' jjfv * t'"- -i? * > ' 5 ^ CIRCULATION iMtWMk 25M TOL. unrn-NO. 49 $b* JRsamttm FKAN1UN, M. C, THURSDAY, BBC. S, IMS PRICE ' \ 10 Cent $ TWtLTI PAGES 42 Deer Bagged By Hunters Here 72 Bucks Taken In Standing Indian, 15 In Wayah Territory Six-hundred five hunters push ed eagerly Into the Wayah and Standing Indian Wildlife Man agement Areas for four days of deer hunting this week, and when the smell of gun smoke drifted away 42 bucks were prime candidates for home freezer lockers. Yesterday (Wednesday) was the last day of the first series. The number of kills In the two areas was not known at press time. The final hunt of the brief season will run from Mon day through Thursday. Even the bitter . cold last Thursday (Thanksgiving) and Friday failed to slow the ad vance of dauntless red-draped hunters, whose all-consuming fire for deer stalking smoldered during the recent closing of the national" forests because of fire danger ? a move that forced the postponement of scheduled hunts (November 16, 17, 23, 24, and 25) and temporarily held the antler collectors in check. But a new schedule of hunts relieved the pacing nimrods of their misery and sent bucks for the tall timber. Of the 42-buck total bag, 27 were downed on Standing In dian and 15 on Wayah. On Thanksgiving Day, 202 shivering hunters from all sec tions of the state rolled into the Standing Indian area and 96 into Wayah. At sundown, the bag for the former stood at 11 bucks, for the latter, eight. Friday, 69 hunters came out of Standing Indian with a bag of four bucks, according to Ed Waldroop, wildlife refuge assis tant. But things weren't so rosy on Wayah that day. The 32 stalwarts tromping through the brush failed to register a single kill. Reed Queen, who is in charge at Arrowood Glade, said the situation brightened for the 58 hunting the Wayah area Mon day. The day's kill was four, in cluding a 210-pounder bagged by an unidentified Cartooge chaye man. Seve nbucks were downed in the Standing Indian area that day. Tuesday, five were killed in Standing Indian and three in Wayah, with 39 and 50 hunters registered, respectively. L KILPATRICK DIES FRIDAY Services For Native Of Clay Conducted At Fairview Church Lee Kilpatrick, 83-year-old na tive of Clay County and resi dent of the Nantahala com munity in this county for 62 years, died Friday at 3:30 a. m. at the home of his son, Carl Kilpatrick, on Murphy, Route 1. A retired farmer and charter member of the Fairview Bap tist Church at Nantahala, Mr. Kilpatrick had been ill only a brief time. He had served as Sunday School superintendent of the Fairview church for nearly 40 years. Funeral services for Mr. Kil patrick were conducted Sunday morning at 11 o'clock at the Fairview church by the Rev. Carl Denny. Burial was in the Union Hill Cemetery on Camp Branch. Born October 23, 1870, Mr. Kilpatrick was the son of Ellas and Mrs. Sally Coffey Kilpat rick. In 1891 he was married to Miss Amanda Mason, who died in 1948. Survivors include four sons, A. F., of Candler, Route 2, Carl, of Murphy, Route 1, A. G., of Murphy, Route 1, and C. C. Kil patrick, of Nantahala; five daughters, Mrs. I. F. Mashburn, of Canton, Mrs. L. H. Mashburn, of Nantahala, Mrs. E. R. Mack, of Murphy, Route 1, Mrs. L. L. Grant, of Flats, and Mrs. Ker mlt Dalrymple, of Ellljay, Oa.; a sister, Mrs. Sallle DeHart, of Marble; 34 grandchildren, 34 greta-grandchlldren, and three great-grandchlldr?n, and three Grandsons served as pallbear ers. Bryant Funeral Home was In charge of arrangement!. Cagers Split Tilts Tuesday In Rabun Gap In a pre -season warm-up game Tuesday night in Rabun Oap (Oa.) the Franklin female cagers polished off the Rabun Oap girls 39 to 26, but the lo cal lads took a 46 to 41 pasting. This coming Tuesday night the lads and lassies will offici ally uncork the 1953 season