UDAM MAM CHARGED Samuel Baxter Smiley, 80. of 1 ?aa?ts, ?u charged with drlv iac on the wrong side of the higtaray Monday afternoon fol lowing a two-ear wreck on US 64 near the Cliffslde Lake en trance, Pfc H. T. Ferguson, state highway patrolman, has reported. Driver of the other automobile wu Raymond Uly sess Sutton, 59. of Sylva. Dam age to both cars was estimated at $350, the patrolman said A 1953 United State* cotton crop of 16,093,000 bale* is fore cast as of November 1. Old Fashioned Christmas Goodies . . . * * 2 Lb. Stick Candy * 1 Lb. Chocolate Covered Cherries * 1 and 4 Lb. Asst. Chocolates * Old Fashioned Hard Mix * Big Assortment of Nuts * Barber's Apples * Oranges and Tangerines * * BROWN & CARSON Phone 297 Franklin, N. C. &?? - #?e- 00*" "T^^iQ pi dm Warm as Toast! Choice of Styles ^ If your man's the out-door type, hell remember you warm ly every time he dons this zlppered winter jacket. Gives him snug comfort, style and ease - of - action everywhere, In any weather. . DR YMAN'S Quality Merchandise for Men and Boys ?/ COURT BODY MAKES REPORT Grand Jury Reports County Facilities In Good Condition Except for s few minor re pairs, the county's buildings , and Institutions were found In good condition by the grand jury of the December term of Superior Court. The jury's report, filed with the clerk of court Tuesday aft ernoon following inspections by members of the body earlier In the day, described conditions at the prison camp as "very good" and suggested a number of re pairs for the courthouse, jail, and county home. According to Foreman John O. (Speck) Murray, the five man committee inspecting the controversial county home was aware of the county's intent to build a new home at an early date and, therefore, confined Its report to things* needed at the old home until the new structure is built. The board of county commissioners recently purchased a 25-acre tract for the site of a new home. Plans for the building are now being drawn. The jury report and the committees inspecting follows: Prison Camp: John Conley, Fred Mason, R. A. Baty, Troy Holland, and P. N. Moses: We found that the conditions of the prison camp are very good and have no suggestions for Im provements. Courthouse and Jail: Law rence Setser, F. H. Willis, Alex Holhrooks, 8. C. Creswell, E. C. Hawkins, and John O. Murray: At the courthouse, windows In the jury room are ready to fall out and need to be re-puttled; broken glass In law library (main court room) needs to be replaced; some arrangements should be made for tax records in lawyers' conference room; It is a shame and a disgrace for an American flag to be left the way the one Is in the lawyers' conference room. This flag should be stored away properly some place (at least keep the cobwebs off it); the celling is loose in the main lobby and needs to be nailed up; broken windows in the sheriff's and register of deeds' offices need to be replaced; window in the ladies' rest room needs to be curtained or painted; more lights are needed in the school superintendent's office. At the jail, two or three beds and, mat tresses to replace ones-'ihat are > now worn out are needed;~jall should be repainted sometime ' in the spring; shower needs, to be reworked so water 'Mil not This advertisement Is set in the smallest type In the paper. But 70a are reading It . . . The REASON yon are reading these words, set in little type, Is because the Black Type Is snrroonded by White Space. If yon want TOUR advertise ment in The Press read by everybody, it might be well to remember why you read this one: The White .Space around it is Just as important as the Type this a4 is set In. This Christmas nativity scene erected by the Franklin Gard en Club last year at the foot of Town Hill has received state wide attention. A picture of the scene illustrates the month of December in the North Carolina Gardener 1954 Engagement Calendar