Net Paid , CIRCULATION Lut Week , 2747 IjjigWatt^ JHaconian The greater the ob stacle, the more glory in overcoming it. ? Moliere. 72nd' Year ? No. 7 Franklin, N. C., Thursday, February 14/ 1957 Price 10 Cents PapM Get Those Tags! Friday Is Deadline Motorists who don't have 1957 license plates on their vehicles after midnight tomorrow (Fri day) will be violating the law. The Franklin branch of the Carolina Motor Club is expect ing a flurry of last-minute tag buyers" today and tomorrow. The automobile series is cur rently in thfc SH600 numbers. Through closing time. Tuesday afternoon, 1,970 automobile tags had been sold, two motorcycle, 820 private trucks, - 92 farm trucks, 56 light trailers, and 10 heavy trailers. Radio Station Behind Schedule Over Weather Franklin's new radio station, WFSC, is running about a month behind schedule because bad weather has held up con struction. Sam Higdon, who handled the realty transfer for the Lake Emory transmitter-tower site, said grading operations were oompleted only this week. If the weather continues fair, he ex pects building to begin next week. The station had expected to be on the air about March 1. Downtown studios have been leased and will be located in the Nantahala Building in the law offices formerly occupied by Solicitor Thad D. Bryson, Jr., and C. Banks Finger. The station is owned by a group from Tryon and Lan drum, S. C. Drive Brings $225 A house-to-house canvass Monday night in Franklin', pro duced $225 for the Lion's an nual White Cane Drive for the blind. ~ The drive chairman, J. Wai;d Long, said the drive is to con tinue for the rest of the month. Business establishments and several communities are next in line for visits from Lions, he said. BENEFIT BUNCO SLATED \ A benefit Bunco party will be sponsored Saturday night at Kelly's Tea Room by the Ne quassa Chapter, Order of the Eastern Star, it has been an nounced. HERE'S FRANKLIN HIGH'S championship girls' team, winner of the eastern division of the Smoz; Mountain Con ference. Left to right, they are: front row, Jean Phillips, Frances McClure, Mavis Gibson, Jean Setser, Lucy Henry, Bonnie Lee, and Mrs. Rose Cbrhin, coach; middle row, Bar bara Carpenter, Joyce Cole, Carolyn Dowdte, Garaetta Van hook, Joyce Cabe, Leota Beck, and Claudette Leatherman; back row, Helen Setser, Joyce Pender if rass, Edith Sheffield, Shirley Lenoir, Grace Shepherd, Kate Buchanan, and Inez Hedden. , ? > Garrison New Rotary President William B. (Bill) Garrison was elected president of the Frank lin Rotary Club last week to succeed Dr. G. R. McSween. Other officers elected were Dr. McSween, who automatically became vice-president; Bob Car penter, re-elected secretary treasurer; and directors, Dr. J. W. Kahn, Wayne Proffitt, H. H. Gnuse, Jr., and Dr. H. J. (Hank) Brunk. Rotary elected its officers earlier this year in order that they could attend the district conference Feb. 21 at Morgan ton. They will not be installed until July. I oung Man' To Be Honored; State President To Speak Macon county's "Young Man of the Year", whose identity is still a secret, is to be honored at a special banquet next Wed nesday (Feb. 20) night by the Franklin Junior Chamber of Commerce. Set for Slagle Memorial Build ing at 7 o'clock, the banquet also is to be highlighted by an address by the state president of the North Carolina Junior Chamber of Commerce, Bob Cox, of Chapel Hill. This will be hie first visit here since he took office last May. Although the Jaycees annual ly honor the "Young Man of the Year", his selection is handled by ivon-Jaycees through nominations submitted by civic, 1 SEE NO. 1, PAGE 8 Who Did You Say Lives In That House? ONE OF THE top project* thU year of the Northwest Franklin Neighborhood Club is the erection of name plate* In the jranfc of each home within the etob boundaries. Two-year-eld Judy Snow and her brother, Jackie, 4, poee with two platea belonging to reatdenta of White Oak Street. They're the children of Mr. and Mrs. Jack Snow.) Local Cage Teams \ Enter Tournaments Franklin Girls Play Friday After Drawing A Bye Basking in the warmth of a 20-game victory streak. Frank lin High's championship girls' team tomorrow (Friday) .at 5 p. m. takes on the winner of the Sylva-Murphy game as the annual Smoky Mountain Con ference Girls' Basketball Tournament gets