He ffcrakli* fee## ISjiablatibja JHacotvian PRICE 10 Cents i < "VOL. LX VIII? NO | FRANKLIN, N. C, THURSDAY, FEB. 1?, 1953 TEN rAOH PRAYER DAY - IS PLANNED FOR FRIDAY Special Services Set In Tranklin And Highlands Tomorrow (Friday i Macon County will bow its head and join the rest of the tree world in prayer for a lasting peace and good will among men. Special "World Day of Pray er" services are planned both in Franklin and Highlands. By proclamation Tuesday, Mayor W. C. Burrell, of Frank lin, designated Friday as "World Day of Prayer", officially plac ing the people of this county among millions throughout the ?world seeking the answer to peace through prayer for guid ance. The women jof all Franklin churches have made arrange ments for a service at the Pres byterian Church at 3:30 p. m. Tlie program will include pray er and -special selections by a choir composed of men and ?women of -all 'denominations. A film, "World Day of Prayer", will be shown by Mrs. Florence 8. Sherrill, county home demon stration agent. A 'service for the Highlands community will be held at the "Episcopal Church of the In carnation at "3:15 o'clock. Rep resentatives from women's groups ot the < cooperating ChurChee -met Sunday afternoon and planned the service, which is sponsored annually by the -women's societies of the various churches. Each participating church -will be represented on the program, which will in clude special music, both in strumental and vocal. School children will observe "> a minute of silent prayer dur ing the day. 13 County Men Put In 1-A Class Thirteen registrants were clas sified 1-A, available for mili tary service, at a meeting of the local selective service board last Thursday. The board took action on a total of 47 registrants, accord ing to Mrs. Gilmer A. Jones, secretary. Placed in 1-A were Wendell Waldroop, Alfred R. Higdon, Jr., Odell J. Bolick, Daniel F. Moore, Geprge M. Webb, John M. Webb, George D. McCall, Jr., James M. Haney, Davis S. Moses, Frank H. Garner, Leonard G. Bates, John C. Henderson, and Don Ledford. Draft-age high school stu dents (1-S-H) constituted the largest group acted upon by the board. Men put in this classification lricluded Freder ick L Stewart, Sidney L. Mc carty, in. Bobby K. Moore, Jack G. Hoglen, Lester R. Young, Maxwell G. Jones, Charles H. McCall, Eldridge Bateman, Charles E. Tallent, Thomas W. Dalrymple, Prank Mc. Crane, Richard Mashburn, Charles R. Stewart, and Otis G. Stl winter. Other classifications includ ed 1-C (reserve) James P. Woo ten and Harley M. Stew art; 1-C (inducted) William L McCall; 1-C (discharged) George L. Blaine, Ray N. Cabe, Paul W. Price, and J. W. Rank in; 3-A (deferred because of dependents) Edward Pranks, James R. Pouts, Lewis C. Mc Call, and Loyde Hooper; 2-C (deferred because of employ ment in agriculture) Neville H. McCoy; 4-F (physically, mental ly, or morally unfit for duty) Clyde J. Slmonds, Roy D. And erson, and Carl D. Guffey; 5-A 'registrant over the age of li ability, 26 years) Charles Ross ' Keener, Harold E. Speed, Char les A. Ledford, James D. Keen er, and Sam Shuler. NAME OMITTED The name of Lester Reid, Jr., was inadvertently omitted from the list of Macon County men sent to Knoxville, Tenn., for induction into the army on Feb ruary 10. Mr. Reid volunteered for induction. PTA WILL MEET A meeting of the Iotla Par ent-Teacher Association is plan ned Monday evening at the school at 7:30 o'clock, accord ing to Paul Swafford, presi dent. 5 Commerce Direct prs Are Named H. W. Cabe, Verlon Swafford, \ftctor Perry, J. S. Conley, and William Katenbrink are the new members of the seven-man board of directors of the Frank lin Chamber of Commerce. They were chosen in a mail election from a field of 10 men nominated by a committee ap pointed by President E. W. Ren shaw to put the 1953 election | machinery in motion. Mr. Renshaw and Oscar Led ford round out the seven-man board. Both are serving the second year of two-year terms. Others in the "board race were Wiley Brown, Holland