and also appears in the N. C. Gardener quarterly pub lication. flood jail floors when shower is in use; the general condition of the jail was very clean, plen ty of heat, and the food for the prisoners looks to be good. County Home: Glenn Dills, E. C. Shook, Charles Ferguson, F. M. Brendle, and Joe Henry: The home is clean and very well kept under present circum stances. However, we find an urgent need for repair of some broken door glass, need for two portable electric heaters for the bath rooms, and an electric water heater. We find no heat at all in the dining room. Ejection To Pick Soil Supervisor Now Under Way r An election to pick a super visor for the Macon Soil Con servation District is under way this week. In the race are A. L. Ramsey, Jr., of the Iotla community, and J. S. Gray, of Hickory Knoll. The man elected will succeed Milton Fouts, whose three-year term expires Decem ber 31. Other .members of the board of supervisors, who have terms of one and two years left to serve respectively, are Edwin J. Bradley and Frank L. Ammons. Balloting, which started Mon day, closes Saturday. Ballot boxes are located at the following points In the county : Downs and Dowdle Feed and Grocery; Agricultural Building; Otto Post Office; Torn Rickman's Store; Norris Store; Carl Morgan Store; Fouts' Gro cery; Gneiss Post Office; Joe Hopkins' Store; Scaly Post Of fice; and E. O. Rickman Store. An election is held in the dis trict each year to pick a man for a three-year term of office. The supervisors direct the work of the district and assist with planning conservation programs. far tying Party From S. C. Hurt In Wreck Monday Four partying Anderson, S. C., people, Including a 14-year-old girl, ended up In the Highlands Community Hospital early Mon day morning with assorted In juries after the automobile in which they were .riding plung ed down a steep embankment on NO 28, about (ice miles south of Highlands. The investigating officer, Pfc. H. T. Ferguson, of the State Highway Patrol, said the driv er, Arthur O- Irby, 45, told him the wreck came as a climax to a drinking party "almost all night". Irby, who is charged with drunk driving, and having no driver's license, was hospitaliz ed with cuts and bruises. His passengers and their in juries: Jeanette Ouyton, 43, broken collar bone and fractur ed ribs; T. D. McCallaster, 38, brain concussion and fractured ribs; Brlnda Lee Carlton, 14, Ulcerations. - Patrolman Ferguson said the tt40 Ford In which the four were riding was demolished. The accident occurred about 3:25, he said. Sheep production in North Carolina is oa the upswing. Last Minute Items Monday night's condemning of the old Franklin High School building by Fire Chief A. C. Ty singer is causing a reshuffling of the school's basketball games. As the newspaper went to press, Coach R. A. Byrd was making arrangements to shift scheduled home games away so they will not have to be played in the condemned building. Tuesday night's game in Syl va was postponed to February 2; tomorrow night's home game with Cherokee probably will be played in Cherokee, as will Tuesday's tilt with Cullowhee. COMMITTEE- COMING A committee from the state division of school planning is coming to Macon December 17 to survey needs in the sys tem in connection with the distribution of $50,00?, 00* for school buildings in the state's 100 counties, County School Supt. Holland McSwain said yesterday. The money for the state wide school building program is the result of the bond is sue passed by the voters in October. Fred Whitaker, manager of the new State Travel Bureau, will meet at noon today (Thurs day) with local tourist home and motor court operators to discuss plans for publicizing this area for the tourist. A luncheon meeting and round-table discussion has been arranged by the Franklin Chamber of Commerce at eag le's Cafe. All interested persons are in vited to attend and take part in the discussion. Want Ads WANT AD RATES 2 cents per word, with a m In Imam barge of 55 cents for each insertion. 