CIRCULATION Z810 Net Paid ' Last Week Dklitt Baconian PRICE 10 Centa 71st Year ? No. 28 Franklin, N. C., Thursday, July .12, 1956 Fourteen Page* MAY EXPAND EDUCATIONAL PROGRAM HERE Action Depends On Locating Properly Trained Teachers If the "big problem" of find ing trained personnel can be licked, Macon County's special education program will be ex panded this fall, according to School Supt. Holland McSwaln. By telephone Monday, the superintendent said the state director of the program assur ed the local system of at least one more special education teacher and possibly two, if persons trained in this field can be found. Mr. McSwain said he is keep ing In "close touch" with Western Carolina College, one of three or four institutions in the state offering the training. "The program is fairly new to the state," the superinten dent explained, "and it is diffi cult to find teachers with the proper training." Miss Esther Seay had charge of the county program this past school year. She concentrated mainly on correction of speech defects. If new teachers can be lo cated, Mr. McSwaln said the program will be enlarged to cover the areas of the mental ly retarded and crippled chil dren. To Receive School Bids Bids for construction of two classrooms at Cullasaja School and vocational shops at High lands and Nantahala will be re ceived by the Macon Board of Education on August 7. School 9upt. Holland Mc Swain said a request already has been made to the state for vocational teachers at /High lands and Nantahala so the vo cational programs can go into operation as soon as construc tion is completed. Late News and Briefs ?HILLBILLY' PLANKING Planning Is now under way for the annual "Hillbilly Day" celebration in the resort town of Highlands. Slated for Wednesday, Aug ust 1, the program is being ar ranged through the summer recreation director, Richard Thompson. * ? ? HE'LL BE THERE Macon Rep. G. L. Houk says he will be on hand in Waynes ville tomorrow (Friday) when some 40 members of the Gen eral Assembly meet with Gov. Luther H. Hodges to discuss pending legislation for the spe cial July 23 session In Raleigh. The group will meet in closed session at the home of the president of Dayton Rubber Company, A. L. Freedlander. This is one of four meetings scheduled across the state to iron out plans for the special session. GOING ON TOUR Mrs. Hyldah Shepherd, of Franklin, plans to leave Mon day evening for Raleigh to join others for a 10-day tour of Cuba missions under the aus pices of the Business Woman's Federation. The group will stop at points of interest on the east coast of Florida and will go by ship from Miami to Havana, Cuba, for visits to Baptist churches, missions, and hospitals. The re turn trip will be up the west coast of Florida. ? * * REPLACING LINE Frankllnites are experiencing brief interruptions in electrical service this week while Nanta hala Power and Light Company crews replace some 7,000 feet of wire. ' Mac Whltaker, company of ficial, explained that growth Is responsible for the move and that a heavier gauge wire, cap able of handling larger loads of power, U being Installed. Fall From Bike Kills Allison Boy Ten-year-old Michael Glenn Allison, son of Mr. and Mrs. Donald G. Allison, formerly of Franklin, died of injuries re ceived in a bicycle accident at Stecoah on Tuesday morning. The fifth grader is reported to have struck his head on the pavement after he and a play mate collided on their bicycles. He was taken to a Bryson City hospital where a doctor said death was> instantaneous. Michael's father was an as sistant county agent here for several years after World War II and is now agricultural teacher at Stecoah High School. His mother is the former Miss Flora Talley, a native of this county. She is superintendent of nurses at the Bryson City hospital where Michael was taken following the accident. The Allisons have been at Ste coah about three years. Funeral services are slated for 11 a. m. today (Thursday) at the Franklin Methodist Church with the Rev. S. B. Moss, pastor, and the Rev. Jos eph Hauser, of Bryson City, of ficating. Burial will be in Wood lawn Cemetery. In addition to the parents, surviving are a brother, Frank, a sister, Margaret, and the pa ternal grandfather, Glenn Alli son, of Hayesville. Bryant Funeral Home Is in charge of arrangements. 