e Jffattllttt flf t II ,z. r anb (?f)' Jflacontan V(ru LXVIU NO 1 hKANKt-IN, N C, I- K 1 1 < A "k JAM AK\ 11*53 UGHT PAtiKB Baptists Change New Church Site Will Build On Present Grounds; Bad Land h orces M ove Soggy MllJUIld tlU.S 1 0! Ced ( 1 1 ficials hi the hirst Baptist Church tu halt construction ol a new $200 000 church on West Palmer Street and plans art now being made to build the proposed church on the sit? ol the present church The Kev M W Chapman pastor, yesterday explained that the ground on the Palmer Street site was not solid enough to support a building the size of the new church He said the congregation ap proved a plan to build the church on the present church site at a business conference Sunday morning Construction will get under way not later than March 15, the pastor said The original architect plans will be followed, he added Under the new arrangement, Mr Chapman said the church would be built in units, the first one to cost about $140,000 When ft is completed, he said the present church will be raz ed to make way for the rest of the building The proposed church will be three stories ground floor, first floor, and second ? with an auditorium capable of accom modating 600 persons Mj- Chapman said the church will purchase the Bryant-Stock ton property adjoining the present church grounds and a portion of the Joe Ashear prop erty in order to provide ample * space for the new church P. T. A. To Hear Nurse Speak On Health Program health nuw \ull be th" s? speaker at the .lanuar\ nirrtmp (,; Th? Kast franklin Paicnt \li> Frank Shop* mm: x'lation at ihi' school Mr, Fa i vsuirnt a. 'TV I i .i innai : The liif 7 <> nock Mrs. Hopkins Dies Monday At Otto Home Mrs Francos. Savannah Will banks Hopkins. a native of Oconee County. S C died at her home at Otto Monday at 2 30 a m She was 71 years old and had been ill foi about four weeks Funeral services were con ducted the same day at 2 p m at the I)"ry man Chaj>el Metho di t Chureh by the Rev H 1, Poindexter and burial m the chapel cemetery Mrs Hopkins was born Janu ary 14 1881 the daughter of th? late Mrs Rachel Willbanks. and In 1897 was married to Joe Hopkins of otto She i'. survived b\ seven .on. Raleigh Waltoi Albert Tom Hov Jeff and (iradv Hopkins, ?^nir oaujihter Mioses K sie and Ida llopkir. Mr Fr?d Drviuai. ,.in<! \1 ; Rub'. Nnr tor, ;i !??? Mr I lli/rt P.. in' er of < l.i vt mi i ( , ,i .i r ,i : ('a be < 1 lopk ii i'otP ; ilia i imim ( ,,M.| "?? \ ( II! t I VM.it , r 1 1- ..i i.i < ) i r 1 1 ? . 1 1 v ( ? ' i .f Ma'''i, < '???ii if v -il t werk I ? ; Ml. I ? N A.' f o r d ii u ' t ? ? ' ? ? t < ' I a v 1 1 < i . ? a! arjnv .tnd . ? . r t<>r ? ? ? nt. r CROSS, MACON NATIVE, DIES Services For Nantahala Resident Conducted On Tuesday William Franklin Cioss a; 1) n 1 It- 1 and blacksmith ol 'In Nantahala community died at i hi:- home Sunday at 1 1 45 p m alter an illness ot seven i months He was 7(1 years old Funeral services were con ducted Tuesday at the Briar town Baptist Church by the Rev T D Edney, the Rev Moses Woodard. and the Rev John Freeman Burial was in the church cemetery A native ol the Nantahala community, Mr