26 cents extra for keyed ads.) Classified Display: In 8 point type. If eanta per line. In CAPITALS or held ? point type. SO ents for each line. In type larger than 8 point, 88 easts par ?pace of 8 point Hna. CASH DISCOUNTS When cnnh accompanlee order: 10 per cent discount will ha allowed. 20 per cent for three or mora unneautlis neertlons of same ad. FRANKS RADIO & ELEC. CO. New and Used Radios Latest in TV Antennas TV Lamps and Tables Electric Corn Poppers Electric Irons Electric Washing Machines New Portable Electric Phono graphs. W. Palmer Street Phone 249 D10 ? ltc PECANS ? New shipment of Georgia pecans, 25c per lb. while they last. Franklin Seed Store. D10 ? Stp ? D24 WIN A TURKEY ~ Turkey Shoot Saturday It a. m. ? Airport Road Sponsored By FRANKLIN JAYCBZS BRING SHOTGUN Ammunition Furnished D10? ltc TOYS AT Franklin Seed Store. Footballs, tea sets, dolls, tool chests, blackboards, electric trains. D10? Stp? D24 / ?- EL ? J?J_ wtote. and retirement property. Con tact at Wayah Valley Ranch, Phone 10-J-l. D10 ? Stp ? D24 I'LL KILE your hantf tawi te cut straight, and to the toe. Still (lie em at eereaty N<rt, Soon be seventy- nine. Your patronage appreciated Ofo. Johnson. OLD ESTABLISHED farm ma chinery manufacturer desires to set up dealer In vicinity of Franklin. Address replies to Box 50, c/o The Press. * D10 ? Jtp ? D24 WANTED FOR repair parts only ? One obsolete 32-caliber Smith & Wesson five shot, 3 lnch barrel break down model revolver. John E. Moore's -Repair Shop. FOR SAl^E ? One used shower stall, one used commode, one used lavatory. T. T. Love. BE PROTECTED The new MOTOR VEHICLE SAFETY RESPONSIBILITY LAW becomes effective January 1, 1954. Avoid possible penalties by securing automobile insurance now. WINTER HAZARDS Winter presents.., tulded fire and driving hazards. Enjoy freedom from worry by secur ing adequate insurance on your home and automobile. SERVICE I can supply your Insurance needs through some of Amer ica's strongest companies and shall be happy to have the op portunity of serving you. FRED F. JONES Fire and Casualty Insurance Phone 333 D10 ? ltc FOUR ROOM HOUSE Like New! Convenient location in East Franklin area, Just out side town limits ? about 100' off blacktop. Has good well, but no plumbing. This bottom-land property has over 200' gravel road frontage, and Is a good sound buy at only $3250 cash or terms. EXCLUSIVE WITH TED REBER ? Realtor On The Square Phone 200 D10 ? ltc ' !* FOR SALE? Eight-toot box elec tric refrigerator. In good con dition. See at Macon County Supply. D10? ltc I'M READY and willing to do any and all odd Jobs for you, from raking leaves to cutting weeds. Contact me at the court house. Lester Cabe. D10? ltc HAMPSHIRE PIOS tor sale ? Harley Wiggins, Clark's Chap el. FOR SALE ? New eight-room house, nice garden ? spot. Lights. On hardsurfaced road, near Holly Springs church. George T. Crawford, Route 4. D10 ? 3tp ? D24 WANTED TO BUY ? Horse drawn mowing machine and rake. Vester Pendergrass, Route 3. ALL YOU DEADEYES come on out and win a turkey at the Franklin Jaycees' Turkey Shoot Saturday at 10 a. m. on the Airport Road. WANTED ? Reliable woman to care for two children 5/, days a week. Eight-hour day. Call 668-W. D10? ltc FOR SALE 16-acre farm. Eight acres in cultivation, balance In pasture. The house needs repairing. This property is located (our miles south of Franklin, one-fourth mile off Georgia Highway on gravel road. Can M bought for less than $3,000. Sherman H. Ledford D10 ? ltc TURKEY SHOOT on the Air port Road Saturday begin ning at 10 a. m. sponsored by the Franklin Jaycees. Let your shootln' eye put meat on the table. FOR RENT ? One house and one apartment. Herman Dean. D10 ? 