4-H Gardens Are Judged; Tour Slated Winning entries in the 4-H Garden Contest were selected Tuesday and a public tour of the gardens is scheduled lor this coming Tuesday afternoon. The judges, W. W. Sloan and Wayne Proffitt, awarded first place to the garden of Rosanne Cabe, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. C. R. Cabe, of Clark's Chapel. Second place went to Lewis Ashe, also of Cork's Chapel. Rosanne and , Lewis each had 19 vegetables in their gardens. Three others tied for third place honors. They were Mary Sue Reynolds, and Steve Cabe, both Carson community, and Patricia Ray, of Clark's Chapel. An "exceptionally good" 4-H record on gardens was kept by those in Clark's Chapel with' the help of Mrs. Wiley Brown, an adult leader, the judges re ported. Mrs. Jessie D. Cabe, assistant agent in charge of 4-H, has ex tended an open invitation to the public to attend a tour of the gardens Tuesday afternoon. A motorcade will leave from the Agricultural Building at 1:30. The organized community groups sponsor the garden con test. ^ ? Presa Staff Photo TITLE OF "Miss Fourth of July" this year went to Miss Judy Hooker (center), daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. K. Hooker. Runners-up were Miss Helen Cochran (left) and .Miss Susie Wallace. Airport Officers Named As Repairs Get Under Wav - * ? J As initial steps in a long range improvement program for the Franklin Airport, repairs to existing buildings and hangers are now under way. The newly-chartered corpora tion promoting the 55-acre landing strip, Macon County Airport, Inc., has held its or ganizational meeting and elect ed officers. G. L. Houk is president; Bill Phillips, vice-president; and Roy Fouts, secretar y-treasurer. Named to the board of direct ors were Mr. Fouts, Mr. Phillips, Grant Zickgraf, Howard Stew art, and Dr. G. R. McSween. An improvement program, in cluding hanger rents and tie down fees, is now being pre pared by the corporation. Present buildings are being roofed this week. Beauties, Parade, Events Mark Celebration Of Fourth Macon County's celebration of the Fourth of July was a well rounded program studded with a variety of entertainment ranging from bathing beauties, parade, field events, and dou ble-header baseball. A short, but colorful and en joyable, parade officially open ed the Independence Day fes tivities through a downtown Franklin packed with holiday crowds. A float entered by the Hig donville Rural Community De velopment Organization was awarded first place. It carried out the theme of the signing of the Declaration of Indepen dance with 'names of North Carolinians who inked the his torical paper. The parade, which was or ganized by the American Legion, Bus Incident Here Reminds Of Old Woman Living In Shoe There was an old woman who lived in a shoe. She had so many children, i she ? moved to Florida. . . . and on the way, stopped in i Franklin. i In this case, though, it wasn't I an old woman at all, but a rela- i tively young man. But he did have "so many children"? 46 in < all. This champion "adopter", John 1 F. Vogel, his wife, members of his i "family" staff, and the 46 chll- s dren spent Friday night at the 1 Franklin Lodge here, after their I private bus broke down on the I (east) Town Hill. i The story goes back, Mr. Vogel 1 said, to 17 years ago when he was an ordained Baptist minister in 1 the mountains of Kentucky, liv- i ing in a log cabin for which he 1 paid a rental of $2.50 a month. i There was a murder; a child was left without parents; and the neighbors brought the child to him. As" other children in the area became orphaned, they, too, were brought to his door. One after the other, he said, he adopted them: all the 46 who were here are in his legal care, just as though they were his legally adopt ed children, he said. As the work with orphaned children grew, the project was incorporated under the name of the Galilean Children's Home. It now has a board of five directors, ill of whom are on the staff of the home. At times, there have seen as many as 87 children in the home, which has been oper ated in Whitley County (Corbini, Ky. The enforced overnight stop Here was while the home was bo ng moved to Lake County, Fla. Mr. Vogel did not explain the rea son for the move. "How is the work financed?" Mr. Vogel's answer was brief SEE NO. 5. PAGE 10 ? Pr*M Staff FhoU Mr. Biggers (right) Explains Solar Heat broke up at the East Franklin School where the rest