CIRCULATION 2810 Net Paid Last Week / itfelin . wA $h* WaWwto* JBttttrotan PRICE 10 Cent* 71,st Year ? No. 33 Franklin, N. C., Thursday, August 16, 1956 Sixteen Pages THREE TANGLE ? A three-car wreck about 3:30 p. m. Saturday on US 64 near Wayah Road, put three persons in the hospital. A. L. Alien, of Chickamauga, Ga., driving a 1949 Lincoln west, hit an easlbound 1955 Chevrolet occupied by Mr. and Mrs. Mace Snead, of McKenzie, Tenn. A third eastbound car, a 1953 Chevrolet driven by ,Mac Bramblet, of Macadamville, rammed the back end of the Snead car. Mr. Allen, who has been charged with reckless driving, received a frac tured right wrist and was discharged from the hospital Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Snead were released yesterday after treatment for chest injuries and abrasions. Mr. Bramblet, who was not injured, was charged by Patrolman E. V. Hooper for following too close to another vehicle. PLAY-OFFS UNDER WAY Wildcats Take First Game; Second Rained Out On Saturday Rain pitched a no-hitter here Saturday in what was supposed to be the second game of the Little League "world series" be tween the Jaybirds and the Wildcats. In the opening clash Wed nesday afternoon of last week, the Wildcats took the lead by winning 13-8. A heavy down pour Saturday afternoon, how ever, turned the East Franklin ANOTHER LEAGUE? Want a Pony League next season for older boys? A meeting to .discuss this is set for tonight (Thursday) at 8:15 a.t Slagle Memorial Building, immediately after the Rotary Club adjourns. A Little League managers, officials, and parents ,are urg ed to turn out. field into a muddy pond and the scheduled game was can celled. Yesterday (Wednesday) after noon. series play was resumed at 4 o'clock and the outcome was not known when The Press "was put to bed". Since announcing play-off plans last week, Little League officials have decided to let the best teajn win three out of five games, rather than two out of three. Therefore, another game is scheduled for 5 p. m. Saturday, and, if the Jaybirds pull up again, another next Wednes day at. 4. New Hospital Wing Started Construction has started on the new out-patient clinic wing at Angel Hospital, Inc. The contractor Is W. B. Dil lard Construction Company, of ' Sylva. Including new equipment, the over-all cost of the new wing will be $216,589, according to the medical director, Dr. Edgar Angel. The new two-story wing will connect with the present hos pital on the southwest side. Community Gives Thanks' Dinner Ashevillians Are Guests Of Holly Springs Thursday A time-tested formula with universal appeal was used by Holly Springs Community last Thursday in endearing itself in the hearts of more than 60 Asheville businessmen and dis trict, state, and national ex tension service officials. The formula? "The way to a man's heart is through his stomach." And that's exactly the ave nue used by the women of the country's pace-setting rural community in "treating" the visitors to "acres of food" at a real old timey picnic featuring tables sagging under the weight of a wide variety of food. Contented sighs and tender patting of somewhat overloaded stomachs attested to the power of the formula when properly used. "I've never in all my life . . . seen so much food piled up in one place," declared one visitor. What was the occasion? Well, it was a grateful Holly Springs saying "thank-you" to the busi ness men who put up the prize money for the area rural con test. Holly Springs took first place and $500 in the '55 event and a gesture of this kind seemed the neighborly thing to do in return, according to the community president, Walter Taylor. Briefing Held A motorcade of about 20 cars carried the visitors here. It was met about 4 o'clock at the Holly Springs entrance on US 23-441 by County Agent T. H. Fagg and SEE NO. 1, PAGE 8 HUNGRY! Taking advantage of Holly Springs' "acres of food" are (L to R) Maurice Puckett, owner of the George Wash derbilt and Battery Park Hotels, M. C. Peterson, president of the Asheville Chamber of Commerce, and W. Douglas Kouns, cham ber director. SHADY MEETING ? Asheville Mayor Earl W.Eller (standing) called his councilmen to order under a tree here last Thursday at Holly Springs. Seated (L to R) are City Manager J. Weldon Weir, W. F. Algary, Frank Mulvaney, J. W. McRory, and Robert