Cross was the son ol W F and Mrs Alice Bady Cross As a member ol the Bnartown church he serv ed as a deacon for a number ol years He is survived by his wile. Mrs AJlie Dalrymple Cross; three sons. Arthur H and Carl ol NaJitahala, and Oscar, of Asheville, three brothers. Clif ton and Ed Cross, of Nantahala. and Jess, of Hayesville. a sister, Mrs Albert Amnion.;, of Bry son City, and three crand- I children I balem (Jhurch Plans New Years Service A special New Year's service is planned tonight < Friday ? at i the Salem Methodist Church .it 7 30 o clock. ;t ha> been an nounced The Rev J I) Pyatt. pastor. 1 i> : ' : c ha !-u " 1 ; i ' ' proi; r: i m i and will be assist ? o b\ 'in !'< ?. 1 M: t< H Hull Colored (?'. : I ;? ..!? < ? Chi 1st w ; i ' :i. n .j :ect ion with a Mis. Enloe. Former Resident. Succumbs Charles FniOf r-i Homer. Oa Mr Fnlot i.- <( ic..Mi< i' ' ' v ! T nr to :: iiiut hi to H o j i : ? : ; f< w v? .>r.s atn Th< ! unera '. ? ? : 1 '? an-, i : s. i. ii. H< r i , ? MniKi.r. A* '? I.I.I!.- ? ! ? M. !'? wej. J if t I'll Kn!o. .?! Mi K H Sii\ <i? r Mr < ? -ii I * . . ? k # ?? .ii:': .I"!1.:. Roan< GEORGIA COACH TO SPEAK AT GRID BANQUET Rotarians Will Honor Panthers Here On Wednesday Night William <Bi;i il..:f ..: . tj.n kt t?-l < 1 cuaiii i>! T i it- L I. iver - .sit v ot Georgia H ulluog > o* U?* -vt speake: Wt . .L'M at the Hot a r\ ( 'iuo ua: banqurt hon<>[ n. the ^ rank-::. High I' i : ' ! i' i 1 1 a a p: luuslv : nou:.< ? c that the wii1 st speaker "-a o ulc i* Forest "Sprck" To\ws> Olympics high hurdle.- cham pion ami now assistant football coach and head true* coach .<t U. G Yesterday. Rotanan C S Brown, program chairman an nounced that Mr T' W. be unable t cj atteno the bar. quet and that Mi Hartmar. would come here instead The banquet is scheduled to , be held at Slagle Memorial i building DEATH TAKES MRS. DILLS Macon Native Had Been III Two Years; Rites At Sugar Fork Mrs Tine Dills. wile of C P Dills, ol the Holly Spring eom munity, died at h< r homf < n DfTcmbrr 23 at 8 1 f> : ] lowirm an illness < \ w.nr.f twr years Funeral servi<'< Dills, who was 77. v. ? ' ' ed the following na\ ,r, 'J at the Simar f- ' R; ; * < 'hurch by t hr H( \ ? ? and the Rev A: Su.i*: ? Burial was in Th? - * r ' k remeterv Mr- Dills a r.:??.\? ' 'V <nur;ty. wa bo: : ? .1:,, ? lie daughter ot " 1 ?i i Mi ? A" us 'fallen! She is urvivfo ? band a m.h, }?:<>,? I ?, t \l' (| < , ; . J . * < . ! I"t t ;? 11. i? ,r,u ? : ( ? ? M ! ! . ! . 1 1 ? lb 1 fi' ' Ktannlin . T lire* ? ; :? ? - Nor i Dili - "I '1 .. : ' t . I >nn I 'I .i : 1 ; v Sillrr Pat t - a ?? half - br< ?t r.? r A<a r ? ' ? ? { Tallent F: ar.Klir. . ? N ma ndehiidr? n Pallbean r - w i ? \ Charlie Holland, j C a\o Fur II- nd.ei nil Km \ WatU and .J 1. Holla rib Arrangements wei < ni ? :.? ? ' i ? di; erf ion of Hrvar f r ? ? ? al Home Ray, Macon Native, Dies AtH is Home ( i: ? : ... i v let - lor tin- Ma con County native wen- coi. ducted yesterday 'Thursday' at i 3 p in .1 1 the Putts Funeial Home chapel b> the Kev C E Murray pastoi ot the hirst M'-thoilist Church Burial v.as| in Woodlawn Cemetery Bori: January 3 1H67 Mr Ray was the son