3tc ? D24 WIN A TURKEY Saturday with your shotgun. Turkey Shoot sponsored by Franklin Jayceee begins at 10 a. m. on the Air port Road. LOST? Wide red dress belt^rtth black checks, on Main Street. If found call 396. D10? ltc BRING YOUR baskets and come to my place for your Xmas apples. Harlle Stanfield, Culla saja, N. C. RUMMAGE SALE ? Tamassee DAR School, Saturday morn ing, December IX 1033, 0 until 12. FOR RENT ? 8-inch American floor sander and edger. Floor polisher. House jacks. Skill saws. Staple gun. Edwards-DU lard Hardware, Phone S77B, Highlands. Jlyt ? tfc adjoining Trtmont mn. Phone 27 -J for details. D9 ? 2tp ? D10 FOR BAXX ? G. B. electric motor, IS h.p. Alao grist iiiMt) <Wn mer mill. Cell or write abut Roper, Hlghl?n>t? Phone SOS. D3 ? 4tp ? D24 START NOW? To enjoy a good business of your own In "54. Opening In Macon County. Per manent, Profitable, Indepen dent. Write Rawlelgh'a, Dept. NCL-770-216, Richmond, Va. D3 ? 5tp ? D31 RENTER WANTED? To farm on shares, one mile from SylTa. ' Tobacco allotment, stock and farm tools. Will give good op portunity to anyone wishing to farm. Can furnish some work when not working on farm. R. U. Garrett, Jr., Sylva. D3 ? 2tp ? D10. FOR SALE ? Used building ma terial. Lumber, framing, sills, posts, metal roofing. Suitable for outbuildings. Attractive prices. See or call Teague Broth ers, Prentiss. Phone 218-W-S. D3 ? tfc BUY HIM a suit or overcoat for Christmas. Use Belk's Lay % Away Plan. A small deposit down will hold until Christmas Eve; D10 ? ltc BELK'8 GIFT wrapping depart ment is now open. Have your gifts wrapped FREE. Selection of beautiful papers and ribbon. It's all Free if you shop at Belle's. D10 ? ltc FOR SALE ? Firewood, heater wood, stove wood, cut to order. $6.00 pick-up load. See Geo. R. PattUlo, Rt. 4. N28 ? tfc WANTED ? Wo^k of any kind. If you have a job you want done, call us and we'll do It. "We Do Anything", Inc. Phone 222 from 9 a. m. to 3 p. m. and 495 after 4 p. m. N26? tfc WOOD FOR SALE ? Firewood and heater wood. Assorted sizes from $4 to $12 a load. S. J. Bateman, Route 3, (Burning town), Franklin, N. C. N26 ? 3tp ? D10 "ASH FOR old and disabled horses and mules. Call Cash ers 2261 collect. Wllson-Jen llngs Fur Farm. 124? tfc FOR YOUR Winter recapping, or when In need of tires, aee us., Rickman's OK Rubber Welders, Tire Store, and Recapping Shop. 016? tfc WANTED ? Middle aged woman, or girl to stay In home with two children and widow. The position pays $15.00 per week with room and board. Write Mrs. Lorene Johnson, 340 Etl wan Ave., Columbia, 8. C., or see Mrs. Kell Ledford, Cullasaja. D3 ? 3tp ? D17 WANTED ? Country cured hams. Sellers Grocery and Feed. 015? tfc FOR RENT One 3 -room, furnished apart ment over theatre building, heat, lights, water, furnished. Also office space over Sossamon Furniture Co. Lights, water, heat, furnished in these offices. See or call W. C. Burrell. N5 ? tfnc SHEET METAL work, furnace repair, guttering, heating in stallation. Franklin Sheet Metal Works, Phone 336, Near Freezer Locke;-. N12? tfc WELL DRILLING ? Have your wells drilled by modern ma chinery. 6" ad 8" domestic and commercial wells. Macon Pump and Well Company. Write F. B. Rogers, Route 1, Franklin, N. C. S13? tfc IKE PATTON Brothers for furn iture and saye the difference. *7? tfc Protect your building invest ment by using ? Steam Cured Concrete. Cinder, or Baperoek Blocks For best prices See Your Local Manufacturer 8" x r x 16" Special prices in carloads W. A. HAYS BLOCK PLANT Phone 409 Franklin, N. C N17? tfc FOR QUICK Dependable radio repairs, come to City Radio Shop? Between 8 and L and Doyle's Cafe. Allen Ordway,, Mgr. M20 ? tfc SEE PATTON Brothers for furn iture and save the difference. F7? tfc DO YOU NEED crushed gravel for your driveway? Call 344. Franklin, N. C. Jlyl6 ? tfe APARTMENT FOR RENT? Un furnished. see or call after 4 p. m. Miss Ethel Hurst. Phone 174. 015? tfc

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