ftk inWiii ItygbUnta Xbtmian PRICE 10 Cents 71st Year ? No. 7 Franklin, N. C., Thursday, February 16, 1956 Twelve Pages Nantahala Woman Freed In Shooting Bureau Okays Road Project District Highway Engineer C W. Lee yesterday (Wednesday: said the U- S. Bureau of Pub' lie Roads has approved the five mile project from Flesty Brand to Nantahala School and thai the state Is now working oz plans. A state-federal allocation o $250,000 has been set up for thi job, he said. When completed, this short project will afford a pavw highway through the Nantahali section from US 64 in thii county to US 19 near the Ma con-Swain county line. It is thi final link between two recen highway projects in the area. Mr. Lee said It probably wll be early summer before thi state Is ready to release thi project plans and he said 1 would be difficult at this timi to estimate when actual con structlon will get under way. Machinery For Highway Job Is Arriving Machinery for erecting struc tures (bridges and culverts; along the new project of Ut 23-441 south to the Georgia lini was scheduled to be unloads from a railroad flat car yester day (Wednesday) in the Otti vicinity, according to Residen Engineer S. T. Usry. Clearing of right-of-wa; along the project is proceeding he reported. He said the contractor, W. E Graham and Sons, does no plan to begin grading opera tions until structures axi enough advanced- to offer m interference. This will probabl; be about May 1, he estimated. Power Company Changing Lines Power lines and poles are now being moved from the right-of way of the new link of 23-441 from Franklin to thp Georgia state line. Mac Whitaker, superintended of transmission and distributior for Nantahala Power and Lighl Company, said the job shoulc be finished within the next 1( days. The company is making everj effort to minimize the incon venience to customers in the area, he said, and is keeping lines "hot" as much as pos sible. When practical, work in the morning will be done from 9 tc 11 and in the afternoon froir 1 to 4 o'clock, Mr. Whitakei said. An effort will be made tc ke?p power on between 11 and 1 daily, he added. The change-over, which start ed Wednesday of last week, in volves moving 59 poles and re stringing about five miles ol wire, the superintendent ex plained. Three miles of the line is 12.000 volt line and the rest is 4.100 volt. Teacher Honor Goes To Smith A Macon County student Wiley H. Smith, has been nam ed "Mr. Student Teacher" at Western Carolina College. Mr. Smith, who lives on Route 4. just recently was named tc "Who's Who in American Col leges and Universities" as one of W. C. C.'s outstanding stu dents. Navigation Session By Civil Air Group A training session of the Franklin squadron of Civil Air Patrol is set for tonight (Thursday i at the high school. Navigation is to be taken up, according to the training offic er. 1st Lt. Frank Plyler Mem bers are asked to bring a pro tractor and ruler. The session will begin promptly at 7:30, he said. Wood Under $2,099 Bond In Jail Here; Hearing Is Held A Nantahala woman Tuesday afternoon was cleared of shoot ing a friend of the family In a Sunday afternoon struggle In front of her husband's store. At a preliminary hearing be fore Justices of the Peace Sam J. Murray and J. H. Long, Mrs. Dorothy Passmore? on crutches reportedly because of Injuries received in the fracas ? had the warrant charging her with assault with a deadly weapon withdrawn after events leading up to the shooting were re hashed. But the man she shot with a .38 pistol, James Theodore Wood, is being held under $2,000 bond In the county jail on three counts. Wood was only slightly In jured by the bullet, which of ' fleers report ricocheted off a rib on his left side. Arrested At Hoapitad He was arrested at the An drews hospital the night of the shooting and was returned here on a warrant charging drunk en driving, which was drawn by officers on information and belief after witnesses reported the Injured man drove his automobile away from the scene. Wood also Is charged with as sault In Sunday's incident and with assault with intent to commit rape. This latter war rant was drawn by Mrs. Pass more this week and, according to Justice of the Peace Mur ray, charges the alleged assault took place July 15, 1955. At Tuesday's hearing, Wood waived all three charges to the April term of Superior Court. What Happened Testimony offered by Mrs. Passjnore and her husband, Sam, gave this version of what led to the shooting about 5:30: Wood had been to the Pass more store, which has living quarters in the rear, several times during the day. Mr. Pass more said he "seemed to be pretty drunk" in the afternoon and started "picking at" Mrs. Passmore's