the BEST . for LESS! soy* y /'//, Ss'/s/f/y look To libby's For Perfectionl ?> ** Corned Beef Hash : .'"' 29c Ju>t Heat And Serve ? Beverly Breakfast Sausage 18c All-Purposo Plain Or MMMiig Red Band Flour ! : 5 ? 53c Pantry Shelf Must ? Standard Posk Tomatoes : : :2'&^27c Plain Or Iodized "As you shop through Dixie Homo's smiling alslos of thrift . . . you so* displayed all your favorlto brands in wide variety. In ovory department, you find ? ujpiformfty of QUALITY? caanod foods, frozon foods, dairy products, garden-fresh fruits and vegetables, and' Quality-Tender Moats? and simply bocauso our buyers SIT THI STANDARDS HIOHI Then, when you see your total shopping reeelpt ? YOU KNOW you are getting the HIT POR LIS SI' - Morton's Salt : : : 2 ft? 21c Eat A Better Breakfast ? Inrkhed Jim Dandy Grits ! :2&19c Bake A Cherry Plol Rod Sour ^ Pie Cherries : : ! ',t.'21c IX Crisp Presh Cocktail Peanuts Planters Peanuts r ^ 35c Por Party-Time Or Any-Time ? Sparkling Dole Hawaiian Pineapple Juice The Champion Of lards ? Thrifty Armour's Pure Lard Del Monto Delicious Tomato Catsup 46-Ox. Can 3-Lb. Ctn. M-Oi. 30 41' 19 Froien Food Valuool PictSweet Frozen Presh Butter Beans . 19c PictSweet Frozon Fresh Cut Corn : : 'IZ 19c PictSweet Flavorful Spinach M v 14-Oz. ? Pkg. 19c Meaty Chicken Legs . Plump Chicken Thighs SAUSAGE 39* An exceptionally low price for thi* fine sausagel Serve It at an evening . ^ meal, too, with fluffy hot Cup grits, and a fruit salad, for a delicious and economical Lb. 73c Quality-Tender U. S. Choice Beef Short Ribs 79e Lb. Pork Liver, lb. 29c unoh-makd Quality-Tender U. S. Choice Chuck Beef Roast Lb. 29* 49 Prescripton For Winter Healthl JUICY FLORIDA Oreenwoods Home Style Sweet-Spice Pickled BEETS 20e 16-Oz. Jar Delicious With Chicken Cranberry Sauce OCEAN SPRAY w?cT 20c Playmates Sweet Mixed PICKLES r- 28c Dinty Moore BEEF STEW 52c ll1 Florida Grapefruit 4-23' CUT FOOD COSTS A. Good Buyl All-Purpose U. S. No. 1 Potatoes 10 lb' 49c Fresh Sweet Golden Bantam Corn ; 4 !?" 39c Crisp Golden Heart Celery 2 25c Fancy New Crop Pole Beans ,lb 19c Washington State Red Delicious Apples 2 39c Crisp Green Collards 2 & 27c 7 Oz. Pkg. Dixie-Home's New Egg In A New Dress Large Size Grade A Shipped Fresh PALMETTO FARM Ctn.Doz. iped l-resh Medium Size Grade A Shipped Fresh '63' Eggs 55' Star-Kisl Chunk TUNA 2 c'?,67c For Family Wa>h FAB X 29c For lovely Complexion LUX SOAP 3 ft 23c Delmonico SPAGHEni 19c Laundry Soap OCTAGON ' 22c Lge. Bart For Your Boauty Bath LUX SOAP Bath Six* 23c Southern Gold V*'? MARGARINE lb 26c Soap Powder OCTAGON X. 21c Pure Mild SWAN SOAP 2 t. 27c MarVELous For Dishes VEL X 29c Foaming Action Cleanser AJAX '?? 12c Toilet Soap SWAN SOAP 3 r 23c - ? . ? . PERSONALS lira. Ted Reber la attending Mardl Oru and visiting her daughter, Mia Doris Ann Reber, In New Orleans, La. Mr. and Mr*. Tom Setser and daughter, of Scotts, spent the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Setaer. Louis Penland, student at N. C. State college, Raleigh, spent the week-end at home. Miss Nell Waldroop, who is working In Ashevllle, spent sev eral days at home last week. Mr. and Mrs. Albert Ramsey were week-end guests of Mr and Mrs. Mac Setser in Athens, Oa. Mr. and Mrs. George Daven port and two sons have return ed to their home in Boston, Mass. For the past four months th'ey have been living at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. H. Page, who are on a South J American tour and are expect- ' ed to arrive home this week. Miss Mary Slagle, of Atlanta, Oa., spent several days last I week with her parent*, Mr. and Mr?. Fred SUgle. Mlu Harriet Klnnebrew, who has been in Memphis, Twin . for several months, spent sev eral days last week with Mr. and Mrs Phil McCollum en route to Winter Haven, Fla. John M. Archer III, student at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, was home for the week-end. He was accompanied by a classmate, Harry Anderson, of Asheboro. John Alsup, Jr., Roy Blddle, Jr., and Jack Reece, all of whom are stationed at Fort Jackson, S. C , were home for the week-end. Dr. and Mrs. Henry Oante, of Anderson, Ind., are spend ing several days at their home at Gneiss. Miss Oiive Patton, of Waynes ville and Asheville, spent the week-end at Kelly's Inn. Troy Hurst has returned to Newport News, Va., aftex spend ing a week's vacation with his family on Franklin, Route 4. Elementary School News I