Mc Swain, Reid Womack, R. R. Gaines, and Lee Wood. New officers of the commerce body will be elected from among ithe members of the board. FORMERPOUCE. OFFICER DIES W. M. (Officer Succumbs At 32; Rites Held 0n 'Friday William 'Marshall (Marsh) Officer, former Franklin police oTficer and well-known resident' here, died -at 11:45 a. m. last1 Thursday at his home. He was 82. Mr. "Officer, \who was a native of Cookville, Tenn., had been ill for about four weeks. Fimeral services were con ducted Friday at 2 p. m. at the Franklin Methodist Church by the Rev. C. "E. Murray, pastor. Burial -was in Woodlawn Ceme tery. Barn December S3., 1870, Mr. Officer was the son of Mr. and Mrs. William Officer. In 1910 he was married to the former Miss Hannie (Donley, of Frank lin. He served on the local po lice force for 11 years. He also worked as a carpenter and was at one time a guard for the Georgia Power and Light Com , pany. He is survived by his wife; a daughter, Mrs. R. L. Jones, of Franklin; a brother, Robert Officer, of Cookville, Tenn.; and three grandchildren. Serving as pallbearers were D. A. (Rad* Stewart. Terrell Hoilman, Sam J. Murray, Floyd Welch. J. Harry Thomas, and Richard H. Slagle. Bryant Funeral Home was in charge of arrangements. FAILS TO GET SCHOLARSHIP Kusterer Unsuccessful For Morehead Grant To College Jack Kusterer, Franklin High School senior, was among the scores of unsuccessful appli cants for Morehead scholar ships at the University of North Carolina, according to an an nouncement made this week. Mr. Kusterer, this county's nominee for one of the $1,250 a-year scholarships to the Chapel Hill institution, appear ed before the district More head district committee in Asheville January 21, along with i nominees from 17 other moun- : tain counties. The names of six students recommended by that commit tee were announced from Chap- i el Hill this week. These six i finalists, together with 29 from j other sections of the state, will i appear before a state commit- i tee, , which will select the stu- , dents to receive Morehead ; scholarships. Though not a winner, the 1 Franklin youth apparently im- i pressed the district committee. ' He received a letter this week ; from D. Hiden Ramsey, district committee chairman, congratu- 1 lating him on the impression i j he made. He also received a letter from Roy Armstrong, director of ad- I missions at Chapel Hill, con- 1 gratulating him on the show- 1 ing he made and calling atten- s j tion to other scholarships avail- 1 able. Mr. Armstrong's letter ] read, in part, as follows: i "I wish it had been possible 1 for you to hear the reports i made to us by the members of ( the John Motley Morehead 1 scholarship district committee. . , , . You made an Impression on < SEE NO. 1, PAGE 10 ( ? Staff Photo by J. P. Brady Macon County's "Totbk, Mjui of the Year", Dr. George R. McSween (center) is all smiles over receiving the awnl as he talks ?nr the "biggest surprise and honor" of his life with visit ing Jayoee officiate. M left is Gone Ochsenreiter of Asheville, who was guest speaker here Mon day night at the anniversary banquet of the local Jaycees. At right is D wight Beaty, of Waynes ville, vioe-fnsMat of the first Jaycee district, who presented the award to Dr. McSween at the banquet, ?hidi was attended by some 60 Jaycees, their wives, and special guests. Sylva Doctor Appointed To Health Post Dr. Leo C. McCampbell, of Sylva, part-time health officer for Macon, Jackson, and Swain counties' since January, has been appointed to an acting full-time status. ' Action on his appointment was taken at a meeting of the district health board Monday night. Members of the board from this county are W. E. (Gene) Baldwin, W. C. Burrell, both of Franklin, and Dr. C. E. Mitchell, of Highlands. Dr. McCampbell, who has been practicing in Sylva for the past year and a half as an as sociate of Dr. P. E. DeWees, is a graduate of Purdue Univer sity and the University of Cin cinnati. The health officer will be given a permanent