sister, Frances Heath, who was visiting them. Wood was using "vulgar langu age" and he asked him to stop. He and Wood went outside and Wood decided to go back and apologize. However, he again started using profane language and invited Mr. Passmore to step outside and "talk this over". Once outside. Mr. Pass more testified that he was knocked to the ground three times by Wood. Hearing what was taking place outside, Mrs. Passmore said she got her hus band's .38 pistol and went out "to help my husband." When she approached Wood, who was standing over her husband, he turned and asked her if she "wanted some to?" Mrs. Pass more said Wood grabbed her and ripped her dress off. In the scuffle she shot him. Mr Pass more said the injured man said, "Sam, she shot me." and got in his automobile and drove off. Soon after, Mrs. Passmore said SEE NO. 1, PAGE 12 Utilities Commission Man Heads Off Bus Change Here An Investigator for the N. C. Utilities Commission has head ed off a proposed schedule change by Queen City Coaches which would have dropped Franklin's morning bus to Ashe ville. District Inspector D. D. Dav is, of Webster, yesterday (Wed nesday) said in a telephone in terview he has recommended to the commission that the sched ule remain as it is now. Had the proposed change gone through (effective date was Feb. 15), it would have been impossible to ride the bus to Asheville and return in the same day. The company pro posed to eliminate the 7:20 a. m. bus, the most used of the three going to Asheville dally. This is the bus which arrives each evening from Asheville at 6:30 and stays over night, leav ing at 7:20 the next morning. The other two busses out of Franklin east are at 1:10 p. m. and 10:15 p. m. If the 7:20 had been eliminated, customers go ing to Asheville would have had to stay overnight, and re turn here at 10:05 a. m. or 1:15 p. m. Mr. Davis said all stations have been notified to disregard the proposed change. Concerning the schedule change, he said the state com mission had written him to in vestigate and see if it was prac tical. A visit by Mr. Davis here Wednesday of last week turned up mounting protests, by in dividuals and The Franklin Press, which had a front page editorial already in type oppos ing the change. The editorial was "pulled" at the last min ute when Mr. Davis notified the newspaper that he was in vestigating the matter and that the change would not be made until a public hearing was held. The investigator said yester day he felt his recommenda tion that the change not be made would meet with the ap proval of the commission. He said, also, be had heard the bus company is planning to improve service here by the first of the month with a new schedule between Asheville and Knoxville. Roy Isley Takes Assistant Agent Position In County Roy W. Isley, a native of Car ter County, Tenn., has joined the staff of the Farm and Home Development Program In this county as an assistant agent. He succeeds Robert P. McNeill, who resigned to accept an agri cultural post in Mitchell County in December. A graduate of the University of Tennessee, College of Agri culture, Mr. Isley has been serv ing since last July as the as sistant T. V. A. agent for Ma con, Jackson. Swain, Graham, Cherokee, and Clay counties. For six months prior to that he was assistant farm agent of Swain County. He also has been vocational agriculture and veterans' teach er in Anderson County. Tenn., and served with the experiment station at the University of Tennessee. Mr. Isley is a veteran of World War II and was recalled to active duty during the Ko rean War. He is married and has a small - ? Pren stuff Photo Mr. Isley daughter. He plans to move his family here at an early date. Newspaper And Jaycees Plan Essay Contest For Students What opportunities are there in Macon County for its young people? At one time, many people felt there were almost no opportun ities here for youth. Was tjiat true? And if it was true at one time, is it still true? Are there fewer economic op portunities here than else where, keeping in mind that in a city, where there are many jobs there also are many per sons wanting those jobs? What about other opportun ities ? social, religious, etc? If there are opportunities here, what are they? High school students through out Macon County this week 111! II II II III ? I HI I KW were invited to discuss these and similar questions. Three prizes are offered for the best essays on the subject, "Macon County ? My Home, My Future": First prize, a gold medal and $25 in cash. Second prize, a $25 U. S. bond. Third prize, $10 in cash. The project is sponsored jointly by The Franklin Press and the Franklin Jaycees. The three winning entries will be published in The Press, and as many others as seem deserving of publication. The newspaper and the Jay cees explained that it long has been a habit here to "low rate" s-r- vn - PAGE 12 ? ? mammm t;wmm ?