of Henry and Mrs Mary Dills Ray and on Sep tember 16, 1891, he was married t( Miss Hattie Harrison, of this i ounty He was a member of j the First Methodist Church and prior to going with the burial association he worked as a carpenter Mr Ray is survived by hi-s wife, two sons, Grady H Ray, of Kent, Ohio, and J R Ray, of Franklin, two daughters, Mrs Paul Potts and Miss Claud ia Ray. of Franklin, fivp grand children and five great-grand children Pallbearers were J B Pender grass, Walter >an, Herman Childers, Elbert Stiles, John Bu;gm and Harve Bryant Baty, Native Of Highlands, Dies At Home | - Baty a Mason ami o-j < ?! Hit'hlarai-. di*d Wrdia ;:i 7 30 p in at his a* thf .iw <?! H ! 1 ? had #*ii !??(! . ' ti n'.i y 'if: ,.r- (la . .it .1 ! i a' t. i! ? B " < [j- ?N-v ,U.m. C ' 1 .? !!.?..'!? ( !? Bat i > . r .. St Mi-iuIm r ? ' ? ? ? ' ?? . Pine "a! ' < li . < :h Wii ? r.Jifi na <1 Ms V.. ' V.! "i Hi'.;h iiifls } i ? ' ' ? ( ' b \ Mi'', ? ! ' \ 'I \V '.<! I! ; B a t V ' I !. ii ,ii tr . < ; . i < > " h t ' r M- ! } 1 1 f ? k ? . 1 1 1 1 ir,riiaiHi.> ' 5 ?? ?k .-i.ii n ???? .?? -?T,tf (. ! "i..." :? }'. i !???;? . ... .1 }? .,r. ? I"h" W \\ H linna r I> I irul H'-ta I', i I Bat\ j .at I i,i. !i,.r ? a.i ? ! DEAN LEAVING THIS WEEK FOR ASSEMBLY MEET ^t-p r rsen t at 1 vr- F. le-t t And Wife Will Live In Raleigh L f-fi.-Jat,-. t arty A!.. r;< I,.-:.: I .. na> i.iuht ju<1 j , ? s' i-i:i ! a. ., ? V. j :] <M. . ? i.i w> Hi. I- (lav morning While ii. Raleigh Mr ai.e Mr- Dean will maki- then home lit filo N H1<j hi , t stree', where they will occupy the apartment in which Senator and Mr1 H S Jones lived during, the 1951 general assembly In going to the legislature Mr Dean is following In the footsteps ol his lather, the late H D Dean, who served two terms in the house early in this century Mr Dean is the first Republican representative from this county since 1926 Clyde Drake is taking over Mr Dean's work as bookkeeper at the Macon County Supply Company, a position Mr Dean has held for about a year CARNES DIES DECEMBER U Georgia Native Succumbs At Age Of 79; Rites Held Christmas Thoma> J Carries a :? rrn? : iiiid nativ*. < t T :ti? r Ga c.< ( iM'Cf mb'-r 24 at r, l.:. a th< S!)]f- <?< >rr. nr.:. ;t ; J U r ; ! llln*-- "1 v< ra; :!? v. a 79 year.-. <?*(: I uii* ra! s( r\ jC - v. ? ? ' . u' t ' c chri^tma.- . ' it. Mr T? .1. Bap*. t) t i .. >:.( Ba; -iM c M- . BaP< s ,?.i r i. U. S* K NO J BA(- 1 : From Obscurity To Fame Is Macon s Agricultural Success Story K\ .1 P BRA in l-'rom an obscurc truck farm inn county to one tops in live [stock and poultry is the main theme of the Mamn County I anricult ural success storv a i storv that is far from complete Th< county's humpy path to tli# top i.v paved with hard work, sweat, and more hard I work hut the motivation, the man. tin vint: |m>w?m t hat has 1 k'-pf the machinery from hreak inc dowii when the I'.nmi' was ro'irlicst, ha: been and *till is Ml' proplr '.I 'line . t ? ? pu 1 . 1 < i a r H .ir i v in, toward bet t ? : f ,i rm and horra ma n;i?'? t m ! u f t ?"?