full-time ap pointment when he completes the state merit system exami nations, members of the district board said. Macon Has High Attendance At Girl Scout Meet Girl Scouts and Scout leaders from Macon County were tops in attendance at the winter rally of the Nantahala area Saturday afternoon in Chero kee. Fifty of the 125 attending the rally were from this county. In cluded were seven from Frank lin, Troop 4, 19 from Franklin, Troop 29 (Negro), and 24 from Nantahala, Troop 31. Leaders accompanying the Scouts were the Rev. A. Rufus Morgan, Miss Lillian Jones, Mrs. Gilmer A. - Jones, Mrs. G. L. Hlnes, and Mrs. Emma England. Plans for the area summer camporee, slated August 12 at the Smokemont picnic area, marked a meeting of represen tatives from each troop in the area, which embraces Macon, Jackson, and Swain counties, and the Cherokee troop. A dinner meeting of the area Doard is scheduled to be held at Cagle's Cafe here next Thursday evening (February 26) at 7 o'clock. Plan Panel Discussion At East Franklin P.T.A. A panel discussion will mark the meeting of the East Frank In Parent-Teacher Association Monday night at 7:30 at the ichool, Mrs. Ernest Hyde, pres dent, has announced. Taking >art In the discussion, featur ng brotherhood, will be the Ftev. M. W. Chapman. Baptist 3 as tor, Mrs. Viola Lenoir, of the Chapel (Negro) P. T. A., and tflss Patty Lou Phillips and lack Kusterer, high school stu dents. Mrs. Weimar Jones U In :harge of the program. M'SWEEN IS 'YOUNG m Receives Special Award At Jaycee Banquet Here Monday Dr. George R. McSween, 27 year-old chiropractor and ac tive civic leader, is Macon County's "Young Man of the Year". The unanimious choice of local civic organizations, who made nominations for the hon or, Dr. McSween Monday night received a Distinguished Service Award key from the Franklin Junior Chamber of Commerce for outstanding contribution to his community during 1952. Announcement of the award recipient came as a feature of a Jaycee anniversary banquet at Slagle Memorial Building. The key was presented to Dr. Mc Sween by Dwight Beaty, of Waynesville, vice-president of the first Jaycee district. The award came as a com plete surprise to the young doctor, who in effect planned his own banquet. When his fel low Jaycees learned he was be ing nominated for the honor, they put him on the program committee for the banquet to throw him off guard and still have an excuse for placing him at the banquet head table. Although a comparative new comer to Franklin, the "Young Man of the Year" has inte grated himself firmly into com munity life through his en thusiastic work with the Boy Scouts, his church, and various civic ventures. Me came nere with his fam ily ? two at that time, now three ? in April, 1951, fresh out of internship at Lincoln Chiro practic College in Indianapolis, Ind., and immediately threw himself into the stream of ac tivity. Here are just a few of the things that placed him in front for the honor: Assistant Scout master, su perintendent and teacher of the youth division of the Franklin Methodist Church Sunday School, steward of the church, counselor of the intermediate Methodist Youth Fellowship, secretary - treasurer of the Methodist Men's Club. Rotarian, and member of the Veterans of Foreign Wars post. Sandwiched in between all of this, he manages to find time for playing on the Franklin all-star basketball and baseball teams and to turn out furni ture for his home, in his base ment workshop. Behind him stands his World War II record as an air force crewman who spent three months in a German prisoner of-war camp. Although bom in Appalachia. Va., Dr. McSween spent most of his life In Asheville and is a confirmed "mountain boy". His ambition: "TO live and die in Franklin". Highlands Men Move To Form Jaycee Chapter Highlands is well on its way to having a chapter of the Jun ior Chamber of Commerce. After meeting with Jaycee officials Tuesday in the town office, some 25 Highlands men named temporary officers and got things