CIRCULATION 2799 Net Paid Last Week ttlflift Ijiglllattta JRaemnnn PRICE 10 Cents 71st Year ? No. 34 Franklin, N. C., Thursday, August 23, 1956 Sixteen Pages About Fall Balloting . . . On September 8, Macon County voters will go to the polls In the first of two gen eral elections slated for this fall. The September balloting will find them either approving or disapproving four constitution al amendments, with the one dealing with public education hogging most of the spotlight. Again, on November 6, they will go to the polling places to pick public officials. On the ballot for next month's vote are three regular session amendments. One would allow limited necessary com pensation of members of the General Assembly; the second would change the date for con vening the General Assembly from January to February; and the third would authorize a married woman to exercise powers of attorney conferred upon her by her husband. Two Points Two strong points are em bodied in the proposed amend ment (product of last month's special session of the General Assembly) relating to public ed ucation. It would authorize ed ucation expense grants and lo cal option to suspend operation , of public schools. In brief, provisions would be made for payment of educa tion expense grants from any state or local public funds for the private education of any child for whom no public school is available or for the private education of a child who is assigned against the wishes of his parents to a pub lic school attended by a child of another race. A grant shall be available only for education in a nonsectarian school and In the case of a child assigned to a public school attended by a child of another race, a grant shall, in addition to be avail able only when it is not rea sonable and practicable to re assign such child to a public school not attended by a child of another race. The local option point would authorize the board of educa tion of any administrative unit to suspend the operation of one or more or all of the public schools under its jurisdiction. Questions ? Answers Points of the proposed amend ment were drawn from the Pearsall Committee Plan, which, made recommendations, on ap pointment by the governor, concerning the state's approach to the segregation problem. Following are some questions and answers, prepared by the committee, to provide basic in formation for the action: 1. What is the purpose of this program? A. It is an effort to preserve North Carolina's Public School system. 2. Why should we amend our State Constitution? A. It is necessary to amend the N. C. Constitution in order that the state legislature can pass the necessary laws to protect the people against unacceptable mix ing of the races and thereby as sure public support of schools. 3. What are we going to vote on? A. The people will decide wheth er they want to authorize the General Assembly to provide edu cation expense grants for private education. They also will decide whether they want the closing of any school to be decided by the people on the local level. In other words, the smallest school unit could make the derision. 4. Why should we vote for the amendment? A. To give ourselves as much freedom of choice as is possible under Ihe U. S. Supreme Court decision. 5. If the people approve this program will my child be fprced to attend school with a member of another race? A. Emphatically No. 6. Is this whole thin? an effort to defy the U. S. Supreme Court? A. It is not defiance. It is an attempt to stay within that de cision, even though a great major ity of our citizens disapprove the Supreme Court's ruling. 7. Are we sure that approval on our part will preserve our traditional system of segregated schools? A. We cannot be sure of any thing the U. S. Supreme Court may do, or say. But this Is the best plan that has been advanced SEE NO. 1, PAGE 5 WINNING WILDCATS? The Little League "world series" has been won by the Wildcats, sponsored by Macon County Supply. Team members are (L to R) front row, Lyman Bry ? staff Photo by J. P. Brady ant, Alex Corbin, Larry Franklin, Jimmy Taylor, Zeb Cabe, a.nd Htrgh Franklin; back row, E. J. Carpenter, coach, Sammy Ta.Uent, Walter Taylor, Jr., Jimmy Williams, Ronnie Higdon, Johnny Crawford, George Mallonee, and Johnny Cabe. Wildcats Take League Series Macon County Supply Team Downs Jaybirds In 3 Straight Games The Wildcats salted away three straight victories to take the Little League "world series" here. Sponsored by Macon County Supply Company and coached by Ed J. Carpenter, the Wild cats romped over the Jaybirds 13-8 in their first clash on August 8; 5-2 in the second on August 15; and 20-2 last Sat urday August 18. Winning pitchers were Sam my Tallent and Ronnie Higdon. Tallent hurled the first and third games and Higdon tossed a one-hitter in pacing his team to the second victory. Losing pitchers were Sonny Burrell, Ronnie Mashburn, and Dale Yeary. Mashburn opposed Hig don in the second game and registered a two-hitter in the pitchers' -duel. Wildcat Jimmy