Net I'aid CIRCULATION last Week 2533 Volume 70 Number I anb ?11)* JRacotttntt iuwkiin v < ., mi usim. jam \ia ti, i?>:> PRICE 10 C ents TVt, L'l V/f H i / in s i j " / i K'to. h\ J. I', lira J THE LATEST MODELS in fire extinguishers will be sold beginning Saturday by members o the Franklin Volunteer Fire Department as a fund raising project. Pictured are John ( rawfor (left) and Keid Womack (right) showing businessman Terrell Iloilman three of the types bein offered. Franklin Firemen To Kick Off Extinguishei Sale Saturday To ?-\ise Respirator Money A Couple Of ^iie Tippett Men Starting Race With Other To Walk Again A couple of the men folk in the Lee Tippett family in Franklin are taking walking lessons all over again Th? y are father Lee and son Eddi< ' and they're making soni"t hine. of a game out of it ' kmda racing to yr who can b?-at the other learning to walk. is how 1 1 -yea r "Id hd (iie explains it Kicht now Ix >t h are depend ing upon the aid ot crutches, but before lone, 1 a t lie r I,ee hopes ' ? > have the feel of his new a'titn ial 1 ? ? ? and soil Eddie plan t< to'eet about hi broken leg Thai where t he racing comes ( in which one is iroing to get rid <>{ his crutches first Mr Tippett. a well-known mecha : lie. had hi - le r crush?d ' October 2. H?al. by a bulldo/"!" ' tread a h?- was -te>ting tli?' mav hii.e nt ai his shop The le<. \ "never was quite right after that ' and after months and months ot treatment and a half do/en operations it was ampu tated t h l past Jui\ Since th< n he ha been eyeing an artificial lee. on I lerember 21 h" tfot it, md s a v s he u doine fine" ;? a i nni" in walk oh it K.ddi'' <?n t lu- < -t he: hand, had 1 1. . leu trouble bee m when he I lid hi' ! ) i < ? v ( ? 1 e i his brakes a lie! ] t a lie iej with a pick- up rue', n< ar Ins home in mid \uju>t The lee has been out of he e .1 -I about MX W''fk.\ but ie still ha> to rely on crutches 0 navieatc any distance He 1 u i however, make a recent rip to Knoxville. I eun . wit h nit them I think I in i?oin - t-> eet rid '1 my crutch' s before he doe h? !? ? anklui tilth "rad'r lee! You'll vet ,( i'.ood I a i e ..oil. I I > I .it her I fi .'V vp CiOt A \\ alUing Racf The Franklin Volunteer Fii Department plans to kick off wefk-lonn sale of fire extingi i-hers as a fund raisiim pro <-et Saturday on the square wit ill day demonstrations on til tmht lns^ method^ Proceeds of the sale are eai marked for purchase ? > f a resp rater tor Use by .. r? - ? ' j e . .qu;i ' he depart ment h< ?pe> to oreai i/e in the very near tuture. at cording to C'hiel A (' Tysinue Wit ! 1 Saturday s kick-ot members of the depart mei plan t<? spend the entii- W, taking orders fur dio.\ ide extinguisher in a dour ti {?j- tor eatrtpaien in I'rankiii The a ie a 1 ?<> will be carrie into >? vral Jieavily populate a rea ouisi.d" the town m move to plac the lire iiuhtin equipment m is many rura 1 :< ?me a p< ? able The < \t nmui. -hers ran^e i; pr a e ! i . .m S?i '<> to !? >. m < T n c i i i i ? ?. a -;x i a 1 dooi chim type wit i; tuu ? \t ineuisher Inn '.!.?? o? .. i i e, o ja t ed "chime h: ! i ' i. et si;; a , ( me ut tin ! : . . i :!