under way for re j questing a charter at a state Jaycee quarterly board meeting in Durham over the week-end. Sid Carter was elected tem porary president; the Rev. Rob i ert Hart, secretary; and Earl Young, treasurer. Permanent officers will be picked when [ the organization is chartered. Bill Snow, of Asheville, state ' Jaycee extension chairmanf. and I Dwight Baty, of Waynesville, ] vice-president of the first dis ' trict, traced th.e history of the 'jaycee movement in this.coun-j try and abroad and assisted with organizational procedure. ! Several members of the ! Franklin Jaycees. sponsor of the I Highlands club, attended the | meeting. RESIGNATION OF CORBITT IS RECEIVED Highlands Pastor Will Take Pastorate Of Andrews Church The Rev. John C. Corbitt re signed as pastor of the High lands Baptist Church following last Sunday morning's worship service, to accept a call to the First Baptist Church in An drews. The resignation will be come effective March 19. Mr. Corbitt has been pastor of the Highlands church for the past 19 months. He is a native of Southern Illinois and was graduated from the Univer sity of Illinois and Southwest ern Seminary, Fort Worth, Tex. Mrs. Corbitt is the former Miss Gretchen ' Johnson and has served as associational mission ary in various associations in North Carolina. Mr and Mrs. Corbitt have two children, Nathan, two years old, and Alzada, one year. P. T. A. TO MEET The regular meeting of the Otto Parent-Teacher Associa tion, scheduled for tonight (Thursdayi, has been postpon ed until next Thursday evening^ February 26, it has been an nounced. A Founders' Day pro gram by eighth graders will feature the meeting. The fourth Sunday sing of the northern division of the Macon County Singing Conven tion is scheduled for 1:30 p. m at the Telllco Baptist Church. It has been announced. Storm Cuts Macon Off From Outside NORTON RITES SLATED TODAY Young Macon Native Dies Of Injuries In Oregon Funeral services for Clyde Morton, 21-year-old Macon bounty native, who died Febru ary 9 of injuries received the previous day in a highway ac cident in Roseburg, Oreg., will be conducted today (Thursday) at 11 a. m. at the Bethel Meth odist Church. The officiating ministers will be the Rev. J. D. Pyatt, the Rev. C. E. Murray, and the Rev. D. P. Grant. The body will re main at Bryant Funeral Home until the funeral hour. A mechanic, Mr. Norton had been working on the coast for the past several months. Born December 19, 1931, he was the son of James P. and Mrs. Mary Brendle Norton, and he received his education in the county schools. He was a member of the Bethel Methodist Church and on September 6, 1951, he was married to Miss Irene Hurst, of this county, in Wal halla, S. C. Mr. Norton is survived by his wife and small son, Billy; his parents; two brothers, James (Pat) Norton, Jr., of Franklin, and Kenneth Norton, of De troit, Mich.; and two sisters, Mrs. Mary Sue Phillips and Miss Catherine Norton, both ol Franklin. Pallbearers will be Halen ar.d Harvey Roane, Mickey Wal droop, Jack Nichols. Hershel Keener, and Kenneth Neal. RED CROSS DRIVE NEAR Will Open On March 1 ; County Quota Set At $3,575 March 1 will open the annual Red Cross fund drive in this county under the leadership oi C. Banks Finger, of Franklin. Macon's quota is S3.575. Campaign supplies are now being distributed throughout the county by Mrs. Elizabeth McCollum. secretary of the local Red Cross chapter. Persons who will assist with this year's drive include Weaver Shope. the Rev. C. E. Murray Mrs. J. Ward Long, Mrs. George Kinney, Mrs. Florence S. Sher rill, and Mrs. Mae Shope. Marshall Reece will head the drive in Highlands. MALE CAGERS MAKEGRADE Will Continue Try For Tourney Crown In Bryson Friday The Franklin High lads made the grade in the opening shot of the Smoky Mountain Con ference eastern division cage tourney in Bryson City last Fri day night by blocking out Web ster 65 to 366. Tonight (Thursday* the lads face the second test in tourna ment play when they take on