Williams pounded out a home run in the third game. The Jaybirds are sponsored by the Franklin Jaycees. James Yeary is their manager. Playing for the Wildcats were Ronnie Higdon, Jimmy Wil liams, Sammie Tallent, Johnny Cabe, Johnny Crawford, Lyman Bryant, Larry Franklin, Walter Taylor, Jr., Alex Corbin, George Malonee, Donald Woody Fisher, Hugh Franklin, Jimmy Taylor, Charles Laboone, and Zeb Cai>e. Team Managers Name All-Stars Team managers voted the fol lowing to the "Little League Ail-Star" team: Ronnie Higdon, Jimmy Wil liams, Johnny Cabe, and John ny Crawford, of the Wildcats; Dale Yeary, Ronnie Mashburn, Sonny Burrell, and Larry Bun ton, Jaybirds; David Simpson, L T. Gibson, Morris Davis, and Jimmy E. Cabe, Thunderbirds ; and Johnny Swan, James Cabe, and Furman Ledford, Reddys. Pony League In The Making A kick-off meeting for the organization of a Pony Base ball League in Franklin has been called for August 31. Set for Slagle .Memorial Building at 7:30, the meeting will see the election of league officers, selection of the four team sponsors, and a general discussion of rules and regula tions. Also expected to be on hand for the meeting is Jack Justice, of Canton, president of his town's Pony League. Mr. Jus tice, as a district Little League director, assisted with organi zation of Little League here last spring. Pony League play is for boys 13 through 15 years of age. SEE NO. 2, PAGE 8 Hodges' Unnamed Democrat Was A Macon County Man At the Democratic National Convention in Chicago last week, a North Carolinian ? Governor Luther H. Hodges ? was one of four to second the nomination of Adlai E. Stevenson. In his seconding address, Governor Hodges pointed out that ? "Sixty-four years ago North Carolina seconded the nomi nation of the first Adlai Stevenson, for Vice-President . . The state press published that quotation from the governor, but did not identify the North Carolinian who made the sec onding speti'i in 1892. He was a Macon County mail. The governor's office this week confirmed that the North Carolinian he referred to was Kope Elias, of Franklin. Mr. Elias was an ardent admirer of Grover Cleveland, the Democrat nominated anai elected President in 1892. On the ticket with Cleveland was Adlai Stevenson, grandfather of the 1956 Democratic presidential nominee, and the delegate from Macon ? Mr. Elias ? seconded that Adlai Stevenson's nomina tion, for the vice-presidency. President Cleveland latei appointed Mr. Elias a lT. S. col lector of internal revenue. Mr. Elias was the father of Bernard and Don S. Elias, of Asheville, and Mrs. I,sabel Elias Jones, of Fayetteville, Ark., all of whom were reared' in the Elias home here, which stood on the site of the present Angel Hospital. Tourist Registration Here Already Triple '55 Total Tourist inquiries at the Franklin Chamber of Com merce's information booth have already tripled last season's total. As of last Thursday, more than 600 persons had signed the register at the booth. Dur ing the entire '55 summer sea son, only 206 signed the book. About two-thirds of those stopping request additional in formation on ruby digging in Cowee Valley, according to chamber officials. The rest are temporarily "lost" because of the US 23-441 detour and re quest directions. At a meeting last week, the chamber directors decided to keep the information both op erating through September and, if necessary, into October. It generally operates from June 1 to early September. Fall coloring along the coun ty's many scenic drives will be given special promotion in out of-state newspapers and publi cations as a boost to extending the regular season. Last week, the cnamber was only $941 short of its member ship quota and officials pre dicted the full $3,240 would be raised. OUT OF THE UNDERBRUSH at the foot of Slagle Memor ial hill is emerging positive signs of a city playground. On land given by A. B. Slagle and A. A. Siler, the playground is being developed by the Northwest Neighborhood Club as its main project. Because of the scope of the project, some as sistance will be offered by other groups in town. Plans call 1*1 fun stuff I'hotna for the area to have tennis courts, picnic tables and (ire places, a Softball diamond, shuffle hoards, and a variety of playground equipment. Workings are held every Wednesday and Saturday afternoons by the men. Most of the under brush has been cleared from the site and the branch through the center has been straightened. Forest Receipts Tops For County Allocation From Stumpage Biggest Amount To Date National forest receipts for 1955-56 assure Macon County of its largest allocation to date. Wayah Ranger W. L. Noth stein this tfeek announced that tentative figures just released place the county's share of re ceipts for the fiscal year just ended at $26,607.28. The slice is more than $7,000 bigger than the 1954-55 alloca tion of $19,022.76 and tops by more than $3,200 the previous all-time high of $23,407.22, made in 1953-54. Earmarked for schools and roads, the forest stumpage re ceipts