-?? aa h aa Sri a> 1 ei >:ne 'A lth ,i hull" in >team h? >at : I? ' .r I .1* : A 1 1 i fir t i ).l \v;r n^ wlmn i ln^ bv?MK> nut ( ' ' 1 1 1 ' ' i ? - 1 1 1 . 1 ? i , 1 1 ( | n:iu ci i 1 I'M ? nt . :? x i ? ? i will b<- sold ;il)( ? . i; i !'i ? adaptable t<> .into ii >l>: 1 ' i ,< >nm t a i ni . ? >r Iiimih' A ,i ?*i v it ? ? Iraturm h?? >ai< ! ! ." < 1' | >a I't in' tit will rri'liari'i ill liMd I'xtinmnshors for ;i ...lli.ll |rc Hrchal t'QUip ?mmt ; b"i i ic purchased lor th?i Irpa't nirnt h\ the town, he aid Annth' |- .i 1! day dnm >nst ra l ? 1 1 1 nn t la . ' >f the rxtiimu .sh'-r i pla nnt'd tlm closing lay < : t he sale. January 1:> Hm ( In- i .iid t demon 1 1 at i ( > i i w\W cover small and at'-r bla/' livludmt: burninir a 1 < ? 1 1 1 1 ? ? and r rrasr- filled fry nr pans A -a mm 'a ? i . play shuwiim Um \ ! i m' 1 1 1 - ! n ? t ' '!" alp 1 1 a . b? < n ?! ? pa : ?'d bv t i . ? * d'-partmrnt at t. i >? . i ? ' 1 1 . ? ? n * store A .si. tin-: ChiW T\ m r ? ? ? ?? v. .Mi ? .P hn ( "? :-a ' : i U", i \V . ? arm .1 W ? 1 iduction Call 'eceivecl Here I "NIMI MM Ml II I \ Houk Takes House Seat In Raleigh M. iron's representati v ?* to the IT. , legislature, < . I. Ilouk. tilled Seat NK in the house yester<la\ Wednevda\ as the session otticiall> open ed in Kalet^h. 1 In- I it.iiklin attornrx and his wile left lor the i i i il \ 1 uesda \ morning. I he> in- ! i v ill}; .it the ^?r \\ a Iter Kaleigh Hotel temporarily Mr Il' iik s . i i(i lie plans to i ' ? urn t?? I i .oik lin o\ er must < I I he \\ er k eliils. I n .i spci i ll inti r\ icu last week. 1 1 , ?? representative saJd he h i I no spec i tie legislation .n mind tor Macon, and would ta\or permissive rather than m indator\ legislation on a n s local issues. McGuire Named To Duke Power Board Position William B. McGuire, a native i > i Frank m and assistant gen rial counsel of Duke Power Company, ha. been named to the company's board oi direc tors 'Hie son of Mrs .Margaret B McGuire, he joined Duke Power s ' after graduating from Duke University I.;iw School in 1933 Mr McC'iuire and his wife, the p former Miss Grace Robinson, of Charlotte, and their four chil dren make their home in Char lotte Mr McGuire is a past e dent of the Mecklenburg Coun a ty Bar Association, a member - of the North Carolina State Bar and the North Carolina I) State Bar Association. American Mr. .Mc(iuir?' Hi ' A . ?. It ?l 1 ( . . 1 1 Dolt t K.ipp.i .Hid P;ii Bet ,i Kapp.i ! J tic i ; .it 'ii ii' t )r<ipr . , i | ' < '"It !:?: I . K '}),) Alph.l I . ?! I ? '.it >?! r.r \ lie . t ! s< > is i ? ? ? ? J : l i >? ? I ? 'i til*' M ? : s P.I ! K I Pi ? <by:t "nan ( 'h up ?} ? . . : i ? v " cii.i!ch t .. ; o| ti-a | RECEIPTS IJP I IN ERANKLIN Post Office Does Better Than $2,000 More Than In '53 I I'm t ;il r reeipt . for 1 9 )4 at I tli. i 'i :t nklin Post office \k> v I up . a ?, h 1 1 v more than )ii mv : the previous year because * ! tin- < ? 