I. Pressley. OIL FIRM REQUESTS REZONING Proposes To Build Storage Facilities If Change Is Made An oil firm has requested the rezoning of a piece of property in East Franklin so it can erect a building and bulk storage facilities. The site the firm has its eye on is the John Burleson prop erty, which Earl Angel is now using for a junk yard. Under the town's zoning schedule, the sites zoned "busi- 1 ness". An "industrial" area is necessary for bulk fuel storage. J. H. Duncan, of Allison and Duncan Oil Combany, a Phillips 66 dealer, requested a rezoning of the Burleson property at last week's meeting of the town board. He told the aldermen if his company could obtain clear ance, it planned to construct a modern building, in addition to erecting storage tanks. The site also would be landscaped, he said. Aldermen are waiting for the company to make formal appli cation for the change before taking any action. Merchants Set Trade Event Here A special trade promotion, "Harvest Festival", is being planned by Franklin merchants for Septembe. 27-28-29. The dates uf the event coin cide with the annual county fair. Coordinating the "Harvest Festival" Is the chamber of commerce's merchants commit tee, which is composed of Sam Gibson, chairman, Roy Moore, T. Y. Angel, and Bruce Bryant. The committee held a meeting Friday night to lay the ground work for the fall promotion. The decision to conduct the event during the week-end of the county fair was the upshoot of a trade promotion dinner Wednesday night of last week at Cartoogechaye School. Spon sored by The Press, the meal and discussion that followed at tracted more than 50 business men and women interested in boosting trade in the area. Appearing to explain the suc cess of three trade promotions held in Jackson County was Jim Gray, of the advertising staff of The Sylva Herald, which co operated with the town in the efforts. Mr. Gray placed special emphasis on the effectiveness of a "main theme" in each pro motion and he reported some businessmen in his town saw receipts up as much as 50 per cent as a result of the promot ions. Bob S. Sloan, business man ager of The Press, served as master of ceremonies and mod erator during the discussion on trade. He pledged the support of the newspaper in any field of business promotion chosen. A quartet entertained follow ing the meal. Members of the vocal group were Misses Nancy Angel, Alice Angel, Nancy Mc Collum, and Norma Jean Welch. Miss Marjorte Moody was ac companist. Board Requests Bids For Jobs The Macon County Board of Education on August 23 will re ceive bids for construction of vocational shops at Highlands and Nantahala and a classroom addition at Cullasaja. A special meeting is slated on that date to review the bids and to transact any other busi ness, according to Supt. Holland McSwain. The board did not hold its regular meeting .Monday of last week. Supt. McSwain said a prelimi nary estimate on the combined construction of the shops and classrooms (2> is about $50,000. Lunchrooms are now under construction at Cowee and Otto schools and are expected to be ready for use this fall. ? SUiO I'hoto by J. P. Brady EATIN' ? Caught chatting during lunch at the Saturday session of the 53rd annual meeting of Ma con Baptist Association at the church were il. to Id Dr. Hoyt Blackwell. president of 'Mars Hill College, who spoke during the morning; the Kev. Judson Duvall, pastor of the Burn ington church, who preached the doctrinal message; the Kev. M. C. Wyatt, newly elected moder ator of the association; and the Rev. M. VV. Chapman, retiring moderator. More than 500 attend ed the two-day meeting. Friday's opening session was held a.t the Iotia church. Birthday Present For Judge Patton Native Son Named Attorney General Friday By Hodges His appointment by Gov. Luther H. Hodges as attorney general of North Carolina comes as an early birthday present to Superior Court Judge George B. Patton. The affable native son of Ma con County, who was named to the high post by the governor Friday, will be 58 years old the 27th of this month ? just six days after he takes the oath of office in Raleigh. Not long after the word spread here (hours before the story broke in the daily press > that the state chief executive had tapped him for the post, a Press reporter reached Judge Patton by telephone in Burns ville, where he