tne franklin fft# Jtacotv tan PRICE 10 Cents 71st Year ? No. 5 Franklin, N. C., Thursday, February 2, 1956 Fourteen Page* DIMES DRIVE EXTENDED TO SETTLE DEBT Stockton Says $7,00fr Needed To Meet Quota, Repay For Assistance J. Horner Stockton this week disclosed it wiil take an esti mated $7,000 to clear .Macon County's debt with the Nation al Foundation for infantile Paralysis. In an effort to raise this amount, he has ordered the ex tension of the annual March of Dimes drive here to February 15. (Speaking as chairman of the county March ox Dunes chapter, Mr Stockton said the national foundation twice in past years has advanced several thousand dollars to Macon County for treatment of polio victims. More than $3,000 was used in '55 for treatment here, he said "We were supposed to have repaid the money we borrow ed," Mr. Stockton declared, "and we hope this extension will en able us to settle this obliga tion " He estimated that roughly $7,0(10 will settle the debt and give Macon its quota in the campaign this year. Meanwhile, benefits over the county continue to pour more money into the March of Dimes account. This year's drive chair man Dean Carpenter, yesterday reported $1,594.77 already on hand. Contributions this week in cluded S122.34 from the Otto community, $127.16 from Otto School, and $77 from the Hlg donville community and home demonstration women, raised Saturday night at a benefit amateur show at Cullasaja School. Tli.- drive was scheduled to exut yesterday. District Scout Supper Planned For Franklin ' Boy Scouts and their families and leaders of the Smoky Mountain District have sched uled a "family night" dinner party in Franklin on February It. according to the district fWd executive, Tom Speed, of Sylva. The covered dish meal will be served at 7 o'clock in the high school cafeteria. Scouts are staging the event to mark National Boy Scout Week (Feb. 6-12). The Explor ers of the Sylva troop will have charge of the program. Franklin Explorer Scouts, and Cubs will celebrate the national week by wearing their uniforms to school. A window display, using the theme, "Fordward For God and Country", is to be prepared at Dryman's by the boys. 611 the 12th, the individual troops and packs plan to attend church in i body. Meeting To Plan First Aid Course Is Scheduled An organizational meeting for a first aid course in Franklin has been called for Monday night at 7:30 at the Nantahala Power and Light Company Building. The 18-hour course is being sponsored by the eounty Amer ican Red Cross chapter. W. W (Bill I Sloan, chapter ffrst aid chairman, urges all interested in registering for the course to attend Monday's meeting so a schedule can be worked out. The course is free. Macon Construction Submits Parkway Bid A local concern, Macon Con struction Company, has sub mitted the low bid for con struction of a new Blue Ridge Parkway link. Its bid for the 2.82-mile sec tion was $1,243,440. It is now being reviewed by the U. S. Bu reau of Public Roads office at Arlington, Va. The new link will connect the X. C. terminal section and the parkway section running from Wolf Laurel Gap. ?Press StatY Pbolo MEN WITH BUSH AXES axe shown tackling the thick underbrush near Otto as clearing the right-of-way for the new link of OS 23-441 from Franklin to the state line proceeds. Weather has been hampering operations to some extent, highway officials report, but activity is expected to pick up soon. Swafford Is New President Of F ranklin Commerce Group Verlon Swafford, businessman and former alderman, has been installed as president of the Franklin Chamber of Commerce for '56. He succeeds W. W. Reeves, who lias held the post for two years. Meeting last Wednesday night to organize for the new year, and elect officers, the old and the new board ol directors got their heads together for talks on past and future business, in cluding preliminary planning for the chamber's annual din ner. Officers who will serve dur ing the year with Mr. Swafford are Frank B. Duncan, vice president, and John L. Craw ford, treasurer. The executive secretary posi tion, a salaried job, has not been filled since the resigna tion of Mrs. Lasca E. Horsley. Mr. Swafford said applications are now being considered. Other members of the new board of directors, who were picked in a mail election re cently, are Stephen Bundy, H. H. Gnuse, and J. C. Jacobs. All were elected for one-year terms. Hold-overs from the '55 board are Mr. Duncan and A. A. Siler, who are serving their second year of two-year terms. Before turning the president's chores over to Mr. Swafford, the retiring president, Mr. Reeves, suggested the chamber's industrial booklet be revised and brought up-to-date. He re orted that an industry which showed interest in a plant site near Otto had decided to go .Mr. Swafford ejsewhere and he advised that the options on the property be dropped. In reviewing the work of the chamber in the past two years ? with emphasis on the location here of Burlington Industries, Inc. . ? Mr. Reeves expressed his appreciation to the board members who worked with him for their cooperation and sup port. A committee composed of Mr. Gnuse. Mr. Jacobs, and Mr. Bundy was appointed to plan for the annual dinner meeting and to report at the next meet ing. ?Mr. Crawford served as tem porary secretary for the meet ing. February 15 was set for the chamber'; next session. PROGRESS WON'T ERASE ? Singing Is Of The Mountains Taffy pulls and hay rides have been pushed aside by the portable barbecue pit and