(! t<. iiMin t r tali 'at ion > ? ? i : ! . ? < ? ? j 1 1 : . ? in in Mat ... in, | 1 1 . t m . .. ?i ] ? ? nr ? > ..a h Mm- \? l it ?'in I": that Vva Mm m.h S W ? \ ... ? t . f I'h, aim ar> lit t m k ,th Mm . ' ni 1 1 1 t hi "ur i i th* . a I V? m i 1 1 ? . ! ! i a ha | ? o n . ? . : Ma IX top , M.,nt?. ?K('nU in Nor t h < ai"lma tv. rather thnn hrrriM-lI 1 f it I v< nj.l Ix-rn standing on th? f ici? line " Til I - U i . 1 {?t;i is*' <>t the HRTTlt [)??(>. US' .! run* i ! ? 1 ur.i \ In' v. ? . i- : hi t r f I \? nisi Imtii I.i.ihIiiic on I lir .i(l<-hiir ( < > 1 1 1 1 1 \ \ i; ? ? n t s \\ M r mini h i 1 1 s;i \ s. .i fir .iv M ;i< <?n < i 1 1 ^ i : i i? u 1 1 :i i .1 1 in ? ? ss '?In' \ r- 1 idii f rnrd Ncvrillicli'ss, t 1 1 r t <> 11 11 1 \ .1 ? 1 11 1 1 1 1 - Imtii .1 |irin<i|?.il inrmlirr ??? I he < .isl in tin- <ount\ s ? limit ?n>rn .111 ol> .?ni'- 1 1 in U I. timing <minl\ 1o n 11 r fops m !i\r-t??, u .mil 1 > < ? 1 1 1 1 r v ? !.? : ? f hf ? ni.r - 'i pf v ? p I ? ? aj c ' : :< i a ' i i nr : ? - ? ' ? ? n -n li lor hi M ? t hint: V t hi;- i j lift iin installment ? their will k#1 minry mow1 ' in Karon's aprictii turn! success st4fc ry . bin S W Mendenhall. nevfTthi'less is * principal pk'hiImt of th* rast In 1 <<:<;? Maroi. u a* ni thf rrucidk <>! fiv >?;ir aprim! I nr.il pi om an. : f hf lead ("-ship c > l (>>ui, t-. /U'?*nt F S .Sloa i . .-AT.it mr nut Mm <i*;<n\s '?lo r. a lr:r i ? ? with ' I ;? ? > < ' . . 1 ' i if nat ion It: hi- i i.i , ?ir? : ? p? <r t In I lit \ ( ' A.! II r I , } ???. ? Ki t vim Mr S' -.1*1 t< ? ? ? (i Th? ? ' ' ..?? ? Mi?- .. . ? Mai ??( <'.??? T . . ? 'ii* ? ? ? Wilhide's Entry Contest Winner GIRL SCOUT FUND DRIVE BRINGS $370 County Chairman Says Many Contributions Still Not In The Nantahala Area Gir! | ! Scout tunc! drive which closed I last week brought in $370 50, | according to a final report made this week by Mrs R G Liehtenstein county chairman Mr.1- LichtensU-in said a number of promised contribu i I tions still have not been re , ' ceived Contributors during the clos ing week of the drive included Brvant Furniture Company. Ted Reber, the Rev A Rufus Morgan Franklin Hardware ' Company, Adolph Zoellner, Ros ton Dean. Intermediate Girl | Scout, Troop 4. Wesleyan Guild. Veterans of Foreign Wars post. Mrs Edith Conley J Horner Stockton. Or Frank M Kjllian. R S Jones. Ed Carpenter 1Jame> Denman Miss Cecil Gib j son. Bank of Franklin, and Dr F. W Fisher Chastain Is Sent To Alaska Fort Cpl Thomas D ('hast an: o; Mrs Flb^rtam Chil ian. < 1 Onci.-s. preiUi\ v. a. as^i'Ji.n: to th?- Arinv^ A..: k.; Goh'-ral iK'po* ;? t F<>rt: R.- i I -or. Ala>ka ti?< Aim:-. !!? 1 T ' f.\ ! . N ? 'A c.:/. A ? : ar.Tjv C: ( ': ,.k -! ,i . ? : I ); i ? , ? i : i . ? ' i ; : . - .a; H. .'..is : .IT .. : ' B? . A. Robinson Appointee! To Embassy In Iraq V;:i ;.k Hi, Green Receiving Basic Training V t Arthur I. (irren. ?mi ?-f , Mr .ii. ii Mr A I (ireen. .?f h "H1 . ??. i i . Kont ? 1. ha.s arnvi i! . 1 1 :h? Driin.iiici Replacement i I r 1 1 1 1 : ? C'Titrr ;it Aberdeen Pn? me (irnund. M(i and is I lir.nrrmimv; ei^ht weeks <d army ' [ju.sv training. it has been an . IH.U'IC d PY.llo'A basic, Pvt (iirni vki'j receive spec ia 1 1 . ??