By MRS. BETH GUFFEY (Supervisor) The health education program, more than any other phase of education, Is concerned with each child's development, maienance of a sound, healthy body, and with building desir able attitudes and practices for healthy living. The older boys and girls need to know that mental and social health are Important parts of the safety picture and' that safety goes beyond just looking out for one's self to an assump tlon of responsibility for the safety of others. The eighth grade pupils of Iotla School have just complet ed an interesting study in health. The class chose three topics for special study ? Safety, First Aid, and Harmful Effects of Alcohol and Narcotics. They divided into three groups, each pupils choosing the topic of which he wished to make a study. Harry Moses, teacher, keeping in the background as much as possible, cited the children to sources of material where in formation could be secured. He worked directly with the First Aid group, teaching them how to control bleeding, the appli cation of splints, how to admin ister artificial respiration, and transportation practices, like loading and carrying a stretch er and loading an ambulance or truck. When the studies were com pleted each group presented its findings to the entire class, in cluding demonstrations In First Aid. Attractive booklets, charts, and posters were made and dis played in the classroom. A great deal of information was gained by the pupils, which will not only help them to establish fundamental concepts of health and safety, but will also provide an opportunity for developing leadership and co operation for teaching skills in reading, writing, speaking, and art. In the Otto School, Mrs. May bur H. Norton's third grade pupils set up 10 rules of good health and made attractive posters illustrating each rule. This group of third grade pupils are having fun making and observing a surprise garden in their science corner. The fol fowing is their own story of this project: "We filled our sand box with rich soil. We brought seeds to school. Some were flower seeds and some were vegetable seeds. Each of us planted a seed but we didn't tell anyone what we planted. We gave each seed planted a number. Some seeds came up in five days. Others haven't come up yet. We are listing the plants on a chart as they come up." Here is news from Highlands School, as reported by Miss Vir ginia Edwards' pupils: "We received some new school supplies last week. We are hav ing fun with finger paints and modeling clay. We also received a shipment of new library books, of which we are very proua. "Thanks to our PTA for the temporary coat racks. They have been placed in a few rooms. The rest of us hope to have them soon. , "Our janitor has just com pleted installing towel and soap dispensers in all classrooms and rest rooms. We are glad that most of our teachers and pupils are In school again following Srt 1 epidemic of influenza." IN APPRECIATION We wish to thank our friends for the sympathy shown us at the death of our husband and father. Also for the floral of ferings. Mrs. A. J. Woods nni Ch'W-n, COMPLETING BASIC George E. Curtis, 20-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Prince Curtis, of Diliard, Ga., Route 1, is completing his air force basic airmen indoctrination course at Lackland Air Force Base, the base public Information office announced this week. WE SELL AND SERVICE FARM EQUIPMENT SEE US FOR CASE Tractors and Farm Equipment NEW IDEA Farm Equip ment See this Manure Spreader on our floor now! EZEE FLOW Lime Spreaders MALL Chain Saws This is a brand new lin with us. LOMBARD Chain Saws Remember, we can Serrice What we Sell. L. E. English Franklin, N. C. HO? Carolina Radio HAT? Radio and TV Service HEN? At Your Call HY Call Us? Over 12 years' Experience HERE? Main Street. WORK GUARANTEED We Have . . . FERTILIZER 2-12-12 0-9-27 0-14-14 and 20% Phosphate SEEDS * Orchard Grass * Ladino Clover * Fescue WE FILL PMA ORDERS ON SEED AND FERTILIZER BROWN & CARSON Phone 297 Franklin, N. C. ifositiL Inside our store it's Spring right now! We're all abloom with fresh new Spring ideas for all the good looks and good times you've been dreaming of all winter. See Our New Girls' Hats and Bags to match Toppers ? Coats Suits ? Children's Dresses Sub-Teen Dresses Boys' Suits ? Caps Sport Coats Shirts ? Sweaters Slacks and Top Coats The Children's Shop / .