into full swing in the Swain High gymnasium in Bryson City. The local girls drew a bye in the opening round of the tourn ament yesterday (Wednesday). Undefeated, the team copped the eastern division champion ship last week with games still to play. If the Franklin girls make it by Friday's game, they'll meet the winner of the Glenvllle Hiawassee Dam and Cherokee Hayesville games next Thurs day, the 2lst, at 9 o'clock. The tournament finals are set for Saturday, the 23rd, at 9 o'clock. .Macon County's two other high schools also are in the thick of the conference tourna- | ment. The outcomes of the Nantahala-Swain High and the Highlands-Robblnsville games were not available at press time yesterday. Both local teams played in the opening round. Playing Tonight The boys' teams of all three Macon high schools ? Franklin, Highlands, and Nantahala ? have games scheduled today (Thurs day i in the opening round of play in the male tourney at Robbinsville High School. Nantahala takes on Cullowhee at 5 o'clock, Andrews and Hlgh ON DISPLAY Pairings of both the boys' and girls' , Smoky Mountain Conference tournaments. In cluding hours of games and scores of those played, may be found on The Press bul letin board at the courthouse. lands clash at 6:30, and Frank lin and Stecoah meet at 8. The s ami-finals of the boys' tournament are slated for next ' Wednesday, the 20th, and the I finals for Friday week, the 22nd. Franklin divided its final game of the season. At Glen- < ville Friday night, .the girls won, < 56 to 56, with Bonnie Lee get ting 23 points. Willard Smith's i 11 and Gary Clark's nine mark- s srs were high for the boys, who t were whipped by Glenville, 63 i to 45. \ 'Dollar Days' Promotion Set For Franklin "Dollar Days" are to be ob^ served by Franklin merchants Feb. 21-22-23. The event will be the third trade promotion sponsored in side of a year to stimulate the "trade at home" idea. A "Har vest Festival" was staged last fall and a Christmas promotion later. As a feature of "Dollar Days'', a give-away of 100 silver dol lars is slated at 4:30 p. m. on the Town Square on the 23rd, according to Sam Gibson, chair man of the merchants commit tee. , - Eighty-five business firms in town are participating in the promotion of "Dollar Days", the chairman said, and all plan to feature special bargains. Assisting Mr. Gibson with the promotion are Bob S. Sloan, Roy Moore, Bruce Bryant, and T. Y. Angel. Lake Shope Back On The Job Again Lake V. Shope, register of leeds, returned to work Mon iay. Although not well of his ail nent (osteomyelitis), Mr. Shope : laid he was feeling much bet er. He had been at home and n the hospital for several veeks. 'WHAT'S YOUR NAME ?' Boy Never Forgets A Voice "Hello," said Seivert Holland, addressing his guest in the friendly, inquiring manner of a four-year-old. "What's your name?" Without waiting for the an swer, Seivert moved forward uncertainly, until he could touch the visitor. The small boy's hands ran over the stranger, resting finally on the face. The child was learning a new way of life ? how to live without his eyesight. Headaches that began last Summer ended in a brain tu mor operation for the boy in November and complete loss of sight. Vision in his right eye is gone forever, doctors told Seiv ert's parents, Mr and Mrs. Ernest L. Holland, jot Stanfleld Branch in the Cullasa}a com munity.' Hope is held that someday partial sight can be restored In the left eye. The plucky little fellow last week went back to the Winston Salem hospital where he had his operation lri the fait. Doc tors who e'xamined him told Mr. Holland to bring the boy again in about three months. No evidence of sight was reveal ed by the examination. There is the possibility that a second operation would bring some vision back to Seivert's left eye. However, no decision will be made until later on whether to operate. When Seivert returned home from his operation', for weeks he lay listlessly in bed, his father recalls. Gradually, he began to take interest in the surroundings of his black world.' Sound replaced sight. People he once knew with his eyes, he came to know by their voices. He learned his four brothers and sisters, his other playmates, and his parents' relatives and friends all over again. In the painful slowness of his adjustment the four-year-old