drive in theatres; spelling bees have bowed out of the picture in fa vor of more worldly word games. But, tradition has trampled Time's changing ways when it comes to a Sunday singing, be cause there're some things prog ress will never erase ? and the old-timey mountain singing is one of them. Singing is as much a part of the heritage of this region as the rugged individualism and storied stubborness and inde pendence that helped carve a way of life out of the wilder ness. It's easy to see that a Sunday singing is of the mountains, for mountain people ? a tra dition almost as old as the mountains themselves. In attendance, nothing can approach ttye appeal of a sing ing. Hundreds pack the court house and churches for its morning preaching, dinner "on the ground", and afternoon of round-robin singing. And Macon County stands as a stronghold of this oldest of the old pastimes. Hold a singing at the court house (like last Sunday's fifth Sunday singing led by Jim Rabyi here and they ? singers and spectators ? pour into town from counties all over the west ern end of the state; a group of Cherokee Indians and dele gations from Jackson, Graham, Swain, and "all over". One after another, for hours and hours, quartets and singers take turns at the microphone for lusty rendition of hymns and songs, many that have never been put to music, but are handed down from voice to voice through the generations. Look out in the audience ? all ages, from babes in arm to men and women with faces etched deeply by time. There's a man 90 years old- ? watch how his head keeps time with the singers; see that twinkle in his eye? There's some things progress will never erase. The Sunday singings is one of them. Koreans To Appear On M. Y. F. Program Two Koreans attending Bre vard College will appear on the program Monday night for the sub-district Methodist Youth Fellowship meeting at the Snowhill church, according to Miss Margaret Wilson. Metho dist worker. One student will speak and the other will sing, she -said. The program emphasis will be on the Metli'.dlst youth fund The Snowhill M Y. F. will have charge of the worship service Hour for Uie meeting is 7:30 Bowles Resigns As Principal Of Highlands School Joseph E. Bowles, principal of Highlands School since last fall, has resigned because of illness in his wife's family. O. E. Summer, former princi pal of the school and a teach er this year, has been appoint ed to the post by the school committee of the Highlands district. This is the third time he has been principal of the school. He resigned from the board of education last summer in order to take a teaching post. It is understood Mr. Bowles and his wife, wi'o also has been teaching in Highlands, have gone to V.'! "YOUNG MAN TO BE NAMED FRIDAYNIGHT Will Receive Award At Jaycee Banquet; President To Speak The big question, "Who is the 'Young Man of the Year of 1955'?" will be answered to morrow (Friday) night. At a special banquet in the Franklin High cafeteria, the identity of the outstanding young man is a featured item, along with an address by Ed gar (Red) Gurganus, president of the N. C.' Junior Chamber of Commerce. Sponsors of the banquet are the Franklin Jaycees, who an nually stage the search for de serving young men who are eli gible for a "Distinguished Serv ice Award" key for outstanding community service. The young man to be honored is picked by a secret committee of non-Jay cees and his Identity is not dis closed until the night of the banquet. Nominations for the award closed today (Thursday). Jaycee C. Jack Ragan, who Is serving as liason between his organiza tion and the secret Judges, yes terday said a number of nomi nations for the award are on hand. All nominees will be recogniz ed at tomorrow's banquet. The banquet speaker, Mr. Gurganus, is a Williamston at torney. He plans to spend sever al days in this area addressing other Jaycee clubs and assist ing the local club with exten sion plans in Bryson City and Murphy. A "Boss of the Year" award also will be made at the ban quet. Nominees for this award are confined to employers of Jayceos. Crawford Heads W estern Carolina Alumni Group About 15 alumni of Western Carolina College met Monday evening at Franklin High to organize an alumni club for the county. Officers elected to head the new organization include W. G. Crawford, president; Harry C. Corbin, vice-president; Mrs. Kate Williams, secretary-treas urer; and Dick Stott, reporter. Robert Hall, alumni secretary of W. C. C., was on hand to help with organizing. Purpose of the club is to fur ther fellowship among alumni here and to promote the col lege ajnong the young people. A scholarship plan for deserving students also is being consider ed by the organization. Any person who has. attend ed W. C. C. for the last one quarter is eligible for member ship. according to the officers. No dues will be charged. The place and time of the next meeting will be announc ed later. It is estimated that more than 80 from Macon County have been graduated from W, C. C. and probably three times that many have attended at one time or another. Mr. Crawford Chief Deputy Takes Over Jail Operation Chief Deputy Newell Pender grass has taken over operation of the Macon County Jail. He .succeeds V. E. Garrett, re signed. who held the post for about three years. Sinking At The Courthouse Franklin Is Elected Head Of Rural Community Group 28 Boxholders On New Route Twenty-eight box holders In the Tellico section have been dropped from Franklin, Route 3, and are receiving