jSfitnnklin (Ehe Migitlanfts J&anminn Entered at Post Office, Franklin, N. C., as second class matter Published every Thursday by The Franklin Press Franklin, N. O. Telephone 24 WEIMAR JONES Editor BOB 8. SLOAN Business Manager J. P. BRADY News Editor MRS. ALLEN SILER Society Editor and Office Manager MRS. MARION BRYSON Proofreader CARL P. CABE . . . . . .. Mechanical Superintendent FRANK A. ST ARRET TE Shop Superintendent DAVID H. SUTTON Commercial Printer O. E. CRAWFORD . , . Stereotyper SUBSCRIPTION RATES Outside Macon Countt Inside Macon County One Year $3.00 One Year $2 JO Six Months 1.75 Six Months 1.73 Three Months 1.00 Three Months 1.00 FEBRUARY 2, 1956 Goes To Show You It's with no small amount of fanfare that we de clare we're "plumb proud" of the Woodrow Tea gues, an energetic I'rentiss family. i "Our folks" have put Macon County in the na tional center ring of achievement once again by ex emplifying the spirit of the family engaged in farm and home development work. The Teague's "new look" is one of several farm and home work programs covered in an article ap pearing in the January issue of What's New In Home Economics. Just goes to show what a family can do if it wants to ? especially a Macon County family. The Proper Balance The editorial cartoon on this page graphically suggests what this newspaper has advocated with the incessancy of a magpie for years ? a healthy, agricultural Macon County bolstered in its economy with the proper balance of two ingredients econom ically suited to the area, Tourist and Industry. Agriculturally, Macon County is climbing rapid ly and with a sureness indicating continued pros perity. Industrially, the county's progress has been much slower. And that is as it should be. Macon can well afford to be overcautious in its selection of indus try, since it does not depend entirely upon this fac tor for existence. Too, the county is in a position to now profit by the mistakes of other counties that have gone overboard in seducing just "any old industry" and are now facing economic problems as the "fly-by-nighters" pack up and leave. Tourist-wise, the potential in Macon County has only been scratched. Gradually, wide-awake busi nessmen are leading the area into new fields to ward the highly competative tourist bankbook. The beauty of the mountains is a stable factor, but is no longer powerful enough to .stand alone as an at traction. Opening up of the area's beauty marks (the toll road to Whiteside Mountain) a new trend in appeal. More and better accommodations are in the making. Emphasis, it seems, should be on big ger and better promotion. Scaled properly and with vision to these three things ? Agriculture, Tourist, and Industry ? there's little doubt that Macon County can, and will, reach the top. 'Blue Monday' Whine With their almost customary "blue Monday" apologetic whine, most of the firev sports pages of the nation's daily newspapers for weeks have la mented the impending doom of United States ath letes competing in the winter Olympics. Although the inevitable is just now asserting it self ? the games started this week ? sports writers have been indicating the coupe de grace on the wallpaper as a matter of course since the last Olym pic games. And the laCt remains that the United States is making a very poor showing, and for a variety of reasons, ranging from sprains to broken sled run ners, and retroactive childbirth. That's right ? retroactive childbirth. Crying towels soggy, the sports pages have tear fully noted that Mrs. Andrea Mead Lawrence's chances of winning in the women's giant slalom ski race were about nil because, since a double Olympic triumph four years ago, she has had three children. We don't profess to know what relationship ex ists between competative skiing and having chil dren and what bearing it would have on an athlete Agricultural Helpmates placing in an event. The sports writers are more educated along this line because, as they predicted, Mrs. Lawrence placed only fourth. Be that as it may, our hat's off to Mrs. Law rence; for a couple of reasons. First, even though the sports pages wrote her Olympic obituary long before she donned her skis, her wonderful spirit of competition carried her through. Secondly, because we're sure those three chil dren mean more to her than all the Olympic gold medals put together. Did You Know? Unlike the daily papers, where a push button and a huge press do the job in one operation, The Press each week is printed four pages at a time ; the first four on Friday, the second on Monday, the third on Tuesday, and the final Wednesday afternoon. ' It takes 15 pounds of ink to print a 16-page issue of The Press. Twelve reams of newsprint (600 pounds) go into each week's issue of The Press. In producing The Press each week (16 pages), the four-page flat-bed newspaper press runs more than 12 hours. Four more hours are .spent by an operator at the folding machine before the product is ready for public consumption. , The average press run for The Press is 3,000 copies weekly. ? Letters y ? Left Mark On Area s \ . . Dear Mr. Jones: Over the past several years since we have been employed here in the Bank building, one of the brightest spots in our lives has been the friendship of Mr. James M. Denman, who died January 19, 1956. He was affectionately known to us as "Uncle Jim". Let us all pause for a moment in our busy lives in respect for this man who left such a profound mark upon Macon County and Western North -Carolina. He really did leave his mark here, and his name will live as long as our public records stand. Through the years he conscientiously surveyed and pre pared many thousands of descriptions of Macon County prop erties. He was proud of his profession as a registered North Carolina surveyor. He honestly pursued his work .and took pride in doing a job to the very best of his ability Mr. Denman was a quiet, unassuming man and had a very special place in his