall is one of six North Carolina farm agents singled out for recognition by the Na tional Association of County Agricultural Agents, which is now holding its annual conven tion in Chicago, 111. Also Included in the six is John W. Artz, a former assist ant county farm agent here, who has been county agent in Gates since 1938. The outstanding agents re ceived Distinguished Service Awards at ceremonies Tuesday. Mr. Mendenhall was unable to attend this year's convention. Each year the association honors not more than two per a. w niclMuiJi cent of Its members (n each state. The awards are present ed to agents who have "served outstandingly at least 10 years as a county extension worker, must have worked out and put into effect a county agricultural program, which includes carry ing to completion some con structive and outstanding work, should be actively interested in the improvement of the profes sion, and should have studied some specific agricultural sub ject by group, correspondence, SEE NO. 1, PAGE 16 Fund-Raising Supper Planned On Saturday At The Iotla School A box supper and cake walk is planned Saturday night at Iotla school, with proceeds ear marked for purchasing a pro jector and window shades for the school, it has been an nounced. The event will get under way at 7:30 o'clock and everyone is invited to attend, it was said. MEANDERING ALONG MAIN STREET Who won the Negro football game last Wednesday night? The weather did, according to Prof. Hlnes, and he should know since Chapel school was sponsoring the grid battle be tween the Consolidated School of Sylva and the Boy's Indus try Institute of Toccoa, Ga. W tier caused the postpone ment of the game once, and when It started raining Wed nesday Chapel School decided to chuck the whole deal, at least for this year. Yep, the game will still be played? next year that is, giving the elements plenty of time to make up their minds. ? ? ? There has been plenty of speculation as to what retired restauranteer Prelo Dryman has up his sleeve in the way of a new business. Well, the word's out. Mr. Dryman, "Just Call Me Prelo", who sold his cafe on Main Street several months back an said, for the accused may plead not guilty and the court wl" proceed on the assumption that he is innocent until proven otherwise. Law is not a standard of punishment, but a standard of conduct set up by the people for their own protection, he ex plained. J. N. Fisher, of Scaly, was appointed foreman of the jury by the court. Other of the 18-man body included Lex Angel, V. C. DeHart, Weaver Gibson. W. S. Calhoun. Prank Sanders, Henry B. Cate, D. A. Hall, Cecil Green, Clayton Bateman, H. D. Dit more. Packer Raby, Emlis Mea dows, Ray Franklin, John Bren dle, D. A. Ledford, Clarence j Peek, ami Grady Wilkes. Fifty-two Years Of Tax Receipts I I * ~ Why would a man keep 52 years of tax receipts? James S. Grant, Jr., of Nantahala, explains why he has, "Ton never can tell when you'll need them". He paid his first taxes in 1900 in the Nantahala Township of Swain Connty and has saved every 1 receipt since then. Mr. Grant, who was reared on Weeser Creek ' in Swain, has been living in Nantahala for the past 30 years, j ] In his 76 years, he worked for the U. S. Forest Service, has beea I a powderman, railroad apprentice foreman, foreman on the I Winding Stairs road project, woods foreman in timber cutting. ] | talc miner, and rock quarryman. ? -ourt Opened Monday, Docket Completed Tuesday w'l?am h. Bobbitt, of charlotte, presiding over the December term of superior court tfhich convened Monday morn ing, moved rapidly through the d05ket and by Tuesday afternoon had disposed of all scheduled cases. judge plans to nnflL aHng CiVU C3ses Was not known when The Press was printed yesterday (Wednesday) Moving to clear old cases from the criminal docket, the state !;??k -a "ol Pros with leave in 38 of the 105 listed; that is dropped suit with reservations th ?.cases listed below were hrnL^e?,rd Judge Bobbitt through Monday afternoon and is not complete. DISPOSITIONS James Robert Moore, drunk costs"g' dayS suspended. $100. Hrfv^'?s Adams Rogers, drunk ^ g' "01 pros leave. Everett Jenkins, larceny nol pros with leave. Dock Gibson, abandonment, nol pros with leave. Leighton Moss, drunk driving nol pros with leave. I Ray Fountain, transporting and possession of whiskey nol pros with leave. Roy Fountain, transporting and possession of whiskev nol pros with leave. Rufus A. Askew, fraud, alias capias ordered. Cunningham speed ing, nol pros with leave. Deiias Holland, drunk driving, iusPended. J 100, costs. | Willy Ray Tallent, manslaugh ter, defendant deceased, action removed from docket. I Echel Rowland, forcible tres ( pass, continued. | Lawrence G. Sanders, aban I f 12 months suspended, I f 'sts' c?urt ordered payments for support of child. Homer E. Stiwinter, drunk J driving, nol pros with leave. I ayne Ledford, abandonment, capias issued. ' l,nSh?1? Burgess, drunk driv ing, capias Issued I ""man Ledford, aiding and 1 with ieaverUnlt no] pros iin?Ia^V!n McDoweH. drunk driv g, h?l Pros with leave. ? J. R. Lunsford, no driver's li cense, nol pros with leave titT-en?le Queen' Allure to give S lea^Ut0ln0bile' . J- B. Hall, transporting whis key and possession of burelarv tools, continued. DUrgiary Hal1' drunk driving transporting whiskey, carS concealed weapon, and noSS siwi of burglary tools, contin-" David Lee Overman Jr no*_ session of burglary took' ^7 pros with leave. ' 01 I SEE NO. 7, PAGE 9 AN APOLOGY It was erroneously stated to last week's issue of The P re? that Charlie William Paul was charged with drank Mfinf and manslaughter. His charge shook# have read reckless driving and manslaughter. The error is re gretted. The grand J wry found that Mr. Paul's manslaughter charge was not a true hill and the reckless driving count was continued. The Weather The week's temperature# and rainfall, m recorded in Franklin by Man ton 111!?. IT. S. weather observer, and at the Cowceta Hydrologic Laboratory: FRANKLIN Temperatures High Low Rain Wednesday 59^ 50 .43 Thursday 50 34 Friday 45 20 Saturday 42 21 trace Sunday 50 28 Monday 47 18 Tuesday 41 31 .55 OOWEETA Temperatures High Low Ram Wednesday 59 51 1.M rhursday 44 28 ? Friday 48 15 Saturday i 41 SO ? Sunday 50 15 .OS Monday 44 16 ? ruesday .! 41 29 .71