mall on Bryson City, Route 3, accord ing to Franklin Postmaster Zeb Meadows. ! He said the change cuts about ; 10 miles from the local route. The new pryson City route comes into Macon County from Swain to Lost Bridge, goes in- ' to the Tellico community to the head oi Tellico, and down the Needmore Road into Swain again. Franklin, Route 3, which used to go to the county line and back-track into Tellico, now goes . to Carl Morgan's store in Tellico and up the Burning town Road. Gibson Elected Y. D. C. President Sam Gibson, of Franklin, was elected Saturday afternoon to head the Young Democrats Club of the county during '56. Serving with him are Mrs. Byrda Nell Perry, 1st vice-presi dent, and Neil Finger, 2nd vice president. The Rev. Bryan Hat chett was elected secretary treasurer, but- has since declin ed the position. Election of officers featured a county-wide Y. D. C. meeting at the courthouse. Present at the meeting were Lacy Thornburg, of Sylva, chair man of the 12th Y. D. C. dis trict, and Tom Clayton, also of Sylva, president of the Jackson County Y. D. C. Local Lassies Win 2 Games Franklin's lasses won two games this week while the lads split theirs. Friday night in Cullowhee, the boys were defeated 74 to 33. The girls won 37 to 23, with Lucy Henry hitting the hoop for 22 points. Tuesday night against High lands, Willard Smith paced the boys to a 58 to 40 victory. With Henry hitting for 12 points, the girls won their second for the week, 27 to 21. Tomorrow (Friday i the teams will play Sylva High in the Highlands gym, and Tuesday night will meet Glenville High at Glenville. C. A. P. Training Meet Is Scheduled Tonight A training session for senior members and cadets is on tap tonight (Thursday) when the Franklin squadron of Civil Air Patrol meets. The session is set for 7:30 at the high school, according to the squadron commander, A. C. Tysinger. ATTEND SOIL MEETING J. S. Gray, chairman of the board of supervisors of the Ma con Soil Conservation District, and W. L. Harper, soil conser vationist, attended the state as sociation meeting of district supervisors in Washington, N. C , January 18-19. Election of Woodrow Fraak in as president and dlscuaakm )f an "Incentive" prize schedule tor the '56 Macon County R?ral Community Development Con gest featured a meeting of the contest council last week. Under a new ruling adopted oy the council, the immediate past president of the winning community automatically be :omes president of the group. Mr. Franklin was the '55 presi dent of Holly Springs, which not only won the local contest, but went on to sweep the area event. Others named to serve with him during '56 are C. Jack Ragan, vice-president, T. H. Fagg, reelected secretary, and W. W. (Bill) Sloan, reelected treasurer. Discuss Schedule Lengthy discussion centered on changes in the '56 prize schedule. To continue improve ment and maintain interest, the council decided the main prizes should be decreased and sev eral "incentive" prizes substi tuted. It proposed the following set-up of cash awards totaling $1,200: 1st place, $200; 2nd, $150; 3rd $100; 4th, five awards of $50 each; and 10 awards of $50 each lor best job of increase in in come; best accomplishment in youth activities; best home food supply; best community beauti fication; best programs, com munity participation in activi ties and attendance at meet ings; best balanced agricultural program; most outstanding community project; best 4-H garden; best health program; and most outstanding accom plishments in religious activit ies. Ineligible For Year Retroactive to 1955, the coun cil decided in the best interest of the contest, that the win ning community cannot be elig ible to compete for any of the first four awards for a year. It may, however, compete for any or all of the 10 "incentive ' awards, and if, in the opinion of the judges, is better than the first place winner, will rep resent the county in area com petition. In a linancial report, the treasurer, Mr. Sloan, reviewed expenditures for the '55 contest < jji .396.90 ? and reported a cash on-hnml S127.10. i AuE 10 Tobacco School Set Today In Franklin Macon tobacco growers will meet at the Agricultural Build ing today (Thursday at 9:30 a. m. for special instruction. With Raleigh extension per sonnel in charge, topics slated include new weed varieties, chemical sterilization of plant beds, fertilization, inspection ahd disease control work, har vesting, grading, and market ing. Monday, at 7:30 p. m., a dairy session is scheduled at the Agricultural Building with representatives of Southern Dairies, Next Thursday (Feb. 9i. a livestock school is planned at 10 a m with A V. Allent and J. A Christian, specialists in animal husbandry, in charge. Seniors To Canvass Tonight For Donations For Washington Trip A house-to-house canvass for donations for their trip to Washington, D. C., this spring will be made by Franklin High seniors tonight < Thursday! from 6:30 to 8 Tht jr? x anil m \ P*:?nklin h>* Mm twin Stile-. I'. S. w-.tih. v. ,n Highland.- by Tudor N H.i I it i.I \N < N. wton TV A <>hM*rv?*< . iiml ?: t h> Hvdvologic FRANKLIN Temperatures High Low Rain Wed.. Jan. 25 39 30 COWEETA Temperatures High Low Rain Wed . Jan 25 41 30 The Weather Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Mondnv Tuesday 45 30 .14 61 39 .07 57 33 .49 55 24 46 25 .07 50 21 Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday 4a 21 .04 44 31 .10 61 38 .33 55 47 .29 54 23 46 19

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