< > AN ESTIMATED 300 Cubs, Boy Scouts, and Explorers and their parents and leaders in the Smoky Mountain District met Friday ni|(ht for a district-wide covered dish supper in the Frank lin Hj*h cafeteria. Leaders present included (L to K) Ben Edwards, of East l.aport, Ned Hawk, of Sylva, an Explorer advisor, and Bill Garrison, of Franklin. Svlva Explorers had charge of the pro err.m. Store Profits And Benefits Raise $44,802.03 For Schools PRAYER DAY SERVICE SET Franklin Will Join Rest Of World With Rite Friday Night Franklin's annual observance of "World Day of Prayer" will be held at the Methodist church tomorrow (Friday) eve ning at 7:30. As a reminder of the religious significance of the day, the church chimes will play at noon. The Rev. S. B. Moss, Metho dist pastor, and the Rev. J. Bryan Hatchett, Presbyterian pastor, have charge of the eve ning prayer service. The purpose of this interna tional project is to unite Chris tians in a bond of prayer and to share in an offering for Christian missions both here and abroad. Van Raalte Gives Revised Work Set-Up Van Raalte has announced a work schedule change at Its Franklin plant, which has been saddled with unexplained cut backs in recent weeks. A 30 per cent work increase in 60-gauge is now in effect, but 51 -gauge work is still on an every-other-week basis. An estimated 70 persons in 60-gauge are now working four day weeks, every week. Until the new schedule, they had worked every other week. About 70 persons in 51 gauge are working 40 hours every other week. No explanation has been of fered for the cutbacks at the plant. Tag Onslaught Hits Office With sales already running ahead of last year, the Frank lin branch office of Carolina Motor Club was braced yester day (Wednesday) for the final onslaught of motorists hurrying to squeeze under the wire of the midnight automobile license deadline. A long line had formed by noon and with two, and some times three, handing out tags, it seemed to be growing longer. Through Tuesday afternoon, the C. M. C.' office had sold nearly 300 more than last year for the same period: 4.973 as against 4,142. Verlon Swafford, manager, attributed the in crease to the opening of the US 23-441 link into Jackson ?County. With the highway open, more from that area are buy- : ing tags here, he explained. A breakdown of the total gives these sales ? automobiles, 3,199: motorcycle. 7: truck. 1,- ; 517: farm truck, 147; trailers, 103. ARE ON \V KOI, I. Misses Jacqueline Clark and i Frances Alexander made the "A" honor roll at Franklin High for the last grading perlori. Through ] an error at the high school they were listed as being on tin AB" ; honor roll . i Tourney Play Is Under Way , The sport spotlight shines ] this week on Smoky Mountain 1 Conference tournament basket ball play in Highlands and ' Robblnsville as 15 high schools 1 eye the championships. Boys' play got under way yes terday (Wednesday) In the i Highlands High gymnasium. ' The Robblnsville gym today la 1 echoing beginning play in the girls' tournament. Franklin's \ lassies will meet Murphy at 2 i o'clock; Highlands plays Rob binsvllle at 6:30; and Nanta- 1 hala takes on Cullowhee at 8. i The winners of the opening games will meet Saturday. The semi-finals are set for Wed nesday and the finals for Fri day night. Boys' play is scheduled for to morrow (Friday), with the semi-finals next Thursday, and ' the finals Saturday. In play yesterday. Franklin met An drews, Highlands took on Hay esvllle, and Nantahala clashed with Olenvllle. No scores were available at presstlme. Up to the semi-finals, ad- . mission is 50 cents for students and 75 for adults. Prices for 1 the semi-finals and finals will advance to 75 cents and $1. Vote Board Renominated ? The Democratic Executive : Committee here has recom- , mended the present party elec- ' tions board for reappointment. ' On the elections board are J. Lee Barnard, chairman, Fred S. Moore, and Walter Bryson, al ternate. In session Wednesday of last j week, the executive committee nominated these men again. Their appointments must be ' confirmed, however, by the state elections board, according 1 to the executive committee J chairman. Frank I. Murray. Plans for a general party ' rally also came on the com- < mittee's agenda, the chaiiynan ! reported, and details are to be ' announced later. Heart Drive < To Be Staged l A one-day campaign is plan ned this year for the Heart c Fund, according to Bob Car- ( penter and Neil Finger, co- 1 chairman of the drive. 