of the day's activities were centered. In Beauty Contest Twenty-one girls competed in a beauty contest arranged by the Franklin Junior Woman's Club. Miss Judy Hooker, daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. W. K. (Ken) Hooker, was picked by Rotary Club judges as "Miss Fourth of July" and was crown ed by Dr. J. L. Hill, president of the Franklin Jaycees, who coordinated the celebration. Runners-up in the beauty pa rade were Misses Helen Coch ran and Susie Wallace. Mrs. Margie Cabe, president of the Woman's Club, was in charge of the contest. Events Are Held With the Franklin Chamber of Commerce furnishing the prizes donated by local mer chants, field events were super vised by the Jaycees with the Lions Club in charge of an nouncing. A greasy pole erected by the Moose Lodge gave up its prize to J. T. Moses. Other field event winners in cluded: Biggest family, H. L. Bryant; three-legged race, under 12, John Swan and Carrol Arnold; three-legged race, 12-16 years, Jimmy Shook and Larry Dry man; girls' 50-yard dash, under 12, Josephine .McCall; girls' 50 yard dash, 12 to 16, Erstine Hopkins; boys' 50-yard dash, under 12, Lewis Dills; boys! 50 yard dash, 12 to 16, Andy Brad ley; father-son relay, J. Paul Vinson and Dennis Vinson; ugli est man, Bob Moore, woman's slipper kicking contest, Mavis Gibson; married ladies' potato race, Mrs. Ann Biddle, fat man's race, Dennis Mehaffey; base ball throw for distance, Dennis Mehaffey; Wheelbarrow race, under 12 years, Ray Wyatt and Blanton Cochran; wheelbarrow race, 12 to 16 years, Bobby Swan and Jim Franklin, base ball throw for distance, under 16, B. Cochran. Ends With Games Little League games capped off the celebration in the aft ernoon, despite intermittent showers. In the first game, the league leading Jaybirds knocked off the Reddys 16 to 10, and in the second the Wildcats rolled over the Thunderbirds, 13 to 2. I i -i 1 l i I i 1 i i i l i i ayan v aucy man ? Puts Sun To Work To everyone but W. B. Big- 1 gers, a retired grocer with a 1 penchant for mechanical put- < tering, a solar heating system I in the mountains sounds about ] as impractical as the storied "hole in the head". But Mr. Biggers, who sees ' nothing so unusual about it. has 1 built a solar system in the back 1 yard of his Wayah Valley sum- ' mer home. And the system, gen erally associated with the coast- ' al areas, worked perfectly In supplying plenty of hot water for his household. i "And why shouldn't It work?" he asks. "We have the same sun shining up here that shines in Florida." For those unfamiliar with this type of heating system, sun ioes most of the work. Its heat nets on water-filled copper pip ing that Is surrounded by re flective sheeting. What about cloudy days? Well, a large storage tank takes :are of that problem. A proper ly insulated tank can carry on through several cloudy days, Mr Biggers explains. His system used 100 feet of :opper tubing and a 120-gallon tank. Mr. Biggers learned about sol ar heating in Florida, where he operated the "Biggest Uttle Store in Miami" before retiring. \ Way ah Valley summer resi dent for 18 years, he and his wife still spend their winters in Miami. Budget Allocates Money For Truck Highlands Budget To Be Adopted; Tax Rate Same A new budget for the fiscal year Is scheduled to be adopted Monday by the Highlands Board of Commissioners. The board already has set the same tax rate, $2.25 per hun dred valuation, that has been used for several years. Town Clerk "Bud" Potts re ported Tuesday that the 1956 57 budget probably will be only "slightly higher" than last year's. NATIVE DIES IN ACCIDENT Mrs. Cooper Victim Of Truck- Automobile Wreck Near Sylva Wreck injuries Sunday claim ed the life of Mrs. Clayton (Betty Sue) Cooper, 24, a native of this county and daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Austin Dills, of Franklin. She was in juried in an auto mobile-truck collision about 6:15 a. m. near Sylva, and died at 3:10 p. m. in a Sylva hos pital. She suffered a fractured skull and other internal injur ies. Six others, Including her hus band and three children, were injured in the wreck, according to the highway patrol report. Mr. Cooper, 23, received dis pensary treatment; Roy Joe Dills, 5, Mrs. Cooper's son by a prior marriage, is still in a serious condition with a brain concussion; and Gary 4, and Steve, 2, were treated for cuts and bruises. During