developed an amazing gift. He never forgets a voice. Town Of Franklin Is Trying Again To Find Some Water The Town of Franklin Is mak ing another attempt at sinking a well to boost its water supply. Giving up last week on a non producing shaft at the 450-foot mark near Franklin Hosiery Plant, on orders of town offi cials the Virginia Well and Ma chinery Company shifted its drilling rig to the John Higdon property on the Highlands road and started another shaft. The town has hopes of locat ing enough water to altow the Virginia company to make nec essary repairs to the largest producing well of the town's five. This well, "Big Betsy", is located near Friendship Taber nacle and for several months has been losing production be cause of a faulty casing in the shaft which is allowing mud to seep in. Farmers Snap Up Burley Money In Only Four Hours Macon County's soil bank money for burley tobacco was used up in. only four hours last week. Fourteen farmers' applications were turned away for lack of funds and more applications are expected, according to Miss Mildred Corbin, Agriculture Stabilization and Conservation office manager here. However, Miss Corbin said more might be allotted to the county. She encouraged farm ers who are considering using the soil bank to sign up, even though money is not now avail able. Should additional funds be given the county, they will be given to the applicants in the order in which they have signed up, Miss Corbin said. 19 Sl*n Up The county got $2,459. Nine teen fanners signed up, ex hausting the funds. A total of 7.90 acres were taken out of production for 1957. The first day of application was Monday and by noon all the money had been spoken for. Farmers are paid an average of 18 cents a pound for the tobacco taken out of produc tion. (The Asheville market averaged more than 60 cents a pound this year.) The amount paid is based on the 18 cents figure times the average yield of the land placed in the soil bank's acreage re serve. Cannot Harvest When land Is in acreage re serve, the farmer may not har vest any crop from it. He can, however, sow it In a cover crop and receive funds (not connect ed with the soil bank) to pay up to 80 per cent of the cost , of seeding and fertilizing the land. j Last year, the county receiv- i ed nearly twice as much money 1 for burley soil bank payments. ' Then, 44 farmers signed up and split $4,784.99. Their acreage re serve amounted to 15.02 acres. , The county has 213 burley to- < bacco farmers and an allotment ] sf 64.80 acres. 1 Farmers who want to sign j tor burley acreage reserve pay- ? nents In the hope that more \ money will be made available, have until Feb. 28 to do so. Ap plications are at the A.S.C. of fice in the Agricultural Build ing. ' , Jackie Ann Is Back Home Again Teenager Jackie Ann Cabe, who underwent a delicate tumor operation Feb. l at Duke Hos pital in Durham, returned home .Monday in a cheery frame of mind and a "little bit sore" in the stomach area where the incision was made. Her doctors ordered her to "take It easy" this week and said if she feels up to it she can return to school next week. "I'll feel up to it," she said emphatically Tuesday after noon, while on an auto ride downtown. Coming home was a double thrill for Jackie, 15. She took her first commercial airplane ride from Durham to Charlotte, where she was met. by relatives who drove her here. The WeatlW The week's temperatures and rainfall below are recorded in Franklin by Mannon Stile*. U. S. weather observer; in Hifrhlands bjr Tudor N. Hall and W. C. Newton, TV A observers; and at the Coweta Hjrdro'ojric Laboratory. Readings are for the 24-hour period ending at 8 a.m. of the day listed. FRANKLIN Wed.. Fet). 6 Thursday F"idsrV Saturday Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday High Low Pain 67 49 .41 51 69 63 70 61 63 53 .41 46 trace 51 .25 52 33 27 29 HIGHLANDS Wed., Feb. 6 Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday s Monday H: esday Wednesday 62 62 58 62 58 41 46 COWETA Wrd.. Feb. 6 rhursday Friday Saturday 3unday Monday \ ruesday Wednesday 67 69 61 72 69 49 55 48 52 42 50 43 34 18 30 46 50 44 49 49 37 .13 .00 .00 .00 .08 .84 .04 41 .33 .00 .00 .00 .16 '79 .02 .31 .19 .00 20 trace 28 .00 Seivert Blows His Whistle

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