(! training in or i ordnance corps technical >( ? ill i cither at the Aberdeen Proving Ground or one ni tin' other army urdnance m-taila tion*. the announcement e\ n I a i n* d SIN(.F KS < OMI\(. Th? An(.:? u .inj:er o| An drew,1. uili present ;i pini'iam ' . i ' t lie v i >u r 1 1 u mi. si Sunday a 1 1 ei 1 /?"Hi ar ? 1 clock . it ha ? been ? i imur ,f ? i ! Adm iv. i< m i : I ? < ?> ? \ pi. i i'ned li\M I IM \NN| I) i \ i \r\\ Colorful Displays Made Chore Difficult For Three Judges The artlstr, ')[ Mr and Mrs. H A WUhide won :ir.' place m the Franklin. Harden club'.-> outdoor Christina decorations contest Because of the large number of outstanding displays entered in this year's contest, the judges Dr and Mrs Cecil W Mann and Howard Tesreau- had a difficult time picking winners as they toured the town Christ mas Eve. But the Wilhides walked olf with the top honors Their en try, a life-size and colorfully lit manger scene, was built by Mr Wilhide in his spar<> time. Mr and Mrs Allan Brooks won first place in the doorway | decorations feature of the eon : test, and West's Florists wa* ; tops in the commercial division,, j a new addition to the contest. Other winners were: Outdoor Display Dr and Mrs. Frank M Killian. second, and Mr and Mrs G L* Hines, j third Doorway: Mr and Mrs. Roy Biddle, second, and Mr and Mrs J Ward Long, third. I Commercial Bryant Furni ture Company, second, and Franklin Hardware Company, third Honorable mentions were awarded Mr and Mrs R E. Mc Kelvey, Mr ar.d Mrs James Ha user. Mrs W A Rogers. Mr and Mrs Dan Bry-or. ar.c! the u.uden club "xhibi' t: the oct iom display division Mr and Mr- 1 T Peek ane Mr and M: B.:. Biy.-c :, .:. rhi ooor r. Nature a.'ici '.it N'anta ! .aia ! * < ? \\ ? : Ij'.'l.' - any. ? Hiiiil't a ! . < . A : . -.'a Clinic, ? .1 liu-rc;.. - ,'l-luii i - ' i . : t ? 1 a:ue - a re part - :::? : , n i .??sses city : the ? >. ? ? ,ird / Brown, Retiring Pc er Employe, Being Honored (. ... ?>?? I hi ? V ? W". Km , c i i \ nmlr .?i ? i -? ? Mc-nur H : of i h:> : ? t ii ' m< r i .< .111 >loye and p : i : < ???. | -?n> Al'p!' '? <\;.V. (..liClHlS and employ - n! the finpany. a . .. i ha-. ? ????:. ' !? < < ! y associat e'd wvith : ? r j r i r i n worker, will at Jrjio tii' i : i i ; n ? v M : J i ? 1 : . 'a ho ii;us been uith tin ' >!'i.'.a n l/at ion Mficc Oc ! tuber J!' i !< } J . W a ? presented a ? vnst uatch In his lellow work <: ! ? rrn 1 1 \ December 31 was ;hi- la>t < i a v witli the company, ' .->ii i r t ? h? lias rc.o'hcd thr re t !! rniflit In his 10 years with the i cittiipai.-, fa ha.-. served as a [x>wrr hniis? operator and at the time ot retirement was employed n, the automotive ma in la mance department fimr to wot kiiiK tor the pow ( : - ompany. lie was for many lyeais an ' lnploye ot the United. | Stat* ? I i>re.st Service _ I he Weather ? p*"'*' i ' r? jnH rminfalL ??trtkliri (y M ?!?? Stllco, "i , ar<l at tb^ Corw U ?? a f, . ? % franki.in TVmperaf ures High I/>w Rain >A :w ?".ft .<;? <*3 ?'? H I 60 < '( )WFKTA Temperatures High Ix) w Rain 1 ? :n ?o :><> ? " ? 4<j .><; !?'. M) ?n<l:iy ,(> 12 " ?'?n ti :>o in 1 ' I 75

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