a rainstorm, a panel SEE NO. 4, PAGE 10 2 From Macon County Get Scholarships Two from this county have been awarded scholarships by the N. C. Veterans Commission. They are Miss Gladys Sue Yonce, of Franklin, and Bobby Hoyt Lee, of Nantahala. Both grants are for study at Western Carolina College, Cul lowhee. All recipients of commission scholarships are children of state war veterans who are either deceased or disabled. Siler Family Meeting Place Is Changed This year's Siler family meet ing will be held at the Slagle Memorial Building, it was an nounced this week by the Rev. A Rufus Morgan. The reunion is set for Sat urday, August 4. The gathering originally had been planned for the old Albert Siler home, but it became nec sssary to change the place to the Memorial Building. Host and hostesses to the 1956 annual meeting will be Mr. Morgan and his sisters, Mrs. Esther M. Freas, of Franklin, Mrs. Anna M. Barr, of Char lotte, Miss Lucy C. Morgan, of Penland, and Mrs. Laura War ren, of Murphy. Funds For Water-Sewer Work Nearly Triple; Budget Up $8,991.57 A new truck and additional man for the garbage depart ment and $12,000 for water and sewer improvements are stand out items in the 1956-57 budget adopted Friday night by the Franklin Board of Aldermen. With the same tax rate, $1.10 per hundred valuation, the new budget of $121,547.98 is $8,991.57 higher than last year's. (To clarify, the 1955-56 budget actually was $134,308.70, con siderably higher than the one just adopted. However, it in cluded a carry-over of $21,572. 29 in bond money for com pletion of the new town hall.) In the Street Department, an allocation of $3,750 has been set up for purchase of a new garbage truck and $5,040 for salaries also includes pay for a new man in the garbage de partment, who will receive $150 per month. It is proposed to spend $1,750 on new side walks, $1,000 for street and sidewalk repairs, and $11,000 on streets. The $12,000 allocation for water and sewer work is almost triple the $4,400 figure used In the Water Department last fis cal year. Where this money will be spent has not been decided, according to town officials. In estimates of receipts for the new year, the budget fig ures the new water rates, which go in use this month, will bring in $35,000. The lower rates in 1955-56 produced $29, 000. New water and sewer tapping fees are expected to bring in Departmental expenditures listed in the budget include: Administrative: $20,065.54, in cludes $4,210 for salaries of the mayor and aldermen <$710>, clerk-tax collector ($3,000), ex tra office help <$300>, and health officer and attorney ($2001, and $2,700 for new of fice equipment and improve ments to the new building and grounds. Police: $9,810, with $7,860 of the total salaries for three full time officers. Fire: $6,065, with $3,555 of total as final payment on the new fire truck. Salaries of the chief and firemen estimated at $1,610. Water: $24,800, with $12,000 for improvements, $3,300 for sal aries, $3,750 for power pumps, and $3,750 for meters, pipes, and fittings. Street: $31,240, with $5,040 for salaries. $5,000 for street lighting, $1,000 for street clean ing, $1,000 for street and side walk repairs, $11,000 for street improvements, and $3,750 for new truck. Debt Service: $28,270, prin cipally interest on water, street, and building bonds. Tallent Reunion The Tallent reunion Is set for July 22 at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Tallent on Womack Street in Franklin. A picnic lunch will be served at noon. There will be preaching at 11 o'clock. Frank Tallent. presi dent. has announced. Members of the family and their friends are invited. The Weather The week's temperature and rainfall, an foorded in Franklin by Manson Stiles. U. S. weather observer; in Highlands br Tudor N. Hnll and W. C. Newton TV A observer; and at the Coweta Hydropic Laboratory. FRANKLIN Temperatures High Low Rain Wed.. July Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday 86 84 85 81 78 84 80 HIGHLANDS Wed.. July 4 76 Thursday 74 Friday 74 Saturday 74 Sunday 66 Monday 78 Tuesday 74 Wednesday COWEHTA Wed.. July 4 Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday 83 82 83 89 78 83 77 63 64 63 65 65 63 58 57 57 61 63 63 61 57 51 59 60 58 63 64 61 68 .49 .46 .10 .06 .06 .50 .52 1.71 .52 .74 .13 1.11 .12 .04 62 .43 .47 .01

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