1 o v in1.' i il t wo rura 1 ? >t J t ? .i : <i: ? ?'nnt lnuation ' ! a : ;; a! ! \i* > . ?r (lio-: tM I'ost n . i ? / r\) Y Meadows W:t: t}., fiid of the year 1!?.>4 r?'i ?apt totaled >34 7 t '.M ' | m : < i ; 'A ; ! i I $32.?>33 : ; m; January Meeting < i <>| Si \- >? I aaairuax jAYCEES to HONOR MAN' AT BANQUET I O Mdkr B()SS Award I his Year; Sea rc f i Is On "?5 1 'i ? ... M i i i ,r ' ? ' . '.<> M : ? ? };? ,1 V ?: .J =??? .il<- t?. ? Mil. |v=: a:/.!..- ??-)! n,< VI -s : : A ate -?< Hill ? I'll lili- CI 'A I i:.t - hi-lni !!.!'?> U Ill i "')?>! ?? ! it ]' >! 1 with 'hi- 1 . . a C it'! i? ( ><?:: fi.: J- <,f Asheville. ldnni'r state Jaycee president l. tentatively schedul ed t?> be the banquet speaker according to Dr G H McSween club pn sident A number of )ther special features includ ing arrangements tor bosses night and ladies' night, are be ing planned by Jaycee Bob Moore, program chairman. The Young Man of the Year award ls made annually to one who has been outstand ing in serving his community and any young man who did not reach the age of 36 by December 31 is eligible for the award A secret committee is now receiving nominations lor the award from other clubs and jruani/.at ion Jaycee Calvin fi- nson. award chairman, this week emphasized that member ship in the Jaycees is not a )reri'(j uisit for winning the iwaid and lie urged that ivini :ation> be made at >n. ? I)r McSw'tn .said hi ??r'Jani .r i' hi also plans t ? i present Key Man awards to tw ? lien i !)? ? is ni the club wh<> have > en sparkpl.uv.. in " : ?mi" ? ; t n it n - The baiHjui t : ten?atr?elv clieduled p : Sla .? le Memorial ?5 : 1 1 ! < i 1 1 1 1 t ,j ' v : '111! I I K s l < ? l IT), was just t little hue arriving in ti'inis ot J .i 1 1 1 j .i r \ 1 Mir '\ej>. ,i t; i r I ? made her entrance on the ird .it ' i m .it \ ii u ?' 1 Hospital Who is she'* Why, Rose Marie Mosv. daughter <?t Mr and Mrs ( l\de Moss, of Highlands, Buck ( reek Kou'e. Ih;i.t's tin- eight pound two ounce miss above with her mother. 1 > r I \N I isher was tile attending physician. Mr and Mrs M oss have two other children, a bo\ and a girl. Franklin Expected To Ask Building Bids Next Week Forget About The Psychiatrist Did wime of you in Frank lin ex|N*rience a strange ring ing in your ears shortly be fore 7:30 Sunday morning? If you did ycu can cancel your visit with the psychiat rist The ringing wasn't men tal It was real Seems the time mechanism on the chimes at the Frank lin Methodist Church became fouled and citizens were treat ed to an unscheduled concert. I hat is about everyone but t he Methodist pastor, the Kev S. IV Moss, who resides but .1 stones throw from the church . I didn't hear a thing," he dec la red . Bids for construction of Franklin's pro;xxsed municipal building probably will be in vited next week, town officials said yesterday < Wednesday >. Plans for the new one-story buildmti were approved by the board of aldermen in session Mondav night and the archi tect was authorized to prepare specifications a' once Bids will be xsked as soon as the specifi catii-ns are ready Town Clerk (' () Ramsey said they prob ably will be