Net P?M CIRCULATION Lut Week 2609 itkUti 9tt Ijigljlatih:* Baconian PRICE 10 Cents VOL. LXIX? NO. 48 FRANKLIN, N. C, WEDNESDAY, NOV. 24, 2954 TWELVE PAGI ANNUAL RED CROSS MEET IS TUESDAY Election Slated, Chairman Reports, At V. F. W. Home The election of new oflicers and reports from committee chairmen will be chief items of business at the annual meet- ! ing of the Macon chapter of the American Red Cross on Tuesday night at the V. F. W. building on Palmer Street. Present officers are Z. Weav er Shope, chairman; W. R. Potts, vice-chairman; Mrs. Elizabeth McCollum, executive secretary; and J. C. Jacobs, treasurer. In announcing the meeting, which is set for 7:30, the chair man cited the following work accomplished by the chapter in the past year: Sponsored the Bloodmobile; sponsored and paid an instruc tor for water safety and first aid courses in the summer ? about 30 beginners learned to swim; helped about 15 distress ed travelers passing through county; gave about $200 to peo ple whose home and furnish ings burned; gave clothes to some families whose children could not have attended school otherwise; made loans of $150 to servicemen; spent $240 for calls for servicemen to get emergency leaves because of situations at home; made .regu lar reports to the Veterans Ad- | ministration; and assisted vic tims in hurricanes and other national emergencies through the national chapter. Committee chairmen, who are | scheduled to make reports on the past year's activities, in clude Mrs. Gladys Kinsland, Junior Red Cross; Mrs. Mae ] Shope, Home Nursing; Miss Las sie Kelly, Production; E. J. Whitmire, Disaster; W. W. Sloan, First Aid; J. H. Stock ton, Finance; Mrs. Lester Con ley, Publicity; and Mrs. Charles Ferguson, Home Service. Louisa Chapel Slates Supper Saturday Night A bulldozer Monday broke ground for the proposed new Louisa Chapel Methodist Church as members of the congrega tion completed plans for hold ing a boxsupper and Bingo party Saturday night at Frank lin High School to raise money for the new church building. The fund-raising supper will be served in the cafeteria at 7:30, and Bingo will follow the meal, it wa^ said. As soon as the new Louisa Chapel is built, the church plans to sell the old building to the highest bidder. The new building will be erected next to the old one. New Licenses Go On Sale December 1 Automobiles of all vintages will start displaying North Car olina's 1955 colors of black and yellow December 1 when new license tags go on sale. The '55 plate ? still only one ? has a black background and yellow numerals, the reverse of the 54's, according to Verlon Swafford, manager of the local Carolina Motor Club, which sells the tags. When announcing the open ing date this week, Mr. Swaf ford urged all local motorists to buy early in order to avoid the inevitable last-minute rush that produces long lines and short tempers. Adding suhstance to his re quest, the manager pointed out that 1954 license sales through the local office were consider ably higher than for the pre* vious year. Through last Thurs day, the office had sold 6,309 tags, as compared with 4,543 for a corresponding period the year before. Pocket registration cards, which must be presented when purchasing tags, are being mail ed this week, he said. In regard to obtaining truck license, Mr. Swafford said own ers must fill out the blanks on the back of the ? pocket regis tration card before requesting a license. Under changes made by the 1953 legislature, a truck license is issued on the basis of the owner's declaration as to the empty weight and maximum load of vehicle. The deadline for purchasing tags is December 31. However, as a rule the state grants a 30-day grace period before ar rests are made. The local C.M.C. office is sit uated in the rear of the West ern Auto Associate Store on Main Street in F.ranklin. TANK BIDDER FROM GEORGIA Cole Concern Gets Job; Foundation Work Begins Soon R. D. Cole Manufacturing Company, of Newnan, Ga? was low bidder with $8,545 for a 153,000-gallon water tank for south Franklin. The Georgia concern was one of five submitting bids, which were opened by the Franklin Board of Aldermen in special session last Thursday night. \The tank is being erected pri marily to serve the new Burl ington Mills hosiery plant, which is to be built just out side the city limits on US 23 441, according to town officials. However, the increased pressure produced by the new tank will mean better service to all water .customers in the area, it has b'ron pointed out. The town re 87" " PAGF. 32 ? Staff Phato by J. P. Brady CHEERING ON Richard Renshaw, probably much more lustily than others, at the Optimist Bowl in Asheville on Thanks giving Day will be Miss Nancy Sutton, the speedy Franklin back's "steady". Above, the two are wrapped up in some pre game chatter. Another Panther back, Bobby Womack, was called to Ashe ville , PAGE 12 Services To Mark Thanksgiving Here JUDGES EYE j: COMMUNITY Holly Springs Is Visited For Judging In W. N. C. Contest Macon's prize-winning Holly Springs community came under the scrutiny of the three judges of the W. N. C. Rural Commun ity Development Contest last Thursday. As the top community in the county rural contest, Holly Springs