In Sylva at 7:30 o'clock. Tentative positions for the Sylva clash have been assigned by Coach R. A. Byrd. Girls: for wards ? Ruth Brown, Audrey Gibson, and Jody Lenoir; guards ? Anna Setser, Hazel Vinson, and Fenes Pruitt. Boys: forwards ? J. L. Henry and Johnny Tippett; center ? Dolpha Fouts; guards ? James Buchan an and Billy Harper. Mrs. Cabe, 78, Dies At Home Wednesday Mrs. Addie Virginia Saunders Cabe, a native of this county and widow of Harve Grey Cabe, died Wednesday afternoon of last week at her home in the Holly Springs community. She was 78 years old and had been ill only a short time. Funeral services for Mrs. Cabe were conducted Thursday at 2 p. m. at the Bethel Methodist Church, of which she was a member. The Rev. C. E. Murray, pastor of the Franklin Metho dist Church, and the Rev. Arvil Swafford, pastor of the Mt. Hope Baptist Church, were the officiating ministers. Burial was in the church cemetery. Mrs. Cabe was a daughter of Wilbur and Mrs. Lucy Tippett Saunders. February 18, 1894, she was married to Mr. Cabe, who died several years ago. Survivors include six sons, Frank, Jack, and Harold, of Franklin, Route 4, Elwood, of Parris Island, S. , Lester L. Arnold, ! Harold Martin, Albert Dixon Turner, Arthur D. Hayes (also carrying a concealed weapon), Guy Addison, Marvin Potts, Bennie Lenoir, Leon Wiliiam son, James Daves Tallent, Her man Lemar Burgess (also care ; less and reckless driving), i Charles H. Ledford, Kenneth B. | McCoy (also careless and reck less driving and speeding), Aus ) tin Dills ( also hit and run ) , j Elzie Nicholson, Tom Frank Scroggs, Leonard Morris Hen ' son, E. M. West (also speeding), j Jimmie Holder, William Henry i Sanders, Ray Gibson, Paul Hum i phrey Childers, C. B. Patton, j Robert Warren Munger, Charles | Martin Q odgins, Bobby Jack Reece (also reckless driving and j speeding i , and Troy Crisp. ^ j Other cases on the criminal docket are: Rufus A. Askew, fraud; Eckel Rowland, forcible tresspass; Ernest Bennet, non support of Illegitimate child; Jural Smith and Louise Hall, adultery; Shirley Walter Kerns, abandonment; Charlie William Paul, careless and reckless driv ing; Norman P. Fitzgerald, abandonment; W. H. Mashburn. non-support; Joseph Snyder, non-support of illegitimate child; J. D. Welch, resisting ar rest; Clifford Alexander Fox, reckless driving and carrying | concealed weapon; Harley Led better, assault with intent to rape; Grover Eugene Crisp, careless and reckless driving; Troy Arvil Welch, permitting non-licensed person to operate a motor vehicle; Alma Led'ord. no driver's license: Zeb Buch anan. carrying concealed wea pon: Gilmer Lee Hall, speeding; William Smalls, no driver's li cense and operating a motor vehicle on borrowed license; Arthur Elijah, loaning opera tor's license and permitting an other to operate a motor ve hicle on his license: Quinton Benfield, speeding; Claude Co wart, violation of prohibition laws; George Lambert, violation of prohibition laws; W. D. Mess er, no driver's license and driv ing after license revoked; Hoyt Reuben Watts, driving while 11 j cense revoked; Milas Andrew Donaldson, speeding; Ray Eu gene Henry, speeding: O. H. Burnside, assault; William T. Head, speeding; Elvin Lester Cabe. speeding: Albert Barnes, assault with a deadly weapon; Walter B. Shirley, aiding and abetting drunk driving; Doris Dean Leaveet, aiding and abet ting drunk driving; . Grady Childers, speeding and reckless driving; Henry Rich, affray; Robert Sanders, affray and as sault with a deadly weapon with Intent to kill; Reid O. Watson, speeding; Marjorle C. Sutton, aiding and abetting drank driving; Edward Franks, taking and possessing a doe deer out of season; T. A. Tilson, taking and possessing a doe deer out of season; Melvln W Haley, speeding; Douglas Arrey, speeding and Improper turn;