5 Donations are to be received v on "Heart Sunday", February s 26, at which time volunteer workers will canvass the coun- c tv door-to-door, the chairmen e explained. Campaign kits are now being xi distributed to the schools and i heart-shaped coin collectors are s bring placed in business estab lishments. J Norman B Smith has been ] appointed chairman of the cam paign in the schools. CIRCLES ARE INVITED Members of afternoon circles ci >f Macon County Presbyterian t ?hurdles ar? invited to attend ;i Presbyterian meeting in Ashe- s ville March 6. Miss Alice Slagle. 0 local chairman, has been noti- r ied. The meeting will be held t it the First Church in Asheville t it 6 p. m. 6 Little League Ball League Organized In Franklin Area Little League Baseball was organized here Tuesday night with the aid of Jack Justice, state Little League director. Meeting at the Nantahala Power and Light Company building. interested citizens elected this slate of officers to pave the way for league play this summer: Bob Carpenter, president; Howard Barnwell, vice-presi rient; Don Graham, secretary; and Fred Vaughn, treasurer. Two concerns ? Nantahala Power and Macon County Sup ply ? already have committed themselves as sponsors of two of the four teams in the local league, according to Mr Car penter. Several others have in- \ cheated they are interested in 1 sponsorship, he said. f Each team will have 15 play- S ers. League play will bo confin- ? ed to Franklin and the sur- J rounding area 1 Mr. Justice, of Canton, ex plained the Little League pro gram. which, is a national proj ect. He particutarlly stressed \ the idea of emphasizing build- 1 ing of character among the F team members rather than S winning games Winning is im- S portant. he said, but is not a A "have to". 1 Figure* Compiled By McSwain Cover School Year 1953-54 Account School-operated stores and school and P. T. A. benefits :hanneled a gross of $44,802.03 into the school system during 1953-54, according to figures :ompiled by Supt. Holland Mc Swain. This money, he said, "came right out of the pockets of par ents" and had no connection with the school system's budg eted expenditures. Schools used this "extra" money to purchase non-budget ed Items ranging from sweep ing compound to Venetian blinds and stage curtains, he explained. The superintendent Is now compiling "non-budgeted" fig ures of this nature for a three year period at the request of a P. T. A. -backed committee studying how to make the school system financially inde pendent of assistance from school store profits and bene fits. It Is the aim of this com mittee to completely separate the system from outside financ ing. Mr. McSwain this week said he will have a complete survey ready by next week. He emphasized that the >44, 502 03 gross for 1953-54 did not Include regular student and athletic fees. Franklin Leads Franklin School (high school ind elementary i leads the 10 in the system for the year in raising $17,903.55 through out side aids. Operation of the school store and sale of bottled drinks brought in $16,708.62. Benefits and other fund-raising schemes came to $1,194.93. Cullasaja led the elementary schools with $4,226.91 ? $3,237. D9 with its store. Amounts raised by the others ire as follows: Cartoogechaye, $1,974.37;, Co wee, $2,877.76; East Franklin, 53,168.94; Highlands (high school and elementary i, $3,572. f3: Iotla, $2,472.83. Nantahala high school and elementary >, S3, 156.29; Otto, $2,575.48; and Jnion, $2,873.17. Figures were not available for Chapel School. Groundhog Says Spring s Coming "Spring is just around the orner," is the word from Brer Sroundhog, who failed to see lis shadow Tuesday < 14th ? fountain Groundhog Day > vhen checking his weather heet. It was cloudy when he popped iut of his hole, but cleared lat ?r in the day. Warming temperatures this reek 'seemed to support the ani ual's prediction for an early pring. inow Falls Sunday, Jut Spring's Tryin' A light snow fell over parts if the county Sunday night, ut at intervals there was evi ence that Spring was trying o get a foot in the door Low temperatures mellowed omewhat from the bitterness t the recent cold snap They anged from the mid-20's to he 40's High readings during he days were in the 50's and O's. The Weather :i n?l M-.n ?? v?-t in Hi !l j?n.l W r. tomp?iatiir < I inklin l> ainfall. as ?*n .Stile*. :hlaml? l>v ton. TV A Ved . Feb 'hursday 'ridav aturday unday londay 'ucsday ^ed.. Fob. hursday ridav aturday unday londay uesday xl at th?- tic FRANKLIN Temperatures High Low Rain 61 24 10 65 36 59 46 55 42 .51 52 25 55 25 .15 61 25 trace COWEETA Temperatures Hhjh Low Rain 8 59 26 .17 64 55 57 50 54 61 38 29 44 26 23 27 1.23 .10 .04