represents Macon in the rea event. The area contest judge? are ~)r. E. J. Niederfrank, of Wash ington, D. C., community de velopment specialist with the U. Department of Agriculture, Miss Lucia Brown, of Birming ham, Ala., associate home ed itor of The Progressive Farmer, and Dr. S. C. Mayo, of Raleigh, rural sociologist at N. C. State College. Morris McGough, head of the Asheville Agricultural Council, sponsor of the area contest, ac companied the judges here. In 1952, Holly Springs ? then one of two Macon communities participating in community de velopment ? placed fifth in the W. N. C. event. McKelvey Gets District Scout Position Again R. E. McKelvey, of Frankliri, 1 was reelected chairman of the Smoky Mountain Boy Scout Dis- 1 trict at a meeting of adult ; leaders of the three-county dis- j trict here Friday night. Another Franklin leader, H. H. Gnuse, Jr., was reelected dis-.| trict commissioner. Committee chairmanships go- ! ing to Franklin men included the Rev. S. B. Moss, co-chair man of advancements; B. L. | Mr. McKelvey McGlamcry. finance; Holland McSwain, organization and e tension; B. B. Scott, camping; and J. P. Brady, publicity. John Edwards, formerly of 'his county, who i, now living in Gierwiile, w.i.i reelected vice c'hnitman of the district. Tiu' me'" ting w* held at the Nantaha'a i'iW :? and Livht Company. SHKRII i' AT S( IIOOL Macon Sheriff J. Harry Thom as' attended a special .school for N'. C. .sheriffs and law enforce ment oilicers at the Institute of Government in Chapel Hill Wet'nestlpy through Saturday. He was accompanied by A. G. Cagle, of Franklin. MRS. CAKE DIES Mrs. Daisy McPhersOn Cabe, 75. of the Riverside community, died Monday night at the home of her son. George Robert Cabe, Franklin, Route 2. Services are planned today ' Wednesday i at Union Methodist Church at 2:30 p. m. IS SCOUT SECRETARY Explorer Scout Tommy Gnuse, of Franklin, was elected secre tary of the Smoky Mountain chapter of the Tsali Lodge. Order of the Arrow, at a meet i ing here last Thursday night. The chapter covers Jackson, i Macon, and Swain counties. ATTENDS CONFERENCE ] Mrs. Beth Guffey, Macon elementary supervisor, attended the state-wide supervisor's con ference in Southern Pines three days last week. Maconians will mark Thanks giving, 1954, with traditional church services, turkey dinners with relatives and friends, and hunting ? much in the same manner as their forebearers did after landing at Plymouth in 1620. With the exception of a few service stations, businesses throughout the county plan to close Thursday for the holiday. A number, however, will be open all day tomorrow (.Wednesday), PAPER IS EARLY This week's issue of The Press is reaching subscribers a day early ? Wednesday in stead of Thursday ? because of Thanksgiving. This change in schedule is made each year so rural sub scribers can receive the news paper before Friday, since there is no mail delivery on the routes o.n the holiday. instead of closing at noon. This year's Thanksgiving Day union service in Franklin is scheduled for the St. Agnes Episcopal Church at 8 a. m., under the sponsorship of all churches in town. The Rev. Bryan Hatchett, Presbyterian pastor, will preach. A commun ity choir, composed of voices from all church choirs, will be on the program. Mrs. H. W. Cabe will be organist. Host pas tor for the service is the Rev. A. Rufus Morgan. In Highlands, the community service will be held at the Bap tist chtttch at 10 a. m., with ail pastors participating. ? A special service also is plan ned at 10 a. m. at the Iotla Methodist Cbyrch. yhe pastor, the Rev. U. J. Hahn, will preach, using as his subject, "Thankful! For What?" Persons of all denominations are invited to attend the serv ices. Thanksgiving also will herald the opening of several hunting seasons, particularly quail, pheasants, and rabbits. Parker Revival Drawing Crowds A one-time pastor of the First Baptist Church is drawing large crowds to nightly revivals at his former church. He is the Rev. Charles E. Parker, who is now pastor of the First church in New Bern. Mr. Parker opened his week long revival series Sunday eve ning and will hold services nightly at 7:30 through Sunday, November 28. While he rp, the guest preach er is staying at the home of Mr. and Mrs. M. L. Stiles. Mr. Parker was pastor of the Franklin church before going to Ne Bern. As a prelude to the opening f t lie revival series, the church eld a work of cottage prayer meetings throughout Franklin. Tuesday night, the church ninth- 1 hood held a father-son banquet at which the Rev. John "uoll. pastor o: the Highlands 'mrch. was speaker. Following 'he b.inquet. Mie men and boys ttem'. u Mr. Parker's service in a body, The Weather 1 s :? !? rainfall, as ' ??'??! i I i '.y Ma s ;; SiPm, i . . : at ? '? ac. , s I. ? at mv: FRANKLIN Temperatures High Low Rain Wed.. Nov. 17 67 45 Thursday 63 49 trace Friday 65 48 .35 Saturday 59 43 Sunday 56 37 Monday 70 22 HIGHLANDS Temperatures High Low Rain Wed . Nov. 17 54 48 .98 Thursday 54 52 .09 Friday 53 43 .23 Saturday 56 32 .66 Sunday 52 32 trace Monday 48 24 COWEETA Temperatures High Low Rain Wed., Nov. 17 62 48 .51 Thursday 62 52 trace Friday 81 51 .33 Saturday 59 37 .44 Sunday 55 31 Monday 55 22 Tuesday 32 28