heart for children. One of his greatest pleasures was making a child happy with an ice cream cone or a piece of candy, "just to see them sirtile". He encouraged children in their school work, taking pride in their accom plishments. He loved people, and lending a helping hand to make the lives of others more pleasant was his delight. Those who loved him will especially remember the thoughtful little things he did for others out of which1 he derived so much pleasure. Things others did for him were never overlooked; he was appreciative and did not hesitate to say so. He made doing things for him a real pleasure. On occasions when tem pers flared or when hearts were heavy, he possessed that rare gift of smoothing things over with a kindly word of cheer and a hearty little chuckle, or with his sly grin, followed by a bright remark. "Uncle Jim" loved to give. To his associates he gave a wonderful Share of happiness, and we will always hold his memory dear to our hearts. Mr., Denman loved his family and his home. He was a lover of flowers ? especially pansies, which he raised every year to share with his friends. Mr. Denman was a good and staunch citizen; was well edu cated, and possessed a remarkably broad vocabulary. He was soft spoken, but when occasion demanded, he could meet it with resounding eloquence and gusto. He was always ready to defend his rights and beliefs in speech or by letters to the press ? an admirable quality. America would be an even bet ter country if we had more of his kind; folks who would be willing to speak out and take a stand for the things in which they believe. Although a native of the State of New York, "Uncle Jim"' loved our North Carolina as his own, and adopted our moun tains as his home. He knew them well, and could hold you spellbound for many an hour with his stories of the moun tains and his work with mountain people. Time will go on and others will take over his work, but his empty desk and chair can never be filled. Beautiful memories of this lovable person with his quiet manners, his sly little smile and ready friendship will live on in the hearts of those who knew him best. He was our "Uncle Jim"! Very truly yours, (MISS) LUCILLE PICKENS (MISS) MARIE JENNINGS Franklin God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference. ? Reinhold Niebuhr. D. HiDEN RAMSEY NEWSPAPERING? It's The Greatest Game In The World (Editor's Note: The follow ing is taken from an address by Mr. Ramsey before the N. C. Press Association in Chapel Hill at its mid-winter insti tute. A retired Asheville news paper executive, Mr. Ramsey has a wide circle of friends here). I spent in the service of the daily newspapers of my home town many crowded, happy, and I venture to hope, somewhat purposeful years. The work was always demanding of time strength and mental exertion but I never found it drudgery. Each day was a new venture, each issue of the paper was a complete achievement in itself. There were, of course, many frustrations and failures but they were quickly forgotten in the reassuring knowledge that tomorrow would bring a com pletely new day and a new is sue in whjch we could do full penance for the sins of today and in which the reader, re membering little, would forgive everything. If I had my life to live over again ? which none of us can do except in our vain imagin ings ? I would take the same old footworn trail. I would choose newspapering as my life work and I would spend my days within the shadows of the mountains that bulk so large against the horizon of my home land and among the kindly, eternal engaging folk who in habit its towns, (valleys, and hillsides. For the past sixteen months, I have had no responsibility for the production of any news paper. I am just another sub scriber, just another number in the ABC reports, just another unit of purchasing power which some harried solicitor is trying to sell to some skeptical adver tiser. I read newspapers now to keep abreast of the news and of opinions. Once my duties forced me to read the comics; now I am even able to ignore them altogether. No longer do typographical errors throw me into apoplectic seizures. Now just like any other simple citi zen I savor the end result of the work of your slaves of the wheels of journalistic labor. I can even throw my paper aside in angry disgust without feel ing that I have been a traitor to my kind. No reasonably perceptive and reflective person can change so sharply the angle from which he views his life-time calling without gaining a partially new perspective and without modi fying somewhat his sense of professional values. It is from this slightly different perspec tive ? my withered branch ? that I propose to speak today. As recently as twenty years ago I heard vocative experts ? a deceptive breed at best ? free ly and dolefully predict that the non-dailies would be ultimate ly driven out of business by the strong dailies circulating in their territories. This prophecy has not been fulfilled. On the contrary, the non-dailies taken as a group are more prosperous, more widely read, and more influential than they have ever been in their history. Still bettfer days lie ahead for them. The truth probably is that during the past two decades the non-dailies have made as much progress, if not more, than the dailies. If any of our daily publishers feels that this is an improvident statement, I urge him to read regularly many of the more enterprising non dailies. He will find it a reward ing practice. He will soon dis cover that there is much wis dom in these journalistic babes and sucklings. I have been deeply impressed by the quality of the editorials, the sheer readability of the per sonal columns and the thorough ness and excellence of the news coverage which our bet ter non-dailies are providing. Some of their editorials will not suffer by comparison with the more pretentious editorials appearing in some of our larg er dailies. I know of