on hand by the first of next week A'tinns marking Monday nii'iit ? -c-'i'in included -elling th" present fire department l)ii '.dm ? and property at the inter in i^t lot la and Church -t ,t\\ irdmg mr.'racts for tlii water line extension to the ne> Darlington Mills hosiery plan ami authorizing the i'le: to discontinue water serv ic- t. several delinquent cus KNOW YOUR COUNTY Clerk Post Sets Precedent 1 Note I his is the first ot i series of articles on coun ty officials that will ap pear in I he Press from time t<? time Rather than in dividual office holders, the articles will stress the du ties of each in order to en lighten the public as to the scope of each office. > Hi' ("!< :>; ni i- 1: ( nit > ? ? li; Macon County : i pi <? I!'?i :in.' i ? a i i the n?h i ? Mi s C Mclr th- ?ir woman :;i?-e iiuhier in the county A nat i\ e i?: Macon t he comely t >? el"i k was educated in : count v m'Iioi ?l.s and i.. a ? : 1 1 a * e of Cecil 's Business . m A -hev:lle She ^ a >??:!. .iciat and ha.s ju>t started ? ? ? e<md lmir year term Her chief duties as clerk !.d those which are the most , ;i ,i ;t m .?? - t rat I- 1 1 ? ?: ? st ate - and T \>- ? ? ) 1 ' - pr . t-? i:ia! ? up - M< (if. a. ?? >? : - . ? : i f i! t ? ,1-1 ???. but . ? ? i\ f niif ;i : f i a ! }:???> f ? n s l < : ? : . f all un - ( ? v . ? , ? . ; t * ; t ? Hfi f . i !? tli- .! : *?? i;? I p-i'.vfrs > 'I .. it : k hi n.ii : t !;? n- : ? i ,,'!l,f 1 1 ! t: . ? , J ? ? i r. . 'if -u'Dpofii.t f??mp' 1 '!;? 1 ?? ? ? ! n\ witn? i iin . ?? !)?? in th? ? >r f< ? (?<?:; p? 1 T !if pr<)(iuc ti? ii! any 1>< 'ii; : <?r p.ipf! ma ?? i ia i t any ii. ri; \ p* iivlnij, ;n (2i To administer oaths and t a k f a i ' k n ? i w 1 ( ? ( i ? ? i r . n t . when fV?T iif (??? ,>-a ry. m thf fxereise "f thf pow r and duties of hi> I'll 1C" < 3 ' To issue commissions to SEF NO 2. PAGE 12 Miss Kate McGee site Is Cleared A- th" town moved closer to i . ? ' i i ; i ii,-- i n,'' i' in < >! Ih? new v. yester !..[,! ill luit ra/ed the nld M. i' l,. mi- nil tli.' building it. ,t thr intersect inn (if US t i ; .I West Mam Street r . : . : ? -am by an A' la nt a. ( t i i ! 1*1 1 it t nra . firm house ti '"'.vn oi'ices fire de n i : t v-nt mi t lie '.'round floor r 1 , i ? building ivlili-li fares W>- ? Main A larif ba-ement i- ti" 'lud"d !"r ':ara/aSs >ther t '.".'i ef]iU|ini"Ilt Kuvs Old Property Ti.- board unanimously ap 1 1'aul Carpenter's bid of Si'vonu < < ir tbe small one-story 111'- house and property Previ ous I v the board had rejected oth"! bids as Ixung too low The nex owner will not take pos s e s.'- 1 1 iii until July under terms o: the sale Kids \re Opened Hi i~ for th" installation of Burlington Mills water line | w. i ? o(>-T.ed SFE NO 3. PAOE 12 1 he Weather FKANKI IN' Temperat ures Hmh Low Rain f>3 54 12 r>4 32 2.11 4*' 2.> 31* 06 f>4 32 ?><> 27 M 31 H ;i -HI.ANIXS Temperatures Hurh Low Rain 51 4 8 25* 3 15 24 4 > 09 > ;m .15 f>: 3i) 4 > < ?( >\Vh h i'A I'-'in ;>^ ur"S } i . :h I v Rain ? 2 50 I 31 23 08 ; 40 ii ?\ 35 30 32

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