Robbinsville in the Swain High gymnasium at 6 o'clock. Pre-tournament dopsters are passing the word that Franklin and Cullowhee will wind up fighting in the finals Saturday night for the division crown. Tommy Raby bucketed 25 points In the Webster tilt to pave the way fdr the one-side victory. The "un" on the Franklin lassies' title of undefeated has been dropped. In a game last Thursday night in Clyde, the girls took a 51 to 48 spanking to drop out of the undefeated ranks. The boys rolled along to a 59 to 42 win. Mr. and Mrs. John Crawford and children, of Atlanta, Oa., spent the week-end with her grandmother, Mrs. Myra All man. Power, Communications, And Traffic Tied-Up By Snow A driving snow storm paralyz ed power, communications, and traffic in Macon Saturday night, and for a brief period the coun ty was shut off from the rest of the world. The snow, compounded in weight by 1.56 inches of rain during the night, knocked out power and -telephone lines throughout the county and brought traffic to a standstill. Crew,s of the Nantahala Pow er and light . Company and | Western Carolina Telephone Company are still mopping up WASN'T LIGHTNING Reported lightning accom panying Saturday night's snowstorm ? a rare phe nomenon, if it had occurred ? was not lightning at all. The lightning-like flashes, electric line repairmen reported, were created when a light line, weighted down by snow, sagA ged, and then, when the sm? fell off, whipped bade up ward and struck another line. ' the damage ? the worst in the I history of the two companies. ' The storm picture: Power and telephone lines and poles sagged and snapped under the weight of the ex > tremely wet snow, which rang i ed from four inches in some i sections of the county to nine , in the Highlands area. Late traffic choked the high . ways. State highway snowplows ? shuttled back and forth over main arteries all day Sunday, but many rural roads were im passable without cbairo Moo day. . i oeverai scnoois rauea 10 open Monday ? busses were unabie to negotiate rural roads and pow er was off in some buildings. "We've never had any thing like it", was the comment of R. E. McKelvey. general manager of W.C.T.C. For a brief while Saturday nieht. Mr. McKelvey said, all telephone toll lines in the coun ty were shorted-out by the storm and at one "time or an other all rural lines were out of t order. ; Service probabl.y will no? be restored to all customers oefore the week-end. he said, explain ing that crews are concentrat . ing on putting the main toll lines back into operation. Franklin was hit harder than I Highlands because of the rain that followed the heavy snow fall, the manager said. He esti | mated that from 175 to 200 of Franklin's 850 customers were ; without service following the storm. Distribution line damage was the worst suffered by the Nan 1 tahala Power and Light com pany since its beginning in the late 20's, according to John M. Archer. Jr.. president. Power company crews worked around the clock Saturday and Sunday to restore power in the ; y I rural areas. Mr. Archer said the Georgia highway area took the worst beating, with no power from old ice plant at Cartoogechaye Creek to the state line. Yesterday (Wednesday > serv ice had been virtually restored in the county, but Mr. Archer said repairs and replacement o( lines would be going on for several weeks. Highlands, Cowee, Iotla, and Cullasaja schools shut down Monday, but were open again Tuesday. Snow began falling shortly before 7 o'clock Saturday night. By midnight, stalled automo biles crammed the highway* leading out of Franklin as late movie-goers and visitors at tempted to make it home. Telephone company crews managed to open a circuit to Sylva about 4 a. m. Sunday and another Sunday night to Cor nelia. The Weather FRANKLIN High Low Rain Wednesday 53 39 1.11 Thursday 54 35 84 Friday 47 30 Saturday 54 17 traM Sunday 44 32 *5-5? Monday 55 19 _ Tuesday 49 . 14 *4 Inches of snow, 1.56 rain.

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