no more interesting personal columns than some of them are print ing. This morning X wish to take my metaphorical hat off to the non-dailies of our state. Judged as a whole they are exemplify ing journalism at its best by re cording and interpreting accu rately the lives of their respec tive communities. Deeply rooted in their soil, they have that as surance of permanence furn ished only by indispensable pub lic service rendered with com petence and character. Modern daily newspapering is a funny, even ridiculous busi ness. It is chockful of contra dictions, contrarieties, and ana molies, of material things that are appallingly impermanent and of intangibles that are as everlasting as human nature itself and man's unresting quest for a better life. Every successful publisher must live a double life and he must live this life of duplicity, usually righteous, in the full sight of his community and with a positive, even noble gen ius for keeping each clashing phase in its proper perspective. He must have a cold eye ? the eye* of a frigid banker. Then he must have a warm eye ? the eye of an idealist who can look beyond the balance sheet to the inestimable role which a newspaper must play in our de mocracy and which alone justi fies the freedom which shelters and ennobles the press. He must keep his cold eye fastened on the counting room and his warm eye on the editorial and news rooms. Then he must be able to bring these two eyes into focus and see the whole job in its proper dimensions. Alas! the warm eye is more subject to cataract than the cold eye. The publisher must fashion his papers to win and hold readers but once having secur ed them, he must market them in mass to the advertiser who in the last analysis pays the freight. To him the reader is both a sentient human being and a unit of purchasing power ? things spiritual and things terrestial. To cap it all, there is the" most vicious of circles that ever plagued any enterprise. With out readers, a newspaper can not sell advertising and without advertising, a newspaper can not command the frightening revenues necessary to the pro duction of a paper that folks will want to read. All the time the bedeviled publisher is chas ing the tail of the fugitive dog in the Stygian blackness never knowing which is the tail or head of the animal which real ly doesn't exist in the first place. The product itself, the indivi dual issue of the newspaper, is (See Back Page, 1st Section) T. ? VIEWS j By < BOB SLOAN I The following may be a Rus sian fantasy, or it may not. Ivan Petrovich hurried up the steps of the dull, grey building. He walked with quick step and there was an eager smile on his face. For several years now, he had been summoned to Moscow every three months to appear before the Commit tee and report on his work In America. Before, he had dreaded these meetings, for Joseph Malinaky was a hard man who demand ed results. Through diligent work, Ivan had risen in the party to this position of high trust ? head of the American bureau whose mission was to attempt in every way possible to bring about the downfall of the .democratic system of gov ernment in that country. Untfl recently he had made little progress, and he feared for his position. This morning he had good news for his comrades. He was almost humming to himself as he entered the com mittee room. The stern faces of Comrade Joseph and other members of the committee, whose decisions could even mean his death, had a sobering effect on this almost cheerful Russian. Still, he could not re press a look of bouyancy from his face as he laid his report on the desk and assumed a posi tion which he hoped gave forth the air of respectful humility. "Ah, perhaps Joseph will be pleased and I will be allowed to remain in Moscow with my beautiful Olga one week long er", he thought to himself as he noticed that his judges were re-examining the report with interest. "This interposition, can you tell us how it will help our cause?" This was the question Ivan had hoped for. That this was their first reaction meant not only that his report was clear, but it gave him a chance to place as much credit as possible on himself for a situation which might develop in America. Pure (See Back Page, 1st Section) Do You Remember? (Looking backward thn. .,:h the tiles of The Pre?, 50 YEARS AGO THIS WEEK The telephone exchange was knocked out of commission by the lightning last week or was so badly deranged that messages have had to be transferred at central since. A better exchange cabinet was purchased several weeks ago, but has not come to hand yet. The snow at Asheville last week was reported at from 12 to 15 inches deep, while her* it scarecly covered the ground entirely. A great deal fell throughout the day, but it melt ed nearly as rapidly as it fell except on the mountains. There will be a social meeting of the Franklin Library Club next Wednesday night Febru ary 14, for the reception of new members. 25 YEARS AGO ?Miss Irene Sloan has been visiting at Clayton, Ga., the past three weeks. Miss Margaret Cozad, who has been teaching school at Horse Cove, closed her school there last Friday. Mr. Buren C. Byrd left Tues day evening for his home in Salt Lake City, Utah. He has been on a several days' visit to his sister, Mrs. T. M. Hoilman. This is the first trip to Macon County since he left 13 years ago. Mr. Edwin Bleckley, who has been in Tampa, Fla.. for the past year, came home last week for a visit to his family here. 10 YEARS AGO Harold R. Hideout began work in the Highlands post of fice Monday morning in the capacity of clerk. ? Highlands item Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Brogden recently went to Bryson City to visit their son. Bill Brogden, who just returned from over seas duty. E. J. Carpenter has been ap pointed Macon County chair man of the membership cam paign of the N. C. Symphony Society, according to an an nouncement made by Gov. R Gregg Cherry.