and some special use money are divided among those counties having national forest acreage within their boundaries. Macon County has 147,000 of the total acreage of 443,968 con stituting the Nantahala Na tional Forest and each year re ceives the lion's share of the total allocation. Explaining the increase, Ranger Nothstein pointed out that 55 million board feet of timber was sold during the fiscal year on the North Caro lina National Forest. Macon is one of seven coun ties having Nantahala acreage. Tiie other counties, their acre age (in parenthesis i , and their allocations are: Cherokee ' 31.4191, $14,650.48; Clay (59.2461, $10,660 69: Gra ham (109.4481, $19,694; Jackson (27,735), 34,990.62! Swain (16, 034 1. $2,894.14; and Transyl vania l4,8?0 1 , $872.71. State Official ? Foresees Industry An official of the N. C. De partment of Conservation and Development foresees "two or three sizable industries" in Macon County's future. Here on a visit Monday, Ed gar Kirk, whose job Is to help industry settle In the state, looked over several possible in dustrial sites with Verlon Swaf ford, president of the Frank lin Chamber of Commerce, and W. W. Reeves, chamber direct or. Mr. Kirk's forecast of more industry for the county was made during a dinner meeting with the Franklin Jaycees at River Rock Inn. Attending as a special guest, he informally discussed with the Jaycees ways to promote industry. Mr. Kirk emphasized that the most important inducement today is "the attitude of the people" toward industry. The community that moulds the "proper attitude" in assist ing and welcoming industry is the one that profits, Mr. Kirk declared. Industrial sites, he pointed out, "are a dime a dozen" Juat about anywhere, ? "It's what the people feel that counts," .Mr. Kirk said. As a means of raising per capita income, he suggested expansion of existing "support industries"; that is, the small ones employing only a few peo ple. Most communities, he ex plained, have several little in dustries that can. be expanded with some financial help. Swimming Meet Scheduled For Next Wednesday Plans for the first annual Macon County Swimming Meet were announced this week. The event, slated for next Wednesday (August 29) at 1 p. m. at the Franklin Lodge and Golf Course pool, will fea ture three classes in swimming and two in diving. In swimming, the junior class will be for those 12 years and under; the senior, 13 to 16 years; and open, for any age. A class for those 16 years and under and an open class come under diving. Any swimmer, male or fe male, in the county is eligible to compete, according to Roy Biddle. Jr., project chairman for the sponsoring Franklin Junior Chamber of Commerce. There will be no fee for en tering. he said, and each en trant may compete in as many' as three events. Mr. Biddle is being assisted in staging the swimming meet by Bill Zackgraf, a varsity .swimmer at the University of North Carolina. He will not compete. Late News and Briefs GIRL RECOVERING Miss Judy Blaine, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Doyle Blaine, who under went a delicate heart operation last week at Emory University Hospital in Atlanta, Ga? is reported recov ering satisfactorily. A second operation is sched uled for next week. ? ? ? ESCAPEE REC.YPTI RED Prison officials reported Mon day that Junior Laws. 20, an escapee from the Macon Prison Camp, was apprehended in Philadelphia, Ohio He and two others are understood to have broken into a filling station there. Laws and Dwight Baker, 19, escaped from the camp on Aug ust 10 while digging a ditch at the rear of the compound. Judge Patton Is Sworn In Judge George B. Patton took his oath of office as attorney general Tuesday afternoon In Raleigh. On hand to see the Frank lin native be sworn in by Gov. Luther H. Hodges were School Supt. and Mrs. Holland Mc Swain and Mrs. Beth Guffey, who were in the capital city on school business. Judge Patton was appointed to the post week before last by the governor. Mrs. Ramsey's 90th Birthday Will Be Sunday Mrs. Texie Ramsey will be 90 years "young" on Sunday. Widow of John B. Ramsey, she will celebrate her birthday with an open house at Slagle Memorial Building at 2:30 p. m., and she invites all of her old friends to join her. A program of about 30 min utes is planned, according to her son. C. O. Ramsey. For the past five years, Mrs. Ramsey has lived in Sylva. Her husband died in 1931. The Weather ? and rainfall, u T-cordcd in Franklin by Manson Stiles. L ,S" observer: in Highlands by Tu.lor N. Hall and W. <\ Newton. TV A onvrwr; an, I at the Coweta Hydrofcvic Laboratory. FRANKLIN Temperatures High Low Rain Wed.. Aus. 13 89 63 __ Thursday 88 61 Friday 90 59 _ Saturday 92 60 Sunday 88 63 .23 Monday 85 82 .07 Tuesday 81 63 .31 HIGHLANDS Wed.. Auu. 15 76 57 Thrirsday 74 54 trace Friday 80 59 .24 Saturday 84 59 Sunday 81 60 Monday 80 62 Tuesday .71 Wednesday . .35 COWEETA Wed.. Aua. 15 84 60 trace Thursday 85 55 _ Friday 87 58 Saturday 89 57 .84 Sunday 85 57 Monday 81 62 .49 Tuesday 79 80