was holding court. "Hear you're the new attorn ey general," the newsman de clared. "That's the way it looks," the judge answered laconically. Back home again Saturday morning, with Mrs. Patton at his side, he appraised his ap pointment at greater length. "I am honored that the gov ernor thinks I am capable of filling the job," he commented, "and I approach it with a lit tle hesitancy, particularly in having to leave here. To me. Macon County is the garden spot of the world." His comely wife seemed some what overwhelmed by it all. "My feelings are mixed," she said. "I'm proud they think he's worthy of the post, but I'm sad at having to leave home." Succeeds Rodman A special Superior Court judge for nine years, Judge Patton succeeds William B. Rodman, Jr., in the office. Mr. Rodman last week was appoint ed to the State Supreme Court bench. His appointment by the gov ernor ends with the general election this fall. However, the state Democratic committee is expected to nominate the new attorney general and place his name on the ballot as a candi date for a four -year term. Soon after representing Ma con County in the 1939 Legis lature, Judge Patton joined the staff of the attorney general as an assistant. Courage And Work The Horatio Alger-type life story of George B. Patton is one of courage, determination, and hard work. Educated in the Franklin schools, he had an accident that cost him his right hand. With a resoluteness that has become characteristic of every thing he undertakes, he enroll ed as a special law student at the University of North Caro lina. A little known fact (and one he avoids discussing i is that young George Patton was in law school less than two years. Six months before he was to be graduated, "just to get the feel of it" he, unknown to his family, took the state bar examination ? and passed it. Is Licensed He was licensed to practice in February, 1923. Judge Patton twice served Franklin as mayor, from 1928 to 1933, and from 1936 to 1938. He was the county attorney for six years, from 1933 to 1939, when he went to the Legislature. Judge Patton last used his law office in the Bank of Franklin building in February, 1947, but has used it on week SEE NO. 2, PAGE 8 ? Pr?M Staff Photo Judge And Mrs. Patton ESCAPEES ARE STILL AT LARGE Youths Flee From Ditch At Prison; Cars Are Stolen Still at large yesterday (Wed nesday) were the two young prisoners who escaped from the Macon Prison Camp last Friday morning. Supt. John E. Cutshall said he was notified by telephone Monday that one of them, Dwight Baker, 19, had been seen in Avery County. The other youth is Junior Laws, 20, who had received an 8-12 months sentence in Super ior Court week before last for a prior escape from a road gang near Highlands last May 31. Laws was sent to the local camp from Burke County to serve 18 months for breaking and entering and larceny. Supt. Cutshall said Baker is considered "dangerous". He was serving 7-10 years for armed robbery last May 4 in Avery County. Crawl In Ditch Baker and Laws made their break about 10:30 a. jn., the superintendent reported They and 11 other prisoners v> digging a ditch at the rear of the prison camp when they crawled along the ditch and ran into the nearby woods. He said Guard Jack Pruitt fired two shots at the fleeing youths, but doubts that he hit them. Vehicles Stolen The escapees are believed re sponsible for the theft of three automobiles on the day of their break. Two of the cars have been recovered. A 1951 Ford was stolen near Iotla Bridge. It belonged to a Mrs. Davis, daughter of Paul Jones, according to Sheriff J. Harry Thomas. Later, Sheriff Thomas said, some boys near Beeco's Motor Court, at the foot of Cowee SEE NO. 3, PAGE 8 The Weather The week's temiieratur.'? and rainfall, aa tecorded in Franklin by Manson Stiles. U. S. weather observer; in Highlands by Tudor N. Hall an. I W. C. Newton. TV A observer : and at the Coweta Hydroloific Laboratory. FRANKLIN Temperatures High Low Rain Wed., Aug. 8 88 52 Thursday 90 56 Friday 92 68 Saturday 91 58 .83 Sunday 89 62 trace Monday 93 61 Tuesday 89 63 HIGHLANDS Wed.. Aug 8 82 45 Thursday 84 54 Friday 84 56 Saturday 82 56 Sunday 81 58 .09 Monday 84 57 .... Tuesday 78 60 Wednesday 57 COWEETA Wed., Aug. 8 86 49 Thursday 89 53 Friday 89 55 Saturday 85 56 .18 Sunday ? 84 58 .38 Monday 90 56 Tuesday 88 60